961 resultados para Obstetric analgesia
We evaluated the diagnostic quality of first-trimester ultrasound images transmitted in realtime using low-cost telecommunications. A prospective sample of fetal ultrasound images from 11 weeks to 13 weeks and six days of pregnancy was obtained from pregnant women over 18 years old. The examinations were transmitted in realtime to three independent examiners who carried out a qualitative assessment based on parameters established by the Fetal Medicine Foundation. All fetal structures could be viewed and the quality of images received by the examiners was considered normal. There were significant differences for crown-rump length and nuchal translucency in the transmitted images but the loss in definition was acceptable. Thus the quality of images transmitted via the Internet through the use of low-cost software appeared suitable for screening for chromosomal abnormalities in the first trimester of pregnancy.
The present paper presents the social and obstetric profile of women undergoing cesarean childbirth at a public maternity hospital in the interior of Sao Paulo state. This is a quantitative, retrospective, descriptive study performed using documental research. The collected data refer to the period between July and December 2005, and between January and June 2006. A total of 670 records were reviewed. A 23% rate of cesarean births was identified at the institution studied during the aforementioned period. The studied population was characterized as having a low level of education, living in a common-law relationship, and not having a paid occupation. The main indications for cesarean sections were iterativity and acute fetal distress. The findings revealed an emphasis on obstetric nursing in the low-risk normal childbirth scenario, considering the non-interventionist character inherent to their education and training.
Cancado TO, Omais M, Ashmawi HA, Torres MLA - Chronic Pain after Cesarean Section. Influence of Anesthetic/Surgical Technique and Postoperative Analgesia. Background and objectives: Brazil ranks second among countries with the highest rates of cesarean section in the world. Little is known about the future consequences of this procedure on maternal health. This study investigated the influence of anesthetic/surgical technique and postoperative analgesia on the onset of chronic pain after three months of cesarean section. Method: This is a prospective randomized study of 443 patients undergoing cesarean section (elective and emergency), with different doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% and opioids in spinal anesthesia. Patients were alocated into five groups as follow: G1 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (8 mg), sufentanil (2.5 mu g), and morphine (100 mu g); G2 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (10 mg), sufentanil (2.5 mu g), and morphine (100 mu g); G3 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5 mg) and morphine (100 mu g); G4 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (15 mg) and morphine (100 mu g); G5 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5 mg) and morphine (100 mu g), without perioperative anti-inflammatory. Pain at rest and in movement were evaluated in the immediate postoperative period. Phone contact was made after three months of surgery for identification of patients with chronic pain. Results: The incidence of chronic pain in the groups was G1 = 20%; G2 = 13%; G3 = 7.1%; G4 = 2.2%, and G5 = 20.3%. Patients who reported higher pain scores in the postoperative period had a higher incidence of chronic pain (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The incidence of chronic pain decreases with higher doses of local anesthetics and use of anti-inflammatory drugs. The higher pain scores in the postoperative period were associated with chronic pain development after three months of cesarean section.
Local anesthetic efficacy of tramadol has been reported following intradermal application. Our aim was to investigate the effect of perineural tramadol as the sole analgesic in two pain models. Male Wistar rats (280-380 g; N = 5/group) were used in these experiments. A neurostimulation-guided sciatic nerve block was performed and 2% lidocaine or tramadol (1.25 and 5 mg) was perineurally injected in two different animal pain models. In the flinching behavior test, the number of flinches was evaluated and in the plantar incision model, mechanical and heat thresholds were measured. Motor effects of lidocaine and tramadol were quantified and a motor block score elaborated. Tramadol, 1.25 mg, completely blocked the first and reduced the second phase of the flinching behavior test. In the plantar incision model, tramadol (1.25 mg) increased both paw withdrawal latency in response to radiant heat (8.3 +/- 1.1, 12.7 +/- 1.8, 8.4 +/- 0.8, and 11.1 +/- 3.3 s) and mechanical threshold in response to von Frey filaments (459 +/- 82.8, 447.5 +/- 91.7, 320.1 +/- 120, 126.43 +/- 92.8 mN) at 5, 15, 30, and 60 min, respectively. Sham block or contralateral sciatic nerve block did not differ from perineural saline injection throughout the study in either model. The effect of tramadol was not antagonized by intraperitoneal naloxone. High dose tramadol (5 mg) blocked motor function as well as 2% lidocaine. In conclusion, tramadol blocks nociception and motor function in vivo similar to local anesthetics.
The objective of the study was to compare epidural and systemic tramadol for postoperative analgesia in bitches undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Twenty animals, randomly divided into two groups, received either epidural (EPI) or intramuscular (IM) tramadol (2 mg/kg) 30 min before anesthetic induction. Analgesia, sedation, cardiorespiratory parameters, end-tidal isoflurane, blood catecholamines and cortisol, and arterial blood gases were measured at different time points up to 24 hr after agent administration. There were no differences between the two groups regarding cardiorespiratory parameters, end-tidal isoflurane, and pain scores. Two dogs in the IM and one in the EPI group required supplemental analgesia. Cortisol was increased (P<0.05) at 120 min (3.59 mu g/dL and 3.27 mu g/dL in the IM and EPI groups, respectively) and 240 min (2.45 mu g/dL and 2.54 mu g/dL in the IM and EPI groups, respectively) compared to baseline. Norepinephrine was also increased (P<0.05) at 120 min in both groups compared to baseline values. Epinephrine values were higher (P<0.05) in the IM group compared with the EPI group at 50 min, 120 min, and 1,440 min after tramadol administration. Epidural tramadol is a safe analgesic, but does not appear to have improved analgesic effects compared with IM administration. (J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2012; 48:310-319. DOI 10.5326/JAAHA-MS-5795)
Background and objectives: Literature on preemptive analgesia is controversial. Reliability of results and difficult reproducibility of research contribute for non-elucidation of the subject. The aim of this study is to test the efficacy of oral ketoprofen (150 mg) preemptively administrated two days before third molar surgery, compared with postoperative administration in the same patient. Methods: Thirteen patients underwent surgical removal of bilateral third molar in two separate procedures. In a random and double blind procedure, oral ketoprofen 150 mg was administered every 12 hours two days before surgery and, after the procedure, the same drug was administered for three days. On the other side, a control (placebo) was used orally every 12 hours two days before surgery and, after the procedure, ketoprofen 150 mg was administered every 12 hours for three days. Postoperative pain was assessed by visual analogue scale, nominal scale, and amount of rescue analgesics consumed. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in postoperative pain between the preemptive treatment and control. Conclusion: In this experimental model, preemptive analgesia was not effective in reducing postoperative pain in surgical extraction of third molar compared with the postoperative administration of the same drug.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A literatura sobre analgesia preemptiva é controversa. A confiabilidade dos resultados e a dificuldade de reprodutibilidade das pesquisas contribuem para a não elucidação do tema. O objetivo desse estudo é testar a eficácia da administração preemptiva de Cetoprofeno 150 mg via oral dois dias antes da cirurgia de extração deterceiros molares, comparando no mesmo paciente com a administração pós-operatória. MÉTODO: Treze pacientes foram submetidos à cirurgia de extração bilateral de terceiros molares inferiores inclusos em dois procedimentos distintos. De forma randomizada e duplo cega, em um procedimento foi administrado Cetoprofeno 150 mg via oral a cada 12 horas dois dias antes da cirurgia e, após o procedimento, continuou-se o mesmo medicamento por mais três dias. De outro lado, foi utilizado um controle (placebo) via oral a cada 12 horas dois dias antes da cirurgia e, após o procedimento, continuou-se o Cetoprofeno 150 mg a cada 12 horas por mais três dias. A dor pós-operatória foi avaliada por meio da escala visual analógica, da escala nominal e da quantidade de consumo de analgésicos de resgate. RESULTADOS: Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante na dor pós-operatória entre o tratamento preemptivo e o controle. CONCLUSÃO: Neste modelo experimental, a analgesia preemptiva não se mostrou eficaz na redução da dor pós-operatória na cirurgia de extração de terceiros molares inclusos em comparação com a administração pós-operatória do mesmo medicamento.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O Brasil ocupa o segundo lugar entre os países com maiores taxas de cesariana no mundo. Pouco se sabe a respeito das consequências futuras desse procedimento sobre a saúde materna. Este estudo investigou a influência da técnica anestésico-cirúrgica e da analgesia pós-operatória no aparecimento de dor crônica após três meses da cesariana. MÉTODO: Este estudo prospectivo randomizado foi feito em 443 pacientes submetidas a cesariana (eletiva e urgente), com diferentes doses de bupivacaína 0,5% hiperbárica e opioides na raquianestesia. Os grupos foram: G1- 8 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 2,5 mg sufentanil + 100 mg morfina; G2- 10 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 2,5 mg sulfentanil + 100 mg morfina; G3- 12,5 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina; G4- 15 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina; G5- 12,5 mg bupivacaína hiperbárica + 100 mg morfina (sem anti-inflamatório perioperatório). Dor em repouso e em movimento foram avaliadas no pós-operatório imediato. Contato telefônico foi feito, após três meses do procedimento cirúrgico, para identificação das pacientes com dor crônica. RESULTADOS: A incidência de dor crônica nos grupos foi: G1 = 20%; G2 = 13%; G3 = 7,1%; G4 = 2,2% e G5 = 20,3%. Pacientes que referiram escores de dor mais elevados no período pós-operatório tiveram maior incidência de dor crônica (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de dor crônica diminui com o emprego de doses maiores de anestésicos locais e uso de anti-inflamatórios não hormonais. Escores mais elevados de dor no período pós-operatório tiveram associação com aparecimento de dor crônica após três meses da cesariana.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Durante o processo de parturição, diversos fatores alteram a intensidade da dor, tais como a paridade, a rotura de membranas corioamnióticas, a dilatação cervical, bem como influências culturais e ambientais. Assim, os objetivos deste estudo foram verificar o número de requisições de analgesia regional e o grau de dilatação cervical no momento da solicitação da analgesia pelas parturientes com membranas corioamnióticas íntegras e aquelas com corioamniorrexe. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e retrospectivo, com análise de 208 prontuários de parturientes primigestas, 129 com membranas corioamnióticas íntegras e 79 com corioamniorrexe, assistidas no Centro da Saúde da Mulher de Ribeirão Preto, SP, no período de novembro de 2008 a maio de 2009. Para análise estatística dos dados foram utilizados os testes de Mann-Whitney e o Qui-quadrado, com nível de significância p < 0,05 e intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Foi solicitada analgesia regional por 87,9% das parturientes selecionadas para esta pesquisa. A média da dilatação cervical para as pacientes com membranas íntegras foi de 6,26 ± 1,67 cm e para aquelas com corioamniorrexe foi com dilatação de 6,11 ± 1,75 cm, não havendo diferença significativa entre esses dois grupos de parturientes (p = 0,12). Em relação ao tipo de analgesia, houve predomínio do duplo bloqueio, sem diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos avaliados (p = 0,84). CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das parturientes deste estudo solicitou analgesia regional tipo duplo bloqueio com em média 6 cm, de acordo com a dilatação cervical, não havendo diferença entre primigestas com membranas corioamnióticas rotas e íntegras.
Programa de doctorado: Patología quirúrgica, reproducción humana, factores psicológicos y el proceso de enfermar.
Introduzione: L'analgesia epidurale è stata messa in correlazione con l'aumento della durata del secondo stadio del travaglio e del tasso di utilizzo della ventosa ostetrica. Diversi meccanismi sono stati ipotizzati, tra cui la riduzione di percezione della discesa fetale, della forza di spinta e dei riflessi che promuovono la progressione e rotazione della testa fetale nel canale del parto. Tali parametri sono solitamente valutati mediante esame clinico digitale, costantemente riportato essere poco accurato e riproducibile. Su queste basi l'uso dell'ecografia in travaglio, con introduzione di diversi parametri ecografici di valutazione della discesa della testa fetale, sono stati proposti per supportare la diagnosi clinica nel secondo stadio del travaglio. Scopi dello studio: studiare effetto dell’analgesia epidurale sulla progressione della testa fetale durante il II stadio del travaglio valutata mediante ecografia intrapartum. Materiali e metodi: una serie di pazienti nullipare a basso rischio a termine (37+0-42+0) sono state reclutate in modo prospettico nella sala parto del nostro Policlinico Universitario. In ciascuna di esse abbiamo acquisito un volume ecografico ogni 20 minuti dall’inizio della fase attiva del secondo stadio fino al parto ed una serie di parametri ecografici sono stati ricavati in un secondo tempo (angolo di progressione, distanza di progressione distanza testa sinfisi pubica e midline angle). Tutti questi parametri sono stati confrontati ad ogni intervallo di tempo nei due gruppi. Risultati: 71 pazienti totali, di cui 41 (57.7%) con analgesia epidurale. In 58 (81.7%) casi il parto è stato spontaneo, mentre in 8 (11.3%) e 5 (7.0%) casi rispettivamente si è ricorsi a ventosa ostetrica o taglio cesareo. I valori di tutti i parametri ecografici misurati sono risultati sovrapponibili nei due gruppi in tutti gli intervalli di misurazione. Conclusioni: la progressione della testa fetale valutata longitudinalmente mediante ecografia 3D non sembra differire significativamente nelle pazienti con o senza analgesia epidurale.
There are no data on lower urinary tract function during postoperative thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA). Because selected segmental blockade can be achieved with epidural analgesia, we hypothesized that lower urinary tract function remains unchanged during TEA within segments T4-T11 after open renal surgery.
Although it is clear that regional analgesia in association with general anaesthesia substantially reduces postoperative pain, the benefits in terms of overall perioperative outcome are less evident. The aim of this nonsystematic review was to evaluate the effect on middle and long-term postoperative outcomes of adding regional perioperative analgesia to general anaesthesia. This study is based mostly on systematic reviews, large epidemiological studies and large or high-quality randomized controlled trials that were selected and evaluated by the author. The endpoints that are discussed are perioperative morbidity, cancer recurrence, chronic postoperative pain, postoperative rehabilitation and risk of neurologic damage. Epidural analgesia may have a favourable but very small effect on perioperative morbidity. The influence of other regional anaesthetic techniques on perioperative morbidity is unclear. Preliminary data suggest that regional analgesia might reduce the incidence of cancer recurrence. However, adequately powered randomized controlled trials are lacking. The sparse literature available suggests that regional analgesia may prevent the development of chronic postoperative pain. Rehabilitation in the immediate postoperative period is possibly improved, but the advantages in the long term remain unclear. Permanent neurological damage is extremely rare. In conclusion, while the risk of permanent neurologic damage remains extremely low, evidence suggests that regional analgesia may improve relevant outcomes in the long term. The effect size is mostly small or the number-needed-to-treat is high. However, considering the importance of the outcomes of interest, even minor improvement probably has substantial clinical relevance.