449 resultados para N-glycosylation


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The glycan chain of the S-layer glycoprotein of Geobacillus stearothermophilus NRS 2004/3a is composed of repeating units [-->2)-alpha-l-Rhap-(1-->3)-beta-l-Rhap-(1-->2)-alpha-l-Rhap-(1-->], with a 2-O-methyl modification of the terminal trisaccharide at the nonreducing end of the glycan chain, a core saccharide composed of two or three alpha-l-rhamnose residues, and a beta-d-galactose residue as a linker to the S-layer protein. In this study, we report the biochemical characterization of WsaP of the S-layer glycosylation gene cluster as a UDP-Gal:phosphoryl-polyprenol Gal-1-phosphate transferase that primes the S-layer glycoprotein glycan biosynthesis of Geobacillus stearothermophilus NRS 2004/3a. Our results demonstrate that the enzyme transfers in vitro a galactose-1-phosphate from UDP-galactose to endogenous phosphoryl-polyprenol and that the C-terminal half of WsaP carries the galactosyltransferase function, as already observed for the UDP-Gal:phosphoryl-polyprenol Gal-1-phosphate transferase WbaP from Salmonella enterica. To confirm the function of the enzyme, we show that WsaP is capable of reconstituting polysaccharide biosynthesis in WbaP-deficient strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.


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The PglB oligosaccharyltransferase (OTase) of Campylobacter jejuni can be functionally expressed in Escherichia coli, and its relaxed oligosaccharide substrate specificity allows the transfer of different glycans from the lipid carrier undecaprenyl pyrophosphate to an acceptor protein. To investigate the substrate specificity of PglB, we tested the transfer of a set of lipid-linked polysaccharides in E. coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. A hexose linked to the C-6 of the monosaccharide at the reducing end did not inhibit the transfer of the O antigen to the acceptor protein. However, PglB required an acetamido group at the C-2. A model for the mechanism of PglB involving this functional group was proposed. Previous experiments have shown that eukaryotic OTases have the same requirement, suggesting that eukaryotic and prokaryotic OTases catalyze the transfer of oligosaccharides by a conserved mechanism. Moreover, we demonstrated the functional transfer of the C. jejuni glycosylation system into S. enterica. The elucidation of the mechanism of action and the substrate specificity of PglB represents the foundation for engineering glycoproteins that will have an impact on biotechnology.


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Translocation of lipid-linked oligosaccharide (LLO) intermediates across membranes is an essential but poorly understood process in eukaryotic and bacterial glycosylation pathways. Membrane proteins defined as translocases or flippases are implicated to mediate the translocation reaction. The membrane protein Wzx has been proposed to mediate the translocation across the plasma membrane of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O antigen subunits, which are assembled on an undecaprenyl pyrophosphate lipid carrier. Similarly, PglK (formerly WlaB) is a Campylobacter jejuni-encoded ABC-type transporter proposed to mediate the translocation of the undecaprenylpyrophosphate-linked heptasaccharide intermediate involved in the recently identified bacterial N-linked protein glycosylation pathway. A combination of genetic and carbohydrate structural analyses defined and characterized flippase activities in the C. jejuni N-linked protein glycosylation and the Escherichia coli LPS O antigen biosynthesis. PglK displayed relaxed substrate specificity with respect to the oligosaccharide structure of the LLO intermediate and complemented a wzx deficiency in E. coli O-antigen biosynthesis. Our experiments provide strong genetic evidence that LLO translocation across membranes can be catalyzed by two distinct proteins that do not share any sequence similarity.


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N-linked glycosylation of proteins in eukaryotic cells follows a highly conserved pathway. The tetradecasaccharide substrate (Glc3Man9GlcNAc2) is first assembled at the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as a dolichylpyrophosphate (Dol-PP)-linked intermediate, and then transferred to nascent polypeptide chains in the lumen of the ER. The assembly of the oligosaccharide starts on the cytoplasmic side of the ER membrane with the synthesis of a Man5GlcNAc2-PP-Dol intermediate. This lipid-linked intermediate is then translocated across the membrane so that the oligosaccharides face the lumen of the ER, where the biosynthesis of Glc3Man9GlcNAc2-PP-Dol continues to completion. The fully assembled oligosaccharide is transferred to selected asparagine residues of target proteins. The transmembrane movement of lipid-linked Man5GlcNAc2 oligosaccharide is of fundamental importance in this biosynthetic pathway, and similar processes involving phospholipids and glycolipids are essential in all types of cells. The process is predicted to be catalysed by proteins, termed flippases, which to date have remained elusive. Here we provide evidence that yeast RFT1 encodes an evolutionarily conserved protein required for the translocation of Man5GlcNAc2-PP-Dol from the cytoplasmic to the lumenal leaflet of the ER membrane.


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Introduction: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) comprises a poorly understood group of chronic autoimmune diseases with variable clinical outcomes. We investigated whether the synovial fluid (SF) proteome could distinguish a subset of patients in whom disease extends to affect a large number of joints.

Methods: SF samples from 57 patients were obtained around time of initial diagnosis of JIA, labeled with Cy dyes and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Multivariate analyses were used to isolate a panel of proteins which distinguish patient subgroups. Proteins were identified using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with expression verified by immunochemical methods. Protein glycosylation status was confirmed by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography.

Results: A truncated isoform of vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) is present at significantly reduced levels in the SF of oligoarticular patients at risk of disease extension, relative to other subgroups (p < 0.05). Furthermore, sialylated forms of immunopurified synovial VDBP were significantly reduced in extended oligoarticular patients (p < 0.005).

Conclusion: Reduced conversion of VDBP to a macrophage activation factor may be used to stratify patients to determine risk of disease extension in JIA patients.


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Aims/hypothesis: In previous studies we have shown that extravasated, modified LDL is associated with pericyte loss, an early feature of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Here we sought to determine detailed mechanisms of this LDLinduced pericyte loss.

Methods: Human retinal capillary pericytes (HRCP) were exposed to ‘highly-oxidised glycated’ LDL (HOG-LDL) (a model of extravasated and modified LDL) and to 4-hydroxynonenal or 7-ketocholesterol (components of oxidised LDL), or to native LDL for 1 to 24 h with or without 1 h of pretreatment with inhibitors of the following: (1) the scavenger receptor (polyinosinic acid); (2) oxidative stress (N-acetyl cysteine); (3) endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress (4-phenyl butyric acid); and (4) mitochondrial dysfunction (cyclosporin A). Oxidative stress, ER stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis and autophagy were assessed using techniques including western blotting, immunofluorescence, RT-PCR, flow cytometry and TUNEL assay. To assess the relevance of the results in vivo, immunohistochemistry was used to detect the ER stress chaperon, 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein, and the ER sensor, activating transcription factor 6, in retinas from a mouse model of DR that mimics exposure of the retina to elevated glucose and elevated LDL levels, and in retinas from human participants with and without diabetes and DR.

Results: Compared with native LDL, HOG-LDL activated oxidative and ER stress in HRCP, resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis and autophagy. In a mouse model of diabetes and hyperlipidaemia (vs mouse models of either condition alone), retinal ER stress was enhanced. ER stress was also enhanced in diabetic human retina and correlated with the severity of DR.

Conclusions/interpretation: Cell culture, animal, and human data suggest that oxidative stress and ER stress are induced by modified LDL, and are implicated in pericyte loss in DR.


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We previously showed that extravasated, modified LDL is implicated in pericyte loss in diabetic retinopathy (DR). Here, we investigate whether modified LDL induces apoptosis in retinal Müller glial cells.


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To determine whether immunocomplexes (ICs) containing advanced glycation end product (AGE)-LDL (AGE-LDL) and oxidized LDL (oxLDL) contribute to the development of retinopathy over a 16-year period in subjects with type 1 diabetes.


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We determined whether oxidative damage in collagen is increased in (1) patients with diabetes; (2) patients with diabetic complications; and (3) subjects from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study, with comparison of subjects from the former standard vs intensive treatment groups 4 years after DCCT completion.


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S-(2-Succinyl)cysteine (2SC) has been identified as a chemical modification in plasma proteins, in the non-mercaptalbumin fraction of human plasma albumin, in human skin collagen, and in rat skeletal muscle proteins and urine. 2SC increases in human skin collagen with age and is increased in muscle protein of diabetic vs. control rats. The concentration of 2SC in skin collagen and muscle protein correlated strongly with that of the advanced glycation/lipoxidation end-product (AGE/ALE), N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML). 2SC is formed by a Michael addition reaction of cysteine sulfhydryl groups with fumarate at physiological pH. Fumarate, but not succinate, inactivates the sulfhydryl enzyme, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in vitro, in concert with formation of 2SC. 2SC is the first example of spontaneous chemical modification of protein by a metabolic intermediate in the Krebs cycle. These observations identify fumarate as an endogenous electrophile and suggest a role for fumarate in regulation of metabolism.


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The association between poor metabolic control and the microvascular complications of diabetes is now well established, but the relationship between long-term metabolic control and the accelerated atherosclerosis of diabetes is as yet poorly defined. Hyperglycemia is the standard benchmark by which metabolic control is assessed. One mechanism by which elevated glucose levels may mediate vascular injury is through early and advanced glycation reactions affecting a wide variety of target molecules. The "glycation hypothesis'' has developed over the past 30 years, evolving gradually into a "carbonyl stress hypothesis'' and taking into account not only the modification of proteins by glucose, but also the roles of oxidative stress, a wide range of reactive carbonyl-containing intermediates (derived not only from glucose but also from lipids), and a variety of extra- and intracellular target molecules. The final products of these reactions may now be termed "Either Advanced Glycation or Lipoxidation End-Products'' or "EAGLEs.'' The ubiquity of carbonyl stress within the body, the complexity of the reactions involved, the variety of potential carbonyl intermediates and target molecules and their differing half-lives, and the slow development of the complications of diabetes all pose major challenges in dissecting the significance of these processes. The extent of the reactions tends to correlate with overall metabolic control, creating pitfalls in the interpretation of associative data. Many animal and cell culture studies, while supporting the hypothesis, must be viewed with caution in terms of relevance to human diabetes. In this article, the development of the carbonyl stress hypothesis is reviewed, and implications for present and future treatments to prevent complications are discussed.


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Diabetes may induce both quantitative and qualitative changes in lipoproteins, especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Effects of LDL glycation on endothelial cell secretion of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) have not been fully elucidated. Human aortic endothelial cell (HAEC) tPA and PAI-1 production were determined after incubation with LDL (50 to 500 microg/mL protein, 24 h) from three sources: (1) nondiabetic LDL (N-LDL) modified in vitro to form six preparations: native, nonmodified (N); glycated (G); minimally oxidized (MO); minimally oxidized and glycated (MOG); heavily oxidized (HO); and heavily oxidized and glycated (HOG); (2) in vivo glycated and relatively nonglycated LDL subfractions from type 1 diabetic patients; (3) LDL from type 1 diabetic patients and matched controls, which was subfractionated using density gradient ultracentrifugation. In experiments using LDL modified in vitro, the rate of tPA release by HAECs incubated with N-LDL (83 +/- 4 ng/mg cell protein/24 h) did not differ significantly from those incubated with G-LDL (73 +/- 7), MO-LDL (74 +/- 13), or MOG-LDL (66 +/- 15) and was not influenced by LDL concentration. The rate of PAI-1 release was similar in HAECs incubated with N-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.6 mug/mg cell protein/24 h), G-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.7), MO-LDL (5.5 +/- 0.8), or MOG-LDL (5.7 +/- 0.9) and was not influenced by LDL concentration. In contrast, tPA release was significantly decreased in cells incubated with LDL (10 microg/mL) modified extensively by oxidation, and averaged 45.2 +/- 5.0 and 43.7 +/- 9.9 ng/mg/24 h for HO-LDL and HOG-LDL, respectively, and was further decreased with increasing concentrations of the heavily oxidized LDL preparations. PAI-1 release was not significantly decreased relative to N-LDL in cells incubated with low concentrations (5 to 50 microg/mL) of HO-LDL and HOG-LDL, but was decreased to 3.2 +/- 0.5 and 3.1 +/- 0.7 microg/mg/24 h for HO-LDL and HOG-LDL at 200 microg/mL, respectively. Results using in vivo glycated versus nonglycated LDL showed that tPA and PAI-1 release did not differ between subfractions. Release of tPA averaged 5.11 +/- 0.6 and 5.12 +/- 0.7 ng/mg/24 h, whereas release of PAI-1 averaged 666 +/- 27 ng/mg/24 h and 705 +/- 30 ng/mg/24 h for nonglycated and glycated LDL subfractions, respectively. Using LDL of different density subclasses, tPA and PAI-1 release in response to LDL from diabetic patients compared with control subjects did not differ when HAECs were incubated with LDLs of increasing density isolated from each subject pair. We conclude that oxidation of LDL, but not glycation, may contribute to the altered fibrinolysis observed in diabetes.


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The chronic vascular complications of diabetes (nephropathy, retinopathy and accelerated atherosclerosis) are a major cause of morbidity and premature mortality. In spite of the more widespread availability of intensive diabetes management, approximately one in three people with diabetes develop aggressive complications and over 70% die of atherosclerosis-related diseases. Genetic and acquired factors are likely to be contributory. Potential mediators of vascular damage may include the interrelated processes of lipoprotein abnormalities, glycation, oxidation and endothelial dysfunction. Lipoprotein abnormalities encompass alterations in lipid concentrations, lipoprotein composition and subclass distribution and lipoprotein-related enzymes. Nonenzymatic glycation and oxidative damage to lipoproteins, other proteins and to vascular structures may also be deleterious. As atherosclerosis is a chronic condition commencing in youth, and because clinical events may be silent in diabetes, surrogate measures of vascular disease are important for early identification of diabetic patients with or at high risk of vascular damage, and for monitoring efficacy of interventions. The increasing array of biochemical assays for markers and mediators of vascular damage, noninvasive measures of vascular health, and therapeutic options should enable a reduction in the excessive personal and economic burden of vascular disease in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


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Compared with normal low density lipoprotein (N-LDL), LDL minimally modified in vitro by glycation, minimal oxidation, or glycoxidation (G-, MO-, GO-LDL) decreases survival of cultured retinal capillary endothelial cells and pericytes. Similar modifications occurring in vivo in diabetes may contribute to retinopathy. The goal of this study was to determine whether low concentrations of aminoguanidine might prevent cytotoxic modification of LDL and/or protect retinal capillary cells from previously modified LDL.


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Glycation and/or oxidation of LDL may promote diabetic nephropathy. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, which includes extracellular signal-regulated protein kinases (ERKs), modulates cell function. Therefore, we examined the effects of LDL on ERK phosphorylation in cultured rat mesangial cells. In cells exposed to 100 microg/ml native LDL or LDL modified by glycation, and/or mild or marked (copper-mediated) oxidation, ERK activation peaked at 5 min. Five minutes of exposure to 10-100 microg/ml native or modified LDL produced a concentration-dependent (up to sevenfold) increase in ERK activity. Also, 10 microg/ml native LDL and mildly modified LDL (glycated and/or mildly oxidized) produced significantly greater ERK activation than that induced by copper-oxidized LDL +/- glycation (P <0.05). Pretreatment of cells with Src kinase and MAPK kinase inhibitors blocked ERK activation by 50-80% (P <0.05). Native and mildly modified LDL, which are recognized by the native LDL receptor, induced a transient spike of intracellular calcium. Copper-oxidized (+/- glycation) LDL, recognized by the scavenger receptor, induced a sustained rise in intracellular calcium. The intracellular calcium chelator (EGTA/AM) further increased ERK activation by native and mildly modified LDL (P <0.05). These findings demonstrate that native and modified LDL activate ERKs 1 and 2, an early mitogenic signal, in mesangial cells and provide evidence for a potential link between modified LDL and the development of glomerular injury in diabetes.