The electrochemical behavior of Dawson-type P2W18O626- adsorbed on a glassy carbon electrode and doped in a polypyrrole film electrode was described. These modified electrodes all display catalytic activity for nitrite reduction, either in acid solutions or in pH > 4.0 solutions.
Eastman-AQ 55D was coated onto a carbon fiber microelectrode surface, and the resulting modified electrodes exhibited high stability. Substantial improvement in the stability was observed as a result of good adhesion and the strong binding of large hydrophobic cations of Eastman AQ 55D. The electrode reaction of meldola blue bound in the polymer film showed a reversible, one-electron transfer process. The effects of solution pH and influence of supporting electrolyte on the modified carbon fiber microelectrode are discussed. The diffusion coefficient of meldola blue in the AQ polymer film determined by chronoamperometry is 2.3 x 10(-18) cm(2) s(-1), and the heterogeneous rate constant of meldola blue at the AQ polymer film/electrode determined by normal pulse voltammetry is 3.97 x 10(-3) cms(-1).
Probe beam deflection(PBD) technique together with electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry was used to study the ion exchange in prussian blue(PB) film and its analogue indium hexacyanoferrate (InHCF) chemically modified electrodes, The ion exchange mechanism of PB was verified as following: K2Fe2+FeI(CN)(6)(-e--K+)reversible arrow(+e-+K+)KFe(3+)Fe(I)(CN)(6)(-xe--xK+)reversible arrow(+xe-+xK+) [Fe3+FeI(CN)(6)](x)[KFe3+FeI(CN)(6)](1-x) where on reduction in contact with an acidic KCl electrolyte, H+ enter PB film before K+. Both the cations and anions participate concurrently in the redox process of InHCF, meanwhile K+ ion plays a major role in the whole charge transfer process of this film with increasing radii of anions.
A conducting platinum cluster compound K1.64Pt(C2O4)(2) was electrochemically synthesized on a glassy carbon electrode through the electrooxidation of K2Pt(C2O4)(2) in an aqueous medium using single potential step and cyclic voltammetry methods. The precursor K2Pt(C2O4)(2) was prepared by a ligand exchange reaction between C2O42- and PtCl42-. During single potential step experiments, the electrolytic current corresponding to the oxidation of K2Pt(C2O4)(2) increased dramatically after a sharp decrease at the beginning (due to the formation of conducting K1.64Pt(C2O4)(2) on the surface of the working electrode). Two kinds of mechanism account for the current transients at the different applied potentials. Cyclic voltammetry was conducted with K1.64Pt(C2O4)(2) on the surface of the working electrode and a steady-state diffusion current was observed. Since the material grew in a fibrous manner, each conducting fiber which was in contact with the electrode could serve as an ultramicroelectrode. The behavior of the working electrode was thus changed from a plain to an ultramicroelectrode array.
Prussian blue has been formed by cyclic voltammetry onto the basal pyrolytic graphite surface to prepare a chemically modified electrode which provides excellent electrocatalysis for both oxidation and reduction of hydrogen peroxide. It is found for the first time that glucose oxidase or D-amino oxidase can be incorporated into a Prussian blue film during its electrochemical growth process. Two amperometric biosensors were fabricated by electrochemical codeposition, and the resulting sensors were protected by coverage with a thin film of Nafion. The influence of various experimental conditions was examined for optimum analytical performance. The glucose sensor responds rapidly to substrates with a detection limit of 2 x 10(-6) M and a linear concentration range of 0.01-3 mM. There was no interference from 2 mM ascorbic acid or uric acid. Another (D-amino acid) sensor gave a detection limit of 3 x 10(-5) M D-alanine, injected with a linear concentration range of 7.0 x 10(-5)-1.4 x 10(-2) M. Glucose and D-amino acid sensors remain relatively stable for 20 and 15 days, respectively. There is no obvious interference from anion electroactive species due to a low operating potential and excellent permselectivity of Nafion.
A novel type of electrochemical detector based on a polyaniline-dispersed mercury-coated glassy carbon chemically modified electrode was investigated for the detection of monochloramine and dichloramine. A polyaniline dispersed-mercury modified electrode, which was prepared by coating polyaniline on a thin mercury film electrode using fast-sweep voltammetry, was developed. The selectivity could be altered using various counter ions incorporated into the polymer. The results indicated that the use of a conducting polymer-based electrochemical sensor for the selective determination of chloramine is a feasible approach.
A glassy carbon electrode coated with an electrodeposited film of mixed-valent cobalt oxide/cyanocobaltate (Co-O/CN-Co) enabled hydrazine compounds to be catalytically oxidized at the greatly reduced overpotential and in a wide operational pH range (pH 2.0-7.0). Electrocatalytic activity at the Co-O/CN-Co modified electrode was evaluated with respect to solution pH, film thickness, supporting electrolyte ions, potential scan rate, operating potential, concentration dependence and other variables. The Co-O/CN-Co film electrode was completely compatible with a conventional reversed-phase liquid chromatographic (RP-LC) system. Practical RP-LC amperometric detection (RP-LCEC) of hydrazines was performed. A dynamic linear response range over three orders of magnitude and a detection limit at the pmol level were readily obtained. The Co-O/CN-CO film electrode exhibited excellent electrocatalytic stability in the flowing streams.
A vitamin B-12 chemically modified electrode (CME) was constructed by adsorption of vitamin B-12 onto a glassy carbon surface. The electrode catalyzes the electrooxidation of hydrazine compounds over a wide pH range. The electrocatalytic behavior of hydrazines is elucidated with respect to the CME preparation conditions, solution pH, operating potential, mobile phase flow rate, and other variables. When applied to liquid chromatographic detection of the analytes, the vitamin B-12 CME yielded a linear response range over 2 orders of magnitude, and detection limits at the picomole level. The vitamin B-12 CME offers acceptable catalytic stability in both batch and flow systems.
The primary aim of these investigations was to probe the elecnuchemical and material science aspects of some selected metal phthalocyanines(MPcs).Metal phthalocyanines are characterised by a unique planar molecular structure. As a single class of compounds they have been the subject of ever increasing number of physicochemical and technological investigations. During the last two decades the literature on these compounds was flooded by an outpour of original publications and patents. Almost every branch of materials science has benefited by their application-swface coating, printing, electrophotography, photoelectrochemistry, electronics and medicine to name a few.The present study was confined to the electrical and electrochemical properties of cobalt, nickel, zinc. iron and copper phthalocyanines. The use of soluble Pes as corrosion inhibitor for aluminium was also investigated.In the introductory section of the thesis, the work done so far on MPcs is reviewed. In this review emphasis is given to their general methods of synthesis and the physicochemical properties.In phthalocyanine chemistry one of the formidable tasks is the isolation of singular species. In the second chapter the methods of synthesis and purification are presented with necessary experimental details.The studies on plasma modified films of CoPe, FePc, ZnPc. NiPc and CuPc are also presented.Modification of electron transfer process by such films for reversible redox systems is taken as the criterion to establish enhanced electrocatalytic activity.Metal phthalocyanines are p- type semiconductors and the conductivity is enhanced by doping with iodine. The effect of doping on the activation energy of the conduction process is evaluated by measuring the temperature dependent variation of conductivity. Effect of thennal treatment on iodine doped CoPc is investigated by DSC,magnetic susceptibility, IR, ESR and electronic spectra. The elecnucatalytic activity of such doped materials was probed by cyclic voltammetry.The electron transfer mediation characteristics of MPc films depend on the film thickness. The influence of reducing the effective thickness of the MPc film by dispersing it into a conductive polymeric matrix was investigated. Tetrasulphonated cobalt phthalocyanine (CoTSP) was electrostatically immobilised into polyaniline and poly(o-toluidine) under varied conditions.The studies on corrosion inhibition of aluminium by CoTSP and CuTSP and By virtue of their anionic character they are soluble in water and are strongly adsorbed on aluminium. Hence they can act as corrosion inhibitors. CoTSP is also known to catalyze the reduction of dioxygen.This reaction can accelerate the anodic dissolution of metal as a complementary reaction. The influence of these conflicting properties of CoTSP on the corrosion of aluminium was studied and compared with those of CuTSP.In the course of these investigations a number of gadgets like cell for measuring the electrical conductivity of solids under non-isothermal conditions, low power rf oscillator and a rotating disc electrode were fabricated.
The development of electrochemical sensors is currently one of the active areas of research in analytical chemistry.Voltammetric sensors as an important class of electrochemical sensors are extensively used in pharmaceutical applications.In voltammetric analysis,many active compounds in dosage forms,in contrast to excipients,can be readily oxidised or reduced at the electrode surface by applying a potential.Chemically modified electrodes have great significance in the electrochemical determination of pharmaceuticals.The modification of electrode results in efficient determination of electroactive species at very lower potential without any major interferences.The present study involves the fabrication of 8 voltammetric sensors for the drugs Metronidazole Benzoate, Sulfamethoxazole, Acyclovir, Pam Chloride , Trimethoprim , Tamsulosin Hydrochloride and Ceftriaxone Sodium.Two sensors were developed for the drug tamsulosin hydrochloride while one sensor each was developed for the other drugs.
Aquesta tesi doctoral es basa en l'estudi de l'aplicació en catàlisi de dos tipus de complexos organometallics basats en dos metalls de tansició diferents. Concretament s'estudien complexos macrocíclics triolefínics de pal·ladi(0) com a catalitzadors per a les reaccions de Suzuki i Heck, i oxocomplexos carbènics de ruteni(II) com a espècies catalítiques en oxidacions de compostos orgànics. En el cas dels complexos de ruteni s'ha vist que en augmentar el nombre de lligands carbènics en l'esfera de coordinació del metall s'aconseguiex afavorir els processos bielectrònics, obtenint-se catalitzadors més actius i més selectius. En un segon pas, els dos tipus de catalitzadors homogenis s'han immobilitzat sobre la superfície d'un elèctrode mitjançant l'estratègia d'electropolimerització del grup pirrol. Els elèctodes modificats resultants s'han aplicat com a catalitzadors heterogenis. En ambdós casos els catalitzadors heterogenis han mostrat una activitat equiparable o superior a la del sistema homogeni corresponent. Finalment, s'ha assajat una reacció de catàlisi tàndem en què els dos catalitzadors (immobilitzats sobre el mateix elèctrode) actuen en cooperació. S'ha aconseguit realitzar dues transformacions consecutives d'un substat orgànic.
The oxidation of glucose is a complex process usually requiring catalytically active electrode surfaces or enzyme modified electrodes. In this study the effect of high intensity microwave radiation on the oxidation of glucose in alkaline solution at Au, Cu, and Ni electrodes is reported. Calibration experiments with the Fe(CN)(6)(3-/4-) redox system in aqueous 0.1 M NaOH indicate that strong thermal effects occur at both 50 and 500 mu m diameter electrodes with temperatures reaching 380 K. Extreme mass transport effects with mass transport coefficients of k(mt) > 0.01 m s(-1) (or k(mt) > 1.0 cm s(-1)) are observed at 50 mu m diameter electrodes in the presence of microwaves. The electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose at 500 mu m diameter Au, Cu, or Ni electrodes immersed in 0.1 M NaOH and in the presence of microwave radiation is shown to be dominated by kinetic control. The magnitude of glucose oxidation currents at Cu electrodes is shown to depend on the thickness of a pre-formed oxide layer. At 50 mu m diameter Au, Cu, or Ni electrodes microwave enhanced current densities are generally higher, but only at Au electrodes is a significantly increased rate for the electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose to gluconolactone observed. This rate enhancement appears to be independent of temperature but microwave intensity dependent, and therefore non-thermal in nature. Voltammetric currents observed at Ni electrodes in the presence of microwaves show the best correlation with glucose concentration and are therefore analytically most useful.
The oxidation of glucose is a complex process usually requiring catalytically active electrode surfaces or enzyme-modified electrodes. In this study the effect of high intensity microwave radiation on the oxidation of glucose in alkaline solution at Au, Cu, and Ni electrodes is reported. Calibration experiments with the Fe(CN)63–/4– redox system in aqueous 0.1 M NaOH indicate that strong thermal effects occur at both 50 and 500 µm diameter electrodes with temperatures reaching 380 K. Extreme mass transport effects with mass transport coefficients of kmt > 0.01 m s–1(or kmt > 1.0 cm s–1) are observed at 50 µm diameter electrodes in the presence of microwaves. The electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose at 500 µm diameter Au, Cu, or Ni electrodes immersed in 0.1 M NaOH and in the presence of microwave radiation is shown to be dominated by kinetic control. The magnitude of glucose oxidation currents at Cu electrodes is shown to depend on the thickness of a pre-formed oxide layer. At 50 µm diameter Au, Cu, or Ni electrodes microwave enhanced current densities are generally higher, but only at Au electrodes is a significantly increased rate for the electrocatalytic oxidation of glucose to gluconolactone observed. This rate enhancement appears to be independent of temperature but microwave intensity dependent, and therefore non-thermal in nature. Voltammetric currents observed at Ni electrodes in the presence of microwaves show the best correlation with glucose concentration and are therefore analytically most useful.
The electrochemistry of Pt nanostructured electrodes is investigated using hydrodynamic modulated voltammetry (HMV). Here a liquid crystal templating process is used to produce platinum-modified electrodes with a range of surface areas (roughness factor 42.4-280.8). The electroreduction of molecular oxygen at these nanostructured platinum surfaces is used to demonstrate the ability of HMV to discriminate between faradaic and nonfaradaic electrode reactions. The HMV approach shows that the reduction of molecular oxygen experiences considerable signal loss within the high pseudocapacitive region of the voltammetry. Evidence for the contribution of the double layer to transient mass transfer events is presented. In addition, a model circuit and appropriate theoretical analysis are used to illustrate the transient responses of a time variant faradaic component. This in conjunction with the experimental evidence shows that, far from being a passive component in this system, the double layer can contribute to HMV faradaic reactions under certain conditions.
We show a simple strategy to obtain all efficient enzymatic broelectrochemical device, in which urease was immobilized oil electroactive nanostructured membranes (ENMs) made with polyaniline and silver nanoparticles (AgNP) stabilized in polyvinyl alcohol (PAni/PVA-AgNP). Fabrication of the modified electrodes comprised the chemical deposition of polyaniline followed by drop-coating of PVA-AgNP and urease, resulting in a final ITO/PAni/PVA-AgNP/urease electrode Configuration. For comparison. the electrochemical performance of ITO/PAni/urease electrodes (without Ag nanoparticles) was also studied. The performance of the modified electrodes toward Urea hydrolysis was investigated via amperometric measurements, revealing a fast increase in cathodic current with a well-defined peak upon addition of urea to the electrolytic solution. The cathodic currents for the ITO/PAni/PVA-AgNP urease electrodes were significantly higher than for the ITO/PAni/urease electrodes. The friendly environment provided by the ITO/PAni/PVA-AgNP electrode to the immobilized enzyme promoted efficient catalytic conversion of urea into ammonium and bicarbonate tons. Using the Michaelis-Menten kinetics equation, a K(M)(aPP) of 2.7 mmol L(-1) was obtained. indicating that the electrode architecture employed may be advantageous for fabrication of enzymatic devices with improved biocatalytic properties. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.