900 resultados para Natural Language Queries, NLPX, Bricks, XML-IR, Users


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This paper describes the design, development and field evaluation of a machine translation system from Spanish to Spanish Sign Language (LSE: Lengua de Signos Española). The developed system focuses on helping Deaf people when they want to renew their Driver’s License. The system is made up of a speech recognizer (for decoding the spoken utterance into a word sequence), a natural language translator (for converting a word sequence into a sequence of signs belonging to the sign language), and a 3D avatar animation module (for playing back the signs). For the natural language translator, three technological approaches have been implemented and evaluated: an example-based strategy, a rule-based translation method and a statistical translator. For the final version, the implemented language translator combines all the alternatives into a hierarchical structure. This paper includes a detailed description of the field evaluation. This evaluation was carried out in the Local Traffic Office in Toledo involving real government employees and Deaf people. The evaluation includes objective measurements from the system and subjective information from questionnaires. The paper details the main problems found and a discussion on how to solve them (some of them specific for LSE).


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We describe the work on infusion of emotion into a limited-task autonomous spoken conversational agent situated in the domestic environment, using a need-inspired task-independent emotion model (NEMO). In order to demonstrate the generation of affect through the use of the model, we describe the work of integrating it with a natural-language mixed-initiative HiFi-control spoken conversational agent (SCA). NEMO and the host system communicate externally, removing the need for the Dialog Manager to be modified, as is done in most existing dialog systems, in order to be adaptive. The first part of the paper concerns the integration between NEMO and the host agent. The second part summarizes the work on automatic affect prediction, namely, frustration and contentment, from dialog features, a non-conventional source, in the attempt of moving towards a more user-centric approach. The final part reports the evaluation results obtained from a user study, in which both versions of the agent (non-adaptive and emotionally-adaptive) were compared. The results provide substantial evidences with respect to the benefits of adding emotion in a spoken conversational agent, especially in mitigating users' frustrations and, ultimately, improving their satisfaction.


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Esta tesis tiene por objeto estudiar las posibilidades de realizar en castellano tareas relativas a la resolución de problemas con sistemas basados en el conocimiento. En los dos primeros capítulos se plantea un análisis de la trayectoria seguida por las técnicas de tratamiento del lenguaje natural, prestando especial interés a los formalismos lógicos para la comprensión del lenguaje. Seguidamente, se plantea una valoración de la situación actual de los sistemas de tratamiento del lenguaje natural. Finalmente, se presenta lo que constituye el núcleo de este trabajo, un sistema llamado Sirena, que permite realizar tareas de adquisición, comprensión, recuperación y explicación de conocimiento en castellano con sistemas basados en el conocimiento. Este sistema contiene un subconjunto del castellano amplio pero simple formalizado con una gramática lógica. El significado del conocimiento se basa en la lógica y ha sido implementado en el lenguaje de programación lógica Prolog II vS. Palabras clave: Programación Lógica, Comprensión del Lenguaje Natural, Resolución de Problemas, Gramáticas Lógicas, Lingüistica Computacional, Inteligencia Artificial.---ABSTRACT---The purpose of this thesis is to study the possibi1 ities of performing in Spanish problem solving tasks with knowledge based systems. Ule study the development of the techniques for natural language processing with a particular interest in the logical formalisms that have been used to understand natural languages. Then, we present an evaluation of the current state of art in the field of natural language processing systems. Finally, we introduce the main contribution of our work, Sirena a system that allows the adquisition, understanding, retrieval and explanation of knowledge in Spanish with knowledge based systems. Sirena can deal with a large, although simple» subset of Spanish. This subset has been formalised by means of a logic grammar and the meaning of knowledge is based on logic. Sirena has been implemented in the programming language Prolog II v2. Keywords: Logic Programming, Understanding Natural Language, Problem Solving, Logic Grammars, Cumputational Linguistic, Artificial Intelligence.


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This paper describes the application of language translation technologies for generating bus information in Spanish Sign Language (LSE: Lengua de Signos Española). In this work, two main systems have been developed: the first for translating text messages from information panels and the second for translating spoken Spanish into natural conversations at the information point of the bus company. Both systems are made up of a natural language translator (for converting a word sentence into a sequence of LSE signs), and a 3D avatar animation module (for playing back the signs). For the natural language translator, two technological approaches have been analyzed and integrated: an example-based strategy and a statistical translator. When translating spoken utterances, it is also necessary to incorporate a speech recognizer for decoding the spoken utterance into a word sequence, prior to the language translation module. This paper includes a detailed description of the field evaluation carried out in this domain. This evaluation has been carried out at the customer information office in Madrid involving both real bus company employees and deaf people. The evaluation includes objective measurements from the system and information from questionnaires. In the field evaluation, the whole translation presents an SER (Sign Error Rate) of less than 10% and a BLEU greater than 90%.


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An important part of human intelligence, both historically and operationally, is our ability to communicate. We learn how to communicate, and maintain our communicative skills, in a society of communicators – a highly effective way to reach and maintain proficiency in this complex skill. Principles that might allow artificial agents to learn language this way are in completely known at present – the multi-dimensional nature of socio-communicative skills are beyond every machine learning framework so far proposed. Our work begins to address the challenge of proposing a way for observation-based machine learning of natural language and communication. Our framework can learn complex communicative skills with minimal up-front knowledge. The system learns by incrementally producing predictive models of causal relationships in observed data, guided by goal-inference and reasoning using forward-inverse models. We present results from two experiments where our S1 agent learns human communication by observing two humans interacting in a realtime TV-style interview, using multimodal communicative gesture and situated language to talk about recycling of various materials and objects. S1 can learn multimodal complex language and multimodal communicative acts, a vocabulary of 100 words forming natural sentences with relatively complex sentence structure, including manual deictic reference and anaphora. S1 is seeded only with high-level information about goals of the interviewer and interviewee, and a small ontology; no grammar or other information is provided to S1 a priori. The agent learns the pragmatics, semantics, and syntax of complex utterances spoken and gestures from scratch, by observing the humans compare and contrast the cost and pollution related to recycling aluminum cans, glass bottles, newspaper, plastic, and wood. After 20 hours of observation S1 can perform an unscripted TV interview with a human, in the same style, without making mistakes.


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En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster se ha realizado un análisis sobre las técnicas y herramientas de Generación de Lenguaje Natural (GLN), así como las modificaciones a la herramienta Simple NLG para generar expresiones en el idioma Español. Dicha extensión va a permitir ampliar el grupo de personas a las cuales se les transmite la información, ya que alrededor de 540 millones de personas hablan español. Keywords - Generación de Lenguaje Natural, técnicas de GLN, herramientas de GLN, Inteligencia Artificial, análisis, SimpleNLG.---ABSTRACT---In this Master's Thesis has been performed an analysis on techniques and tools for Natural Language Generation (NLG), also the Simple NLG tool has been modified in order to generate expressions in the Spanish language. This modification will allow transmitting the information to more people; around 540 million people speak Spanish. Keywords - Natural Language Generation, NLG tools, NLG techniques, Artificial Intelligence, analysis, SimpleNLG.


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En el trabajo que aquí presentamos se incluye la base teórica (sintaxis y semántica) y una implementación de un framework para codificar el razonamiento de la representación difusa o borrosa del mundo (tal y como nosotros, seres humanos, entendemos éste). El interés en la realización de éste trabajo parte de dos fuentes: eliminar la complejidad existente cuando se realiza una implementación con un lenguaje de programación de los llamados de propósito general y proporcionar una herramienta lo suficientemente inteligente para dar respuestas de forma constructiva a consultas difusas o borrosas. El framework, RFuzzy, permite codificar reglas y consultas en una sintaxis muy cercana al lenguaje natural usado por los seres humanos para expresar sus pensamientos, pero es bastante más que eso. Permite representar conceptos muy interesantes, como fuzzificaciones (funciones usadas para convertir conceptos no difusos en difusos), valores por defecto (que se usan para devolver resultados un poco menos válidos que los que devolveríamos si tuviésemos la información necesaria para calcular los más válidos), similaridad entre atributos (característica que utilizamos para buscar aquellos individuos en la base de datos con una característica similar a la buscada), sinónimos o antónimos y, además, nos permite extender el numero de conectivas y modificadores (incluyendo modificadores de negación) que podemos usar en las reglas y consultas. La personalización de la definición de conceptos difusos (muy útil para lidiar con el carácter subjetivo de los conceptos borrosos, donde nos encontramos con que cualificar a alguien de “alto” depende de la altura de la persona que cualifica) es otra de las facilidades incluida. Además, RFuzzy implementa la semántica multi-adjunta. El interés en esta reside en que introduce la posibilidad de obtener la credibilidad de una regla a partir de un conjunto de datos y una regla dada y no solo el grado de satisfacción de una regla a partir de el universo modelado en nuestro programa. De esa forma podemos obtener automáticamente la credibilidad de una regla para una determinada situación. Aún cuando la contribución teórica de la tesis es interesante en si misma, especialmente la inclusión del modificador de negacion, sus multiples usos practicos lo son también. Entre los diferentes usos que se han dado al framework destacamos el reconocimiento de emociones, el control de robots, el control granular en computacion paralela/distribuída y las busquedas difusas o borrosas en bases de datos. ABSTRACT In this work we provide a theoretical basis (syntax and semantics) and a practical implementation of a framework for encoding the reasoning and the fuzzy representation of the world (as human beings understand it). The interest for this work comes from two sources: removing the existing complexity when doing it with a general purpose programming language (one developed without focusing in providing special constructions for representing fuzzy information) and providing a tool intelligent enough to answer, in a constructive way, expressive queries over conventional data. The framework, RFuzzy, allows to encode rules and queries in a syntax very close to the natural language used by human beings to express their thoughts, but it is more than that. It allows to encode very interesting concepts, as fuzzifications (functions to easily fuzzify crisp concepts), default values (used for providing results less adequate but still valid when the information needed to provide results is missing), similarity between attributes (used to search for individuals with a characteristic similar to the one we are looking for), synonyms or antonyms and it allows to extend the number of connectives and modifiers (even negation) we can use in the rules. The personalization of the definition of fuzzy concepts (very useful for dealing with the subjective character of fuzziness, in which a concept like tall depends on the height of the person performing the query) is another of the facilities included. Besides, RFuzzy implements the multi-adjoint semantics. The interest in them is that in addition to obtaining the grade of satisfaction of a consequent from a rule, its credibility and the grade of satisfaction of the antecedents we can determine from a set of data how much credibility we must assign to a rule to model the behaviour of the set of data. So, we can determine automatically the credibility of a rule for a particular situation. Although the theoretical contribution is interesting by itself, specially the inclusion of the negation modifier, the practical usage of it is equally important. Between the different uses given to the framework we highlight emotion recognition, robocup control, granularity control in parallel/distributed computing and flexible searches in databases.


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The mobile apps market is a tremendous success, with millions of apps downloaded and used every day by users spread all around the world. For apps’ developers, having their apps published on one of the major app stores (e.g. Google Play market) is just the beginning of the apps lifecycle. Indeed, in order to successfully compete with the other apps in the market, an app has to be updated frequently by adding new attractive features and by fixing existing bugs. Clearly, any developer interested in increasing the success of her app should try to implement features desired by the app’s users and to fix bugs affecting the user experience of many of them. A precious source of information to decide how to collect users’ opinions and wishes is represented by the reviews left by users on the store from which they downloaded the app. However, to exploit such information the app’s developer should manually read each user review and verify if it contains useful information (e.g. suggestions for new features). This is something not doable if the app receives hundreds of reviews per day, as happens for the very popular apps on the market. In this work, our aim is to provide support to mobile apps developers by proposing a novel approach exploiting data mining, natural language processing, machine learning, and clustering techniques in order to classify the user reviews on the basis of the information they contain (e.g. useless, suggestion for new features, bugs reporting). Such an approach has been empirically evaluated and made available in a web-­‐based tool publicly available to all apps’ developers. The achieved results showed that the developed tool: (i) is able to correctly categorise user reviews on the basis of their content (e.g. isolating those reporting bugs) with 78% of accuracy, (ii) produces clusters of reviews (e.g. groups together reviews indicating exactly the same bug to be fixed) that are meaningful from a developer’s point-­‐of-­‐view, and (iii) is considered useful by a software company working in the mobile apps’ development market.


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Tradicionalmente, los entornos virtuales se han relacionado o vinculado de forma muy estrecha con campos como el diseño de escenarios tridimensionales o los videojuegos; dejando poco margen a poder pensar en sus aplicaciones en otros ámbitos. Sin embargo, estas tendencias pueden cambiar en tanto se demuestre que las aplicaciones y ventajas de estas facilidades software, se pueden extrapolar a su uso en el ámbito de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Estas aplicaciones son los conocidos como Entornos Virtuales Inteligentes (EVI); los cuales, tratan de usar un entorno virtual para llevar a cabo labores de enseñanza y tutoría, aportando ventajas como simulación de entornos peligrosos o tutorización personalizada; cosa que no podemos encontrar en la mayoría de los casos de las situaciones de enseñanza reales. Este trabajo trata de dar solución a una de las problemáticas que se plantean a la hora de trabajar con cualquier entorno virtual con el que nos encontremos y prepararlo para su cometido, sobre todo en aquellos enfocados a la enseñanza: dotar de forma automática e inteligente de una semántica propia a cada uno de los objetos que se encuentran en un entorno virtual y almacenar esta información para su posterior consulta o uso para otras tareas. Esto quiere decir que el objetivo principal de este trabajo, es el proceso de recolección de información que se considera importante de los objetos de los entornos virtuales, como pueden ser sus aspectos de la forma, tamaño o color. Aspectos que, por otra parte, son realmente importantes para poder caracterizar los objetos y hacerlos únicos en un entorno virtual donde, a priori, todos los objetos son los mismos a ojos de un ordenador. Este trabajo que puede parecer trivial en un principio, no lo es tanto; y servirá de sustento fundamental para que otras aplicaciones futuras o ya existentes puedan realizar sus tareas. Una de estas tareas pudiera ser la generación de indicaciones en lenguaje natural para guiar a usuarios a localizar objetos en un entorno virtual, como es el caso del proyecto LORO sobre el que se engloba este trabajo. Algunos ejemplos de uso de esta tarea pueden ser desde ayudar a cualquier usuario a encontrar sus llaves en su propia casa a ayudar a un cirujano a localizar cierta herramienta en un quirófano. Para ello, es indispensable conocer la semántica e información relevante de cada uno de los objetos que se presentan en la escena y diferenciarlos claramente del resto. La solución propuesta se trata de una completa aplicación integrada en el motor de videojuegos y escenarios 3D de mayor soporte del mundo como es Unity 3D, el cual se interrelaciona con ontologías para poder guardar la información de los objetos de cada escena. Esto hace que la aplicación tenga una potencial difusión, gracias a las herramientas antes mencionadas para su desarrollo y a que está pensada para tanto el usuario experto como el usuario común.---ABSTRACT---Traditionally, virtual environments have been related to tridimensional design and videogames; leaving a little margin to think about its applications in other fields. However, this tendencies can be changed as soon as it is proven that the applications and advantages of this software can be taken to the learning and teaching environment. This applications are known as intelligent virtual environments, these use the virtual environment to perform teaching and tutoring tasks; tasks we cannot find in most real life teaching situations. This project aims to give a solution to one of the problematics that appears when someone works with any virtual environments we may encounter and prepare it for its duty, mainly those environments dedicated to teaching: automatically and intelligently give its own semantic to the objects that are in any virtual environment and save this information for its posterior query or use in other tasks. The main purpose of this project is the information recollection process that considers the different important facts about the objects that are in the virtual environments, such as their shape, size or color. Facts that are very important for characterizing the objects; to make them unique in the environment where the objects are all the same to the computer’s eye. This project may seem banal in the beginning, but it is not, it will be the fundamental base for future applications. One of this applications may be a natural language indicator generator for guiding users to locate objects in a virtual environment, such as the LORO project, where this project is included. Some examples of the use of this task are: helping any user to find the keys of his house, helping a surgeon to find a tool in an operation room… For this goals, it is very important to know the semantics and the relevant information of each object of the scenario and differentiate each one of them from the rest. The solution for this proposal is a fully integrated application in the videogame and Unity 3D engine that is related to ontologies so it can save the object’s information in every scenario. The previously mentioned tools, as well as the idea that this application is made for an expert user as well as for a common user, make the application more spreadable.


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El concepto de algoritmo es básico en informática, por lo que es crucial que los alumnos profundicen en él desde el inicio de su formación. Por tanto, contar con una herramienta que guíe a los estudiantes en su aprendizaje puede suponer una gran ayuda en su formación. La mayoría de los autores coinciden en que, para determinar la eficacia de una herramienta de visualización de algoritmos, es esencial cómo se utiliza. Así, los estudiantes que participan activamente en la visualización superan claramente a los que la contemplan de forma pasiva. Por ello, pensamos que uno de los mejores ejercicios para un alumno consiste en simular la ejecución del algoritmo que desea aprender mediante el uso de una herramienta de visualización, i. e. consiste en realizar una simulación visual de dicho algoritmo. La primera parte de esta tesis presenta los resultados de una profunda investigación sobre las características que debe reunir una herramienta de ayuda al aprendizaje de algoritmos y conceptos matemáticos para optimizar su efectividad: el conjunto de especificaciones eMathTeacher, además de un entorno de aprendizaje que integra herramientas que las cumplen: GRAPHs. Hemos estudiado cuáles son las cualidades esenciales para potenciar la eficacia de un sistema e-learning de este tipo. Esto nos ha llevado a la definición del concepto eMathTeacher, que se ha materializado en el conjunto de especificaciones eMathTeacher. Una herramienta e-learning cumple las especificaciones eMathTeacher si actúa como un profesor virtual de matemáticas, i. e. si es una herramienta de autoevaluación que ayuda a los alumnos a aprender de forma activa y autónoma conceptos o algoritmos matemáticos, corrigiendo sus errores y proporcionando pistas para encontrar la respuesta correcta, pero sin dársela explícitamente. En estas herramientas, la simulación del algoritmo no continúa hasta que el usuario introduce la respuesta correcta. Para poder reunir en un único entorno una colección de herramientas que cumplan las especificaciones eMathTeacher hemos creado GRAPHs, un entorno ampliable, basado en simulación visual, diseñado para el aprendizaje activo e independiente de los algoritmos de grafos y creado para que en él se integren simuladores de diferentes algoritmos. Además de las opciones de creación y edición del grafo y la visualización de los cambios producidos en él durante la simulación, el entorno incluye corrección paso a paso, animación del pseudocódigo del algoritmo, preguntas emergentes, manejo de las estructuras de datos del algoritmo y creación de un log de interacción en XML. Otro problema que nos planteamos en este trabajo, por su importancia en el proceso de aprendizaje, es el de la evaluación formativa. El uso de ciertos entornos e-learning genera gran cantidad de datos que deben ser interpretados para llegar a una evaluación que no se limite a un recuento de errores. Esto incluye el establecimiento de relaciones entre los datos disponibles y la generación de descripciones lingüísticas que informen al alumno sobre la evolución de su aprendizaje. Hasta ahora sólo un experto humano era capaz de hacer este tipo de evaluación. Nuestro objetivo ha sido crear un modelo computacional que simule el razonamiento del profesor y genere un informe sobre la evolución del aprendizaje que especifique el nivel de logro de cada uno de los objetivos definidos por el profesor. Como resultado del trabajo realizado, la segunda parte de esta tesis presenta el modelo granular lingüístico de la evaluación del aprendizaje, capaz de modelizar la evaluación y generar automáticamente informes de evaluación formativa. Este modelo es una particularización del modelo granular lingüístico de un fenómeno (GLMP), en cuyo desarrollo y formalización colaboramos, basado en la lógica borrosa y en la teoría computacional de las percepciones. Esta técnica, que utiliza sistemas de inferencia basados en reglas lingüísticas y es capaz de implementar criterios de evaluación complejos, se ha aplicado a dos casos: la evaluación, basada en criterios, de logs de interacción generados por GRAPHs y de cuestionarios de Moodle. Como consecuencia, se han implementado, probado y utilizado en el aula sistemas expertos que evalúan ambos tipos de ejercicios. Además de la calificación numérica, los sistemas generan informes de evaluación, en lenguaje natural, sobre los niveles de competencia alcanzados, usando sólo datos objetivos de respuestas correctas e incorrectas. Además, se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones capaces de ser configuradas para implementar los sistemas expertos mencionados. Una procesa los archivos producidos por GRAPHs y la otra, integrable en Moodle, evalúa basándose en los resultados de los cuestionarios. ABSTRACT The concept of algorithm is one of the core subjects in computer science. It is extremely important, then, for students to get a good grasp of this concept from the very start of their training. In this respect, having a tool that helps and shepherds students through the process of learning this concept can make a huge difference to their instruction. Much has been written about how helpful algorithm visualization tools can be. Most authors agree that the most important part of the learning process is how students use the visualization tool. Learners who are actively involved in visualization consistently outperform other learners who view the algorithms passively. Therefore we think that one of the best exercises to learn an algorithm is for the user to simulate the algorithm execution while using a visualization tool, thus performing a visual algorithm simulation. The first part of this thesis presents the eMathTeacher set of requirements together with an eMathTeacher-compliant tool called GRAPHs. For some years, we have been developing a theory about what the key features of an effective e-learning system for teaching mathematical concepts and algorithms are. This led to the definition of eMathTeacher concept, which has materialized in the eMathTeacher set of requirements. An e-learning tool is eMathTeacher compliant if it works as a virtual math trainer. In other words, it has to be an on-line self-assessment tool that helps students to actively and autonomously learn math concepts or algorithms, correcting their mistakes and providing them with clues to find the right answer. In an eMathTeacher-compliant tool, algorithm simulation does not continue until the user enters the correct answer. GRAPHs is an extendible environment designed for active and independent visual simulation-based learning of graph algorithms, set up to integrate tools to help the user simulate the execution of different algorithms. Apart from the options of creating and editing the graph, and visualizing the changes made to the graph during simulation, the environment also includes step-by-step correction, algorithm pseudo-code animation, pop-up questions, data structure handling and XML-based interaction log creation features. On the other hand, assessment is a key part of any learning process. Through the use of e-learning environments huge amounts of data can be output about this process. Nevertheless, this information has to be interpreted and represented in a practical way to arrive at a sound assessment that is not confined to merely counting mistakes. This includes establishing relationships between the available data and also providing instructive linguistic descriptions about learning evolution. Additionally, formative assessment should specify the level of attainment of the learning goals defined by the instructor. Till now, only human experts were capable of making such assessments. While facing this problem, our goal has been to create a computational model that simulates the instructor’s reasoning and generates an enlightening learning evolution report in natural language. The second part of this thesis presents the granular linguistic model of learning assessment to model the assessment of the learning process and implement the automated generation of a formative assessment report. The model is a particularization of the granular linguistic model of a phenomenon (GLMP) paradigm, based on fuzzy logic and the computational theory of perceptions, to the assessment phenomenon. This technique, useful for implementing complex assessment criteria using inference systems based on linguistic rules, has been applied to two particular cases: the assessment of the interaction logs generated by GRAPHs and the criterion-based assessment of Moodle quizzes. As a consequence, several expert systems to assess different algorithm simulations and Moodle quizzes have been implemented, tested and used in the classroom. Apart from the grade, the designed expert systems also generate natural language progress reports on the achieved proficiency level, based exclusively on the objective data gathered from correct and incorrect responses. In addition, two applications, capable of being configured to implement the expert systems, have been developed. One is geared up to process the files output by GRAPHs and the other one is a Moodle plug-in set up to perform the assessment based on the quizzes results.


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El presente trabajo se ha centrado en la investigación de soluciones para automatizar la tarea del enriquecimiento de fuentes de datos sobre redes de sensores con descripciones lingüísticas, con el fin de facilitar la posterior generación de textos en lenguaje natural. El uso de descripciones en lenguaje natural facilita el acceso a los datos a una mayor diversidad de usuarios y, como consecuencia, permite aprovechar mejor las inversiones en redes de sensores. En el trabajo se ha considerado el uso de bases de datos abiertas para abordar la necesidad de disponer de un gran volumen y diversidad de conocimiento geográfico. Se ha analizado también el enriquecimiento de datos dentro de enfoques metodológicos de curación de datos y métodos de generación de lenguaje natural. Como resultado del trabajo, se ha planteado un método general basado en una estrategia de generación y prueba que incluye una forma de representación y uso del conocimiento heurístico con varias etapas de razonamiento para la construcción de descripciones lingüísticas de enriquecimiento de datos. En la evaluación de la propuesta general se han manejado tres escenarios, dos de ellos para generación de referencias geográficas sobre redes de sensores complejas de dimensión real y otro para la generación de referencias temporales. Los resultados de la evaluación han mostrado la validez práctica de la propuesta general exhibiendo mejoras de rendimiento respecto a otros enfoques. Además, el análisis de los resultados ha permitido identificar y cuantificar el impacto previsible de diversas líneas de mejora en bases de datos abiertas. ABSTRACT This work has focused on the search for solutions to automate the task of enrichment sensor-network-based data sources with textual descriptions, so as to facilitate the generation of natural language texts. Using natural language descriptions facilitates data access to a wider range of users and, therefore, allows better leveraging investments in sensor networks. In this work we have considered the use of open databases to address the need for a large volume and diversity of geographical knowledge. We have also analyzed data enrichment in methodological approaches and data curation methods of natural language generation. As a result, it has raised a general method based on a strategy of generating and testing that includes a representation using heuristic knowledge with several stages of reasoning for the construction of linguistic descriptions of data enrichment. In assessing the overall proposal three scenarios have been addressed, two of them in the environmental domain with complex sensor networks and another real dimension in the time domain. The evaluation results have shown the validity and practicality of our proposal, showing performance improvements over other approaches. Furthermore, the analysis of the results has allowed identifying and quantifying the expected impact of various lines of improvement in open databases.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto ha sido introducir aprendizaje automático en la aplicación FleSe. FleSe es una aplicación web que permite realizar consultas borrosas sobre bases de datos nítidos. Para llevar a cabo esta función la aplicación utiliza unos criterios para definir los conceptos borrosos usados para llevar a cabo las consultas. FleSe además permite que el usuario cambie estas personalizaciones. Es aquí donde introduciremos el aprendizaje automático, de tal manera que los criterios por defecto cambien y aprendan en función de las personalizaciones que van realizando los usuarios. Los objetivos secundarios han sido familiarizarse con el desarrollo y diseño web, al igual que recordar y ampliar el conocimiento sobre lógica borrosa y el lenguaje de programación lógica Ciao-Prolog. A lo largo de la realización del proyecto y sobre todo después del estudio de los resultados se demuestra que la agrupación de los usuarios marca la diferencia con la última versión de la aplicación. Esto se basa en la siguiente idea, podemos usar un algoritmo de aprendizaje automático sobre las personalizaciones de los criterios de todos los usuarios, pero la gran diversidad de opiniones de los usuarios puede llevar al algoritmo a concluir criterios erróneos o no representativos. Para solucionar este problema agrupamos a los usuarios intentando que cada grupo tengan la misma opinión o mismo criterio sobre el concepto. Y después de haber realizado las agrupaciones usar el algoritmo de aprendizaje automático para precisar el criterio por defecto de cada grupo de usuarios. Como posibles mejoras para futuras versiones de la aplicación FleSe sería un mejor control y manejo del ejecutable plserver. Este archivo se encarga de permitir a la aplicación web usar el lenguaje de programación lógica Ciao-Prolog para llevar a cabo la lógica borrosa relacionada con las consultas. Uno de los problemas más importantes que ofrece plserver es que bloquea el hilo de ejecución al intentar cargar un archivo con errores y en caso de ocurrir repetidas veces bloquea todas las peticiones siguientes bloqueando la aplicación. Pensando en los usuarios y posibles clientes, sería también importante permitir que FleSe trabajase con bases de datos de SQL en vez de almacenar la base de datos en los archivos de Prolog. Otra posible mejora basarse en distintas características a la hora de agrupar los usuarios dependiendo de los conceptos borrosos que se van ha utilizar en las consultas. Con esto se conseguiría que para cada concepto borroso, se generasen distintos grupos de usuarios, los cuales tendrían opiniones distintas sobre el concepto en cuestión. Así se generarían criterios por defecto más precisos para cada usuario y cada concepto borroso.---ABSTRACT---The main objective of this project has been to introduce machine learning in the application FleSe. FleSe is a web application that makes fuzzy queries over databases with precise information, using defined criteria to define the fuzzy concepts used by the queries. The application allows the users to change and custom these criteria. On this point is where the machine learning would be introduced, so FleSe learn from every new user customization of the criteria in order to generate a new default value of it. The secondary objectives of this project were get familiar with web development and web design in order to understand the how the application works, as well as refresh and improve the knowledge about fuzzy logic and logic programing. During the realization of the project and after the study of the results, I realized that clustering the users in different groups makes the difference between this new version of the application and the previous. This conclusion follows the next idea, we can use an algorithm to introduce machine learning over the criteria that people have, but the problem is the diversity of opinions and judgements that exists, making impossible to generate a unique correct criteria for all the users. In order to solve this problem, before using the machine learning methods, we cluster the users in order to make groups that have the same opinion, and afterwards, use the machine learning methods to precise the default criteria of each users group. The future improvements that could be important for the next versions of FleSe will be to control better the behaviour of the plserver file, that cost many troubles at the beginning of this project and it also generate important errors in the previous version. The file plserver allows the web application to use Ciao-Prolog, a logic programming language that control and manage all the fuzzy logic. One of the main problems with plserver is that when the user uploads a file with errors, it will block the thread and when this happens multiple times it will start blocking all the requests. Oriented to the customer, would be important as well to allow FleSe to manage and work with SQL databases instead of store the data in the Prolog files. Another possible improvement would that the cluster algorithm would be based on different criteria depending on the fuzzy concepts that the selected Prolog file have. This will generate more meaningful clusters, and therefore, the default criteria offered to the users will be more precise.


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Cerebral organization during sentence processing in English and in American Sign Language (ASL) was characterized by employing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) at 4 T. Effects of deafness, age of language acquisition, and bilingualism were assessed by comparing results from (i) normally hearing, monolingual, native speakers of English, (ii) congenitally, genetically deaf, native signers of ASL who learned English late and through the visual modality, and (iii) normally hearing bilinguals who were native signers of ASL and speakers of English. All groups, hearing and deaf, processing their native language, English or ASL, displayed strong and repeated activation within classical language areas of the left hemisphere. Deaf subjects reading English did not display activation in these regions. These results suggest that the early acquisition of a natural language is important in the expression of the strong bias for these areas to mediate language, independently of the form of the language. In addition, native signers, hearing and deaf, displayed extensive activation of homologous areas within the right hemisphere, indicating that the specific processing requirements of the language also in part determine the organization of the language systems of the brain.


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This paper provides an overview of the colloquium's discussion session on natural language understanding, which followed presentations by M. Bates [Bates, M. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 9977-9982] and R. C. Moore [Moore, R. C. (1995) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 9983-9988]. The paper reviews the dual role of language processing in providing understanding of the spoken input and an additional source of constraint in the recognition process. To date, language processing has successfully provided understanding but has provided only limited (and computationally expensive) constraint. As a result, most current systems use a loosely coupled, unidirectional interface, such as N-best or a word network, with natural language constraints as a postprocess, to filter or resort the recognizer output. However, the level of discourse context provides significant constraint on what people can talk about and how things can be referred to; when the system becomes an active participant, it can influence this order. But sources of discourse constraint have not been extensively explored, in part because these effects can only be seen by studying systems in the context of their use in interactive problem solving. This paper argues that we need to study interactive systems to understand what kinds of applications are appropriate for the current state of technology and how the technology can move from the laboratory toward real applications.


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As the telecommunications industry evolves over the next decade to provide the products and services that people will desire, several key technologies will become commonplace. Two of these, automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech synthesis, will provide users with more freedom on when, where, and how they access information. While these technologies are currently in their infancy, their capabilities are rapidly increasing and their deployment in today's telephone network is expanding. The economic impact of just one application, the automation of operator services, is well over $100 million per year. Yet there still are many technical challenges that must be resolved before these technologies can be deployed ubiquitously in products and services throughout the worldwide telephone network. These challenges include: (i) High level of accuracy. The technology must be perceived by the user as highly accurate, robust, and reliable. (ii) Easy to use. Speech is only one of several possible input/output modalities for conveying information between a human and a machine, much like a computer terminal or Touch-Tone pad on a telephone. It is not the final product. Therefore, speech technologies must be hidden from the user. That is, the burden of using the technology must be on the technology itself. (iii) Quick prototyping and development of new products and services. The technology must support the creation of new products and services based on speech in an efficient and timely fashion. In this paper I present a vision of the voice-processing industry with a focus on the areas with the broadest base of user penetration: speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, natural language processing, and speaker recognition technologies. The current and future applications of these technologies in the telecommunications industry will be examined in terms of their strengths, limitations, and the degree to which user needs have been or have yet to be met. Although noteworthy gains have been made in areas with potentially small user bases and in the more mature speech-coding technologies, these subjects are outside the scope of this paper.