967 resultados para Narrow-band interference filters


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We realized ambipolar transport behavior in field-effect transistors by using p-p isotype heterojunction films as active layers, which consisted of two p-type semiconductor materials, 2, 2'; 7', 2 ''-terphenanthrenyl (Ph3) and vanadyl-phthalocyanine (VOPc). The ambipolar charge transport was attributed to the interfacial electronic structure of Ph3-VOPc isotype heterojunction, and electrons and holes were accumulated at both sides of the narrow band-gap VOPc and the wide band-gap Ph3, respectively, which were confirmed by the capacitance-voltage relationship of metal-oxide-semiconductor diodes. The accumulation thickness of carriers was also obtained by changing the heterojunction active layer thickness. Furthermore, the results indicate that the device performance is relative to interfacial electronic structures.


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The monolayer of the mixture of octadecanoic acid and octadecylamine with molar ratio 1: 1 has been investigated at the air-water interface. It was found that the monolayer shows a rather stable state at the surface pressure of 30 mN/m and this monolayer can be transferred onto a CaF2 plate by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. The infrared spectra of LB films indicated that octadecyl ammonium octadecanoate is formed by an intermolecular proton exchange between adjacent carboxylic and aminic groups (COO- and NH3+). In three-layer LB film, the CH2 scissoring mode of the long hydrocarbon chains of octadecyl ammonium octadecanoate shows a broad band feature at about 1468 cm(-1) while this vibrational mode of three-layer LB film of the mixture (1: 1) of deuterated stearic acid and octadecylamine (octadecylammonium octadecanoate-d35, C18H37NH3+C17D35COO-) only shows a narrow band. The broad feature of the CH2 scissoring mode in octadecylammonium octadecanoate probably originates from the coupling between the chain of stearic acid and that of octadecylamine while this kind of coupling could be completely removed in octadecylammonium octadecanoate-d35.


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The transparent luminescent thin films of doped terbium complex were obtained by sol-gel method. The result indicates that rare earth carboxylates with poor solubility can be homogeneously doped into sol matrix in situ. The fluorescence spectra show that the thin film material emits the characteristic narrow band emission of Tb3+ under the UV excitation.


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Eu3+ narrow band emitting EL device with PPV, Alq(3) as hole and electron transportation layers has been prepared. The emitting layer, which consists of PVK, Eu(DBM)(3) and PBD is formed by spin-casting method. A maximum luminance of 52cd.m(-2) is achieved from the device.


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Four types of sensitized luminescence of Dy3+ are reported: (1) by a host having a broad-band spectrum as in Na3Y0.99Dy0.01(VO4)(2); (2) by a sensitizer having a broad-band spectrum as in Ca2B2O5:Dy3+, Bi3+; (3) by a sensitizer having a narrow-band spectrum as in Mg2Gd7.9Dy0.1(SiO4)(6)O-2; (4) by a sensitizer having a broad-band spectrum and energy migration as in Gd compounds such as Ca1.96Pb0.04Gd7.9Dy0.1(SiO4)(6)O-2. The luminescent intensity of Dy3+ can be enhanced in these ways.


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In the production tail of oilfield, water-cut is very high in thick channel sand oil reservoir, but recovery efficiency is relative low, and recoverable remaining oil reserves is more abundant, so these reserves is potential target of additional development. The remaining oil generally distributed with accumulation in certain areas, controlled by the reservoir architecture that mainly is the lateral accretion shale beddings in the point bar, so the study of reservoir architecture and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by architecture are very significant. In this paper, taking the Minghuazhen formation of Gangxi oilfield as a case, using the method of hierarchy analysis, pattern fitting and multidimensional interaction, the architecture of the meandering river reservoir is precisely anatomized, and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by the different hierarchy architecture are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields. Not only is the study significant to the remaining oil forecasting, but also it is important for the theory development of reservoir geology. With the knowledge of sequence correlation and fluvial correlation model, taking many factors into account, such as combination of well and seismic data, hierarchical controlling, sedimentary facies restraint, performance verification and 3-D closure, an accurate sequence frame of the study area was established. On the basis of high-resolution stratigraphic correlation, single layer and oil sand body are correlated within this frame, and four architecture hierarchies, composite channel, single channels, point bars and lateral accretion sandbody are identified, The result indicates that Minghuazhen Formation of Gangxi oilfield are dominated by meandering river deposition, including two types of channel sandbodies, narrow band and wide band channel sandbody, and each of them has different characteristics of facies variation laterally. Based on the identification of composite channel, according to the spatial combination patterns and identified signs of single channel, combined with channel sandbody distribution and tracer material data, single channel sandbodies are identified. According to empirical formula, point-bar scales of the study area are predicted, and three identification signs are summarized, that is, positive rhythm in depositional sequence, the maximum thick sand and near close to the abandoned channel, and point bars are identified. On the basis of point bar recognition, quantitative architecture models inner point bar are ascertained, taking the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings in single well as foundation, and quantitative architecture models inner point bar as guidance, and result of tracer material data as controlling, the the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings are forecasted interwell, so inner architecture of point bar is anatomied. 3-D structural model, 3-D facies model and 3-D petrophysical properties models are set up, spatial distribution characteristics of sedimentary facies and petrophysical properties is reappeared. On the basis of reservoir architecture analysis and performance production data, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by different hierarchy architecture units, stacked channel, single channel and inner architecture of point bar, are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields.


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An investigation is made into the problem of constructing a model of the appearance to an optical input device of scenes consisting of plane-faced geometric solids. The goal is to study algorithms which find the real straight edges in the scenes, taking into account smooth variations in intensity over faces of the solids, blurring of edges and noise. A general mathematical analysis is made of optimal methods for identifying the edge lines in figures, given a raster of intensities covering the entire field of view. There is given in addition a suboptimal statistical decision procedure, based on the model, for the identification of a line within a narrow band on the field of view given an array of intensities from within the band. A computer program has been written and extensively tested which implements this procedure and extracts lines from real scenes. Other programs were written which judge the completeness of extracted sets of lines, and propose and test for additional lines which had escaped initial detection. The performance of these programs is discussed in relation to the theory derived from the model, and with regard to their use of global information in detecting and proposing lines.


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For pt. I see ibid., vol. 44, p. 927-36 (1997). In a digital communications system, data are transmitted from one location to another by mapping bit sequences to symbols, and symbols to sample functions of analog waveforms. The analog waveform passes through a bandlimited (possibly time-varying) analog channel, where the signal is distorted and noise is added. In a conventional system the analog sample functions sent through the channel are weighted sums of one or more sinusoids; in a chaotic communications system the sample functions are segments of chaotic waveforms. At the receiver, the symbol may be recovered by means of coherent detection, where all possible sample functions are known, or by noncoherent detection, where one or more characteristics of the sample functions are estimated. In a coherent receiver, synchronization is the most commonly used technique for recovering the sample functions from the received waveform. These sample functions are then used as reference signals for a correlator. Synchronization-based coherent receivers have advantages over noncoherent receivers in terms of noise performance, bandwidth efficiency (in narrow-band systems) and/or data rate (in chaotic systems). These advantages are lost if synchronization cannot be maintained, for example, under poor propagation conditions. In these circumstances, communication without synchronization may be preferable. The theory of conventional telecommunications is extended to chaotic communications, chaotic modulation techniques and receiver configurations are surveyed, and chaotic synchronization schemes are described


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Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) is becoming a fundamental technology in future generation wireless communications. Call admission control is an effective mechanism to guarantee resilient, efficient, and quality-of-service (QoS) services in wireless mobile networks. In this paper, we present several call admission control algorithms for OFDM-based wireless multiservice networks. Call connection requests are differentiated into narrow-band calls and wide-band calls. For either class of calls, the traffic process is characterized as batch arrival since each call may request multiple subcarriers to satisfy its QoS requirement. The batch size is a random variable following a probability mass function (PMF) with realistically maximum value. In addition, the service times for wide-band and narrow-band calls are different. Following this, we perform a tele-traffic queueing analysis for OFDM-based wireless multiservice networks. The formulae for the significant performance metrics call blocking probability and bandwidth utilization are developed. Numerical investigations are presented to demonstrate the interaction between key parameters and performance metrics. The performance tradeoff among different call admission control algorithms is discussed. Moreover, the analytical model has been validated by simulation. The methodology as well as the result provides an efficient tool for planning next-generation OFDM-based broadband wireless access systems.


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A Thomson scattering system has been installed at the Tokyo electron beam ion trap for probing characteristics of the electron beam. A YVO4 green laser beam was injected antiparallel to the electron beam. The image of the Thomson scattering light from the electron beam has been observed using a charged-coupled device camera. By using a combination of interference filters, the spectral distribution of the Thomson scattering light has been measured. The Doppler shift observed for the scattered light is consistent with the beam energy. The beam radius dependence was investigated as a function of the beam energy, the beam current, and the magnetic field at the trap region. The variation of the measured beam radius against the beam current and the magnetic field were similar to those in Herrmann's prediction. The beam radius as a function of the beam energy was also similar to Herrmann's prediction but seemed to become larger at low energy. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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We present the first detailed spatio-kinematical analysis and modelling of the southern planetary nebula SuWt 2. This object presents a problem for current theories of planetary nebula formation and evolution, as it is not known to contain a central post-main-sequence star. Deep narrow-band [NII]6584Å images reveal the presence of faint bipolar lobes emanating from the edges of the nebular ring. Long-slit observations of the Ha and [NII]6584Å emission lines were obtained using the ESO (European Southern Observatory) Multi-Mode Instrument on the 3.6-m ESO New Technology Telescope. The spectra reveal the nebular morphology as a bright torus encircling the waist of an extended bipolar structure. By deprojection, the inclination of the ring is found to be 68° +/- 2° (cf. ~90° for the double A-type binary believed to lie at the centre of the nebula), and the ring expansion velocity is found to be 28 kms-1. Our findings are discussed with relation to possible formation scenarios for SuWt 2. Through comparison of the nebular heliocentric systemic velocity, found here to be -25 +/- 5km s-1, and the heliocentric systemic velocity of the double A-type binary, we conclude that neither component of the binary could have been the nebular progenitor. However, we are unable to rule out the presence of a third component to the system, which would have been the nebula progenitor.


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The development and implementation of a population supplementation and restoration plan for any endangered species should involve an understanding of the species’ habitat requirements prior to the release of any captive bred individuals. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, has undergone dramatic declines over the last century and is now globally endangered. In Northern Ireland, the release of captive bred individuals is being used to support wild populations and repatriate the species in areas where it once existed. We employed a combination of maximum entropy modelling (MAXENT) and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) to identify ecological parameters necessary to support wild populations using GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale environmental parameters. The GIS-based landscape scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with altitude and soil characteristics including the carbon, clay, sand, and silt content. Notably, mussels were associated with a relatively narrow band of variance indicating that M. margaritifera has a highly specific landscape niche. The ground-truthed habitat scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with stable consolidated substrates, the extent of bankside trees, presence of indicative macrophyte species and fast flowing water. We propose a three phase conservation strategy for M. margaritifera identifying suitable areas within rivers that (i) have a high conservation value yet needing habitat restoration at a local level, (ii) sites for population supplementation of existing populations and (iii) sites for species reintroduction to rivers where the mussel historically occurred but is now locally extinct. A combined analytical approach including GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale models provides a robust method by which suitable release sites can be identified for the population supplementation and restoration of an endangered species. Our results will be highly influential in the future management of M. margaritifera in Northern Ireland.


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A narrow band proton bursts at energies of 1.6 +/- 0.08 MeV were observed when a water spray consisting of empty set(150 nm)-diameter droplets was irradiated by an ultrashort laser pulse of about 45 fs duration and at an intensity of 5 X 10(19) W/cm(2). The results are explained by a Coulomb explosion of sub-laser-wavelength droplets composed of two ion species. The laser prepulse plays an important role. By pre-evaporation of the droplets, its diameter is reduced so that the main pulse can interact with a smaller droplet, and this remaining bulk can be ionized to high states. In the case of water, the mixture of quite differently charged ions establishes an


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ABSTRACT We present the first detailed spatiokinematical analysis and modelling of the planetary nebula Abell 41, which is known to contain the well-studied close-binary system MT Ser. This object represents an important test case in the study of the evolution of planetary nebulae with binary central stars as current evolutionary theories predict that the binary plane should be aligned perpendicular to the symmetry axis of the nebula. Deep narrow-band imaging in the light of [NII]6584Å, [OIII]5007 Å and [SII]6717+6731Å, obtained using ACAM on the William Herschel Telescope, has been used to investigate the ionization structure of Abell 41. Long-slit observations of the Ha and [NII]6584Å emission were obtained using the Manchester Echelle Spectrometer on the 2.1-m San Pedro Mártir Telescope. These spectra, combined with the narrow-band imagery, were used to develop a spatiokinematical model of [NII]6584Å emission from Abell 41. The best-fitting model reveals Abell 41 to have a waisted, bipolar structure with an expansion velocity of ~40 km s-1 at the waist. The symmetry axis of the model nebula is within 5° of perpendicular to the orbital plane of the central binary system. This provides strong evidence that the close-binary system, MT Ser, has directly affected the shaping of its nebula, Abell 41. Although the theoretical link between bipolar planetary nebulae and binary central stars is long established, this nebula is only the second to have this link, between nebular symmetry axis and binary plane, proved observationally.


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We present extensive spectroscopic time series observations of the multiperiodic, rapidly rotating, delta Scuti star tau Pegasi. Information about the oscillations is contained within the patterns of line-profile variation of the star's blended absorption-line spectrum. We introduce the new technique of Doppler deconvolution with which to extract these patterns by modeling the intrinsic stellar spectrum and the broadening functions for each spectrum in the time series. Frequencies and modes of oscillation are identified from the variations using the technique of Fourier-Doppler imaging and a two-dimensional least-squares cleaning algorithm. We find a rich mode spectrum with degrees up to l = 20 and with frequencies below about 35 cycles day-1. Those modes with the largest amplitudes have frequencies that lie within a narrow band. We conclude that the observed spectrum can be explained if the modes of tau Peg propagate in the prograde direction with l ~= |m| and with frequencies that are about equal in the corotating frame of the star. We discuss the implications of these results for the prospect of delta Scuti seismology.