990 resultados para ORGANIC POLLUTANTS POPS
Pollution of water with pesticides has become a threat to the man, material and environment. The pesticides released to the environment reach the water bodies through run off. Industrial wastewater from pesticide manufacturing industries contains pesticides at higher concentration and hence a major source of water pollution. Pesticides create a lot of health and environmental hazards which include diseases like cancer, liver and kidney disorders, reproductive disorders, fatal death, birth defects etc. Conventional wastewater treatment plants based on biological treatment are not efficient to remove these compounds to the desired level. Most of the pesticides are phyto-toxic i.e., they kill the microorganism responsible for the degradation and are recalcitrant in nature. Advanced oxidation process (AOP) is a class of oxidation techniques where hydroxyl radicals are employed for oxidation of pollutants. AOPs have the ability to totally mineralise the organic pollutants to CO2 and water. Different methods are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals in AOP systems. Acetamiprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide widely used to control sucking type insects on crops such as leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, pome fruits, grapes, cotton, ornamental flowers. It is now recommended as a substitute for organophosphorous pesticides. Since its use is increasing, its presence is increasingly found in the environment. It has high water solubility and is not easily biodegradable. It has the potential to pollute surface and ground waters. Here, the use of AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater has been investigated. Five methods were selected for the study based on literature survey and preliminary experiments conducted. Fenton process, UV treatment, UV/ H2O2 process, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis using TiO2 were selected for study. Undoped TiO2 and TiO2 doped with Cu and Fe were prepared by sol-gel method. Characterisation of the prepared catalysts was done by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis. Influence of major operating parameters on the removal of acetamiprid has been investigated. All the experiments were designed using central compoiste design (CCD) of response surface methodology (RSM). Model equations were developed for Fenton, UV/ H2O2, photo-Fenton and photocatalysis for predicting acetamiprid removal and total organic carbon (TOC) removal for different operating conditions. Quality of the models were analysed by statistical methods. Experimental validations were also done to confirm the quality of the models. Optimum conditions obtained by experiment were verified with that obtained using response optimiser. Fenton Process is the simplest and oldest AOP where hydrogen peroxide and iron are employed for the generation of hydroxyl radicals. Influence of H2O2 and Fe2+ on the acetamiprid removal and TOC removal by Fenton process were investigated and it was found that removal increases with increase in H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration. At an initial concentration of 50 mg/L acetamiprid, 200 mg/L H2O2 and 20 mg/L Fe2+ at pH 3 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. For UV treatment effect of pH was studied and it was found that pH has not much effect on the removal rate. Addition of H2O2 to UV process increased the removal rate because of the hydroxyl radical formation due to photolyis of H2O2. An H2O2 concentration of 110 mg/L at pH 6 was found to be optimum for acetamiprid removal. With photo-Fenton drastic reduction in the treatment time was observed with 10 times reduction in the amount of reagents required. H2O2 concentration of 20 mg/L and Fe2+ concentration of 2 mg/L was found to be optimum at pH 3. With TiO2 photocatalysis improvement in the removal rate was noticed compared to UV treatment. Effect of Cu and Fe doping on the photocatalytic activity under UV light was studied and it was observed that Cu doping enhanced the removal rate slightly while Fe doping has decreased the removal rate. Maximum acetamiprid removal was observed for an optimum catalyst loading of 1000 mg/L and Cu concentration of 1 wt%. It was noticed that mineralisation efficiency of the processes is low compared to acetamiprid removal efficiency. This may be due to the presence of stable intermediate compounds formed during degradation Kinetic studies were conducted for all the treatment processes and it was found that all processes follow pseudo-first order kinetics. Kinetic constants were found out from the experimental data for all the processes and half lives were calculated. The rate of reaction was in the order, photo- Fenton>UV/ H2O2>Fenton> TiO2 photocatalysis>UV. Operating cost was calculated for the processes and it was found that photo-Fenton removes the acetamiprid at lowest operating cost in lesser time. A kinetic model was developed for photo-Fenton process using the elementary reaction data and mass balance equations for the species involved in the process. Variation of acetamiprid concentration with time for different H2O2 and Fe2+ concentration at pH 3 can be found out using this model. The model was validated by comparing the simulated concentration profiles with that obtained from experiments. This study established the viability of the selected AOPs for the removal of acetamiprid from wastewater. Of the studied AOPs photo- Fenton gives the highest removal efficiency with lowest operating cost within shortest time.
El control d'herbicides i altres anàlits orgànics presents en el medi ambient constitueix una pràctica habitual en els laboratoris des de l'establiment de legislacions que limiten la seva concentració. Per aquesta raó, cal el desenvolupament de noves metodologies analítiques per al seguiment de compostos orgànics en el medi. Molt sovint aquests anàlits es troben a nivells traça en aigües i sòls, conjuntament amb un alt contingut de substàncies húmiques i fúlviques. Així, un dels reptes existents és el tractament de la mostra (extracció, concentració i "clean-up" d'aquests anàlits per a una bona quantificació). Aquests processos han de venir complementats per tècniques cromatogràfiques que permetin la mesura final dels anàlits. La investigació que es presenta en aquesta tesi es centra en el desenvolupament d'un mètode per a la determinació de 2,4-D i MCPA i els seus metabòlits fenòlics i d'un altre per a la determinació de cafeïna. El primer dels procediments desenvolupats s'ha aplicat al seguiment dels herbicides i els metabòlits fenòlics en sòls d'un camp de golf, mentre que el segon s'ha emprat per a la determinació de cafeïna en aigües naturals i, posteriorment, en aigües residuals.
An understanding of the primary pathways of plant uptake of organic pollutants is important to enable the risks from crops grown on contaminated soils to be assessed. A series of experiments were undertaken to quantify the importance of the pathways of contamination and the Subsequent transport within the plant using white clover plants grown in solution culture. Root uptake was primarily an absorption process, but a component of the contamination was a result of the transpiration flux to the shoot for higher Solubility compounds. The root contamination can be easily predicted using a simple relationship with K-OW, although if a composition model was used based on lipid content, a significant under prediction of the contamination was observed. Shoot uptake was driven by the transpiration stream flux which was related to the solubility of the individual PAH rather than the K-OW. However, the experiment was over a short duration, 6 days, and models based on K-OW may be better for crops grown in the field where the vegetation will approach equilibrium and transpiration cannot easily be measured, A significant fraction of the shoot contamination resulted from aerial deposition derived from volatilized PAH. This pathway was more significant for compounds approaching log K-OA > 9 and log K-AW < -3. The shoot uptake pathways need further investigation to enable them to be modeled separately, There was no evidence of significant systemic transport of the PAR so transfer outside the transpiration stream is likely to be limited.
Assessment of the risk to human health posed by contaminated land may be seriously overestimated if reliant on total pollutant concentration. In vitro extraction tests, such as the physiologically based extraction test (PBET), imitate the physicochemical conditions of the human gastro-intestinal tract and offer a more practicable alternative for routine testing purposes. However, even though passage through the colon accounts for approximately 80% of the transit time through the human digestive tract and the typical contents of the colon in vivo are a carbohydrate-rich aqueous medium with the potential to promote desorption of organic pollutants, PBET comprises stomach and small intestine compartments only. Through addition of an eight-hour colon compartment to PBET and use of a carbohydrate-rich fed-state medium we demonstrated that colon-extended PBET (CE-PBET) in- creased assessments of soil-bound PAH bioaccessibility by up to 50% in laboratory soils and a factor of 4 in field soils. We attribute this increased bioaccessibility to a combination of the additional extraction time and the presence of carbohydrates in the colon compartment, both of which favor PAH desorption from soil. We propose that future assessments of the bioaccessibility of organic pollutants in soils using physiologically based extraction tests should have a colon compartment as in CE-PBET.
The incidence of breast cancer has risen worldwide to unprecedented levels in recent decades, making it now the major cancer of women in many parts of the world.1 Although diet, alcohol, radiation and inherited loss of BRCA1/2 genes have all been associated with increased incidence, the main identified risk factors are life exposure to hormones including physiological variations associated with puberty/pregnancy/menopause,1 personal choice of use of hormonal contraceptives2 and/or hormone replacement therapy.3–6 On this basis, exposure of the human breast to the many environmental pollutant chemicals capable of mimicking or interfering with oestrogen action7 should also be of concern.8 Hundreds of such environmental chemicals have now been measured in human breast tissue from a range of dietary and domestic exposure sources7 ,9 including persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs),10 polybrominated diphenylethers and polybromobiphenyls,11 polychlorinated biphenyls,12 dioxins,13 alkyl phenols,14 bisphenol-A and chlorinated derivatives,15 as well as other less lipophilic compounds such as parabens (alkyl esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid),16 but studies investigating any association between raised levels of such compounds and the development of breast cancer remain inconclusive.7–16 However, the functionality of these chemicals has continued to be assessed on the basis of individual chemicals rather than the environmental reality of long-term low-dose exposure to complex mixtures. This misses the potential for individuals to have high concentrations of different compounds but with a common mechanism of action. It also misses the complex interactions between chemicals and physiological hormones which together may act to alter the internal homeostasis of the oestrogenic environment of mammary tissue.
The region of Toledo River, Parana, Brazil is characterized by intense anthropogenic activities. Hence, metal concentrations and physical-chemical parameters of Toledo River water were determined in order to complete an environmental evaluation catalog. Samples were collected monthly during one year period at seven different sites from the source down the river mouth, physical-chemical variables were analyzed, and major metallic ions were measured. Metal analysis was performed by using the synchrotron radiation total reflection X-ray fluorescence technique. A statistical analysis was applied to evaluate the reliability of experimental data. The analysis of obtained results have shown that a strong correlation between physical-chemical parameters existed among sites 1 and 7, suggesting that organic pollutants were mainly responsible for decreasing the Toledo River water quality.
This study presents the results of the degradation of the pesticide atrazine using electrochemical and photo-assisted electrochemical degradation techniques using SnO(2)-containing electrode of nominal composition electrodes of composition Ti/Ru(x)Sni-(x)O(2) (where X = 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30). The materials were characterized ex situ and in situ in order to correlate the observed atrazine removal rates with electrode morphology/composition. The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the photo-assisted electrochemical degradation. Using purely electrochemical methods the rate of atrazine removal is almost zero at all the electrodes studied. However, the application of photo-assisted degradation results in almost complete atrazine removal in 1 h of electrolysis. The efficiency of atrazine degradation does not seem to be greatly affected by the electrode material or by SnO(2) content, but the overall COD removal is dependent on the SnO(2) content. Overall, the SnO(2)-containing electrodes do not reach the level of COD removal (maximum similar to 21%) seen for the Ti/Ru(0.3)Ti(0.2)O(2) electrode. An interesting correlation between the morphology factor (phi) and chemical oxygen demand removal is observed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
At the cashew nut processing industry it is often the generation of wastewaters containing high content of toxic organic compounds. The presence of these compounds is due mainly to the so called liquid of the cashew nut (CNSL). CNSL, as it is commercially known in Brazil, is the liquid of the cashew nut. It looks like an oil with dark brown color, viscous and presents a high toxicity index due to the chemical composition, i.e. phenol compounds, such as anacardic acid, cardol, 2-methyl cardol and monophenol (cardanol). These compounds are bio resistant to the conventional treatments. Furthermore, the corresponding wastewaters present high content of TOC (total organic carbon). Therefore due to the high degree of toxicity it is very important to study and develop treatments of these wastewaters before discharge to the environmental. This research aims to decompose these compounds using advanced oxidative processes (AOP) based on the photo-Fenton system. The advantage of this system is the fast and non-selective oxidation promoted by the hydroxyl radicals (●OH), that is under determined conditions can totally convert the organic pollutants to CO2 and H2O. In order to evaluate the decomposition of the organic charge system samples of the real wastewater od a processing cashew nut industry were taken. This industry was located at the country of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The experiments were carried out with a photochemical annular reactor equipped with UV (ultra violet) lamp. Based on preliminary experiments, a Doehlert experimental design was defined to optimize the concentrations of H2O2 and Fe(II) with a total of 13 runs. The experimental conditions were set to pH equal to 3 and temperature of 30°C. The power of the lamps applied was 80W, 125W and 250W. To evaluate the decomposition rate measures of the TOC were accomplished during 4 hours of experiment. According to the results, the organic removal obtained in terms of TOC was 80% minimum and 95% maximum. Furthermore, it was gotten a minimum time of 49 minutes for the removal of 30% of the initial TOC. Based on the obtained experimental results, the photo-Fenton system presents a very satisfactory performance as a complementary treatment of the wastewater studied
Statistics of environmental protection agencies show that the soil has been contaminated with problems often resulting from leaks, spills and accidents during exploration, refining, transportation and storage oil operations and its derivatives. These, gasoline noteworthy, verified by releasing, to get in touch with the groundwater, the compounds BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes), substances which are central nervous system depressants and causing leukemia. Among the processes used in remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with organic pollutants, we highlight those that use hydrogen peroxide because they are characterized by the rapid generation of chemical species of high oxidation power, especially the hydroxyl radical ( OH), superoxide (O2 -) and peridroxil (HO2 ), among other reactive species that are capable of transforming or decomposing organic chemicals. The pH has a strong effect on the chemistry of hydrogen peroxide because the formation of different radicals directly depends on the pH of the medium. In this work, the materials MCM-41 and Co-MCM-41 were synthesized and used in the reaction of BTEX removal in aqueous media using H2O2. These materials were synthesized by the hydrothermal method and the techniques used to characterize were: XRD, TG/DTG, adsorption/desorption N2, TEM and X-Ray Fluorescence. The catalytic tests were for 5 h of reaction were carried out in reactors of 20 mL, which was accompanied by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by molecular absorption spectrophotometry in the UV-Vis, in addition to removal of organic compounds BTEX was performed as gas chromatography with detection photoionization and flame ionization and by static headspace sampler. The characterizations proved that the materials were successfully synthesized. The catalytic tests showed satisfactory results, and the reactions containing BTEX + Co-MCM-41 + H2O2 at pH = 12.0 had the highest percentages of removal for the compounds studied
Muitos métodos analíticos estão sendo desenvolvidos visando à determinação de contaminantes orgânicos, especialmente alteradores endócrinos. Tais métodos baseiam-se geralmente na extração em fase sólida (SPE) seguida por determinação cromatográfica (CG ou HPLC). No presente trabalho utilizou-se ferramentas quimiométricas no processo de SPE para avaliar os principais fatores que influenciam tal processo e as interações entre os mesmos. Foram analisadas matrizes de água subterrânea fortificada com hormônios (17 b estradiol, estrona e 17 b etinilestradiol) e a determinação analítica foi feita por HPLC/Fluorescência. Um planejamento fatorial completo foi utilizado. Os fatores escolhidos incluíram: condicionamento da fase sólida, concentração dos analitos, volume da amostra e solvente de eluição. As melhores condições obtidas foram: 500 mL da amostra, condicionamento da fase sólida (C18) com acetona (4mL), metanol (6 mL) e água pH 3(10 mL), e eluição dos analitos com 4 mL de acetona.
A simple and efficient method for the simultaneous gas chromatographic determination of ten organochlorine pesticides (alpha-HCH, beta-HCH, gamma-HCH, p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDE, aldrin, endrin, and dieldrin) and six congeners of PCBs (PCB 28, 52, 118, 138, 153, and 180) in municipal solid waste compost is described. The procedure involves a solid-phase dispersion matrix using celite as dispersant sorbent, alumina as clean up sorbent and hexane-dichloromethane (7:3, v/v) mixture as eluting solvent. An additional purification step with copper was necessary to eliminate sulphur. Analysis of the sample was performed by GC-ECD. The method was validated with fortified samples at two concentration levels (0.025 and 0.05 mg kg(-1)). Average recovery ranged from 77 to 121% with relative standard deviation between 1 and 18%. The detection limits, which ranged from 0.003 to 0.01 mg kg-1, were lower than those established by the Baden-Wurttemberg directive (0.033 mg kg(-1)).
Electrochemical oxidation of wastewater containing aromatic amines using a flow electrolytic reactor
Aromatic amines are environmental pollutants and represent one of the most important classes of industrial and natural chemicals. Some types of complex effluents containing these chemical species, mainly those originated from chemicals plants are not fully efficiently treated by conventional processes. In this work, the use of electrochemical technology through an electrolytic pilot scale flow reactor is considered for treatment of wastewater of a chemical industry manufacturer of antioxidant and anti-ozonant substances used in rubber. Experimental results showed that was possible to remove between 65% and 95% of apparent colour and chemical oxygen demand removal between 30 and 90% in 60 min of treatment, with energy consumption rate from 26 kWh m-3 to 31 kWh m-3. Absorbance, total organic carbon and toxicity analyses resulted in no formation of toxic by-products. The results suggest that the presented electrochemical process is a suitable method for treating this type of wastewater, mainly when pre-treated by aeration. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)