342 resultados para Ohtake, Ruy


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo desde artigo foi relatar um caso clínico de fechamento de fístula buco-sinusal tardia utilizando rotação de enxerto de tecido adiposo pediculado do corpo adiposo da bochecha. DESCRIÇÃO do CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 66 anos, leucoderma, em boas condições de saúde geral, foi encaminhado para fechamento de extensa comunicação buco-sinusal. Ao exame clínico, observou-se uma fístula de aproximadamente 10 mm de diâmetro comunicando a cavidade oral com o seio maxilar. A cirurgia foi realizada em nível ambulatorial, sob anestesia local, para fechar a fístula buco-sinusal com um enxerto de tecido adiposo pediculado do corpo adiposo da bochecha. A reparação da ferida e o fechamento do defeito foram observados no pós-operatório de 30 dias, com completa epitelização. CONCLUSÃO: O enxerto pediculado de tecido do corpo adiposo da bochecha mostrou-se uma alternativa simples, eficaz e segura no fechamento mediato da fístula buco-sinusal apresentada neste caso clínico.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os lagos de pesca recreativa, pesque-pague, surgiram no Brasil em um cenário agrícola denominado como novo rural brasileiro. Este estudo conduzido no noroeste paulista teve como foco o desempenho produtivo dos lagos de pesca recreativa. Foram feitas visitas mensais a nove empreendimentos de pesca recreativa durante seis meses. A cada visita foi aplicado um questionário contendo 13 indicadores de desempenho. Os dados levantados foram submetidos à análise multivariada (MANOVA), análise de componente principal (ACP) e análise de agrupamento. A MANOVA indicou diferenças significativas entre os lagos de pesca recreativa. A ACP revelou, a partir do coeficiente dos autovalores, três atributos: sistema produtivo, gerenciamento pesqueiro e administração operacional. A análise de agrupamento classificou os lagos de pesca recreativa em quatro grupos. Freqüência de pescadores (FP), densidade de estocagem (DE), biomassa de estocagem (BE), captura total (CT) e captura lago dia (CLD), os quais fazem parte do atributo sistema produtivo, mostrando-se os indicadores mais importantes para a avaliação de desempenho dos lagos de pesca recreativa neste estudo.


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Estudou-se o efeito de diferentes volumes de calda no controle do ácaro-da-leprose, Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), na cultura de citros (Citrus sinensis), em dois ensaios de campo, instalados em 1992 e 1993. Os ensaios foram delineados em blocos casualizados. Utilizou-se do óxido de fenbutatina (Torque 500 SC) a 0,01, 0,02, 0,04 e 0,08% de i.a., aplicado à razão de 5, 10, 20 e 40 litros de calda por planta. Os ácaros foram contados previamente e após a aplicação, amostrando-se 10 frutos/planta. Efetuou-se a retirada dos ácaros, com máquina de varredura, e as contagens com auxílio de microscópio estereoscópico. Concluiu-se que o óxido de fenbutatina independentemente das concentrações e volumes de calda, apresentou alta eficiência no controle do ácaro da leprose com reduções no número de ácaros durante o período do ensaio que variaram de 88,2 a 100% até 63 dias da aplicação (ensaio 1) e 75,4 a 100% até 123 dias (ensaio 2). A eficiência dependeu mais do volume do que da concentração, uma vez que, quanto maior o volume da calda, maior a redução da população. Aplicação de 40 l da calda/planta causou reduções médias de 99,3% e 96,7%, independente da concentração.


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INTRODUÇÃO: a estabilidade dos resultados do tratamento ortodôntico é um assunto muito estudado na literatura, sem respostas conclusivas. A sobremordida, ou trespasse vertical, define-se como a relação vertical entre as bordas incisais dos incisivos superiores e inferiores, apresentando-se como um aspecto importante na avaliação dos resultados do tratamento e sua estabilidade. OBJETIVO: este estudo se propôs a avaliar a recidiva da sobremordida e sua relação com a curva de Spee. METODOLOGIA: a amostra (grupo experimental) constituiu-se de 29 pacientes, de ambos os gêneros, apresentando má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, e sobremordida mínima de 3,5mm, tratados com extração dos 4 primeiros pré-molares. Este grupo foi comparado a um grupo controle, com oclusão normal. A amostra faz parte do Arquivo da Disciplina de Ortodontia da FOB-USP. Avaliaram-se as telerradiografias em norma lateral e os modelos de estudo do início, final e 5 anos pós-tratamento e, para o grupo controle, as telerradiografias de dois tempos de avaliação, compatível com o tempo de tratamento do grupo experimental. Para comparação intergrupos, utilizou-se o teste t independente e, para comparação intragrupo, os testes ANOVA e Tukey. Para verificar a relação da recidiva da sobremordida com a curva de Spee, utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: pela análise dos resultados obtidos, observou-se que a sobremordida apresentou uma correção significante durante o tratamento, comparando-se ao grupo controle. Porém, apresentou recidiva significante na fase pós-contenção. CONCLUSÃO: a recidiva da sobremordida apresentou uma correlação significante com a curva de Spee na fase pós-contenção.


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With the objective of mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for performance and carcass traits, an F-2 chicken population was developed by crossing broiler and layer lines. A total of 2063 F-2 chicks in 21 full-sib families were reared as broilers and slaughtered at 42 days of age. Seventeen performance and carcass traits were measured. Parental (F-0) and F-1 individuals were genotyped with 80 microsatellites from chicken chromosome 1 to select informative markers. Thirty-three informative markers were used for selective genotyping of F-2 individuals with extreme phenotypes for body weight at 42 days of age (BW42). Based on the regions identified by selective genotyping, seven full-sib families (649 F-2 chicks) were genotyped with 26 markers. Quantitative trait loci affecting body weight, feed intake, carcass weight, drums and thighs weight and abdominal fat weight were mapped to regions already identified in other populations. Quantitative trait loci for weights of gizzard, liver, lungs, heart and feet, as well as length of intestine, not previously described in the literature were mapped on chromosome 1. This F-2 population can be used to identify novel QTLs and constitutes a new resource for studies of genes related to growth and carcass traits in poultry.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the personal meaning of refereeing for Portuguese football referees. Participants were 47 football referees from the 1st Portuguese Professional Football League evaluated through an open question: "Write down what refereeing means to you". The analysis was made according to Miles & Huberman (1994) procedures. The 5 categories are: relation with the football; costs of the practice; emotion for the arbitration; social interaction and way of life. The results show that be connected to the world of the football, passion and the relationship with other referees are important motivational factors, with that the referees have a high grade of excitement and pleasure in his labor activity. on the other hand the task of refereeing is generating of stress and burnout.


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Four Bos indicus (Nellore) ruminally-fistulated animals, averaging 36 months of age and 520 kg, were used in a randomized block design to study the ruminal degradability of starch in corn silage, soybean meal, and sorghum grain. The experimental diets consisted of two levels of concentrate (18 and 39%) plus corn silage. The concentrate ingredients used were soybean meal, cottonseed meal, corn grain, and sorghum grain. The degradation rate of sorghum grain increased 40.2% in diet 2 . The potential degradability of starch (PDS) was similar in the two diets. There was no difference between the two diets in the effective degradability of starch (EDS) in corn silage. There was a significant increase of 26.5% in the EDS of starch in sorghum grain with the increase of level of concentrate in the diet, and considering the lag time in the calculation. The starch level estimated in this study was lower than the values cited in the literature, probably due to different laboratory methods for determining the starch content in feedstuffs. Previous studies suggested using a minimum of 6 incubation intervals between 2 and 24 hours.


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The nylon bag in situ degradation thecnique was employed to compare the data of the CNCPS to the ruminal degradability of the dry matter and crude protein in corn silage, soybean meal and sorghum grain, in four rumen fistulated Nellore steers, averaging 36 months of age and 520 kg of liveweight. A randomized complete block experimental design was used, where animals constituted the blocks. Two levels of concentrate, 18 and 39 %, were used in the diets. The forage used in the diets was corn silage and the concentrate ingredients were: soybean meal, cottonseed meal, corn grain and sorghum grain. There was a reduction in the potentially by degradable fraction (B) of the dry matter(DM) of the corn silage and sorghum grain with an increase in the concentrate level of the diet; however, the degradation rate(c) of the silage was similar for the two diets and the sorghum grain showed an increase of 28.4 %. The B fraction of the DM from the soybean meal was not affected by the diet, but its rate (c) was reduced by 18.1 %. The same effect was observed for the rate(c) of crude protein(CP) of the soybean meal, with a reduction of 38.1 %. The values for the effective degradability of the two fractions were not affected by the diet when the lag time was not considered. When lag time was considered, the degradability values of the studied feeds were superior in both fractions.


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The nylon bag in situ degradation thecnique was employed to study the ruminai degradability of the neutral detergent fiber and neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen of the corn silage and soybean meal in four rumen fistulated Nellore steers, averaging 36 months of age and 520 kg of liveweight. A randomized completelcs block experimental design was used, where the animals constituted the blocks. It was used diets with two levels of concentrate: 20 and 40%.The forage used in the diets was corn silage, and the concentrate ingredients were: soybean meal, cottonseed meal, corn grain and sorghum grain. The NIDN degradation rate of the corn silage and the soybean meal showed a decrease of 32,1% and of 46,0 % as a function of the higher concentrate level of the diet, but the effective and potential degradability of this fraction were not affected. Concerning to the NDF, the soluble fraction, potentially degradable and undegrable , were not affected by the increase on the diet concentrate level, but for the corn silage, there were 21,8% of reduction on the effective degradability of NDF. The use of lag time promoted higher degradability values for the studied fraction. The obtained values for some evaluated parameters, different from that assumed by CNCPS, showed the necessity of more data about brazilian used feeds, for model adjustments.


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Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant trait due to mutations in the fibrillin gene (FBN1). The MFS expressivity is variable, and its diagnosis relies completely on clinical criteria. Atypical cases and Marfan- like (marfanoid) clinical presentations are commonly found. The metacarpophalangeal pattern profile (MCPP), a radiological method in which the 19 tubular hand bones are assessed, has been used in the diagnosis of various syndromes. To investigate whether the MCPP was adequate to discriminate between MFS and Marfan-like subjects, we studied 38 patients who were referred to our service because they had an MFS diagnosis, diagnostic hypothesis, or differential diagnosis or had arachnodactyly with dolichostenomelia. Two groups were formed: 1) MFS: 21 patients with a mean age of 18.3 (10.8 S.D.) years and 2) Marfan-like syndromes: 16 patients who did not meet the current criteria, with a mean age of 14.6 (4.6 S.D.) years. The MCPP was performed in each case following the classical technique, and a characteristic mean profile was obtained for group I (MFS), with Z scores ranging from 0.69 to 2.73 (1.80 ± 0.50; mean ± S.D.). In group I, three cases had no correlation with the typical MFS pattern. In group II, three cases had an MFS pattern. The correlation with the mean MCPP of MFS permitted the differential diagnosis of MFS and marfanoid syndromes with 86% sensitivity, 81% specificity, and 86% positive and 81% negative predictive values. The results suggest that MCPP can be used effectively as an auxiliary tool in the nosology of these conditions and, because there is no change in MCPP with age, can be helpful in early diagnosis.


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The aim of the present study was to analyse the haemodynamic effects induced by the hypothalamic disconnection (HD) caudal or rostral to the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN). Mean arterial pressure (MAP), hindlimb, renal and mesenteric blood flow and vascular conductance (HVC, RVC and MVC, respectively) were measured in urethane (1.2 g/kg, i.v.) anesthetized rats for 60 min after disconnection. HD caudal to the PVN was performed with a double-edged microknife of bayonet shape (R=1 mm, H=2 mm) stereotaxically placed, lowered 2.8 mm caudal to the bregma along the midline. The cut was achieved by rotating the microknife 90° right and 90° left. HD rostral to the PVN was performed with the knife placed 0.8 mm caudal to the bregma. Thirty minutes after the hypothalamic disconnection caudal (HD-C), a decrease in MAP was observed (-14±3 mm Hg), reaching a 60-min decrease of 30±3 mm Hg. Hindlimb conductance increased 10 min after HD (156±14%) and remained elevated throughout the experimental period. On the contrary, we observed a transitory renal vasoconstriction (82±9%, ≤20 min) and a late mesenteric vasodilation, starting at 30 min (108±4%) and reaching 138±6% at 60 min. In rats with HD rostral to the PVN, we only observed minor changes in the cardiovascular parameters. In the MAP, there was a slight decrease 60 min after the hypothalamic disconnection rostral (HD-R) (-9±4 mm Hg). There were no significant changes in HVC. RVC and MVC were increased 60 min after the HD-R (116±12% and 124±11%, respectively). These results suggest that vasodilation in the hindlimb and in the mesenteric bed could contribute to the observed decrease in MAP in HD caudal to PVN rats. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.