984 resultados para Natuurbeschermingswet 1998


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Caracteristicas gerais da rede oficial de avaliacao de genotipos de girassol; Resultados dos ensaios finais e intermediarios; Indicacao de genotipos.


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Características gerais da rede oficial de avaliação de genótipos de girassol; Resultados dos ensaios finais e intermediários; Indicação de genótipos.


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Calagem e adubacao para o estabelecimento de pastagens; Calagem e adubacao para manutencao de pastagens.


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A produção de carne no Estado do Acre vem apresentando crescimento significativo de ano para ano. É importante que os pecuaristas atentem para o futuro que este mercado apresenta, estruturando com novas tecnologias os sistemas de produção como um todo, a fim de que possam produzir animais de excelente carcaça e de baixa idade para o abate. No Estado não existem dados oficiais publicados sobre produção nos municípios de Rio Branco e Senador Guiomard-AC. Estas informações foram coletadas em janeiro de 1999, junto aos frigoríficos e ao Ministério da Agricultura (MA) objetivando levantar a quantidade de animais abatidos e produção de carne bovina produzida, armazenando as informações em banco de dados da Embrapa Acre.


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O Resumo de Palestras 1998, ministradas pelo corpo técnico da Unidade a pesquisadores, técnicos, produtores e alunos de graduação e pós-graduação. Foram mais de 60 palestras ministradas a um total de 1.200 pessoas.


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Condicoes climaticas; Precipitacao pluvial (mm); Temperatura do ar (oC); Umidade relativa do ar (%); Evaporacao do ar (mm); Insolacao (horas e decimos).


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In a recent paper (Changes in Web Client Access Patterns: Characteristics and Caching Implications by Barford, Bestavros, Bradley, and Crovella) we performed a variety of analyses upon user traces collected in the Boston University Computer Science department in 1995 and 1998. A sanitized version of the 1995 trace has been publicly available for some time; the 1998 trace has now been sanitized, and is available from: http://www.cs.bu.edu/techreports/1999-011-usertrace-98.gz ftp://ftp.cs.bu.edu/techreports/1999-011-usertrace-98.gz This memo discusses the format of this public version of the log, and includes additional discussion of how the data was collected, how the log was sanitized, what this log is and is not useful for, and areas of potential future research interest.


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Illicit trade carries the potential to magnify existing tobacco-related health care costs through increased availability of untaxed and inexpensive cigarettes. What is known with respect to the magnitude of illicit trade for Vietnam is produced primarily by the industry, and methodologies are typically opaque. Independent assessment of the illicit cigarette trade in Vietnam is vital to tobacco control policy. This paper measures the magnitude of illicit cigarette trade for Vietnam between 1998 and 2010 using two methods, discrepancies between legitimate domestic cigarette sales and domestic tobacco consumption estimated from surveys, and trade discrepancies as recorded by Vietnam and trade partners. The results indicate that Vietnam likely experienced net smuggling in during the period studied. With the inclusion of adjustments for survey respondent under-reporting, inward illicit trade likely occurred in three of the four years for which surveys were available. Discrepancies in trade records indicate that the value of smuggled cigarettes into Vietnam ranges from $100 million to $300 million between 2000 and 2010 and that these cigarettes primarily originate in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Malaysia, and Australia. Notable differences in trends over time exist between the two methods, but by comparison, the industry estimates consistently place the magnitude of illicit trade at the upper bounds of what this study shows. The unavailability of annual, survey-based estimates of consumption may obscure the true, annual trend over time. Second, as surveys changed over time, estimates relying on them may be inconsistent with one another. Finally, these two methods measure different components of illicit trade, specifically consumption of illicit cigarettes regardless of origin and smuggling of cigarettes into a particular market. However, absent a gold standard, comparisons of different approaches to illicit trade measurement serve efforts to refine and improve measurement approaches and estimates.


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In the summers of 1998 and 1999, the Archaeology in Annapolis project carried out archaeological investigation at the eighteenth century Dr. Upton Scott House site (18AP18)located at 4 Shipwright Street in the historic district of Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. The Upton Scott House is significant as one of only a few Georgian houses with remnants of its original plantation-inspired landscape still visible (Graham 1998:147). Investigation was completed in agreement with the owners of the historic property, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christian, who were interested in determining the condition and arrangement of Dr. Upton Scott’s well-documented pleasure gardens. Betty Cosans’ 1972 Archaeological Feasibility Report, the first real archaeological study of the Upton Scott House site, guided the research design and recovery efforts. Cosans determined that testing and survey in the back and side yards of the Scott property would yield important information on the use and history of the property, including that of Scott’s famous gardens. Excavation units and trenches were placed within three separate areas of backyard activity on the site which included Area One: extant brick stables in the southwest of the property; Area Two: the brick foundations of a small outbuilding located in the northwest area of the site; and Area Three: the area of Scott’s formal gardens. The research design included an interest in recovering evidence of African-American spiritual practice and domestic life at the site. Also of significant importance was an analysis of Scott’s garden beds, concerning the order and layout. Also sought was an understanding of the change in perception and use of the backyard by the various owners of the property.