383 resultados para ONTOGENY


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Avicularia diversipes (C. L. Koch 1842) known previously only from its original description is redescribed along with Avicularia sooretama sp. nov. and Avicularia gamba sp. nov. The three species are endemic to Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. With other Avicularia species, they share a procurved anterior eye row, slender embolus and medially folded spermathecae, whereas they have unusual characters, such as a very long and spiraled embolus (A. diversipes) and spermathecae with multilobular apex (A. sooretama sp. nov.). Furthermore, the three species lack a tibial apophysis in males and share a distinctive color pattern ontogeny that is not known in any other Avicularia species. The conservation status of the three species is discussed, especially with respect to endemism, illegal trafficking and habitat destruction. The creation of protected areas in southern State of Bahia, Brazil, is recommended, as well as the inclusion of these species in IUCN and CITES lists. Appendices with figures and species information are presented to facilitate correct specimen identification by custom officers, in order to limit illegal traffic.


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Inside the `cavernous sinus` or `parasellar region` the human internal carotid artery takes the shape of a siphon that is twisted and torqued in three dimensions and surrounded by a network of veins. The parasellar section of the internal carotid artery is of broad biological and medical interest, as its peculiar shape is associated with temperature regulation in the brain and correlated with the occurrence of vascular pathologies. The present study aims to provide anatomical descriptions and objective mathematical characterizations of the shape of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in human infants and its modifications during ontogeny. Three-dimensional (3D) computer models of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery of infants were generated with a state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction method and analysed using both traditional morphometric methods and novel mathematical algorithms. We show that four constant, demarcated bends can be described along the infant parasellar section of the internal carotid artery, and we provide measurements of their angles. We further provide calculations of the curvature and torsion energy, and the total complexity of the 3D skeleton of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery, and compare the complexity of this in infants and adults. Finally, we examine the relationship between shape parameters of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in infants, and the occurrence of intima cushions, and evaluate the reliability of subjective angle measurements for characterizing the complexity of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in infants. The results can serve as objective reference data for comparative studies and for medical imaging diagnostics. They also form the basis for a new hypothesis that explains the mechanisms responsible for the ontogenetic transformation in the shape of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery.


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We have evaluated RECK (reversion-inducing-cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs), MMP-2 (matrix metalloproteinase-2), MMP-3, and MMP-9 involvement during palate development in mice by using various techniques. Immunohistochemical features revealed the distribution of RECK, MMP-2, and MMP-3 in the mesenchymal tissue and in the midline epithelial seam at embryonic day 13 (E13), MMPs-2, -3, and -9 being particularly expressed at E14 and E14.5. In contrast, RECK was weakly immunostained at these times. Involvement of MMPs was validated by measuring not only their protein expression, but also their activity (zymograms). In situ hybridization signal (ISH) for RECK transcript was distributed in mesenchymal and epithelial regions within palatal shelves at all periods evaluated. Importantly, the results from ISH analysis were in accord with those obtained by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The expression of RECK was found to be temporally regulated, which suggested possible roles in palatal ontogeny. Taken together, our results clearly show that remodeling of the extracellular matrix is finely modulated during secondary palate development and occurs in a sequential manner.


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Changes in the total amino acid (TAA) and the free amino acid (FAA) contents during embryonic development, through newly spawned eggs, to pre-settled larvae of blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) are described. The TAA (protein bound + free) and the FAA contents increased prior to hatching but decreased towards settlement, but the changes were not always significant between different stages of development. Threonine, arginine, lysine and leucine accounted for nearly 50 % of the total essential amino acids (TEAA) in all developmental stages. The mean FAA content of newly spawned eggs was 262.8 ± 28.2 pmol·ind–1 and accounted for 11.5 ± 8.3 % of the TAA. Free essential amino acid (FEAA) content increased significantly as development progressed (P < 0.05), in which threonine, arginine and lysine accounted for over 63 % of this pool. In all developmental stages, the FAA pool was dominated by the non-essential amino acids taurine + proline which accounted for 79.5 % of the total. Generally, the FAA accounted for between 10 to 15 % of the TAA in the different developmental stages of blacklip abalone. All evidence appears to indicate that in blacklip abalone the energy requirements during early ontogeny are mostly met with from the lipid reserves, and that there is a tendency to conserve amino acids until pre-settlement.


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The changes in proximate composition, amino acid (total and free) and fatty acid content of artificially propagated trout cod, Maccullochella macquariensis larvae from five mothers hatched, weaned and reared separately, each in two groups, one fed with Artemia naupli and the other starved, for 15 days (after yolk resorption), are presented. There was no significant change in the proximate composition of fed larvae with devlopment, but in starved larvae the protein (linearly) and lipid (curvi-linearly) content decreased significantly as starvation progressed. The essential amino acids (EAA) and non- essential amino acids (NEAA) found in highest amounts in trout cod larvae were lysine, leucine, threonine and arginine, and alanine, serine and glutamic acid, respectively. In fed larvae the total amino acid (TAA), TEAA and TNEAA content did not vary significantly as development progressed. In starved larvae the TAA, EAA and NEAA content, as well as all the individual amino acids decreased significantly (P<0.05) from the levels in day of hatch and/or yolk-sac resorbed larvae. The greatest decrease occurred in the TEAA content (7.38±0.76 at day of hatch to 1.96±0.09 15 day starved in μmoles larva–1; approximately a 74% decrease), whereas the decrease in TNEAA was about 38%. Unlike in the case of TAA distinct changes in the free amino acid (FAA) pool were discernible, from day of hatch and onwards, in both fed and starved trout cod larvae. In both groups of larvae the most noticeable being the decrease of % FEAA in TFAA, but not the % FAA in TAA. Four fatty acids together, accounted for more than 50% of the total in each of the major fatty acid categories in all larvae sampled; 16: 0, 18:1n-9, 22: 6n-3 and 20: 4n-6, amongst saturates, monoenes, n-3 PUFA and n-6 PUFA, respectively. Twelve fatty acids either decreased (14: 0, 16: 1n-7, 20: 1n-9, 20: 4n-6, 20: 5n-3, 22: 5n-3 and 22: 6n-3) or increased (18: 2n-6, 18: 3n-3, 18: 3n-6, 18: 4n-3 and 20: 3n-3) in quantity, after 15 days of feeding, from the base level in day of hatch and/ or yolk- sac resorbed larvae. The greatest increase occurred in 18: 3n-3 from 6.4±0.1 to 106.2±13.1 μg mg lipid–1 larva–1, and the greatest decrease occurred in 22: 6n-3 (181.2±12.4 to 81.4±6.2 μg mg lipid–1 larva–1). In starved larvae, at the end of 15 days, all the fatty acids, except 18: 0, 20: 3n-3 and 20: 4n-6, decreased significantly (P<0.05) from the levels in day of hatch and/or yolk- sac resorbed larvae.


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Recent work on within-species polymorphism across a broad range of taxa has renewed and considerably increased the attention to this classic evolutionary area, notably in lizard species where colors covary with reproductive strategies. We demonstrate elsewhere that red-headed males beat yellow-headed males in staged contests for females in the Australian painted dragon lizard Ctenophorus pictus. This morph difference in behaviour is linked to what appears to be a convention of red dominance in male–male interactions set very early in ontogeny, long before coloration has developed. In the current note, we investigate the relationship between time of day, which is directly linked to vigilance time in territorial males, and plasma levels of testosterone and corticosterone. We show that red males have higher testosterone levels in late afternoon following a day of territory patrolling and a non-significant trend in plasma corticosterone levels that decline with time of day. In conclusion, there are significant differences in testosterone profile between the two color morphs, providing a potential proximate link to the behavioural differences between them.


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We investigated the effects of flooding and drying over 6 months on growth and biomass allocation in seedlings of Muehlenbeckia florulenta Meisn. (tangled lignum), a common and widely distributed shrub of Australia's desert floodplains. We sought to determine if lignum seedlings respond to flooding or drying by altering traits or allocation patterns or instead display fixed patterns of development. Since desert floodplains are highly unpredictable and heterogeneous environments, we hypothesised that adaptive phenotypic plasticity is unlikely to have developed or be advantageous in seedlings of this species as environmental state changes are highly variable in their timing and duration and plants risk being caught out of kilter with environmental conditions. To test this, we conducted a glasshouse experiment in which lignum seedlings, grown in both clay and sandy sediments, were subjected to a range of hydrological conditions over a period of 6 months. Lignum seedlings exhibited considerable tolerance of both flooding and drying in our experiment and no mortality was observed. Growth was significantly reduced by flooding, however, and seedlings displayed extremely delayed development rather than plasticity in overall biomass allocation or any of the specific morphological variables we measured. Lignum seedlings were considerably more tolerant of drying than flooding and responded plastically by reducing leaf area ratios through reductions in specific leaf areas and leaf production and expansion. Sediment type had little effect on seedling development. Our results indicate that surface water hydrology is likely to be a major determinant of recruitment patterns in this ecologically significant species.


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Basic research has revealed that the chemical sensory world of children is different from that of adults, as evidenced by their heightened preferences for sweet and salty tastes. However, little is known about the ontogeny of sour taste preferences, despite the growing market of extreme sour candies. The present study investigated whether the level of sourness most preferred in a food matrix and the ability to discriminate differences in sour intensity differed between 5- to 9-year-old children and their mothers, by using a rank-by-elimination procedure embedded in the context of a game. Mothers also completed a variety of questionnaires and children were asked several questions to assess whether children's temperament and food preferences and habits related to sour preferences. The results indicated that, although every mother and all but two of the children (92%) were able to rank the gelatins from most to least sour, more than one-third (35%) of the children, but virtually none of the adults, preferred the high levels of sour taste (0.25 M citric acid) in gelatin. Those children who preferred the extreme sour tastes were significantly less food neophobic (P < 0.05) and tended to experience a greater variety of fruits when compared with the remaining children (P = 0.11). Moreover, the children's preference for sour tastes generalized to other foods, such as candies and lemons, as reported by both children and mothers. These findings are the first experimental evidence to demonstrate that sour taste preferences are heightened during childhood and that such preferences are related to children's food habits and preferences. Further research is needed to unfold the relationship between the level of sour taste preferred and the actual consumption of sour-tasting foods and flavors in children.


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Larval development of the himri barbel, Barbus luteus Heckel, reared at 19-22 ¡C in natural daylight is described. Morphological and some functional character appearances were similar to the main ontogenetic steps of development in most cyprinids. Small hatched larvae attained both metamorphosis and a length of 10.5 mm after almost 35 days. Relative growth of the selected body proportions demonstrated typical priorities in growth compared to the length. An ontogenetic index was inferred from applying age and length criteria at metamorphosis as a scale for ontogenetic events.


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Growth is the opportune time to modify bone accrual. While bone adaptation is known to be dependent on local loading and consequent deformations (strain) of bone, little is known about the effects of sex, and bone-specific physical activity on location-specific cross-sectional bone geometry during growth. To provide more insight we examined bone traits at different locations around tibial cross sections, and along the tibia between individuals who vary in terms of physical activity exposure, sex, and pubertal status. Data from 304 individuals aged 5-29 years (172 male, 132 female) were examined. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) was applied at 4%, 14%, 38%, and 66% of tibial length. Maturity was established by estimating age at peak height velocity (APHV). Loading history was quantified with the bone-specific physical activity questionnaire (BPAQ). Comparisons, adjusted for height, weight and age were made between sex, maturity, and BPAQ tertile groups. Few to no differences were observed between sexes or BPAQ tertiles prior to APHV, whereas marked sexual dimorphism and differences between BPAQ tertiles were observed after APHV. Cross-sectional location-specific differences between BPAQ tertiles were not evident prior to APHV, whereas clear location-specificity was observed after APHV. In conclusion, the skeletal benefits of physical activity are location-specific in the tibia. The present results indicate that the peri- or post-pubertal period is likely a more favourable window of opportunity for enhancing cross-sectional bone geometry than pre puberty. Increased loading during the peri-pubertal period may enhance the bone of both sexes.


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 The last 20 years have been exciting times for scientists working with charismatic marine mega-fauna. Here recent advances are reviewed. There have been advances in both data gathering and data-analysis techniques that have allowed new insights into the physiological and behavioural ecology of free-ranging mega-faunal species; some marine mega-faunal species have now become model organisms for cutting edge approaches to identify the underlying mathematical properties of animal search patterns and hence the underlying behavioural processes (e.g. Levy flight versus Brownian motion); the implications of climate change have started to become more apparent with extended time-series of animal movements, abundance and performance; conservation issues have become integrated into marine planning and have resulted in the advent of extended networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) as well as large MPAs that span many 100,000 km2; and collaborative crossdisciplinary teams have started to reveal the importance of ocean currents in animal dispersal, the ontogeny of migration and population genetic structure. Looking to the future, increased data availability (e.g. through data sharing) will likely allow more holistic across-taxa analyses to become routine.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) among adults is commonly observed in animals and is considered to be adaptive. However, the ontogenic emergence of SSD, i.e. the timing of divergence in body size between males and females, has only recently received attention. It is widely acknowledged that the ontogeny of SSD may differ between species, but it remains unclear how variable the ontogeny of SSD is within species. Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus and Snowy Plovers C. nivosus are closely related wader species that exhibit similar, moderate (c. 4%), male-biased adult SSD. To assess when SSD emerges we recorded tarsus length variation among 759 offspring in four populations of these species. Tarsus length of chicks was measured on the day of hatching and up to three times on recapture before fledging. In one population (Mexico, Snowy Plovers), males and females differed in size from the day of hatching, whereas growth rates differed between the sexes in two populations (Turkey and United Arab Emirates, both Kentish Plovers). In contrast, a fourth population (Cape Verde, Kentish Plovers) showed no significant SSD in juveniles. Our results suggest that adult SSD can emerge at different stages of development (prenatal, postnatal and post-juvenile) in different populations of the same species. We discuss the proximate mechanisms that may underlie these developmental differences.


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In young European starlings, as in other avian species, high-amplitude 24-hr rhythms in plasma and pineal melatonin are already present around the time of hatching. In chickens this rhythmicity results at least partly from the light sensitivity of the melatonin-producing and -secreting system. In contrast to the chicken, the starling is a hole-nesting bird, and it seemed questionable whether the low light intensities in the nest are sufficient to synchronize perinatal melatonin rhythms. We therefore exposed starling eggs to light cycles roughly simulating those measured in nest-boxes, i.e., an 11-hr phase of complete darkness and a 13-hr phase consisting of 15 min of dim light (10 lux) alternating with 30 min of darkness. For one group the photophase lasted from 0600 to 1900 hr; for the other group the photophase lasted from 1800 to 0700 hr. In approximately 10-hr-old hatchlings of both groups, plasma and pineal melatonin concentrations were high during the dark phase and low during the light phase. We conclude that perinatal low-amplitude light intensity changes of the kind experienced by hatching starlings in the field are sufficient for synchronizing the melatonin-producing and -secreting system in the pineal and possibly other organs.


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This study was designed to determine whether the development of an increased aerobic capacity (increased potential for oxygen uptake) during the initial growth stages of hatchlings is associated with an increase in blood hemoglobin content. We measured the resting (at thermoneutrality) and maximum (cold induced)b oxygen uptake of Arctic Tern chicks from 0 to 9 days of age. In addition, blood hemoglobin content and hematocrit were measured. The results show that in spite of a marked increase in both resting and maximum oxygen uptake, indicating increased metabolic performance, there was a slight decrease in blood hemoglobin content during the first few days of development. A residual analysis, made to eliminate the effect of age, showed that blood hemoglobin content of individual chicks, blood hemoglobin contents is not a limiting factor for oxygen uptake by Arctic Tern chicks.


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Recent neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that activation of the putative human mirror neuron system (MNS) can be elicited via visuomotor training. This is generally interpreted as supporting an associative learning account of the mirror neuron system (MNS) that argues against the ontogeny of the MNS to be an evolutionary adaptation for social cognition. The current study assessed whether a central component of social cognition, emotion processing, would influence the MNS activity to trained visuomotor associations, which could support a broader role of the MNS in social cognition. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we assessed repetition suppression to the presentation of stimulus pairs involving a simple hand action and a geometric shape that was either congruent or incongruent with earlier association training. Each pair was preceded by an image of positive, negative, or neutral emotionality. In support of an associative learning account of the MNS, repetition suppression was greater for trained pairs compared with untrained pairs in several regions, primarily supplementary motor area (SMA) and right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG). This response, however, was not modulated by the valence of the emotional images. These findings argue against a fundamental role of emotion processing in the mirror neuron response, and are inconsistent with theoretical accounts linking mirror neurons to social cognition.