894 resultados para Offshore oil well drilling.


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Economical achievement of optimal growth in developing countries may lead to sustainable poverty reduction. Agricultural activities play an important role in economy and human being welfare, which leads to establishment of food security and quality. Aquaculture products in developing countries share 51.4 percent of total agricultural production.7—percent in developed countries. Therefore undoutedly food production by means of quality and quantity has to be increased .The history of shirmp production goes back to 500 years ago. Today 50 countries of the world produce shirmp .In Islamic Republic of Iran shrimp production started since 1992 in the coastal region of Persian Gulf. The shrimp culture farms canbe classified in to 4 different categories; Extensive, semi-extensive, intensive and super instensive. Global ecological manitenanc is one of the major concerns of authorities Human manipulation of nature is the most destructive activity. Industrial sweage leakage in to the rivers and water sources is a big issue that causes reduction in the aquatic population. Heavy metals have an inhibitory effect in the production and growth of sealife. Human intake of food treated with anti microbial cause's allergy, hypersensitivity and develops microbial resistance. Organochlorine compounds contamination may found in hepato pancreatic tissues of aquatic products, Aresnic may transfer to man via plant & animal product contamination. In 1991 during Persian Gulf Mir 700 oil well set


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石油测井解释是一项逻辑推理和数值计算交错进行的复杂过程。为了描述测井解释专家的这种知识、经验并模拟其思维方式,在扩充纯产生式规则的基础上,我们开发了知识表达语言——NFA,它把逻辑推理和数值计算综合成统一的形式。石油测井解释专家系统 LIX 先后在 INTERDATA-85机和 PE-3230机上实现,现场(胜利油田)运行近两年,解释了130余口井,符合率94%以上。LIX 实质上是 NFA 语言的解释系统,它的研制成功,说明了 NFA 语言的有效性和实用性。


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The exploration and study in recent years shows that the upper Paleozoic in the east of Ordos Basin possesses major exploration potential, so it is necessary to have a comprehensive and synthetic research in this area. Following the guideline of T.A. Cross’s high resolution sequences stratigraphy and combined with sedimentology, the strata and sequence in the research area are divided and correlated. This paper emphasizes on the reservoir in this area and its major fruits are: Firstly, form the framework of the high sequence stratigraphy through mainly studying on the data of core, well drilling and field section combining. Then, think that the best reservoir formation mainly appears in the middle or lower part of long arising semi-cycle, and focus on A type and C1 middle sequence cycle that contributes to the development of formation. Next, think the sedimentary source mainly comes from the epimetamorphic crystalline basement in the north of the Ordoes Basin through analyzing depositional background, researching on sandstone petrography, distribution characteristics of the sedimentary system as well as researching on heavy mineral combination characteristics. Fourthly, give priority to Zizhou-Qingjian area for the first time and gain seven lithofacies paleography maps in the No.2 member of Shanxi and the No.8 member of Shihezi through using the method of isochronal lithofacies paleogeography mapping, then bring forth that Sh2 is mainly developed a type I sequence under the margin of ramp lake-basin background. Fifthly, through researching on the characteristics of reservoir petrography and diagenesis, think that all researched areas experienced compaction and cementation, and there is different types of rocks, only little of the primary pores that are made up of litharenite and lithoclastic quartz sandstone is left, while in lithoclastic quartz sandstone, there are still many primary pores Sixthly, through studying on pore types, microstructure, as well as physical property on the key formation, think that the researched area mostly appears typical low pore, low porosity and permeability, which mainly result from sedimentary and diagenesis. Lastly, through researching on classified evaluation in the key formation, productivity analysis, and combing with reservoir distribution, the researched area is divided into three parts, and think that exploration should be emphasized on formation I and II. The characteristics of sandstones distribution in Sh23 member, gas formation distribution and open flow capacity of exploitation well are all consistent properly with the results of reservoir comprehensive evaluation in this thesis proved by the gas production development in 2006.


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In the intermediary and later stage of oil field development, remaining oil disperses fiercely, the contradiction in the layer has become the main problem and the distribution of remaining oil is transforming to the difference of single sand-body. So, the fine description research of reservoir is becoming a tendency and the methods of remaining oil research need new developments. In the research of “The Single-sand-body Architectural Element and Potentiality Analysis Research of Meandering River, GuDao Oil Field”, the research principle is analytical hierarchy process and schema prescription what are reservoir fine description methods under the condition of dense well pattern. The knowledge of regional sedimentary system and sedimentary facies is the foundation of this research. According to the 3D distribution model of the microfacies sand-body of fluvial facies, stratigraphic unit classification & coenocorrelation of 154 wells are completed in the research of meandering river sand-body in Ng3-4. In this research, the 3D distribution of microfacies sand-body in the main layers are settled. The architectural element model of Ng4 point bar is analysed using the drill core and FMI data. According to the overgrow model of point bar, the surfaces of lateral accretion is traced and the architectural element model of point bar is settled. In the research, the control of micro-facies sand-body of meandering river to the distribution of remaining oil is analysed and the potential area is proposed. All these will play an important role in the development of GuDao oil field. In this research, abundant of logging data, drill core data and production performance data are used to analyse the contributing factor of single sand-body in the Ng3-4 meandering river. Using the technology of geological modeling, all that are researched including the 3D distribution scales of meandering river point bar, the control affection of inner lateral accretion layer to the distribution of oil & gas and remaining. Then, the way of remaining oil development in the sand-body of meandering river is improved. The innovation of the research technology includes (1) the presentation of the conception and research methods of micro-facies sand-body (2) enriching the content of reservoir architectural element research and (3) to renew the research method of remaining oil analysis. The research has practiced with obvious effect.(1)It is deepened into understand the river facies reservoir construction of Gudao oil field, By Building the reservoir construction and studying the effect of diffent deposit or geological interface to fluid partition and to the distribution of the remaining oil, we improved the understanding to the distribution of the remaining oil;(2)By building the distribution mod of the remaining oil in the reservoir construction and making the remaining oil description detailed,the development direction of old oil field is more clear;(3)Expanded the application scales of the horizontal well and enhanced the application effects of the horizontal well technique , we designed and drilled 23 ports horizontal wells in all , the cumulative hydrocarbon production is 10.6*104 t;(4) According to the findings of the internal building structure in reservoir of the fluvial facies in the region of interest, and uniting the injection/production corresponding states、the producing history and the dynamic monitoring documents of the oil/water wells in the flooding units , we researched the residual oil distribution in the point bar , and found the distribution regular patterns of the remaining oil, and comprehended the distribution of the remaining oil . In base of that , we proceeded the optimizing designs of the oil well potentialities , and advanced the effect of the treatment potentials . It is proved that , it was very important that internal building structure research of the single sand body of reservoir for guiding the high efficiency potentialities of the remaining oil in the high water cut stage .


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The Ordos Basin is a large-scale craton superimposed basin locating on the west of the North China platform, which was the hotspot of interior basin exploration and development. Qiaozhen oil field located in the Ganquan region of south-central of Ordos Basin. The paper is based on the existing research data, combined with the new theory and progress of the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology, petroleum geology, etc, and analyzes systematically the sedimentary and reservoir characteristics in the chang2 and chang1 oil-bearing strata group of Yanchang formation On the basis of stratigraphic classification and comparison study, the strata chang2 and chang1 were divided into five intervals. Appling the method of cartography with single factor and dominance aspect, we have drawn contour line map of sand thickness, contour line map of ratio between sand thickness and stratum thickness. We discussed distribution characteristics of reservoir sand body and evolution of sedimentary facies and microfacies. And combining the field type section , lithologic characteristics, sedimentary structures, the sedimentary facies of single oil well and particle size analysis and according to the features of different sequence, the study area was divided into one sedimentary facies、three parfacies and ten microfacies. The author chew over the characteristics of every facies, parfacies and microfacies and spatial and temporal distribution. Comprehensive research on petrologic characteristics of reservoir , diagenesis types, pore types, distribution of sand bodies, physical properties, oiliness, reservoir heterogeneities, characteristics of interlayer, eventually research on synthetic classifying evaluation of reservoir.The reservoir is classified four types: Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ and pore type, fracture-porosity type. Take reservoir's average thickness, porosity, permeability, oil saturation and shale content as parameters, by using clustering analysis and discriminant analysis, the reservoir is classified three groups. Based on the evaluation, synthetizing the reservoir quality, the sealing ability of cap rock, trap types, reservoir-forming model ,in order to analyze the disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas. Ultimately, many favorable zones were examined for chang23,chang223,chang222,chang221,chang212,chang12,chang11 intervals. There are twenty two favorable zones in the research area. Meanwhile deploy the next disposition scheme.


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Lower member of the lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southwestern of Qaidam Basin is one of the main targeted exploration zones. With the advancement of exploration, the targets are gradually switching into the lithologic reservoirs and it is urgent to gain the more precise research results in distribution of sedimentary facies and sandstones. Guided by the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology as well as on the basis of many logging data, drillings, seismic data and chemical tests, the paper comprehensively analyzes the sedimentary facies and sandstones in the lower member of lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southern of Chaixi. According to the identification marks of the key interface in sequence stratigraphy, the key interfaces in lower member of lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southwestern of Qaidam Basin are identified as two third-order sequences SQ1、SQ2. By calibrating the synthetic seismogram, the seismic sequence, well drilling and logging sequences are united. Based on the works above, this paper chooses seven primary cross-sections and builds connecting-well stratigraphic correlation of seven main connecting-well sections. Ultimately, the high-resolution sequence stratigraphic frameworks in the lower member of the lower Ganchaigou Formation, which are uniform to logging and seismic data, are figured out. In terms of study on each sequence features, the main style of the base-level cycle overlay which forms the third-order sequence is confirmed. It contains asymmetric “becoming deep upward” style and symmetry style. Researching on the spreading characters of sequence stratigraphy indicates that SQ1 and SQ2 are rather thicker near northwest well Shashen 20 and Shaxin1 while they are quite thiner near Hongcan 1, Yuejin, Qie 4 and Dong8-Wu3, and the thickness of SQ1 is thicker than SQ2.Based on the deep analysis of the marks for depositional facies, it is proposed that the lake facies and braid river deltas facies mainly occurred in study areas. Besides, the sorts of sub-facies and micro-facies model are divided and described. Under the control of high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework, three source directions from Arlarer Mountain、Qimantage Mountain and Dongchai Mountain are identified by using the features of heavy mineral assemblage and paleogeomorphy. In addition, regularities of distribution sedimentary facies in sequence stratigraphic framework are studied in accordance with research thinking of the "point" (single well) "line" (section) "face" (plane). In the stage of lower member in the lower Ganchaigou Formation in the southwestern of Qaidam Basin, it is at the early phrase of evolution of the lake basin with the gradual outspread and the rise of the lake level. Combined with physical analysis of reservoir sands formed in different sedimentary environment, the paper studies the style of favorable sandstone bodies that are underwater distributary channel of braided rive delta front, coarse sand in mouth bar and the sand body in sand flat of shore-shallow lacustrine facies. Finally, this article comprehensively analyzes the distribution relationship between sedimentary facies and favorable sandstone body and proposes the ideas that sequence SQ1 Yuejin area, well east 8-wu3 area, well qie4-qie1 area and well hongcan2 area are distributed areas of favorable sandstone.


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The dynamic environments of mineralization in Mesozoic Jiaodong gold mine concentrated area can be devided into two types, compressive environment which related to intracontinental collision and extensional environment which related to intracontinental volcanic rift. The altered rock type (Jiaojia type) and quartz vein type (Linglong type) which related to the former one, were discovered for several years, and became the main types of gold deposits in recent years. A new type gold deposit, syn-detachment altered tectonic breccia type gold deposit, such as Pengjiakuang gold deposit and Songjiagou gold deposit has been discovered on the northeastern margin of Jiaolai Basin. In this paper, the new type of gold deposit has been studied in detail. The study area is located at the northeastern boundaries of Jiaolai Basin, and between the Taocun-Jimo Fault and Wji-Haiyang Fault, in the eastern part of the Jiaodong Block. Pengjiakuang gold deposit and Songjiagou gold deposit occur in a arc-shape detachment fault zone between conglomerate of Lower Cretaceous Laiyang Formation and metamorphic complex of Lower Proterozoic Jingshan Group. Regional geological studies show that Kunyuanshan and Queshan granite intrusions and Qingshanian volcanism were formed in different period of lithospheric thinning of East China in Mesozoic. Granite intrusions were formed in compressive environment, while Qingshanian volcanism were formed in extensional environment. They are all related to the detachment of Sulu Orogenic Belt and the sinistral motion of Tanlu Fault. The Pengjiakuang detachment systems which were formed in the the sinistral motion of Tanlu Fault are the important ore-controlling and ore-containing structure. The Pengjiakuang type gold deposit, controlled by detachment structure, was formed before Yanshanian volcanic period concerning with mixture of meteoric water and magmatic water found in fluid inclusions of gold ores. The minerogenetic epoch has been proposed in 90~120Ma. the host rocks have been extensively subjected to pyritization, silicification, sericitization and carbonatization. Individual ore-body has maximum length of 800m, oblique extension of 500~700m and gold grade of 1~43 * 10~(-6). Native gold is disseminated in silicified, phyllic or carbonatized tectonic breccia. Sulfur, carbon and lead isotope studies on gold ores and wall rocks show that the sulfur come from the metamorphic complex of Lower Proterozoic Jingshan Group, carbon comes from the marble in Jingshan Group, while a part of lead comes from the mantle. The mineralizing fluid is rich in Na~+ and Cl~-, but relatively impoverished in K~+ and F~-. According to the date from hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ~(18)OH_2O = 0.59%~4.03%, δDH_2O = -89.5%~97.9%), the conclusion can be reached that the mineralizing fluid of Pengjiakuang gold deposit was a kind of mixed hydrothermal solution which was mainly composed of meteoric water and magmatic water. A genetical model has been formulated. Some apparent anomaly features which show low in the central part and high in the both sides corresponding to the gold-bearing structure, were sum up after analying a vast amount of date by prospecting the orebodies using gamma-ray spectrometer, electrogeochemical parameter technique, controlled source audio magnetic telluric (CSAMT) and shallow surface thermometry in Pengjiakuang gold deposit. The location forecasting problem of buried orebodies has been solved according to these features, and the successful rate is very high in well-drilling. The structural geological-geophysical-geochemical prospecting model has been formulated on the base of the study of geological, geophysical and geochemical characteristics of Pengjiakuang type gold deposit, and the optimum combinational process of geophysical and geochemical prospecting techniques has been summed up. A comparative study shows that the Pengjiakuang type gold deposit, the syn-detachment altered tectonic breccia type gold deposit, is different from Jiaojia type gold deposits and Linglong type gold deposits, in Jiaodong Block. In general, if formed under an extensional tectonic condition and located at detachment fault zone along the margin of Mesozoic Jiaolai basin, and the gold mineralization has also close genetic relationship with alkaline magamtism. Being a new type of gold deposit in Jiaodong gold mine concentrated area, it could be potential to explore in the same regions which processed the same ore-forming geological conditions and mineralization informations.