338 resultados para Nodular duodenitis


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BACKGROUND: Prurigo nodularis (PN), or nodular prurigo, is a chronic, debilitating, inflammatory skin disease. It can be very difficult to manage, and represents a challenge for the physician. Methotrexate (MTX) is a safe folic acid antagonist widely used in the management of inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis. Weekly administration of 7.5-20 mg methotrexate (low-dose methotrexate, LD-MTX) represents an attractive treatment option, and could therefore find a place in the management of PN. AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of LD-MTX as a treatment option for PN. METHODS: Thirteen patients who had failed to respond to conventional therapies such as topical steroids, phototherapy and antipruritic agents were treated with LD-MTX. The mean age of the patients was 75.83. Objective symptoms (Prurigo Nodularis Area and Severity Index; PNASI) and subjective symptoms (Pruritus Numeric Rating Scale; PNRS) were recorded. Treatment consisted of one subcutaneous injection of MTX 7.5-20 mg once weekly for a minimum of 6 months. Adjuvant application of emollients and topical steroids was maintained where needed. RESULTS: There was remission or marked improvement (decrease in both PNRS or PNASI of > 75%) in 10 cases, a trend to improvement in 2 cases and relapse in 1 case after treatment discontinuation. CONCLUSIONS: LD-MTX may allow improvement of PN in some patients, with long-lasting remission.


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T cell lymphoma of γδ T cell origin is a rare disease that mainly involves extranodal sites and shows aggressive clinical behavior. Here, we report a case of primary γδ T cell lymphoma of the lungs with epitheliotropism in the respiratory epithelium, a feature somewhat reminiscent of what is observed in enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma. A 63-year-old man presented with chest pain and dyspnea on exertion, weight loss, and general weakness. On a positron emission tomography (PET) scan, multiple hypermetabolic lesions were found in both lungs. Microscopic examination of the wedge lung biopsy revealed nodular infiltration of monomorphic, medium- to large-sized atypical lymphocytes with round nuclei, coarse chromatin, and a variable amount of clear to eosinophilic cytoplasm. Of note, intraepithelial lymphocytosis by atypical lymphoid cells was observed in the respiratory epithelium within and around the nodule. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were CD3+, TCRβF1-, TCRγ+, CD5-, CD7+, CD20-, CD79a-, CD30-, CD4-, CD8-, CD10-, BCL6-, CD21-, CD56+, CD57-, and CD138-, and expressed cytotoxic molecules. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was not detected by an in situ hybridization assay for EBV-encoded RNA. Interestingly, CD103 was expressed by a subset of tumor cells, especially those infiltrating the epithelium. T cell clonality was detected by multiplex PCR analysis of TRG and TRD gene rearrangements. After 2 months of systemic chemotherapy, PET scan showed regression of the size and metabolic activity of the lesions. This case represents a unique γδ T cell lymphoma of the lungs showing epitheliotropism by CD103+ γδ T cells that is suggestive of tissue-resident γδ T cells as the cell of origin.


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In 2004, a 56-year-old woman was diagnosed with Stage IA follicular lymphoma in a cervical lymph node biopsy. The patient experienced total remission after local radiation therapy. In 2009, a control computed tomography scan evidenced a pelvic mass, prompting total hysterectomy. The latter harbored a 4.8-cm intramural uterine tumor corresponding to a mostly diffuse and focally nodular proliferation of medium to large cells, with extensive, periodic acid-Schiff negative, signet ring cell changes, and a pan-keratin negative, CD20+, CD10+, Bcl2+, Bcl6+ immunophenotype. Molecular genetic studies showed the same clonal IGH gene rearrangement in the lymph node and the uterus, establishing the uterine tumor as a relapse of the preceding follicular lymphoma, although no signet ring cells were evidenced at presentation. Uterine localization of lymphomas is rare, and lymphomas with signet ring cell features are uncommon. This exceptional case exemplifies a diagnostically challenging situation and expands the differential diagnosis of uterine neoplasms displaying signet ring cell morphology.


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A well circumscribed nodular mass discovered on routine chest ray examination, in the left inferior lobe of an otherwise healthy 49-year-old male. Histopathologically the lesion corresponded to a typical so called sclerosing hemangioma. The clinical and histopathological features are described. The sclerosing hemangioma of the lung is a rare benign tumor. Its histogenesis has not been explained yet. Following the electron-microscopic and immunohistochemical researches the opinions have been still unhomogeneous. Therefore, it is concluded that is a tumor of epithelial, endothelial, mesenchymal and even mesothelial origin. This study deals with this tumor, its immunohistochemical analysis points at its epithelial character.


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A clinicopathologic case of a 41-year-old female patient exhibited a single cutaneous tumor at the inner part of the free margin of the inferior left eyelid. It was a pink, fleshy, and nodular well-circumscribed exophytic mass with thin vessels on its surface. Experienced already for 20 years, this lesion had been observed 6 years before and has not exhibited much change since then. However, its clinical appearance argued for a possible small basal cell carcinoma, which had grown over the inferior left lachrymal duct. After surgical removal, histopathology showed that the tumor was an amelanotic dermal nevus. No disturbance of lachrymal drainage was observed after surgery. This case shows that nodular amelanotic tumors of the eyelid, even when located on the inner segment of the eyelid, may be a nevus.


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OBJECTIVES: To prospectively assess the stiffness of incidentally discovered focal liver lesions (FLL) with no history of chronic liver disease or extrahepatic cancer using shearwave elastography (SWE). METHODS: Between June 2011 and May 2012, all FLL fortuitously discovered on ultrasound examination were prospectively included. For each lesion, stiffness was measured (kPa). Characterization of the lesion relied on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and/or contrast-enhanced ultrasound, or biopsy. Tumour stiffness was analysed using ANOVA and non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests. RESULTS: 105 lesions were successfully evaluated in 73 patients (61 women, 84%) with a mean age of 44.8 (range: 20‒75). The mean stiffness was 33.3 ± 12.7 kPa for the 60 focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), 19.7 ± 9.8 k Pa for the 17 hepatocellular adenomas (HCA), 17.1 ± 7 kPa for the 20 haemangiomas, 11.3 ± 4.3 kPa for the five focal fatty sparing, 34.1 ± 7.3 kPa for the two cholangiocarcinomas, and 19.6 kPa for one hepatocellular carcinoma (p < 0.0001). There was no difference between the benign and the malignant groups (p = 0.64). FNHs were significantly stiffer than HCAs (p < 0.0001). Telangiectatic/inflammatory HCAs were significantly stiffer than the steatotic HCAs (p = 0.014). The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) for differentiating FNH from other lesions was 0.86 ± 0.04. CONCLUSION: SWE may provide additional information for the characterization of FFL, and may help in differentiating FNH from HCAs, and in subtyping HCAs. KEY POINTS: ? SWE might be helpful for the characterization of solid focal liver lesions ? SWE cannot differentiate benign from malignant liver lesions ? FNHs are significantly stiffer than other benign lesions ? Telangiectatic/inflammatory HCA are significantly stiffer than steatotic ones.


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BACKGROUND: Cranial nerve schwannomas are radiologically characterized by nodular cranial nerve enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Schwannomas typically present with gradually progressive symptoms, but isolated reports have suggested that schwannomas may cause fluctuating symptoms as well. METHODS: This is a report of ten cases of presumed cranial nerve schwannoma that presented with transient or recurring ocular motor nerve deficits. RESULTS: Schwannomas of the third, fourth, and fifth nerves resulted in fluctuating deficits of all 3 ocular motor nerves. Persistent nodular cranial nerve enhancement was present on sequential MRI studies. Several episodes of transient oculomotor (III) deficts were associated with headaches, mimicking ophthalmoplegic migraine. CONCLUSIONS: Cranial nerve schwannomas may result in relapsing and remitting cranial nerve symptoms.


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O carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar é um tipo de carcinoma broncogênico de crescimento insidioso, que surge nas paredes das vias aéreas distais e se dissemina utilizando o septo alveolar como um estroma, preservando a arquitetura pulmonar. Neste trabalho foram analisadas as tomografias computadorizadas de alta resolução de 17 pacientes com carcinoma bronquíolo-alveolar. Ao contrário do relatado na literatura, foram observados predomínio no sexo masculino (71%) e maior freqüência da associação das formas de consolidação e multinodular (53%) em relação à forma nodular solitária (12%), multinodular (12%) e de consolidação (23%). Os aspectos mais encontrados foram: áreas de consolidação (76%), broncograma aéreo (71%), áreas de baixa atenuação provavelmente devidas à presença de muco (60%), espessamento de septos interlobulares, opacidades em vidro fosco e nódulos confluentes (54% cada), e pavimentação em mosaico (36%). Os nódulos cavitados, a atelectasia, o sinal do halo e o aspecto de "árvore em brotamento" foram observados em apenas um caso cada.


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Neste trabalho foram estudados os aspectos tomográficos observados em cinco pacientes com diagnóstico de amiloidose pulmonar confirmado histopatologicamente. Dois deles apresentaram a forma traqueobrônquica da doença e mostraram nodulações e formação de placas nas paredes traqueais, com calcificações. Dois tinham a forma parenquimatosa difusa, um deles com opacidades reticulares e nodulares subpleurais, e o outro com espessamento nodular de septos interlobulares e consolidações parenquimatosas. Ambos apresentavam calcificações de permeio às lesões. O último paciente tinha a forma nodular da doença, com nódulos de contornos regulares em ambos os pulmões, com calcificações. Os aspectos tomográficos observados, embora não patognomônicos, são muito sugestivos do diagnóstico de amiloidose.


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O termo disgenesia do corpo caloso refere-se a uma má-formação deste com origem na embriogênese do telencéfalo. O relato analisa os achados de tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética em 11 pacientes com disgenesia calosa e em um caso de corpo caloso normal com lipoma associado. Esta pode ser distinguida em três grupos: agenesia total (três casos), agenesia parcial (seis casos) e hipoplasia (dois casos). Anomalias associadas foram observadas em nove casos, incluindo má-formação de Chiari tipo II (um caso), esquizencefalia (um caso), cisto inter-hemisférico (dois casos), heterotopia nodular (um caso), cisto de Dandy-Walker (um caso) e lipoma do corpo caloso (quatro casos). Este artigo demonstra um espectro destes distúrbios, auxiliando na sua interpretação diagnóstica.


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Neste trabalho foi revisada a técnica empregada na execução da punção aspirativa por agulha fina guiada por ultra-sonografia, e são descritos os seus benefícios no diagnóstico de nódulos tireoidianos. Foram realizadas punções aspirativas por agulha fina em 63 pacientes do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, encaminhados ao Serviço de Radiodiagnóstico, no período de agosto de 2001 a junho de 2002. Dos 63 pacientes estudados, 58 (92%) eram do sexo feminino e cinco (8%) eram do sexo masculino, com uma relação mulher/homem de cerca de 11:1. Trinta e um pacientes (49%) se situaram na quinta e sexta décadas de vida. Oitenta e nove por cento dos pacientes apresentaram-se com nódulos múltiplos ao exame ecográfico; apenas 11% dos pacientes tinham nódulo único. Em relação aos laudos citológicos dos nódulos puncionados, 47% foram benignos, 31%, suspeitos, 17%, inadequados e apenas 5%, malignos. Todos os nódulos malignos (três pacientes) tiveram o diagnóstico citológico de carcinoma papilífero. Dos nódulos benignos, 93% foram diagnosticados como hiperplasia nodular e apenas 7% tiveram diagnóstico de tireoidite. Dos laudos considerados inadequados, 70% foram considerados hemorrágicos, sendo 30% considerados hipocelulares. Os dados encontrados no nosso trabalho estiveram de acordo com os encontrados na literatura médica.


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O reconhecimento e o diagnóstico diferencial dos diversos padrões da tomografia computadorizada de alta resolução (TCAR) são de fundamental importância na avaliação das doenças pulmonares difusas. Existem vários padrões de TCAR descritos na literatura, sendo alguns deles superponíveis. A interpretação desses padrões pode ser uma tarefa difícil, particularmente para residentes e radiologistas não especializados em tórax. Os autores ilustram os achados característicos da TCAR nas doenças pulmonares intersticiais crônicas e propõem um modelo simplificado de interpretação desses achados, baseado no padrão e na distribuição da doença. O algoritmo inclui os seis principais padrões de anormalidade identificados na TCAR: septal, reticular, cístico, nodular, de atenuação em vidro fosco e consolidação parenquimatosa.


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Background. Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas) are a rare family of mesenchymal tumors arising in a wide array of anatomic locations and characterized by coexpression of melanocytic and muscle markers. The uterus accounts for around one-fourth of the overall PEComa cases reported in the literature. Methods. We report a case of PEComa of the uterus with multiple malignancy features. Results. A uterine mass suspect for leiomyosarcoma was found in a 53-year-old woman with post-menopausal bleeding. Total hysterectomy and bilateral adnexectomy was performed. The tumor measured 7 cm in diameter, was unique, well-circumscribed, nodular, and whiteyellow without haemorrhage or necrosis. Microscopically, two populations of cells could be seen: small fusiform cells growing in fascicles resembling a smooth muscle tumor, and large epithelioid cells with abundant pale vacuolated cytoplasm growing in a diffuse pattern. Cytologic atypias were marked and mitoses numerous and often atypical in the second component. The tumor infiltrated into the myometrium with lymphovascular invasion. Immunostains showed positivity for MelanA, HMB45, smooth muscle actin, CD10, TFE3 and cathepsin K. Conclusions. This PEComa case presents several of the recently precised criteria for malignancy (Schoolmeester JK et al. Perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasm (PEComa) of the gynecologic tract: Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical characterization of 16 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 2014; 38:176-188).


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Background. Mycosis Fungoides (MF) is the most common cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and large cell trasformation (tMF) is an adverse prognostic event. Extra-cutaneous dissemination can occur in the course of the disease, but dissemination to the central nervous system (CNS) is uncommon. Moreover, CNS lymphomas are overall rare and most often of B-cell phenotype. We report a case of CNS large T-cell lymphoma presenting as multiple cerebral lesions in a patient with a history of MF. Methods. We report a case of a 33-year-old woman, known since the age of 16 for erythematous plaques thought to be atopic dermatitis, who developed, end 2012, multiple nodular skin lesions and peripheral adenopathies. Two skin lesions were biopsied simultaneously, and diagnosed as MF and tMF. A lymph node biopsy showed dermatopathic changes without lymphoma (Stage IIB). She received local treatment (UVB, PUVA and radiation therapy) and interferon therapy, and experienced almost complete remission. In 2015 neurological symptoms lead to evidence multiple cerebral lesions, suspicious for lymphoma, evaluated by stereotaxic biopsies. We compared histopathological and molecular features of these with previous skin specimens. After negative bone marrow staging biopsy, she was recently started on chemotherapy (MATRIX). Short follow-up shows rapidly worsening clinical conditions. Results. One of the initial skin biopsies showed atypical lymphoid cells with epidermotropism, Pautrier abcesses and CD4+ CD30- phenotype; the other revealed diffuse dermal infiltration by predominantly large cerebriform tumor cells with high proliferative fraction, and CD2−CD3 −CD4+/−CD7−CD30+ALK- EMA- non-cytotoxic immunophenotype. Altogether, these results led us to diagnose MF and tMF, respectively. The brain was infiltrated by large atypical lymphoid cells with cerebriform nuclei, somewhat anaplastic features and perivascular distribution. By immunohistochemistry, tumor cells were highly proliferative, with a CD2−CD3+CD5−CD7+CD30+ activated cytotoxic immunophenotype. A diagnosis of CD30+ cytotoxic peripheral T-cell lymphoma was retained. TRG and TRB clonality analyses revealed clonal rearrangements in skin and CNS biopsies, with identical patterns in both skin specimens but only minimally overlapping profiles when compared to the CNS sample. Der Pathologe 6 ? 2015 | 633 Conclusions. The reported case illustrates an uncommon finding of a CNS T-cell lymphoma in a patient with previous MF, questioning the clonal relationship between the two diseases and challenging the adequate classification of this CNS lymphoma as either a progression or a de novo lymphoma. Despite differences in immunophenotype and clonality patterns, this CNS lymphoma could possibly represent an aggressive divergent evolution of a primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Additional sequencing is ongoing to try to solve the question.


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Os autores demonstram os principais achados do linfoma adrenal primário nas tomografias computadorizadas (TC) de abdome e crânio e na ressonância magnética (RM) do crânio, apresentando um caso raro de um paciente do sexo masculino, 72 anos de idade, com progressiva deterioração do estado mental, evoluindo, num período de dois meses, com perda da memória recente, desorientação e, finalmente, franco quadro demencial. O paciente foi submetido a investigação por métodos de imagem com TC de crânio (sem administração venosa de contraste iodado), tórax e abdome (sem e com administração venosa de contraste iodado), e RM de crânio (antes e após a administração venosa de gadolínio). Na TC de crânio observaram-se áreas nodulares levemente hiperdensas, adjacentes aos ventrículos laterais. A TC de tórax não mostrou alterações relevantes. Na TC do abdome foram demonstrados nódulos sólidos em ambas as adrenais. A RM de crânio evidenciou impregnação difusa e nodular do epêndima do IV ventrículo, III ventrículo, cornos anteriores e temporais, átrios e corpo dos ventrículos laterais. O diagnóstico definitivo foi realizado através do estudo imuno-histoquímico da peça após biópsia da adrenal. Os autores concluíram, após revisão atualizada da literatura, que a TC e a RM são métodos essenciais na detecção e melhor avaliação de linfomas adrenais primários, principalmente quando associados a envolvimento do sistema nervoso central, e a RM mostra-se mais sensível para a detecção de lesões extracerebrais nos espaços epidural e subdural, principalmente após a administração venosa de gadolínio.