953 resultados para Non-functional properties


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Il core catalitico della DNA polimerasi III, composto dalle tre subunità α, ε e θ, è il complesso minimo responsabile della replicazione del DNA cromosomiale in Escherichia coli. Nell'oloenzima, α ed ε possiedono rispettivamente un'attività 5'-3' polimerasica ed un'attività 3'-5' esonucleasica, mentre θ non ha funzioni enzimatiche. Il presente studio si è concentrato sulle regioni del core che interagiscono direttamente con ε, ovvero θ (interagente all'estremità N-terminale di ε) e il dominio PHP di α (interagente all'estremità C-terminale di ε), delle quali non è stato sinora identificato il ruolo. Al fine di assegnare loro una funzione sono state seguite tre linee di ricerca parallele. Innanzitutto il ruolo di θ è stato studiato utilizzando approcci ex-vivo ed in vivo. I risultati presentati in questo studio mostrano che θ incrementa significativamente la stabilità della subunità ε, intrinsecamente labile. Durante gli esperimenti condotti è stata anche identificata una nuova forma dimerica di ε. Per quanto la funzione del dimero non sia definita, si è dimostrato che esso è attivamente dissociato da θ, che potrebbe quindi fungere da suo regolatore. Inoltre, è stato ritrovato e caratterizzato il primo fenotipo di θ associato alla crescita. Per quanto concerne il dominio PHP, si è dimostrato che esso possiede un'attività pirofosfatasica utilizzando un nuovo saggio, progettato per seguire le cinetiche di reazione catalizzate da enzimi rilascianti fosfato o pirofosfato. L'idrolisi del pirofosfato catalizzata dal PHP è stata dimostrata in grado di sostenere l'attività polimerasica di α in vitro, il che suggerisce il suo possibile ruolo in vivo durante la replicazione del DNA. Infine, è stata messa a punto una nuova procedura per la coespressione e purificazione del complesso α-ε-θ


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Neisserial Heparin Binding Antigen (NHBA) is a surface-exposed lipoprotein ubiquitously expressed by genetically diverse Neisseria meningitidis strains and is an antigen of the multicomponent protein-based 4CMenB vaccine, able to induce bactericidal antibodies in humans and to bind heparin-like molecules. The aim of this study is to characterize the immunological and functional properties of NHBA. To evaluate immunogenicity and the contribution of aminoacid sequence variability to vaccine coverage, we constructed recombinant isogenic strains that are susceptible to bactericidal killing only by anti-NHBA antibodies and engineered them to express equal levels of selected NHBA peptides. In these recombinant strains, we observed different titres associated with the different peptide variants. These recombinant strains were then further engineered to express NHBA chimeric proteins to investigate the regions important for immunogenicity. In natural strains, anti-NHBA antibodies were found to be cross-protective against strains expressing different peptides. To investigate the functional properties of this antigen, the recombinant purified NHBA protein was tested in in vitro binding studies and was found to be able to bind epithelial cells. The binding was abolished when cells were treated specifically with heparinase III, suggesting that the interaction with the cells is mediated by heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG). Mutation of the Arg-rich tract of NHBA abrogated the binding, confirming the importance of this region in mediating the binding to heparin-like molecules. In a panel of N. meningitidis strains, the deletion of nhba resulted in a reduction of adhesion with respect to each isogenic wild type strain. Furthermore, the adhesion of the wild-type strain was prevented by using anti-NHBA polyclonal sera, demonstrating the specificity of the interaction. These results suggest that NHBA could be a novel meningococcal adhesin contributing to host-cell interaction. Moreover, we analysed NHBA NalP-mediated cleavage in different NHBA peptides and showed that not all NHBA peptides are cleaved.


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Recentemente, vari ricercatori si sono concentrati sulle proprietà funzionali dei muscoli, sulla meccanica e sulla cinematica legata al volo, ma senza la possibilità di consultare un’adeguata letteratura poiché assente o incompleta. Si è quindi ritenuto utile studiare la miologia della regione della spalla e del braccio di specie non in precedenza esaminate e che mostrassero differenti stili di volo, al fine di creare una base di informazioni per futuri studi funzionali. Tutte le specie prese in esame sono membri della famiglia degli Accipitridae e nello specifico si sono selezionati: il Falco pecchiaiolo (Pernis apivorus Linnaeus, 1758), l’Astore comune (Accipiter gentilis Linnaeus, 1758) e lo Sparviero eurasiatico (Accipiter nisus Linnaeus, 1758). Questi animali attuano stili di volo differenti e sono stati pertanto scelti per capire se diverse performance di volo potessero indurre una differenziazione dell’apparato muscolare. La comparazione dei dati raccolti durante questo studio con quelli presenti in letteratura in altre specie aviarie ha evidenziato che, mentre alcuni muscoli non sembrano andare incontro a grandi modificazioni nei rapaci, altri invece presentano una grande eterogeneità. In particolare, grazie alle caratteristiche dei diversi muscoli, si è potuto raggruppare questi ultimi in base a possibili funzioni comuni: a) muscoli che concorrono a stabilizzare l’ala rispetto al tronco e che assorbono le forze generate durante il volo; b) muscoli con possibile ruolo nel controllo della rotazione dell’omero; c) muscoli con possibile funzione propriocettiva. Il presente studio ha inoltre evidenziato, nei muscoli esaminati, alcune similitudini e molteplici peculiarità anatomiche non precedentemente segnalate in letteratura. Si ritiene che questo studio macroscopico possa rappresentare un punto di partenza per futuri studi microscopici o elettrofisiologici, a dimostrazione dell’importanza della dissezione quale primo strumento di indagine.


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Intestinal mononuclear phagocytes (iMNP) are critically involved in mucosal immunity and tissue homeostasis. Two major non-overlapping populations of iMNP have been identified in mice. CD103(+) iMNP represent a migratory population capable of inducing tolerogenic responses, whereas CX3CR1(+) iMNP are resident cells with disease-promoting potential. CX3CR1(+) iMNP can further be subdivided based on differential expression of CX3CR1. Using CX3CR1(GFP/+) ×RAG2(-/-) mice, we demonstrate that CX3CR1(hi) and CX3CR1(lo) iMNP clearly differ with respect to their morphological and functional properties. Compared with CX3CR1(hi) iMNP, CX3CR1(lo) iMNP are polarised towards pro-inflammatory responses already under homeostatic conditions. During a CD4(+) T-cell-induced colitis, CX3CR1(lo) cells accumulate in the inflamed mucosa and upregulate the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 (TREM-1). In contrast, CX3CR1(hi) iMNP retain their non-inflammatory profile even during intestinal inflammation. These findings identify two functionally distinct iMNP subsets based on differential expression of CX3CR1 and indicate an unanticipated stability of iMNP.


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During wakefulness and sleep, neurons in the neocortex emit action potentials tonically or in rhythmic bursts, respectively. However, the role of synchronized discharge patterns is largely unknown. We have recently shown that pairings of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and action potential bursts or single spikes lead to long-term depression (burst-LTD) or long-term potentiation, respectively. In this study, we elucidate the cellular mechanisms of burst-LTD and characterize its functional properties. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from layer V pyramidal cells in somatosensory cortex of juvenile rats in vitro and composite EPSPs and EPSCs were evoked extracellularly in layers II/III. Repetitive burst-pairings led to a long-lasting depression of EPSPs and EPSCs that was blocked by inhibitors of metabotropic glutamate group 1 receptors, phospholipase C, protein kinase C (PKC) and calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum, and that required an intact machinery for endocytosis. Thus, burst-LTD is induced via a Ca2+- and phosphatidylinositol-dependent activation of PKC and expressed through phosphorylation-triggered endocytosis of AMPA receptors. Functionally, burst-LTD is inversely related to EPSP size and bursts dominate single spikes in determining the sign of synaptic plasticity. Thus burst-firing constitutes a signal by which coincident synaptic inputs are proportionally downsized. Overall, our data thus suggest a mechanism by which synaptic weights can be reconfigured during non-rapid eye movement sleep.


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We show that the five subunits of a gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor (GABA(A) receptor) can be concatenated to yield a functional receptor. This concatenated receptor alpha(1)-beta(2)-alpha(1)-gamma(2)-beta(2) has the advantage of a known subunit arrangement. Most of its functional properties are not significantly different from a receptor formed by individual subunits. Extent of expression amounted to about 40% of that of non-concatenated receptors in Xenopus oocytes, after injection of oocytes with comparable amounts of cRNA coding for concatenated and non-concatenated receptors. The ability to express receptors consisting of five subunits enables detailed studies of GABA(A) receptor subtype selective compounds.


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The study of semantic memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) has raised important questions about the representation of conceptual knowledge in the human brain. It is still unknown whether semantic memory impairments are caused by localized damage to specialized regions or by diffuse damage to distributed representations within nonspecialized brain areas. To our knowledge, there have been no direct correlations of neuroimaging of in vivo brain function in AD with performance on tasks differentially addressing visual and functional knowledge of living and nonliving concepts. We used a semantic verification task and resting 18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in a group of mild to moderate AD patients to investigate this issue. The four task conditions required semantic knowledge of (1) visual, (2) functional properties of living objects, and (3) visual or (4) functional properties of nonliving objects. Visual property verification of living objects was significantly correlated with left posterior fusiform gyrus metabolism (Brodmann's area [BA] 37/19). Effects of visual and functional property verification for non-living objects largely overlapped in the left anterior temporal (BA 38/20) and bilateral premotor areas (BA 6), with the visual condition extending more into left lateral precentral areas. There were no associations with functional property verification for living concepts. Our results provide strong support for anatomically separable representations of living and nonliving concepts, as well as visual feature knowledge of living objects, and against distributed accounts of semantic memory that view visual and functional features of living and nonliving objects as distributed across a common set of brain areas.


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In spinal muscular atrophy, the SMN1 gene is deleted or destroyed by mutation, while the neigbouring, nearly identical SMN2 gene acts as a partial functional substitute. However, due to a single nucleotide exchange, the seventh exon of SMN2 is mostly excluded from the mature mRNA, and the resulting shorter protein is non-functional. Here, we map the previously uncharacterised intron 6 branch point by RT-PCR. Moreover we show that exon 7 inclusion can be either abolished or improved by mutations in this branch site region.


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BACKGROUND: Infantile hypophosphatasia (IH) is an inherited disorder characterized by defective bone mineralization and a deficiency of alkaline phosphatase activity. OBJECTIVE/DESIGN: The aim of the study was to evaluate a new compound heterozygous TNSALP mutation for its residual enzyme activity and localization of the comprised amino acid residues in a 3D-modeling. PATIENT: We report on a 4-week old girl with craniotabes, severe defects of ossification, and failure to thrive. Typical clinical features as low serum alkaline phosphatase, high serum calcium concentration, increased urinary calcium excretion, and nephrocalcinosis were observed. Vitamin D was withdrawn and the patient was started on calcitonin and hydrochlorothiazide. Nonetheless, the girl died at the age of 5 months from respiratory failure. RESULTS: Sequence analysis of the patient's TNSALP gene revealed two heterozygous mutations [c.653T>C (I201T), c.1171C>T (R374C)]. Transfection studies of the unique I201T variant in COS-7 cells yielded a mutant TNSALP protein with only a residual enzyme activity (3.7%) compared with wild-type, whereas the R374C variant was previously shown to reduce normal activity to 10.3%. 3D-modeling of the mutated enzyme showed that I201T resides in a region that does not belong to any known functional site. CONCLUSION: We note that I201, which has been conserved during evolution, is buried in a hydrophobic pocket and, therefore, the I>T-change should affect its functional properties. Residue R374C is located in the interface between monomers and it has been previously suggested that this mutation affects dimerization. These findings explain the patient's clinical picture and severe course.


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Colloidal Nano-apatite Particles with Active Luminescent and Magentic Properties for Biotechnology Applications. The synthesis of functional nano-materials is a burgeoning field that has produced remarkable and consistent breakthroughs over the last two decades. Individual particles have become smaller and shown potential for well defined functionality. However, there are still unresolved problems, a primary one being the loss of functionality and novelty due to uncontrolled aggregation driven by surface energy considerations. As such the first design criteria to harness the true potential of nanoparticles is to prevent unwanted agglomeration by: (1) improving, and, if possible, (2) controlling aggregation behavior. This requires specific knowledge of the chemistry of the immediate locale of the intended application; especially for biologically relevant applications. The latter criterion is also application driven but should be considered, generally, to diversify the range of functional properties that can be achieved. We have now reason to believe that such a novel system with multifunctional capabilities can be synthesized rather conveniently and have far reaching impact in biotechnology and other applications in the near future. We are presently experimenting with the syntheses of spheroidal, metal-doped, colloidal apatite nano-particles (~10 nm) for several potential biomedical applications.


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While prior studies have focused on naïve (CD45RA+CD27+) and early stage memory (CD45RA-CD27+) CD8+ T cells, late memory CD8+ T cells (CD45RA+CD27) have received less interest because this subset of T cells is generally recognized as effectors, which produce IFNγ (but no IL-2) and perforin. However, multiple studies suggest that late memory CD8+ T cells may provide inadequate protection in infectious diseases and cancer models. To better understand the unique function of late memory CD8+ T cells, I optimized multi-color flow cytometry techniques to assess the cytokine production of each human CD8+ T cell maturation subset. I demonstrated that late memory CD8+ T cells are the predominant producer of CC chemokines (e.g. MIP-1β), but rarely produce IL-2; therefore they do not co-produce IL-2/IFNγ (polyfunctionality), which has been shown to be critical for protective immunity against chronic viral infection. These data suggest that late memory CD8+ T cells are not just cytotoxic effectors, but may have unique functional properties. Determining the molecular signature of each CD8+ T cell maturation subset will help characterize the role of late memory CD8+ T cells. Prior studies suggest that ERK1 and ERK2 play a role in cytokine production including IL-2 in T cells. Therefore, I tested whether differential expression of ERK1 and ERK2 in CD8+ T cell maturation subsets contributes to their functional signature by a novel flow cytometry technique. I found that the expression of total ERK1, but not ERK2, is significantly diminished in late memory CD8+ T cells and that ERK1 expression is strongly associated with IL-2 production and CD28 expression. I also found that IL-2 production is increased in late memory CD8+ T cells by over-expressing ERK1. Collectively, these data suggest that ERK1 is required for IL-2 production in human CD8+ T cells. In summary, this dissertation demonstrated that ERK1 is down-regulated in human late memory CD8+ T cells, leading to decreased production of IL-2. The data in this dissertation also suggested that the functional heterogeneity in human CD8+ T cell maturation subsets results from their differential ERK1 expression.


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The integrin receptor $\alpha 4\beta 1$ is a cell surface heterodimer involved in a variety of highly regulated cellular interactions. The purpose of this dissertation was to identify and characterize unique structural and functional properties of the $\alpha 4\beta 1$ molecule that may be important for adhesion regulation and signal transduction. To study these properties and to establish a consensus sequence for the $\alpha 4$ subunit, cDNA encoding $\alpha 4$ was cloned and sequenced. A comparison with previously described human $\alpha 4$ sequences identified several substitutions in the $5\prime$ and $3\prime$ untranslated regions, and a nonsynonymous G to A transition in the coding region, resulting in a glutamine substitution for arginine. Further analysis of this single nucleotide substitution indicated that two variants of the $\alpha 4$ subunit exist, and when compared with three ancestrally-related species, the new form cloned in our laboratory was found to be evolutionarily conserved.^ The expression of $\alpha 4$ cDNA in transfected K562 erythroleukemia cells, and subsequent studies using flow cytofluorometric, immunochemical, and ligand binding/blocking analyses, confirmed $\alpha 4\beta 1$ as a receptor for fibronectin (FN) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and provided a practical means of identifying two novel monoclonal antibody (mAb) binding epitopes on the $\alpha 4\beta 1$ complex that may play important roles in the regulation of leukocyte adhesion.^ To investigate the association of $\alpha 4\beta 1$-mediated adhesion with signals involved in the spreading of lymphocytes on FN, a quantitative method of analysis was developed using video microscopy and digital imaging. The results showed that HPB-ALL $(\alpha 4\beta 1\sp{\rm hi},\ \alpha 5\beta 1\sp-)$ cells could adhere and actively spread on human plasma FN, but not on control substrate. Many cell types which express different levels of the $\alpha 4\beta 1$ and $\alpha 5\beta 1$ FN binding integrins were examined for their ability to function in these events. Using anti-$\alpha 4$ and anti-$\alpha 5$ mAbs, it was determined that cell adhesion to FN was influenced by both $\beta 1$ integrins, while cell spreading was found to be dependent on the $\alpha 4\beta 1$ complex. In addition, inhibitors of phospholipase A$\sb2$ (PLA$\sb2$), 5-lipoxygenases, and cyclooxygenases blocked HPB-ALL cell spreading, yet had no effect on cell adhesion to FN, and the impaired spreading induced by the PLA$\sb2$ inhibitor cibacron blue was restored by the addition of exogenous arachidonic acid (AA). These results suggest that the interaction of $\alpha 4\beta 1$ with FN, the activation of PLA$\sb2,$ and the subsequent release of AA, may be involved in lymphocyte spreading. ^


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Type I interferons (IFNs), mainly IFN-α/β play a crucial role in innate defense against viruses. In addition to their direct antiviral activity, type I IFNs have antitumoral and immunomodulatory effects. Although all cells are virtually able to induce IFN-α, the plasmacytoid dendritic cell (pDC) subset represents the ultimate producers of IFN-α as well as other proinflammatory cytokines. Due to the specific expression of TLR7 and TLR9 recognizing single-stranded (ss) RNA and unmethylated CpG motifs respectively, pDCs can secrete up to 1000 times more IFN-α than any cellular types. Additionally, it is well known that several cytokines including type I and II IFNs, Flt3-L, IL-4 and GM-CSF favor pDC-derived IFN-α responses to unmethylated CpG motifs. In a first step, we aimed to characterize and clarify the interactions of two porcine viruses with pDCs. The double-stranded DNA replicative forms of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) were demonstrated to inhibit CpG-induced IFN- α by pDCs. Our study showed that none of the cytokines known to enhance pDC responsiveness can counter-regulate the PCV2-mediated inhibition of IFN-α induced by CpG, albeit IFN-γ significantly reduced the level of inhibition. Interestingly, the presence of IFN-γ enabled pDCs to induce IFN-α to low doses of PCV2. We also noted that after DNase treatment, PCV2 preparations were still able to stimulate pDCs. These data suggest that encapsulated viral ssDNA promotes the induction of IFN-α in pDCs treated with IFN-γ whereas free DNA, presumably as double-stranded forms, was responsible for inhibiting pDC responses. Regarding PRRSV, it has been reported that North American isolates did not induce and even inhibited IFN-α response in pDCs. However, PRRSV infection was also shown to lead to an induction of IFN-α in the serum and in the lungs suggesting that certain cells are responsive to the virus. Contrasting to previous reports we found that numerous PRRSV isolates directly induced IFN-α in pDCs. This response was still observed after UV-inactivation of viruses and required TLR7 signaling. The inhibition of CpG-induced IFN-α was weak and strain dependent, again contrasting with a previous report. We also observed that IFN-γ and IL-4 enhanced IFN-α response to two prototype strains, VR-2332 and LVP23. In summary, we demonstrated that both PCV2 and PRRSV promote IFN-α secretion in pDCs in vitro suggesting that IFN-α detected in PCV2- or PRRSV-infected animal might originate from pDCs. On the other hand, PRRSV replication is restricted to the macrophage (MΦ) lineage. These innate immune cells represent a heterogeneous population which can be induce to “classical” (M1) and “alternative” (M2) activated MΦ acquiring inflammatory or “wound-healing” functional properties, respectively. Nonetheless, little is known about the effect of polarization into M1 or M2 and the susceptibility of these cells to PRRSV. Thus, we examined the impact of cytokine on MΦ polarization into M1 or M2. Infections of these cells by several PRRSV isolates enabled the discrimination of PRRSV isolate in a genotype- and irulencedependent manner in M1 and IFN-β-activated MΦ. In contrast, the expression of PRRSV nucleocapsid in M2 or inactivated MΦ was indistinguishable among the PRRSV isolates tested. In the last part of my Thesis, we investigated the influence of three synthetic porcine cathelicidin peptides for their ability to deliver nucleic acid to pDCs. We reported that all cathelicidins tested can complex and quickly deliver nucleic acids resulting in IFN-α induction. Moreover, we show that the typical α- helical amphipathic conformation is required to mediate killing of bacteria but not for inducing IFN-α secretion by pDCs. Furthermore, we found that E.coli treated with one of these cathelicidins is able to induce significantly higher levels of IFN-α compared to a non-sense version of the peptide. These data suggest that cathelicidins could influence the immune response in a two-step process. First, these peptides target bacteria leading to cell lysis. In turn, cathelicidins form complexes and deliver extracellular microbial nucleic acids released into pDCs. These pDC-derived IFN-α responses could be of particular relevance in driving the adaptive immune responses against microbial infections.


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Software architecture consists of a set of design choices that can be partially expressed in form of rules that the implementation must conform to. Architectural rules are intended to ensure properties that fulfill fundamental non-functional requirements. Verifying architectural rules is often a non- trivial activity: available tools are often not very usable and support only a narrow subset of the rules that are commonly specified by practitioners. In this paper we present a new highly-readable declarative language for specifying architectural rules. With our approach, users can specify a wide variety of rules using a single uniform notation. Rules can get tested by third-party tools by conforming to pre-defined specification templates. Practitioners can take advantage of the capabilities of a growing number of testing tools without dealing with them directly.


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BACKGROUND Everolimus (ERL) has become an alternative to calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) due to its renal-sparing properties, especially in heart transplant (HTx) recipients with kidney dysfunction. However, ERL dosing is challenging due to its narrow therapeutic window combined with high inter-individual pharmacokinetic variability. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of clinical and genetic factors on ERL dosing in a pilot cohort of 37 HTx recipients. METHODS Variants in CYP3A5, CYP3A4, CYP2C8, POR, NR1I2, and ABCB1 were genotyped and clinical data were retrieved from patient charts. RESULTS While ERL trough concentration (C0 ) was within the targeted range for most patients, over 30-fold variability in the dose-adjusted ERL C0 was observed. Regression analysis revealed a significant effect of the non-functional CYP3A5*3 variant on the dose-adjusted ERL C0 (P = 0.031). ERL dose requirement was 0.02 mg/kg/day higher in patients with CYP3A5*1/*3 genotype compared to patients with CYP3A5*3/*3 to reach the targeted C0 (P = 0.041). ERL therapy substantially improved estimated glomerular filtration rate (28.6 ± 6.6 ml/min/1.73m(2) ) in patients with baseline kidney dysfunction. CONCLUSION ERL pharmacokinetics in HTx recipients is highly variable. Our preliminary data on patients on a CNI-free therapy regimen suggest that CYP3A5 genetic variation may contribute to this variability. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.