208 resultados para Narcotic Addicts
Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia Animal - FMVZ
Fuzeon (R) (enfuvirtide; Hoffmann-LaRoche, Nutley, NJ) is a parenteral medication prescribed to antiretroviral-experienced HIV patients. Clinicians are frequently concerned when prescribing enfuvirtide to former drug addicts because of the risk of triggering relapse, however, no previous report has described this adverse event. We describe two HIV-infected patients, previously abstinent from injection drug use, who experienced relapse or near-relapse situations after starting treatment with enfuvirtide. Along with the concerns related to adherence and to injection site reactions, clinicians who prescribe enfuvirtide should consider and discuss the risk of triggering relapse among former or recovering drug addicts.
Between April 1997 and November 1999, I followed eight socially excluded female drug users in an attempt to describe their lives and living conditions. The study employs an ethnographic approach with the focus being directed at the specific woman and her life in relation to the social context where this life is lived. The study’s objective has been to describe the lives and living conditions of the eight drug-using women, as well as the extent of the opportunities available to them, as being determined by mechanisms of social exclusion. Their lives are understood on the basis of a feminist and social constructionist perspective where perceptions of ‘the drug-abusing woman’ are regarded as the result of constructions of gender and deviance. The theoretical perspectives proceeds from the idea that one is not born a woman but rather becomes one. The fundamental idea is that women become women by means of processes of femininisation, in the context of which certain ways of interpreting and presenting oneself as a woman are regarded as good and others as bad. Our images of ‘the female drug addict’ are based on how we define and interpret deviance and on the cultural and social thought and behaviour patterns we ascribe to people on the basis of bodily differences. It is images of ‘the good woman’ that defines what we regard as characteristic of ‘the bad woman’ and vice versa. The findings are organised into three main topics: femininity, living conditions and social control. The main findings are: The women described themselves as women by relating to normative messages about how women “are and should be”, and their drug use constituted a means of coping with life from their social position. Their life revolved to a large extent around money via a constant struggle to find enough to cover the rent, food and other basic necessities. And finally, how the women’s relations to societal institutions were formed by their social position as ‘female drug addicts’ and how the asymmetry of these relations produced certain fixed patterns of action for the parties involved.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird zum einen ein Instrument zur Erfassung der Patient-Therapeut-Bindung validiert (Client Attachment to Therapist Scale, CATS; Mallinckrodt, Coble & Gantt, 1995), zum anderen werden Hypothesen zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, allgemeinem Bindungsstil, therapeutischer Beziehung (bzw. Therapiezufriedenheit), Patient-Therapeut-Bindung und Therapieerfolg bei Drogen-abhängigen in stationärer Postakutbehandlung überprüft. In die Instrumentenvalidierung (einwöchiger Retest) wurden 119 Patienten aus 2 Kliniken und 13 Experten einbezogen. Die Gütekriterien des Instrumentes fallen sehr zufriedenstellend aus. An der naturalistischen Therapieevaluationsstudie (Prä-, Prozess-, Post-Messung: T0, T1, T2) nahmen 365 Patienten und 27 Therapeuten aus 4 Kliniken teil. Insgesamt beendeten 44,1% der Patienten ihren stationären Aufenthalt planmäßig. Auf Patientenseite erweisen sich Alter und Hauptdiagnose, auf Therapeutenseite die praktizierte Therapierichtung als Therapieerfolgsprädiktoren. Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung, allgemeiner Bindungsstil, Patient-Therapeut-Bindung und Therapiezufriedenheit eignen sich nicht zur Prognose des Therapieerfolgs. Die zu T0 stark unterdurchschnittlich ausgeprägte Selbstwirksamkeits-erwartung steigert sich über den Interventionszeitraum, wobei sich ein Moderatoreffekt der Patient-Therapeut-Bindung beobachten lässt. Es liegt eine hohe Prävalenz unsicherer allgemeiner Bindungsstile vor, welche sich über den Therapiezeitraum nicht verändern. Die patientenseitige Zufriedenheit mit der Therapie steigt von T1 zu T2 an. Die Interrater-Konkordanz (Patient/Therapeut) zur Einschätzung der Patient-Therapeut-Bindung erhöht sich leicht von T1 zu T2. Im Gegensatz dazu wird die Therapiezufriedenheit von Patienten und Therapeuten zu beiden Messzeitpunkten sehr unterschiedlich beurteilt. Die guten Testgütekriterien der CATS sprechen für eine Überlegenheit dieses Instrumentes gegenüber der Skala zur Erfassung der Therapiezufriedenheit. Deshalb sollte die Patient-Therapeut-Bindung anhand dieses Instrumentes in weiteren Forschungsarbeiten an anderen Patientenkollektiven untersucht werden, um generalisierbare Aussagen zur Validität treffen zu können.
L'indagine condotta, avvalendosi del paradigma della social network analysis, offre una descrizione delle reti di supporto personale e del capitale sociale di un campione di 80 italiani ex post un trattamento terapeutico residenziale di lungo termine per problemi di tossicodipendenza. Dopo aver identificato i profili delle reti di supporto sociale degli intervistati, si è proceduto, in primis, alla misurazione e comparazione delle ego-centered support networks tra soggetti drug free e ricaduti e, successivamente, all'investigazione delle caratteristiche delle reti e delle forme di capitale sociale – closure e brokerage – che contribuiscono al mantenimento dell'astinenza o al rischio di ricaduta nel post-trattamento. Fattori soggettivi, come la discriminazione pubblica percepita e l'attitudine al lavoro, sono stati inoltre esplorati al fine di investigare la loro correlazione con la condotta di reiterazione nell'uso di sostanze. Dai risultati dello studio emerge che un più basso rischio di ricaduta è positivamente associato ad una maggiore attitudine al lavoro, ad una minore percezione di discriminazione da parte della società, all'avere membri di supporto con un più alto status socio-economico e che mobilitano risorse reputazionali e, infine, all'avere reti più eterogenee nell'occupazione e caratterizzate da più elevati livelli di reciprocità. Inoltre, il capitale sociale di tipo brokerage contribuisce al mantenimento dell'astinenza in quanto garantisce l'accesso del soggetto ad informazioni meno omogenee e la sua esposizione a opportunità più numerose e differenziate. I risultati dello studio, pertanto, dimostrano l'importante ruolo delle personal support networks nel prevenire o ridurre il rischio di ricaduta nel post-trattamento, in linea con precedenti ricerche che suggeriscono la loro incorporazione nei programmi terapeutici per tossicodipendenti.
"Lachgas: Stellenwert gestern, heute, morgen" ist die Dissertation von Frau Dr. med. Susanne Maier. Dies ist die erste wissenschaftliche Arbeit, die die gesamte bisherige Literatur zu Lachgas seit Anbeginn der medizinischen Nutzung aufwendig aufgearbeitet hat. Nach dem dies Buch erschien, fingen viele europäische Kliniken an, den Lachgasgebrauch zu hinterfragen. In Folge verschwand dieses "Narkosegas" nun weltweit aus immer mehr OPs. Mangels Evidenz, welches diese Arbeit belegt, wird sicherlich absehbar dies Gas ganz aus der Humanmedizin (Schulmedizin) verschwinden. Im Rahmen eines Expertenmeetings nach der Veröffentlichung zeichnete sich dies bereits ab.
Heroin dependence is associated with a stressful environment and with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. The present study examined the acute effects of intravenous heroin versus placebo on the HPA axis response in heroin-dependent patients. Twenty-eight heroin-dependent patients in heroin-assisted treatment and 20 age- and sex-matched healthy participants were included in a controlled trial in which patients were twice administered heroin or saline in a crossover design, and healthy controls were only administered saline. The HPA axis response was measured by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) levels and by cortisol levels in serum and saliva before and 20 and 60 minutes after substance administration. Craving, withdrawal, and anxiety levels were measured before and 60 minutes after substance application. Plasma concentrations of heroin and its main metabolites were assessed using high-performance liquid chromatography. Heroin administration reduces craving, withdrawal, and anxiety levels and leads to significant decreases in ACTH and cortisol concentrations (P < 0.01). After heroin administration, cortisol concentrations did not differ from healthy controls, and ACTH levels were significantly lower (P < 0.01). In contrast, when patients receive saline, all hormone levels were significantly higher in patients than in healthy controls (P < 0.01). Heroin-dependent patients showed a normalized HPA axis response compared to healthy controls when they receive their regular heroin dose. These findings indicate that regular opioid administration protects addicts from stress and underscore the clinical significance of heroin-assisted treatment for heroin-dependent patients.
In diacetylmorphine prescription programs for heavily dependent addicts, diacetylmorphine is usually administered intravenously, but this may not be possible due to venosclerosis or when heroin abuse had occurred via non-intravenous routes. Since up to 25% of patients administer diacetylmorphine orally, we characterised morphine absorption after single oral doses of immediate and extended release diacetylmorphine in 8 opioid addicts. Plasma concentrations were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Non-compartmental methods and deconvolution were applied for data analysis. Mean (+/-S.D.) immediate and extended release doses were 719+/-297 and 956+/-404 mg, with high absolute morphine bioavailabilities of 56-61%, respectively. Immediate release diacetylmorphine caused rapid morphine absorption, peaking at 10-15 min. Morphine absorption was considerably slower and more sustained for extended release diacetylmorphine, with only approximately 30% of maximal immediate release absorption being reached after 10 min and maintained for 3-4h, with no relevant food interaction. The relative extended to immediate release bioavailability was calculated to be 86% by non-compartmental analysis and 93% by deconvolution analysis. Thus, immediate and extended release diacetylmorphine produce the intended morphine exposures. Both are suitable for substitution treatments. Similar doses can be applied if used in combination or sequentially.
The aim of the paper is to introduce the challenges of the international care debate of the last ten years in order to grasp basic social needs, to analyse their treatment in the public and private sphere and to look at the orientation of professional answers by the care-professions. The concept of care enhances the societal dealing with - or ignoring of - different forms of dependency on informal and formal personal and social services throughout the life-cycle (child-care, nursing sick or handicapped persons, supporting the elderly) and in special life situations (from help to lone mothers and their children, via help to drug-addicts to help for homeless people). All societies have different approaches to deal with these life-situations, they do so by employ-ing various mixtures of: familial support, mostly provided by women, social politics, organized by the state, public and/or private social services. This welfare-mix shows different combinations of private and public obligations, paid and und unpaid work, professional and laymen's tasks based on a specific understanding of mo-rality and justice embedded in the gender structure and intergenerational relationships. The importance of social work as a profession in this context differs according to the historical developments and cultural traditions. Characteristic for the profile of social work is the rele-vance of a care ethics and the existence of social rights, the tension of mothering and profes-sional methods, the relationship between help, denial and punishment and the ways of institu-tionalisation. The actuality of this debate is closely intertwined with the restructuring of societal bonds in the face of globalisation, the political reorganisation of states, the changes in the living to-gether of different generations and both sexes and the consequences for the organisation and contents of welfare. Looking at Germany and Eastern Europe two new phenomena of social relevance for the dis-cussion of care work and care needs can be taken as an example: the extent of cheap illegal women laborers travelling between east and west, especially Polish women working intermit-tendly in private care for old people and the highly organized traffiking of women from Russia to Germany to work in the sex business. The care debate entails a reframing of welfare issues in the light of social justice between classes, ethnicities and gender groups.
The development of effective treatments for opioid dependence is of great importance given the devastating consequences of the disease. Pharmacotherapies for opioid addiction include opioid agonists, partial agonists, opioid antagonists, and alpha-2-adrenergic agonists, which are targeted toward either detoxification or long-term agonist maintenance. Agonist maintenance therapy is currently the recommended treatment for opioid dependence due to its superior outcomes relative to detoxification. Detoxification protocols have limited long-term efficacy, and patient discomfort remains a significant therapy challenge. Buprenorphine's effectiveness relative to methadone remains a controversy and may be most appropriate for patients in need of low doses of agonist treatment. Buprenorphine appears superior to alpha-2 agonists, however, and office-based treatment with buprenorphine in the USA is gaining support. Studies of sustained-release formulations of naltrexone suggest improved effectiveness for retention and sustained abstinence; however, randomized clinical trials are needed.
BACKGROUND: Alcohol dependence is extremely common in patients with bipolar disorder and is associated with unfavorable outcomes including treatment nonadherence, violence, increased hospitalization, and decreased quality of life. While naltrexone is a standard treatment for alcohol dependence, no controlled trials have examined its use in patients with co-morbid bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence. In this pilot study, the efficacy of naltrexone in reducing alcohol use and on mood symptoms was assessed in bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence. METHODS: Fifty adult outpatients with bipolar I or II disorders and current alcohol dependence with active alcohol use were randomized to 12 weeks of naltrexone (50 mg/d) add-on therapy or placebo. Both groups received manual-driven cognitive behavioral therapy designed for patients with bipolar disorder and substance-use disorders. Drinking days and heavy drinking days, alcohol craving, liver enzymes, and manic and depressed mood symptoms were assessed. RESULTS: The 2 groups were similar in baseline and demographic characteristics. Naltrexone showed trends (p < 0.10) toward a greater decrease in drinking days (binary outcome), alcohol craving, and some liver enzyme levels than placebo. Side effects were similar in the 2 groups. Response to naltrexone was significantly related to medication adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest the potential value and acceptable tolerability of naltrexone for alcohol dependence in bipolar disorder patients. A larger trial is needed to establish efficacy.
Data derived from 1,194 gravidas presenting at the observation unit of a city/county hospital between October 11, 1979 through December 7, 1979 were evaluated with respect to the proportion ingesting drugs during pregnancy. The mean age of the mother at the time of the interview was 22.0 years; 43.0 percent were Black; 34.0 percent Latin-American, 21.0 percent White and 2.0 percent other; mean gravida was 2.5 pregnancies; mean parity was 1.0; and mean number of previous abortions was 0.34. Completed interview data was available for 1,119 gravida, corresponding urinalyses for 997 subjects. Ninety and one-tenth percent (90.1 percent) of the subjects reported ingestion of one or more drug preparation(s) (prescription, OTC, or substances used for recreational purposes) during pregnancy with a range of 0 to 11 substances and a mean of 2.7. Dietary supplements (vitamins and minerals) were most frequently reported followed by non-narcotic analgesics. Seventy-six and one tenth percent (76.1 percent) of the population reported consumption of prescription medication, 42.5 percent reported consumption of over-the-counter medications, 45.7 percent reported consumption of a substance for recreational purposes and 4.3 percent reported illicit consumption of a substance. For selected substances, no measurable difference was found between obtaining the information from the interview method or from a urinalysis assay. ^
Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas y morbilidad de los pacientes (pac.) adictos ingresados a un Servicio de Clínica Médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Criterio de inclusión: pac. adicto con consumo de sustancias ilícitas. Informe preliminar: Periodo: 24 meses. Datos analizados en Epi info 6.4 Resultados: Se incluyeron 40 pac. Prevalencia: 0.2/1000 egresos. El 82.5% eran hombres. Edad media: 31.5 años (DS±9.65). Permanencia media: 11 días (DS±13.98) vs 7.12 (DS±10.1) del Servicio (p=0.016). Consumían cocaína el 82.5% (IC95%67.22-92.66) marihuana el 77.5% (IC95% 61.65- 89.16), tolueno el 10% (IC95%2.79-23.66), floripondio y hachis el 2.5% (IC95% 0.06-13.16) cada uno. En el 2.5% la vía de administración era endovenosa y el 60% eran poliadictos. Solo el 10% recibió tratamiento para abandonar la adicción (100% tratamiento psicológico y 5.13% farmacológico). De clase social pobre el 75%. El 62.5% de los pac. estaban desocupados, tenían antecedentes judiciales el 10% y el 7.5% había estado en prisión. El 92.5% (IC95% 76.34-97.21) era heterosexual, 2.5% hombres que tenían sexo con hombres y bisexuales 5% (IC95% 0.61-16.92). Solo el 10% tenían secundaria completa. El 80% ingreso por Emergencias y por causa infecciosa el 45%. El 12.5% ingreso por complicaciones de la adicción. Las manifestaciones relacionadas con la adicción fueron: manifestaciones del sistema nervioso central: 12.5% (IC95%4.19-26.80); síndrome de abstinencia y temblor 7.5% cada uno y excitación psicomotriz, delirium, signo de foco neurológico y rigidez 5% cada uno. El 100% presentaba alguna comórbida; tabaquismo 80%, depresión 12.8% Y alcoholismo 57.5%, entre otras. Presentaban enfermedades de transmisión sexual 5 pac. (4 HIV, 2 VHC y 1 pediculus pubis). No hubo mortalidad hospitalaria. Conclusión: El paciente adicto internado se caracteriza por ser joven, pertenecer a un grupo social desprotegido, sin trabajo y sin educación, tener poliadicción, con alta carga de comórbidas y de internación, principalmente por complicaciones infecciosas.
The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) controls signal transmission between cells in the nervous system. Abused drugs such as cocaine inhibit this receptor. Transient kinetic investigations indicate that inhibitors decrease the channel-opening equilibrium constant [Hess, G. P. & Grewer, C. (1998) Methods Enzymol. 291, 443–473]. Can compounds be found that compete with inhibitors for their binding site but do not change the channel-opening equilibrium? The systematic evolution of RNA ligands by exponential enrichment methodology and the AChR in Torpedo californica electroplax membranes were used to find RNAs that can displace inhibitors from the receptor. The selection of RNA ligands was carried out in two consecutive steps: (i) a gel-shift selection of high-affinity ligands bound to the AChR in the electroplax membrane, and (ii) subsequent use of nitrocellulose filters to which both the membrane-bound receptor and RNAs bind strongly, but from which the desired RNA can be displaced from the receptor by a high-affinity AChR inhibitor, phencyclidine. After nine selection rounds, two classes of RNA molecules that bind to the AChR with nanomolar affinities were isolated and sequenced. Both classes of RNA molecules are displaced by phencyclidine and cocaine from their binding site on the AChR. Class I molecules are potent inhibitors of AChR activity in BC3H1 muscle cells, as determined by using the whole-cell current-recording technique. Class II molecules, although competing with AChR inhibitors, do not affect receptor activity in this assay; such compounds or derivatives may be useful for alleviating the toxicity experienced by millions of addicts.