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The glucose transporter IICB of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system (PTS) consists of a polytopic membrane domain (IIC) responsible for substrate transport and a hydrophilic C-terminal domain (IIB) responsible for substrate phosphorylation. We have overexpressed and purified a triple mutant of IIC (mut-IIC), which had recently been shown to be suitable for crystallization purposes. Mut-IIC was homodimeric as determined by blue native-PAGE and gel-filtration, and had an eyeglasses-like structure as shown by negative-stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and single particle analysis. Glucose binding and transport by mut-IIC, mut-IICB and wildtype-IICB were compared with scintillation proximity and in vivo transport assays. Binding was reduced and transport was impaired by the triple mutation. The scintillation proximity assay allowed determination of substrate binding, affinity and specificity of wildtype-IICB by a direct method. 2D crystallization of mut-IIC yielded highly-ordered tubular crystals and made possible the calculation of a projection structure at 12Å resolution by negative-stain TEM. Immunogold labeling TEM revealed the sidedness of the tubular crystals, and high-resolution atomic force microscopy the surface structure of mut-IIC. This work presents the structure of a glucose PTS transporter at the highest resolution achieved so far and sets the basis for future structural studies.


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Structural analyses of heterologously expressed mammalian membrane proteins remain a great challenge given that microgram to milligram amounts of correctly folded and highly purified proteins are required. Here, we present a novel method for the expression and affinity purification of recombinant mammalian and in particular human transport proteins in Xenopus laevis frog oocytes. The method was validated for four human and one murine transporter. Negative stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and single particle analysis (SPA) of two of these transporters, i.e., the potassium-chloride cotransporter 4 (KCC4) and the aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channel, revealed the expected quaternary structures within homogeneous preparations, and thus correct protein folding and assembly. This is the first time a cation-chloride cotransporter (SLC12) family member is isolated, and its shape, dimensions, low-resolution structure and oligomeric state determined by TEM, i.e., by a direct method. Finally, we were able to grow 2D crystals of human AQP1. The ability of AQP1 to crystallize was a strong indicator for the structural integrity of the purified recombinant protein. This approach will open the way for the structure determination of many human membrane transporters taking full advantage of the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system that generally yields robust functional expression.


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Ligands of the benzodiazepine binding site of the GABA(A) receptor come in three flavors: positive allosteric modulators, negative allosteric modulators and antagonists all of which can bind with high affinity. The GABA(A) receptor is a pentameric protein which forms a chloride selective ion channel and ligands of the benzodiazepine binding site stabilize three different conformations of this protein. Classical benzodiazepines exert a positive allosteric effect by increasing the apparent affinity of channel opening by the agonist γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). We concentrate here on the major adult isoform, the α(1)β(2)γ(2) GABA(A) receptor. The classical binding pocket for benzodiazepines is located in a subunit cleft between α(1) and γ(2) subunits in a position homologous to the agonist binding site for GABA that is located between β(2) and α(1) subunits. We review here approaches to this picture. In particular, point mutations were performed in combination with subsequent analysis of the expressed mutant proteins using either electrophysiological techniques or radioactive ligand binding assays. The predictive power of these methods is assessed by comparing the results with the predictions that can be made on the basis of the recently published crystal structure of the acetylcholine binding protein that shows homology to the N-terminal, extracellular domain of the GABA(A) receptor. In addition, we review an approach to the question of how the benzodiazepine ligands are positioned in their binding pocket. We also discuss a newly postulated modulatory site for benzodiazepines at the α(1)/β(2) subunit interface, homologous to the classical benzodiazepine binding pocket.


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Infections with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are a major cause of travelers' diarrhea worldwide. Colonization of the small intestine mucosa is dependent on specific colonization factor antigens (CFA) and coli surface (CS) antigens. CFA/1, CS3, and CS6 are the most prevalent fimbrial antigens found in clinical isolates. The goal of our study was to visualize the morphology of CS3 and CS6 fimbriae in wild-type and recombinant E. coli strains by means of transmission electron microscopy in conjunction with negative staining and immunolabeling. Corresponding ETEC genes were cloned into E. coli K12 strain DH10B. Expression of fimbriae was dependent on culture conditions and sample handling. Specific immunolabeling of fimbriae unequivocally demonstrated the presence of all types of surface antigens investigated. Negative staining was effective in revealing CS3 but not CS6. In addition, this technique clearly demonstrated differences in the morphology of genetically and immunologically identical CS3 surface antigens in wild-type and recombinant strains. This paper provides a basis for the assessment of recombinant vaccines.


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Tin-containing fluoride solutions can reduce erosive tissue loss, but the effects of the reaction between tin and enamel are still not clear. During a 10-d period, enamel specimens were cyclically demineralized (0.05 M citric acid, pH 2.3, 6 x 5 min d(-1)) and remineralized (between the demineralization cycles and overnight). In the negative-control group, no further treatment was performed. Three groups were treated (2 x 2 min d(-1)) with tin-containing fluoride solutions (400, 1,400 or 2,100 ppm Sn2+, all 1,500 ppm F-, pH 4.5). Three additional groups were treated with test solutions twice daily, but without demineralization. Tissue loss was determined profilometrically. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was used to measure the tin content on and within three layers (10 mum each) beneath the surface. In addition, scanning electron microscopy was conducted. All test preparations significantly reduced tissue loss. Deposition of tin on surfaces was higher without erosion than with erosion, but no incorporation of tin into enamel was found without demineralization. Under erosive conditions, both highly concentrated solutions led to the incorporation of tin up to a depth of 20 mum; the less-concentrated solution led to small amounts of tin in the outer 10 mum. The efficacy of tin-containing solutions seems to depend mainly on the incorporation of tin into enamel.


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Diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) requires adhesion of microorganisms to enterocytes. Hence, a promising approach to immunoprophylaxis is to elicit antibodies against colonisation factor antigens (CFAs). Genes encoding the most prevalent ETEC-specific surface antigens were cloned into Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella vaccine strains. Expression of surface antigens was assessed by electron-microscopy. Whereas negative staining was effective in revealing CFA/I and CS3, but not CS6, immunolabelling allowed identification of all surface antigens examined. The V. cholerae vaccine strain CVD103 did not express ETEC-specific colonisation factors, whereas CVD103-HgR expressed CS3 only. However, expression of both CFA/I and CS3 was demonstrated in Salmonella Ty21a.


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Despite efforts implicating the cationic channel transient receptor potential melastatin member 4 (TRPM4) to cardiac, nervous, and immunological pathologies, little is known about its structure and function. In this study, we optimized the requirements for purification and extraction of functional human TRPM4 protein and investigated its supra-molecular assembly. We selected the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system because it lacks endogenous TRPM4 expression, it is known to overexpress functional human membrane channels, can be used for structure-function analysis within the same system, and is easily scaled to improve yield and develop moderate throughput capabilities through the use of robotics. Negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) revealed various sized low-resolution particles. Single particle analysis identified the majority of the projections represented the monomeric form with additional oligomeric structures potentially characterized as tetramers. Two-electrode voltage clamp electrophysiology demonstrated that human TRPM4 is functionally expressed at the oocyte plasma membrane. This study opens the door for medium-throughput screening and structure-function determination of this important therapeutically relevant target.


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Amino acid transporters are crucial for parasite survival since the cellular metabolism of parasitic protozoa depends on the uptake of exogenous amino acids. Amino acid transporters are also of high pharmacological relevance because they may mediate uptake of toxic amino acid analogues. In the present study we show that the eflornithine transporter AAT6 from Trypanosoma brucei (TbAAT6) mediates growth on neutral amino acids when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants. The transport was electrogenic and further analysed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Neutral amino acids, proline analogues, eflornithine and acivicin induced inward currents. For proline, glycine and tryptophan the apparent affinities and maximal transport rates increased with more negative membrane potentials. Proline-induced currents were dependent on pH, but not on sodium. Although proline represents the primary energy source of T. brucei in the tsetse fly, down-regulation of TbAAT6-expression by RNAi showed that in culture TbAAT6 is not essential for growth of procyclic form trypanosomes in the presence of glucose or proline as energy source. TbAAT6-RNAi lines of both bloodstream and procyclic form trypanosomes showed reduced susceptibility to eflornithine, whereas the sensitivity to acivicin remained unchanged, indicating that acivicin enters the cell by more than one transporter


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The low-affinity IgE receptor FcϵRII (CD23) is part of the regulatory system controlling IgE synthesis in human B cells and exists in membrane and soluble forms. Binding of IgE to CD23 has been described to have stabilizing effects and to prevent cleavage of CD23. Previous experiments using anti-CD23 antibodies reduced IgE synthesis but were difficult to interpret as the antibody Fc part might also mediate feedback mechanisms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulatory role of CD23, by using designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) that specifically recognize CD23. Anti-CD23 DARPins were isolated by ribosome display and were produced as monovalent and bivalent constructs. Affinities to CD23 were measured by surface plasmon resonance. IgE synthesis and up-regulation of CD23 in human peripheral B cells were induced by IL-4 and anti-CD40 antibody. We assessed CD23 expression and its stabilization by FACS and used an ELISA for detecting soluble CD23. IgE synthesis was measured by ELISA and real-time PCR. Surface plasmon resonance revealed affinities of the DARPins to CD23 in the pico-molar range. Anti-CD23 DARPins strongly inhibited binding of IgE to CD23 and share thus a similar binding epitope as IgE. The DARPins stabilized membrane CD23 and reduced IgE synthesis in an isotype specific manner. Furthermore, the anti-CD23 DARPins decreased IgE transcript through inhibition of mature Cϵ RNA synthesis suggesting a posttranscriptional control mechanism. This study demonstrates that targeting CD23 alone is sufficient to inhibit IgE synthesis and suggests that a negative signaling occurs directly through the CD23 molecule.


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Attempts have been made in this dissertation to develop a purified antigen with high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) infection by using the hybridoma technique.^ Spleen cells, obtained from mice immunized by infection with Sm and boosted by cercarial antigens, or by injection of circulating antigen (CA) in serum from infected mice, were fused with Sp2/0 myeloma cells. The active infection resulted a higher number of hybridomas (100%) than by CA (20%), and higher levels of antibody reactivity as measured by ELISA.^ The IgM and IgG monoclonal antibodies (MCAbs) were purified respectively by gel filtration, DE 52 ion exchange column and proteinase A affinity column. The cercarial and egg antigens were purified by affinity chromatography through MCAb/affi-gel column. The reactivity of the purified antigens were then monitored by ELISA, SDS-PAGE silver stain and EITB.^ The respective MCAbs recognized varying antigenic determinants (AD) present in adult, cercaria and egg stages. By EITB the MCAbs IgM and IgG, when reacted with nine antigens from the various stages, revealed identical bands, suggesting that the two MCAb classes originated from identical AD. By ELISA and COPT, the MCAbs from thirteen cell lines gave same results. But by CHR, two MCAbs showed negative results while eleven other MCAbs showed strong positive. It is assumed that the AD in the immunogen that ilicited the MCAbs were immunochemically closely related.^ One egg purified by immunoaffinity indicated that the epitopes recognized by MCAb were present on four antigenic components with molecular weights (Mr) of approximately 19, 25, 60 and >224 kd, respectively. By EITB the Mr 19 doublet appeared to be species specific; the Mr 25 kd genus specific. They reacted with mouse serum from 13-16 weeks after infection. In monkey serum Mr 19 doublet appeared 8-10 weeks after infection and disappeared at 8-12 weeks after Droncit treatment, paralleled to the disappearance of fecal egg. The Mr 60 and >224 kd bands were also demonstrated with S. japonicum, S. haematobium and Trichinella spiralis infection sera and may be the cause of cross-reaction in conventional serological test. ^


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This study reports the first crystal chemical database resulting from a detailed structural investigation of trioctahedral micas found in xenolithic ejecta produced during the AD 1631, 1872 and 1944 eruptions, three explosive episodes of recent volcanic period of Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy). Three xenolith types were selected: metamorphic/metasomatic skarns, pyrometamorphic/hydrothermally altered nodules and mafic cumulates. They are related to different magma chemistry and effusive styles: from sub-plinian and most evolved (AD 1631 eruption) to violent strombolian with medium evolution degree (AD 1872 eruption) to vulcanian-effusive, least evolved (AD 1944 eruption) event, respectively. Both xenoliths and micas were investigated employing multiple techniques: the xenoliths were characterized by X-ray fluorescence, inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and quantitative energy-dispersive microanalysis; the micas were studied by electron probe microanalysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. The mica-bearing xenoliths show variable texture and mineralogical assemblage, clearly related to their different origin. Based on the major oxide chemistry, only one xenolithic sample falls in the skarn compositional field from the Somma-Vesuvius literature, some fall close to the skarns and cumulate fields, others plot close to the syenite/foidolite/essexite field. A subgroup of the selected ejecta does not fall or approach any of the compositional fields. Trace and rare earth element patterns show some petrological affinity between studied xenoliths and erupted magmas with typical Eu, Ta and Nb negative anomalies. Strongly depleted patterns were detected for the 1631 metamorphic/metasomatic skarns xenoliths. Three distinct mica groups were distinguished: 1) Mg-, Al-rich, low Ti-bearing, low to moderate F-bearing varieties (1631 xenolith), 2) Al-moderate, F- and Mg-rich, Ti-, Fe-poor varieties (1872 xenolith), and 3) Al-, Ti- and Fe-rich, F-poor phases (1944 xenolith). All the analysed mica crystals are 1M polytypes with the expected space group C2/m. Micas from xenoliths of the 1631 Vesuvius eruption are phlogopites characterized by a combination of low extent of oxy-type and variable extent OH-F-substitutions, as testified by the range of F concentration (from ~ 0.20 to 0.80 apfu). Micas from xenoliths of the 1872 Vesuvius eruption exhibit structural peculiarities typical of fluorophlogopites, i.e. OH-F-substitution is predominant. Micas from the xenolith of the 1944 Vesuvius eruption display features typical of oxy-substituted micas. The variability of the crystal chemical features of the studied micas are consistent with the remarkable variation of their host rocks. Micas from 1631 nodules are related to metasomatic, skarn-type environment, deriving from the metamorphosed wall-rocks hosting the magma reservoir. The fluorophlogopites from the 1872 xenoliths testify for strongly dehydrated environmental conditions compared to those of the 1631 and 1944 hosts. Finally, magma storage condition at depth, associated to a decreasing aH2O may have promoted major oxy-type substitutions in 1944 biotites.


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Anthropogenically-modulated reductions in pH, termed ocean acidification, could pose a major threat to the physiological performance, stocks, and biodiversity of calcifiers and may devalue their ecosystem services. Recent debate has focussed on the need to develop approaches to arrest the potential negative impacts of ocean acidification on ecosystems dominated by calcareous organisms. In this study, we demonstrate the role of a discrete (i.e. diffusion) boundary layer (DBL), formed at the surface of some calcifying species under slow flows, in buffering them from the corrosive effects of low pH seawater. The coralline macroalga Arthrocardia corymbosa was grown in a multifactorial experiment with two mean pH levels (8.05 'ambient' and 7.65 a worst case 'ocean acidification' scenario projected for 2100), each with two levels of seawater flow (fast and slow, i.e. DBL thin or thick). Coralline algae grown under slow flows with thick DBLs (i.e., unstirred with regular replenishment of seawater to their surface) maintained net growth and calcification at pH 7.65 whereas those in higher flows with thin DBLs had net dissolution. Growth under ambient seawater pH (8.05) was not significantly different in thin and thick DBL treatments. No other measured diagnostic (recruit sizes and numbers, photosynthetic metrics, %C, %N, %MgCO3) responded to the effects of reduced seawater pH. Thus, flow conditions that promote the formation of thick DBLs, may enhance the subsistence of calcifiers by creating localised hydrodynamic conditions where metabolic activity ameliorates the negative impacts of ocean acidification.


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The backarc glasses recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 are unique among submarine tholeiitic glasses with respect to their oxygen fugacity and sulfur concentrations. Unlike mid-ocean-ridge basalt glasses, fO2 in these samples (inferred from ratios Fe3+/Fe2+) is high and variable, and S variations (90-1140 ppm) are not coupled with FeO concentration. Strong correlations occur between the alkali and alkaline-earth elements and both fO2 (positive correlations) and S concentrations (negative correlations). Correlations between fO2 and various trace elements are strongest for those elements with a known affinity for hydrous fluids (perhaps produced during slab dehydration), suggesting the presence of a hydrous fluid with high fO2 and high alkali and alkaline earth element concentrations in the Lau Basin mantle. Concentrations of S and fO2 are strongly correlated; high fO2 samples are characterized by low S in addition to high alkali and alkaline earth element concentrations. The negative correlations between S and these trace elements are not consistent with incompatible behavior of S during crystallization. Mass balance considerations indicate that the S concentrations cannot result simply from mixing between low-S and high-S sources. Furthermore, there is no relationship between S and other trace elements or isotope ratios that might indicate that the S variations reflect mixing processes. The S variations more likely reflect the fact that when silicate coexists with an S-rich vapor phase the solubility of S in the silicate melt is a function of fO2 and is at a minimum at the fO2 conditions recorded by these glasses. The absence of Fe-sulfides and the high and variable vesicle contents are consistent with the idea that S concentrations reflect silicate-vapor equilibria rather than silicate-sulfide equilibria (as in MORB). The low S contents of some samples, therefore, reflect the high fO2 of the supra-subduction zone environment rather than a low-S source component.


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We report on the conversion of non-luminescent conventional poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)-based electron-beam resists into luminescent materials when used as negative-tone resists, that is, when exposed to high electron irradiation doses. Raman spectroscopy reveals the chemical transformation induced by electron irradiation which is responsible for the observed luminescence in the visible (blue) region. The emission intensity from exposed PMMA-based patterns can be controlled by the electron irradiation dose employed to create them.


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Collisional analysis of electron collection by a probe in a strongly magnetized, fully ionized plasma is carried out. A solution to the complete set of macroscopic equations with classical transport coefficients that is wholly consistent in the domain is determined; R and le are probe radius and electron gyroradius, respectively. If R2/le 2 is large compared with mi/3me probe large compared with ion gyroradius, ion–electron energy exchange—rather than electron heat diffusion—keeps electrons isothermal. For smaller probes at negative bias, however, electron cooling occurs in the plasma beyond the sheath, with a potential overshoot lying well away from it. The probe characteristic in the electron-retarding range may then mimic the characteristic for a two electron-temperature plasma and lead to an overestimate of electron temperature; the validity of these results for other transport models is discussed