965 resultados para Ocean colour


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Skipjack (SJT) (Katsuwonus pelamis) is a medium sized, pelagic, highly dispersive tuna species that occurs widely across tropical and subtropical waters. SJT constitute the largest tuna fishery in the Indian Ocean, and are currently managed as a single stock. Patterns of genetic variation in a mtDNA gene and 6 microsatellite loci were examined to test for stock structure in the northwestern Indian Ocean. 324 individuals were sampled from five major fishing grounds around Sri Lanka, and single sites in the Maldive Islands and the Laccadive Islands. Phylogenetic reconstruction of mtDNA revealed two coexisting divergent clades in the region. AMOVA (Analysis of Molecular Variance) of mtDNA data revealed significant genetic differentiation among sites (ΦST = 0.2029, P < 0.0001), also supported by SAMOVA results. AMOVA of microsatellite data also showed significant differentiation among most sampled sites (FST = 0.0256, P<0.001) consistent with the mtDNA pattern. STRUCTURE analysis of the microsatellite data revealed two differentiated stocks. While the both two marker types examined identified two genetic groups, microsatellite analysis indicates that the sampled SJT are likely to represent individuals sourced from discrete breeding grounds that are mixed in feeding grounds in Sri Lankan waters.


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Segmentation of novel or dynamic objects in a scene, often referred to as background sub- traction or foreground segmentation, is critical for robust high level computer vision applica- tions such as object tracking, object classifca- tion and recognition. However, automatic real- time segmentation for robotics still poses chal- lenges including global illumination changes, shadows, inter-re ections, colour similarity of foreground to background, and cluttered back- grounds. This paper introduces depth cues provided by structure from motion (SFM) for interactive segmentation to alleviate some of these challenges. In this paper, two prevailing interactive segmentation algorithms are com- pared; Lazysnapping [Li et al., 2004] and Grab- cut [Rother et al., 2004], both based on graph- cut optimisation [Boykov and Jolly, 2001]. The algorithms are extended to include depth cues rather than colour only as in the original pa- pers. Results show interactive segmentation based on colour and depth cues enhances the performance of segmentation with a lower er- ror with respect to ground truth.


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In Shadbolt v Wise [2002] QSC 348 the applicants were seeking relief under s184 of the Property Law Act 1974 (Qld) in respect of an encroachment that they constructed on land belonging to the adjacent owner. The encroachment in question consisted of slightly less than one half of an elaborate pool and pool enclosure (the area of the encroachment being approximately 108 square metres). The land upon which the encroachment was situated was elevated with distant ocean views.


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Ocean processes are dynamic, complex, and occur on multiple spatial and temporal scales. To obtain a synoptic view of such processes, ocean scientists collect data over long time periods. Historically, measurements were continually provided by fixed sensors, e.g., moorings, or gathered from ships. Recently, an increase in the utilization of autonomous underwater vehicles has enabled a more dynamic data acquisition approach. However, we still do not utilize the full capabilities of these vehicles. Here we present algorithms that produce persistent monitoring missions for underwater vehicles by balancing path following accuracy and sampling resolution for a given region of interest, which addresses a pressing need among ocean scientists to efficiently and effectively collect high-value data. More specifically, this paper proposes a path planning algorithm and a speed control algorithm for underwater gliders, which together give informative trajectories for the glider to persistently monitor a patch of ocean. We optimize a cost function that blends two competing factors: maximize the information value along the path, while minimizing deviation from the planned path due to ocean currents. Speed is controlled along the planned path by adjusting the pitch angle of the underwater glider, so that higher resolution samples are collected in areas of higher information value. The resulting paths are closed circuits that can be repeatedly traversed to collect long-term ocean data in dynamic environments. The algorithms were tested during sea trials on an underwater glider operating off the coast of southern California, as well as in Monterey Bay, California. The experimental results show significant improvements in data resolution and path reliability compared to previously executed sampling paths used in the respective regions.


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Recent theoretical research has shown that ocean currents and wind interact to disperse seeds over long distances among isolated landmasses. Dispersal of seeds among isolated oceanic islands, by birds, oceans and man, is a well-known phenomenon, and many widespread island plants have traits that facilitate this process. Crucially, however, there have been no mechanistic vector-based models of long-distance dispersal for seeds among isolated oceanic islands based on empirical data. Here, we propose a plan to develop seed analogues, or pseudoseeds, fitted with wireless sensor technology that will enable high-fidelity tracking as they disperse across the ocean. The pseudoseeds will be precisely designed to mimic actual seed buoyancy and morphology enabling realistic and accurate, vector-based dispersal models of ocean seed dispersal over vast geographic scales.


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When an artist is put in charge of a city, he will use the town as his canvas. Edi Rama became Mayor of Tirana in 2000 and since them has undertaken an unusual and colourful renewal program for the Albania capital.


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Higher-order spectral analysis is used to detect the presence of secondary and tertiary forced waves associated with the nonlinearity of energetic swell observed in 8- and 13-m water depths. Higher-order spectral analysis techniques are first described and then applied to the field data, followed by a summary of the results.


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In this paper, we examine the use of a Kalman filter to aid in the mission planning process for autonomous gliders. Given a set of waypoints defining the planned mission and a prediction of the ocean currents from a regional ocean model, we present an approach to determine the best, constant, time interval at which the glider should surface to maintain a prescribed tracking error, and minimizing time on the ocean surface. We assume basic parameters for the execution of a given mission, and provide the results of the Kalman filter mission planning approach. These results are compared with previous executions of the given mission scenario.


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Establishing a persistent presence in the ocean with an AUV to observe temporal variability of large-scale ocean processes requires a unique sensor platform. In this paper, we propose a strategy that utilizes ocean model predictions to increase the autonomy and control of Lagrangian or profiling floats for precisely this purpose. An A* planner is applied to a local controllability map generated from predictions of ocean currents to compute a path between prescribed waypoints that has the highest likelihood of successful execution. The control to follow the planned path is computed by use of a model predictive controller. This controller is designed to select the best depth for the vehicle to exploit ambient currents to reach the goal waypoint. Mission constraints are employed to simulate a practical data collection mission. Results are presented in simulation for a mission off the coast of Los Angeles, CA USA, and show surprising results in the ability of a Lagrangian float to reach a desired location.


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Ocean processes are complex and have high variability in both time and space. Thus, ocean scientists must collect data over long time periods to obtain a synoptic view of ocean processes and resolve their spatiotemporal variability. One way to perform these persistent observations is to utilise an autonomous vehicle that can remain on deployment for long time periods. However, such vehicles are generally underactuated and slow moving. A challenge for persistent monitoring with these vehicles is dealing with currents while executing a prescribed path or mission. Here we present a path planning method for persistent monitoring that exploits ocean currents to increase navigational accuracy and reduce energy consumption.