959 resultados para Novice Entrepreneurs


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Brock novice women's crew pull their way to the finish line during their championship race on October 27, 1984 in the novice women's dash. This was Brock's first ever gold medal in women's rowing. Members of the crew from left (bow) to right (stroke) are: Lesley Esford, Tonia Smithers, Darlene Kelly, Amanda Abbott, Nancy Horne, Janis Dudman, Brenda Miller, Michelle Priester and coxie Julie McMenemy.


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From left to right. Dave Commerford (Coach), Lori Abernathy, Tina Dubanow, Heather White, Judy Brunskill, Nancy Tuffin (Coxie), Debbie Coughlin, Yvonne Hojow, Sue Pinder, and Heather Moyer


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The importance of reflective practice to the novice nurse was explored in this study. The novice nurse, for the purpose of this study, was defined as a Registered Nurse who graduated from an accredited nursing program within a 1 2-month period prior to the data collection date and who had no prior experience as a Registered Nurse before graduation. All of the nurses enrolled in this study were female. This study explored the perceived link between transformational learning and reflective practice, and whether there may be a need to standardize a conceptual framework and definition for reflective practice in nursing academia. The literature that was reviewed for this study indicated that there were inconsistencies in the application of reflective practice within academic curriculums. The literature did identify that the majority of academic scholars have agreed that reflection is paramount in the development of critical thinking skills, self-awareness, and selfdirection. And, while all of these skills drive professional practice and effect excellent patient care, institutional health care has been reticent to support the value of reflective practice because of a lack of empirical data sets. The 4 novice Registered Nurses who participated in this study were asked 4 openended questions that provided a foundation for comparing the novice nurses' experiences, interpretations, and perceptions of reflective practice. These nurses participated in individual audiotaped interviews with the researcher. The study was based upon Heath's (1998) model of "Theory hitegration via Reflective Practice." The results demonstrated that reflective practice was significant to the novice nurse and was used as a tool to identify further learning needs. Transformational learning through reflection was described by the study participants. The findings within this study are consistent with previous work done in the area of reflection and the novice nurse.


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The purpose of this study was to determine novice t~ache~s' perceptions of th~ extent to which the Brock University teacher education program focused on strategies for promoting responsibility in students. Individual interviews were conducted with ten randomly selected teachers who were graduates of this teacher education program between the years of 1989 and 1992, and a follow-up group discussion activity, with the same teachers, was also held. Findings revealed that the topic of personal responsibility was discussed within various components of the program, including counselling group sessions, but that these discussions were often brief, indirect and inconsistent. Some of the strategies which the teachers used in their own classrooms to promote responsibility in students were ones which they had acquired from those counselling group °sessions or from associate teachers. Various strategies included: setting ~lear expectations of students with positive and negative consequences for behaviour (e.g., material rewards and detentions, respectively), cemmunic?ting'with other teachers an~ parents, and -. suspending students from school. A teacher's choice of any particular strategy seemed to be affected by his or her personality, teaching sUbject and region of employment, as well as certain aspects of the teacher education program. It was concluded that many of the teachers appeared to be controlling rude and vio~ent- behaviour, as opposed to promoting responsible behaviour. Recommendations were made for the pre-service program, as well as induction and inservice programs, to increase teacher preparedness for promoting responsible student behaviour. One of these recommendations addressed the need to help teachers learn how to effectively communicate with their students.


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Cet article illustre la pertinence d’une théorie du document le représentant en trois dimensions complémentaires : forme, texte, médium. Deux exemples sont proposés : l’évolution de la conception du web par son inventeur Tim Berners-Lee qui passe progressivement d’une dimension à l’autre ; le classement des stratégies des principales firmes investissant le web du document, Amazon, Apple, Google et Facebook et privilégiant chaque fois une des dimensions.