977 resultados para Neuro-evolutionary algorithm
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A method for spatial electric load forecasting using elements from evolutionary algorithms is presented. The method uses concepts from knowledge extraction algorithms and linguistic rules' representation to characterize the preferences for land use into a spatial database. The future land use preferences in undeveloped zones in the electrical utility service area are determined using an evolutionary heuristic, which considers a stochastic behavior by crossing over similar rules. The method considers development of new zones and also redevelopment of existing ones. The results are presented in future preference maps. The tests in a real system from a midsized city show a high rate of success when results are compared with information gathered from the utility planning department. The most important features of this method are the need for few data and the simplicity of the algorithm, allowing for future scalability.
Motivated by rising drilling operation costs, the oil industry has shown a trend toward real-time measurements and control. In this scenario, drilling control becomes a challenging problem for the industry, especially due to the difficulty associated with parameters modeling. One of the drillbit performance evaluators, the Rate Of Penetration (ROP), has been used as a drilling control parameter. However, relationships between operational variables affecting the ROP are complex and not easily modeled. This work presents a neuro-genetic adaptive controller to treat this problem. It is based on an auto-regressive with extra input signals, or ARX model and on a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to control the ROP. © [2006] IEEE.
Motivated by rising drilling operation costs, the oil industry has shown a trend towards real-time measurements and control. In this scenario, drilling control becomes a challenging problem for the industry, especially due to the difficulty associated to parameters modeling. One of the drill-bit performance evaluators, the Rate of Penetration (ROP), has been used in the literature as a drilling control parameter. However, the relationships between the operational variables affecting the ROP are complex and not easily modeled. This work presents a neuro-genetic adaptive controller to treat this problem. It is based on the Auto-Regressive with Extra Input Signals model, or ARX model, to accomplish the system identification and on a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to provide a robust control for the ROP. Results of simulations run over a real offshore oil field data, consisted of seven wells drilled with equal diameter bits, are provided. © 2006 IEEE.
In the spatial electric load forecasting, the future land use determination is one of the most important tasks, and one of the most difficult, because of the stochastic nature of the city growth. This paper proposes a fast and efficient algorithm to find out the future land use for the vacant land in the utility service area, using ideas from knowledge extraction and evolutionary algorithms. The methodology was implemented into a full simulation software for spatial electric load forecasting, showing a high rate of success when the results are compared to information gathered from specialists. The importance of this methodology lies in the reduced set of data needed to perform the task and the simplicity for implementation, which is a great plus for most of the electric utilities without specialized tools for this planning activity. © 2008 IEEE.
In this work it is proposed an optimized dynamic response of parallel operation of two single-phase inverters with no control communication. The optimization aims the tuning of the slopes of P-ω and Q-V curves so that the system is stable, damped and minimum settling time. The slopes are tuned using an algorithm based on evolutionary theory. Simulation and experimental results are presented to prove the feasibility of the proposed approach. © 2010 IEEE.
This paper presents the application of a new metaheuristic algorithm to solve the transmission expansion planning problem. A simple heuristic, using a relaxed network model associated with cost perturbation, is applied to generate a set of high quality initial solutions with different topologies. The population is evolved using a multi-move path-relinking with the objective of finding minimum investment cost for the transmission expansion planning problem employing the DC representation. The algorithm is tested on the southern Brazilian system, obtaining the optimal solution for the system with better performance than similar metaheuristics algorithms applied to the same problem. ©2010 IEEE.
The present paper solves the multi-level capacitated lot sizing problem with backlogging (MLCLSPB) combining a genetic algorithm with the solution of mixed-integer programming models and the improvement heuristic fix and optimize. This approach is evaluated over sets of benchmark instances and compared to methods from literature. Computational results indicate competitive results applying the proposed method when compared with other literature approaches. © 2013 IEEE.
Image restoration is a research field that attempts to recover a blurred and noisy image. Since it can be modeled as a linear system, we propose in this paper to use the meta-heuristics optimization algorithm Harmony Search (HS) to find out near-optimal solutions in a Projections Onto Convex Sets-based formulation to solve this problem. The experiments using HS and four of its variants have shown that we can obtain near-optimal and faster restored images than other evolutionary optimization approach. © 2013 IEEE.
In this paper, we propose a hybrid methodology based on Graph-Coloring and Genetic Algorithm (GA) to solve the Wavelength Assignment (WA) problem in optical networks, impaired by physical layer effects. Our proposal was developed for a static scenario where the physical topology and traffic matrix are known a priori. First, we used fixed shortest-path routing to attend demand requests over the physical topology and the graph-coloring algorithm to minimize the number of necessary wavelengths. Then, we applied the genetic algorithm to solve WA. The GA finds the wavelength activation order on the wavelengths grid with the aim of reducing the Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) effect; the variance due to the XPM was used as a function of fitness to evaluate the feasibility of the selected WA solution. Its performance is compared with the First-Fit algorithm in two different scenarios, and has shown a reduction in blocking probability up to 37.14% when considered both XPM and residual dispersion effects and up to 71.42% when only considered XPM effect. Moreover, it was possible to reduce by 57.14% the number of wavelengths.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Connectivity is the basic factor for the proper operation of any wireless network. In a mobile wireless sensor network it is a challenge for applications and protocols to deal with connectivity problems, as links might get up and down frequently. In these scenarios, having knowledge of the node remaining connectivity time could both improve the performance of the protocols (e.g. handoff mechanisms) and save possible scarce nodes resources (CPU, bandwidth, and energy) by preventing unfruitful transmissions. The current paper provides a solution called Genetic Machine Learning Algorithm (GMLA) to forecast the remainder connectivity time in mobile environments. It consists in combining Classifier Systems with a Markov chain model of the RF link quality. The main advantage of using an evolutionary approach is that the Markov model parameters can be discovered on-the-fly, making it possible to cope with unknown environments and mobility patterns. Simulation results show that the proposal is a very suitable solution, as it overcomes the performance obtained by similar approaches.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
This paper proposes an evolutionary computing strategy to solve the problem of fault indicator (FI) placement in primary distribution feeders. More specifically, a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to search for an efficient configuration of FIs, located at the best positions on the main feeder of a real-life distribution system. Thus, the problem is modeled as one of optimization, aimed at improving the distribution reliability indices, while, at the same time, finding the least expensive solution. Based on actual data, the results confirm the efficiency of the GA approach to the FI placement problem.
This paper aims to provide an improved NSGA-II (Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-version II) which incorporates a parameter-free self-tuning approach by reinforcement learning technique, called Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Based on Reinforcement Learning (NSGA-RL). The proposed method is particularly compared with the classical NSGA-II when applied to a satellite coverage problem. Furthermore, not only the optimization results are compared with results obtained by other multiobjective optimization methods, but also guarantee the advantage of no time-spending and complex parameter tuning.