973 resultados para Nation


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Manpower is a basic resource. It is the indispensable means of converting other resources to mankind '.s use and benefit. As a process· of increasing the knowledge, skills, and dexterity of the people of a society, manpower development is the most fundamental means of enabling a nation to acquire the capacities to bring about its desired future state of affairs -- a more mighty and wealthier nation. Singapore's brief nation-building history justifies the emphasis accorded to the importance of good quality human resources and manpower development in economic and socio-political developments. As a tiny island-state with a poor natural resource base, Singapore's long-term survival and development depend ultimately upon the quality and the creative energy of her people. In line with the nation-building goals and strategies of the Republic, as conditioned by her objective setting, Singapore's basic manpower development premise has been one of "quality and not quantity". While implementing the "stop-at-two" family planning and population control programs and the relevant immigration measures to guard against the prospect of a "population explosion", the Government has energetically fostered various educational programs, including vocational training schemes, adult education programs, the youth movement, and the national service scheme to improve the quality of Singaporeans. There is no denying that some of the manpower development measures taken by the Government have imposed sacrifice and hardship on the Singapore citizens. Nevertheless, they are the basic conditions for the island-Republic's long-term survival and development. It is essential iii to note that Singapore's continuing existence and phenomenal-success are largely attributable to the will, capacities and efforts of her leaders and people. In the final analysis, the wealth and the strength of a nation are based upon its ability to conserve, develop and utilize effectively the innate capacities of its people. This is true not only of Singapore but necessarily of other developing nations. It can be safely presumed that since most developing states' concerns about the quality of their human resources and the progress of their nation-building work are inextricably bound to those about the quantity of their population, the "quality and not quantity" motto of Singapore's manpower development programs can also be their guiding principle.


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This is a narrative design study focusing on the understandings that a group of 6 Southern Ontario teachers have of cultural diversity and how these understandings integrated into their development of teacher identity. Given the high culturally diverse population of Canada and its national multicultural values, conducting this study on Canadian pre-service and in-service teachers offers an interesting contribution to the field. In efforts to explore the participants’ understandings, the research examined a teaching abroad experience. The aim was to investigate how these participants gained insight from their experiences with cultural diversity and whether these insights stimulated a greater culturally conscious teacher identity. Narratives provided a description of the lived experiences of these 6 teachers and identified meanings made from these experiences. Participants included 2 pre-service teachers who were in a teacher education program at the time of the interview, and 4 certified teachers who graduated from a teacher education program within the past 5 years. One on one interviews focused on lived experiences within a participant’s home, school community, and teaching abroad. The researcher used grounded theory during the data analysis to assist in identifying themes, and then compared these themes among participants. Overall, this study suggests that even though these participants live in a multicultural nation, experiences varied greatly based on contributing factors such as heritage and exposure to cultural diversity through their home and school life. Despite their varying level of cultural competence, all participants gained insight from their teaching abroad experience, contributing to a teacher identity that considered inclusive practices. This study suggests that there are some important factors to consider when preparing teachers to teach in a multicultural society.


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This short article will address the two following issues: the new vision of the Canadian constitutional order entertained by the Supreme Court in the Reference re Secession of Quebec (I) nd the impact of this new vision. upon the fate of Canada (II)


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Ce mémoire propose d'étudier la portée des discours présidentiels sur l'essor d'une nation. Plus précisément, cette recherche explore les pratiques rhétoriques par lesquelles Nicolas Sarkozy, à titre de Président de l'Union européenne du 1er juillet 2008 au 31 décembre 2008, a tenté de raviver l'intérêt de la population française pour le développement de l'Europe. Nous considérons, dans un premier temps, le contexte politique particulier qui précède la nomination de Nicolas Sarkozy en juillet 2008 ainsi que les deux crises internationales majeures qui ont ponctué sa présidence. Nous explorons ensuite comment la littérature scientifique sur la rhétorique présidentielle en temps de crise peut nous permettre de comprendre la portée de ses discours sur un auditoire français quelque peu désabusé des questions de politique européenne. Après avoir sélectionné et justifié le choix des cinq discours présidentiels de notre corpus, nous introduisons notre méthode d‟analyse basée sur l'approche rhétorique de la « Close textual analysis ». Nous présentons enfin nos analyses qui mettent en évidence les principaux procédés rhétoriques des cinq discours de notre corpus. En conclusion, nous considérons comment ces différents procédés rhétoriques peuvent contribuer à l'essor de la communauté européenne.


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Ce mémoire est composé de deux parties : une recherche sur le film Lagaan (2001) du réalisateur indien Ashutosh Gowariker, et un scénario de moyen métrage de fiction. La partie théorique analyse un courant émergeant du cinéma indien que Gowariker a initié avec Lagaan. Ce courant véhicule une vision progressiste de l’identité nationale et semble donc s’opposer au mouvement nationaliste hindutva par ses préoccupations gandhiennes proches de la Nouvelle vague indienne. Pourtant, du point de vue dramatique et esthétique, il adopte une facture commerciale qui correspond bien plus aux attentes du public du Bollywood post-1990. Conjuguant dimension intellectuelle militante et divertissement populaire, il cherche ainsi à réorienter sa vision de la société indienne. Mon analyse, à la fois formelle et sociologique, permettra de comprendre cette tendance dans son contexte sociopolitique. Le scénario raconte l’histoire d’Aastha, une jeune Indienne de caste inférieure luttant pour exister entre tradition et modernité dans l'Inde rurale contemporaine. Il montre la relation ambiguë qu’elle entretient avec une culture qu'elle aime profondément, mais qui est paradoxalement trop oppressante pour lui permettre de s'affirmer.