977 resultados para Nasal dorsum
Tesis (Doctorado en Medicina) UANL
Tesis ( Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) U.A.N.L.
Le traitement de première ligne de l’apnée obstructive du sommeil est l’appareil à pression positive, soit le CPAP, qui est le plus souvent utilisé avec un masque nasal. Certains patients, incapables de tolérer le masque nasal, doivent se tourner vers le masque facial, qui peut parfois requérir une pression supérieure à celle utilisée avec le masque nasal pour éliminer tous les événements respiratoires. Nous supposons que l’ajustement serré du masque facial, dans le but de réduire les fuites, entraîne une pression de recul sur la mandibule; ceci diminuerait le calibre des voies aériennes supérieures, nécessitant donc une pression effective thérapeutique supérieure pour rétablir un passage de l’air. Nos objectifs étaient : 1) de démontrer s’il y avait une différence de pression effective entre le masque nasal et le masque facial, 2) de quantifier la fuite entre les deux masques, 3) d’évaluer l’effet d’une orthèse de rétention mandibulaire neutre (OMN), qui empêche le recul mandibulaire, sur la pression effective des deux masques et 4) d’évaluer s’il existait un lien entre la céphalométrie et les réponses variables des individus. Méthodologie : Lors de cette étude expérimentale croisée, huit sujets (2 femmes, 6 hommes) avec une moyenne d’âge de 56,3ans [33ans-65ans] ont reçu un examen orthodontique complet incluant une radiographie céphalométrique latérale. Ils ont ensuite passé deux nuits de polysomnographie au laboratoire du sommeil en protocole « split-night » où les deux masques ont été portés, seuls, la première nuit, et avec l’OMN, la deuxième nuit. Résultats : Nous avons trouvé que la pression effective thérapeutique était supérieure avec le masque facial comparativement au masque nasal de manière statistiquement significative. Nous avons observé une fuite supérieure avec le masque nasal, ce qui permet de dire que la fuite n’explique probablement pas cette différence de pression entre les deux masques. L’OMN n’a pas donné d’effet statistiquement significatif lorsque combinée au masque nasal, mais il aurait probablement été possible de trouver un effet positif avec le masque facial si le Bi-PAP avait été inclus dans le protocole de recherche. Conclusion : Nos résultats ne permettent pas de confirmer le rôle du recul mandibulaire, causé par la force exercée avec le masque facial, dans l’obtention de pressions supérieures avec ce masque, mais nous ne pouvons toutefois pas éliminer l’hypothèse. Les résultats suggèrent également que ce phénomène est peut-être plus fréquent qu’on ne le croit et qu’il pourrait y avoir un lien avec certains facteurs anatomiques individuels.
Aquest estudi insisteix en la importància de l’educació sanitària dirigida als pares per tal d’assegurar l’eficàcia del tractament a administrar i consolidar els coneixements i habilitats del progenitors per tal de que aquests puguin dur a terme les tècniques requerides de forma adequada. Destacar la necessitat de conscienciar a tots els professionals de la salut, sobretot els que passen més temps amb els familiars, de la importància que té la seva competència com educador en l’àmbit de la salut. Evidenciar la importància de fer una avaluació continuada dels coneixements i les habilitats adquirides pels cuidadors principals, sobre com dur a terme les tècniques del rentat de nas i administració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta, per detectar-ne els possibles errors i poder posar-hi mesures correctores per pal·liar-los. Constatar la utilitat de preguntar i esbrinar “in situ” què saben els progenitors sobre les tècniques a avaluar (rentat de nas i administració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta), abans de donar qualsevol explicació o iniciar l’educació sanitària per detectar les necessitats específiques de cada pare o mare i poder individualitzar el procés educatiu
The objective of the current study was to analyze the effects of rhinoseptoplasty on internal nasal dimensions and speech resonance of individuals with unilateral cleft lip and palate, estimated by acoustic rhinometry and nasometry, respectively. Twenty-one individuals (aged 15-46 years) with previously repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate were analyzed before (PRE), and 6 to 9 (POST1) and 12 to 18 months (POST2) after surgery. Acoustic rhinometry was used to measure the cross-sectional areas (CSAs) of segments corresponding to the nasal valve (CSA1), anterior portion (CSA2), and posterior portion (CSA3) of the lower turbinate, and the volumes at the nasal valve (V1) and turbinate (V2) regions at cleft and noncleft sides, before and after nasal decongestion with a topical vasoconstrictor. Nasometry was used to evaluate speech nasalance during the reading of a set of sentences containing nasal sounds and other devoid of nasal sounds. At the cleft side, before nasal decongestion, there was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in mean CSA1 and V1 values at POST1 and POST2 compared with PRE. After decongestion, increased values were also observed for CSA2 and V2 at POST2. No significant changes were observed at the noncleft side. Mean nasalance values at PRE, POST1, an POST2 were not different from each other in both oral and nasal sentences. The measurement of CSAs and volumes by acoustic rhinometry revealed that rhinoseptoplasty provided, in most cases analyzed, a significant increase in nasal patency, without concomitant changes in speech resonance, as estimated by nasalance assessment.
Strategies for the development of new vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae infections try to overcome problems such as serotype coverage and high costs, present in currently available vaccines. Formulations based on protein candidates that can induce protection in animal models have been pointed as good alternatives. Among them, the Pneumococcal Surface Protein A (PspA) plays an important role during systemic infection at least in part through the inhibition of complement deposition on the pneumococcal surface, a mechanism of evasion from the immune system. Antigen delivery systems based on live recombinant lactic acid bacteria (LAB) represents a promising strategy for mucosal vaccination, since they are generally regarded as safe bacteria able to elicit both systemic and mucosal immune responses. In this work, the N-terminal region of clade I PspA was constitutively expressed in Lactobacillus casei and the recombinant bacteria was tested as a mucosal vaccine in mice. Nasal immunization with L. casei-PspA 1 induced anti-PspA antibodies that were able to bind to pneumococcal strains carrying both clade 1 and clade 2 PspAs and to induce complement deposition on the surface of the bacteria. In addition, an increase in survival of immunized mice after a systemic challenge with a virulent pneumococcal strain was observed. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Introdução O espelho de Glatzel (EG) é correntemente utilizado em consultórios fonoaudiológicos para a avaliação rápida da permeabilidade nasal. O mesmo foi descrito inicialmente em 1898 por Zwaardemaker. Porém, estudos de validação inexistem na literatura. Este estudo teve por objetivos verificar a reprodutibilidade do EG e a correlação intra-sujeito entre área de condensação e percepção subjetiva de permeabilidade nasal. Material e Métodos Vinte e cinco sujeitos foram avaliados com o EG por cinco minutos consecutivos (475 medidas por sujeito); cada meia hora por quatro horas; cada dia no início da tarde, por cinco dias e toda a quinta-feira por cinco semanas consecutivas. Utilizou-se uma escala análoga visual para avaliar a percepção de respiração nos períodos de horas, dias e semanas. Resultados O coeficiente de correlação total (área direita mais esquerda) encontrado entre área de condensação e percepção subjetiva foi de r=0,04 (p=0,3761). No lado esquerdo foi de r=0,08 (p=0,0984) e no lado direito de r=0,05 (p=0,2862). Os coeficientes de variação unilaterais medianos foram menores que 15% e os totais menores que 12%, independente do intervalo de tempo entre teste e re-teste. Conclusão Não se evidenciou correlação significativa entre a percepção subjetiva e a área de condensação nasal. A variabilidade unilateral foi maior do que quando considerados os valores totais (direito mais esquerdo) e não houve diferença na variabilidade das medidas de área de condensação nasal nos diferentes momentos do tempo.
A importância de se estudar os efeitos de substâncias potencialmente deletérias para o nosso organismo, em locais fechados, tem recebido maior atenção nos últimos anos. O ser humano contemporâneo passa grande parte do dia em ambientes fechados e a qualidade do ar repercute no seu bem-estar e também poderá influenciar sua saúde. A Síndrome do Prédio Doente (SPD) é definida como uma condição médica em que indivíduos apresentam uma série de sintomas físicos relacionados ao ambiente de trabalho. A SPD resulta em perda substancial do desempenho no trabalho e relações pessoais, além de considerável perda de produtividade. Como o nariz representa a primeira área exposta aos contaminantes ambientais e a histologia da mucosa nasal é similar à da mucosa das vias aéreas inferiores, processos inflamatórios nas cavidades nasais podem refletir ou afetar àqueles nas vias aéreas inferiores. Estudou-se a exposição nasal aguda ao TXIB (2,2,4- trimetil-1,3-pentanediol diisobutirato), comumente utilizado como um plastificante, em 19 voluntários normais e avaliou-se as alterações na função nasal (resitência nasal, transporte mucociliar e celularidade nasal), tendo como controles a exposição ao placebo e etanol. A exposição nasal ao TXIB e etanol resultou em aumento significativo da resistência nasal total (p< 0,05). Entretanto, também verificou-se aumento na resistência no grupo placebo (p<0,05). O tempo de transporte mucociliar aumentou nos grupos placebo e TXIB, não significativamente (p>0,05). No grupo etanol houve diminuição (p>0,05). O número de células totais e neutrófilos aumentou nos três grupos estudados, porém sem diferença estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). O número de células epiteliais aumentou nos indivíduos expostos ao TXIB e etanol, e diminuiu no grupo placebo, não significativamente. Porém, no grupo TXIB demonstrou-se aumento do número de células epiteliais com forte tendência estatística (p=0,065). A análise dos resultados deste estudo nos permite concluir que a celularidade nasal apresenta-se como uma medida da função nasal com maior sensibilidade para demonstrar alterações em indivíduos expostos agudamente ao TXIB, sendo que o número de células epiteliais altera-se imediatamente após a exposição.
Different types of network oscillations occur in different behavioral, cognitive, or vigilance states. The rodent hippocampus expresses prominentoscillations atfrequencies between 4 and 12Hz,which are superimposed by phase-coupledoscillations (30 –100Hz).These patterns entrain multineuronal activity over large distances and have been implicated in sensory information processing and memory formation. Here we report a new type of oscillation at near- frequencies (2– 4 Hz) in the hippocampus of urethane-anesthetized mice. The rhythm is highly coherent with nasal respiration and with rhythmic field potentials in the olfactory bulb: hence, we called it hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations. Despite the similarity in frequency range, several features distinguish this pattern from locally generatedoscillations: hippocampal respiration-induced oscillations have a unique laminar amplitude profile, are resistant to atropine, couple differentlytooscillations, and are abolished when nasal airflow is bypassed bytracheotomy. Hippocampal neurons are entrained by both the respiration-induced rhythm and concurrent oscillations, suggesting a direct interaction between endogenous activity in the hippocampus and nasal respiratory inputs. Our results demonstrate that nasal respiration strongly modulates hippocampal network activity in mice, providing a long-range synchronizing signal between olfactory and hippocampal networks.
Background and objectives: The efficiency of mucociliary transport may vary in different conditions, such as in exposure to harmful particles of the cigarette smoke. The present study evaluated the acute and short term effects of smoking on nasal mucociliary clearance in current smokers by the quantification of the Saccharin Transit Time (STT), and to investigate its correlation with the history of tobacco consumption.Methods: Nineteen current smokers (11 men, 51 +/- 16 years; BMI 23 +/- 9 kg/m(2), 27 +/- 11 cigarettes per day, 44 +/- 25 pack-years), entering a smoking cessation intervention program, responded to a questionnaire concerning smoking history and were submitted to lung function assessment (spirometry) and the STT test. STT was assessed immediately after smoking and 8 hours after smoking. The STT test was also performed in nineteen matched healthy non-smokers' who served as control group.Results: When compared to STT in non-smokers' (10 +/- 4 min; mean +/- standard deviation), smokers presented similar STT immediately after smoking (11 +/- 6 min; p = 0.87) and slower SIT 8 hours after smoking (16 +/- 6 min; p = 0.005 versus non-smokers' and p = 0.003 versus immediately after smoking). STT 8 hours after smoking correlated positively with age (r = 0.59; p = 0.007), cigarettes per day (r = 0.53; p = 0.02) and pack-years index (r = 0.74; p = 0.0003).Conclusions: In smokers, although the mucociliary clearance immediately after smoking is similar to non-smokers', eight hours after smoking it is reduced, and this reduction is closely related to the smoking habits. (C) 2010 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The strength of respiratory muscle are frequently assessed by maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure, however, the maneuvers to assess PImax and PEmax are difficult for many patients. The sniff nasal inspiratory pressure (SNIP) is a simple and noninvasive technique use to assess inspiratory muscles strength. Reference values have been previous established for SNIP in adults but no previous studies have provided reference values for SNIP in adult Brazilian population. The main objective of this study were propose reference values of SNIP for Brazilian population through establishment of relationship between anthropometric measurements, physical activity profile and SNIP and at the same time compare the values obtained with reference values previously published. We studied 117 subjects (59 male and 58 female) distributed in different age grouped 20-80 years old. The results showed on significant positive relationship between SNIP and height and negative correlation with age (p<0.05). In the multiple linear regression analysis only age continued to have an independent predictive role for the two dependent variables that correlated with SNIP. The values of SNIP found in Brazilian population were higher when compared with predict values of previous studies. The results of this study provide reference equations of SNIP for health Brazilian population from 20 to 80 years old