997 resultados para Myosin Heavy Chains


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Natural killer (NK) cells are inhibited from killing cellular targets by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. In the mouse, this can be mediated by the Ly-49A NK cell receptor that specifically binds the H-2Dd MHC class I molecule, then inhibits NK cell activity. Previous experiments have indicated that Ly-49A recognizes the alpha 1/alpha 2 domains of MHC class I and that no specific MHC-bound peptide appeared to be involved. We demonstrate here that alanine-substituted peptides, having only the minimal anchor motifs, stabilized H-2Dd expression and provided resistance to H-2Dd-transfected, transporter associated with processing (TAP)-deficient cells from lysis by Ly-49A+ NK cells. Peptide-induced resistance was blocked only by an mAb that binds a conformational determinant on H-2Dd. Moreover, stabilization of "empty" H-2Dd heavy chains by exogenous beta 2-microglobulin did not confer resistance. In contrast to data for MHC class I-restricted T cells that are specific for peptides displayed MHC molecules, these data indicate that NK cells are specific for a peptide-induced conformational determinant, independent of specific peptide. This fundamental distinction between NK cells and T cells further implies that NK cells are sensitive only to global changes in MHC class I conformation or expression, rather than to specific pathogen-encoded peptides. This is consistent with the "missing self" hypothesis, which postulates that NK cells survey tissues for normal expression of MHC class I.


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The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) genomic unique short (US) region encodes a family of homologous genes essential for the inhibition of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-mediated antigen presentation during viral infection. Here we show that US3, the only immediate early (IE) gene within the US region, encodes an endoplasmic reticulum-resident glycoprotein that prevents intracellular transport of MHC class I molecules. In contrast to the rapid degradation of newly synthesized MHC class I heavy chains mediated by the early gene product US11, we found that US3 retains stable MHC class I heterodimers in the endoplasmic reticulum that are loaded with peptides while retained in the ER. Consistent with the expression pattern of US3 and US11, MHC class I molecules are retained but not degraded during the IE period of infection. Our data identify the first nonregulatory role of an IE protein of HCMV and suggest that HCMV uses different T-cell escape strategies at different times during the infectious cycle.


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A threonine to isoleucine polymorphism at amino acid 164 in the fourth transmembrane spanning domain of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) is known to occur in the human population. The functional consequences of this polymorphism to catecholamine signaling in relevant cells or to end-organ responsiveness, however, are not known. To explore potential differences between the two receptors, site-directed mutagenesis was carried out to mimic the polymorphism. Transgenic FVB/N mice were then created overexpressing wild-type (wt) beta 2AR or the mutant Ile-164 receptor in a targeted manner in the heart using a murine alpha myosin heavy chain promoter. The functional properties of the two receptors were then assessed at the level of in vitro cardiac myocyte signaling and in vivo cardiac responses in intact animals. The expression levels of these receptors in the two lines chosen for study were approximately 1200 fmol/mg protein in cardiac membranes, which represents a approximately 45-fold increase in expression over endogenous beta AR. Myocyte membrane adenylyl cyclase activity in the basal state was significantly lower in the Ile-164 mice (19.5 +/- 2.7 pmol/min/mg) compared with wt beta 2AR mice (35.0 +/- 4.1 pmol/min/mg), as was the maximal isoproterenol-stimulated activity (49.8 +/- 7.8 versus 77.1 +/ 7.3 pmol/min/mg). In intact animals, resting heart rate (441 +/- 21 versus 534 +/- 17 bpm) and dP/dtmax (10,923 +/- 730 versus 15,308 +/- 471 mmHg/sec) were less in the Ile-164 mice as compared with wt beta 2AR mice. Similarly, the physiologic responses to infused isoproterenol were notably less in the mutant expressing mice. Indeed, these values, as well as other contractile parameters, were indistinguishable between Ile-164 mice and nontransgenic littermates. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the Ile-164 polymorphism is substantially dysfunctional in a relevant target tissue, as indicated by depressed receptor coupling to adenylyl cyclase in myocardial membranes and impaired receptor mediated cardiac function in vivo. Under normal homeostatic conditions or in circumstances where sympathetic responses are compromised due to diseased states, such as heart failure, this impairment may have important pathophysiologic consequences.


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Transgenic mice were generated in which the cDNA for the human insulin-like growth factor 1B (IGF-1B) was placed under the control of a rat alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter. In mice heterozygous for the transgene, IGF-1B mRNA was not detectable in the fetal heart at the end of gestation, was present in modest levels at 1 day after birth, and increased progressively with postnatal maturation, reaching a peak at 75 days. Myocytes isolated from transgenic mice secreted 1.15 +/- 0.25 ng of IGF-1 per 10(6) cells per 24 hr versus 0.27 +/- 0.10 ng in myocytes from homozygous wild-type littermates. The plasma level of IGF-1 increased 84% in transgenic mice. Heart weight was comparable in wild-type littermates and transgenic mice up to 45 days of age, but a 42%, 45%, 62%, and 51% increase was found at 75, 135, 210, and 300 days, respectively, after birth. At 45, 75, and 210 days, the number of myocytes in the heart was 21%, 31%, and 55% higher, respectively, in transgenic animals. In contrast, myocyte cell volume was comparable in transgenic and control mice at all ages. In conclusion, overexpression of IGF-1 in myocytes leads to cardiomegaly mediated by an increased number of cells in the heart.


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A new approach of comparing protein structures that does not involve the procedure of superposition is suggested. An invariant system of coordinates for immunoglobulin molecules that is based on the geometrical symmetry inherent to the variable domain light-chain (VL)-heavy-chain (VH) complex is described. The coordinates of the Calpha atoms in 22 immunoglobulin structures are calculated in the invariant system of coordinates. We found that 76 identical positions in this Calpha framework are symmetrical about the twofold axis. Comparison of the identical positions in these molecules allows us to select 96 positions in the light chains and 87 positions in the heavy chains whose Calpha atom coordinates are approximately the same. To check whether the average coordinates of Calpha atoms in these positions complies with the stereochemical requirements, we calculated Calpha-Calpha distances. Seventy-three positions of the light chains and 72 positions of the heavy chains satisfy the Calpha-Calpha distance criterion. The Calpha atoms in these positions are used for constructing the "standard" Calpha framework of VL and VH complexes. The average coordinates of Calpha atoms are presented.


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Endoproteolytic processing of the human protein C (HPC) precursor to its mature form involves cleavage of the propeptide after amino acids Lys-2-Arg-1 and removal of a Lys156-Arg157 dipeptide connecting the light and heavy chains. This processing was inefficient in the mammary gland of transgenic mice and pigs. We hypothesized that the protein processing capacity of specific animal organs may be improved by the coexpression of selected processing enzymes. We tested this by targeting expression of the human proprotein processing enzyme, named paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme (PACE)/furin, or an enzymatically inactive mutant, PACEM, to the mouse mammary gland. In contrast to mice expressing HPC alone, or to HPC/PACEM bigenic mice, coexpression of PACE with HPC resulted in efficient conversion of the precursor to mature protein, with cleavage at the appropriate sites. These results suggest the involvement of PACE in the processing of HPC in vivo and represent an example of the engineering of animal organs into bioreactors with enhanced protein processing capacity.


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A monomorphic anti-HLA-G monoclonal antibody (mAb) was obtained by immunization of HLA-B27/human beta 2-microglobulin double-transgenic mice with transfected murine L cells expressing both HLA-G and human beta 2-microglobulin. This mAb, designated BFL.1, specifically recognizes, by flow cytometry analysis, the immunizing HLA-G-expressing cells, whereas it does not bind to parental untransfected or to HLA-B7- and HLA-A3-transfected L cells, suggesting that it distinguishes between classical HLA-A and -B and nonclassical HLA-G class I molecules. This was further assessed by the absence of BFL.1 reactivity with a number of human cell lines known to express classical HLA class I proteins. In addition, we showed that the BFL.1 mAb also labels HLA-G-naturally-expressing JEG-3 and HLA-G-transfected JAR human choriocarcinoma cell lines as well as a subpopulation of first-trimester placental cytotrophoblast cells. Further biochemical studies were performed by immunoprecipitation of biotinylated membrane lysates: BFL.1, like the monomorphic W6/32 mAb, immunoprecipitated a 39-kDa protein in HLA-G-expressing cell lines, a size corresponding to the predicted full-length HLA-G1 isoform. However, in contrast to W6/32, which immunoprecipitates both classical and nonclassical HLA class I heavy chains, BFL.1 mAb does not recognize the class Ia products. Such a mAb should be a useful tool for analysis of HLA-G protein expression in various normal and pathological human tissues and for determination of the function(s) of translated HLA-G products.


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Several lines of evidence indicate that immunoglobulin-bound prolactin found in human serum is not a conventional complex between an anti-prolactin antibody and prolactin but a different type of association of prolactin with the Fab portion of IgG heavy chains. The complex of prolactin with IgG was purified from serum by anti-human prolactin affinity chromatography and was shown to contain close to 1 mole of N epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine crosslinks per mole of complex, a characteristic feature in structures crosslinked by transglutaminase. Interestingly, the complex caused a proliferation of cells from a subset of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, while it was inactive in a cell proliferation prolactin bioassay. By contrast, human prolactin stimulated the proliferation of cells in the bioassay but had no effect on the complex-responsive cells from the patients. Competition studies with prolactin and free Fc fragment of IgG demonstrated a necessity for engaging both the prolactin and the immunoglobulin receptors for proliferation. More importantly, competition for the growth response by free prolactin and IgG suggests both possible reasons for the slow growth of this neoplasm as well as avenues for control of the disease.


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Combinatorial IgG Fab phage display libraries prepared from a systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) donor and a healthy donor were affinity selected against human placental DNA. Human monoclonal antibody Fab fragments specific for DNA were isolated from both libraries, although Fabs of the highest affinity were isolated only from the lupus library. Generally, apparent affinities of the Fabs for human placental DNA, purified double-stranded DNA, and denatured DNA were approximately equivalent. Surface plasmon resonance indicated Fab binding constants for a double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide of 0.2-1.3 x 10(8) M-1. The higher-affinity Fabs, as ranked by binding to human placental DNA or to the oligonucleotide probe, tested positive in the Crithidia luciliae assay commonly used in the diagnosis of SLE, and interestingly the genes encoding the heavy-chain variable regions of these antibodies displayed evidence of only minimal somatic hypermutation. The heavy chains of the SLE Fabs were characterized by a predominance of basic residues toward the N terminus of complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3). The crucial role of heavy-chain CDR3 (HCDR3) in high-affinity DNA recognition was suggested by the creation of DNA binding in an unrelated antibody by HCDR3 transplantation from SLE antibodies. We propose that high-affinity DNA-binding antibodies can arise in SLE without extensive somatic hypermutation in the variable-region genes because of the expression of inappropriate HCDR3s.


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Interindividual analyses of physiological performance represent one of the most powerful tools for identifying functional positive and negative linkages between various performance traits. In this study we investigated functional linkages in the whole-gastrocnemius performance of juvenile Bufo viridis by examining interindividual variation in in vitro muscle performance and muscle fibre-type composition. We used the work-loop technique to investigate the maximum in vitro power output and fatigue resistance of the gastrocnemius muscle during repeated sets of three cycles at the cycle frequency of 5 Hz, simulating an intermittent style of locomotion. We found several significant correlations between different measures of in vitro muscle performance, including a negative correlation between maximum net power output and fatigue resistance of power, indicating functional trade-offs between these performance traits. We also investigated the extent of individual variation in the proportions of different fibre types, and tested for correlations between individual variation in muscle fibre-type composition and the previously measured isolated muscle performance. Fast glycolytic fibres represented 84.0+/-3.4% of the muscle, while the combined slow oxidative and fast oxidative-glycolytic fibres represented 16+/-3.4%. We found no significant correlations between measures of in vitro muscle performance and the proportion of different fibre types in the gastrocnemius muscle. However, despite this lack of correlation between whole-muscle performance and muscle fibre-type composition data, we suggest the functional linkages detected between different measures of in vitro muscular performance have important ecological and evolutionary consequences.


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Aims: An important consideration in the design of a tumour vaccine is the ability of tumour-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to recognise unmanipulated tumour cells in vivo. To determine whether B-CLL might use an escape strategy, the current studies compared B-CLL and normal B cell MHC class I expression. Methods: Flow cytometry, TAP allele PCR and MHC class I PCR were used. Results: While baseline expression of MHC class I did not differ, upregulation of MHC class I expression by B-CLL cells in response to IFN-gamma was reduced. No deletions or mutations of TAP 1 or 2 genes were detected. B-CLL cells upregulated TAP protein expression in response to IFN-gamma. Responsiveness of B-CLL MHC class I mRNA to IFN-gamma was not impaired. Conclusions: The data suggest that MHC class I molecules might be less stable at the cell surface in B-CLL than normal B cells, as a result of the described release of beta(2)m and beta(2)m-free class I heavy chains from the membrane. This relative MHC class I expression defect of B-CLL cells may reduce their susceptibility to CTL lysis in response to immunotherapeutic approaches.


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Gene translocations that repress the function of the Runx1 transcription factor play a critical role in the development of myeloid leukemia. In this report, we demonstrate that Runx1 precisely regulates c-fms (CSF-1 receptor) gene expression. Runx1 controlled expression by binding to multiple sites within the mouse c-fms gene, allowing interaction between promoter and downstream enhancer elements. The runx1 and c-fms genes showed an identical pattern of expression in mature macrophages. Runx1 expression was repressed in CSF-1 stimulated, proliferating bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) and significantly increased in quiescent, CSF-1 starved cells. The RAW264.7 and Mono-Mac-6, macrophage-like cell lines expressed low levels of Runx1 and both showed growth arrest and cell death with ectopic expression of Runx1. The EM-3 cell line, which represents an early myeloid progenitor cell line, showed growth arrest with Runx1 expression in the absence of any detectable changes in cell differentiation. These findings suggest that Runx1 regulates growth and survival of myeloid cells and provide a novel insight into the role of Runx family gene translocations in leukemogenesis.


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Elevated levels of the calcium-binding protein S100A4 promote metastasis and in carcinoma cells are associated with reduced survival of cancer patients. S100A4 interacts with target proteins that affect a number of activities associated with metastatic cells. However, it is not known how many of these interactions are required for S100A4-promoted metastasis, thus hampering the design of specific inhibitors of S100A4-induced metastasis. Intracellular S100A4 exists as a homodimer through previously identified, well conserved, predominantly hydrophobic key contacts between the subunits. Here it is shown that mutating just one key residue, phenylalanine 72, to alanine is sufficient to reduce the metastasis-promoting activity of S100A4 to 50% that of the wild type protein, and just 2 or 3 specific mutations reduces the metastasis-promoting activity of S100A4 to less than 20% that of the wild type protein. These mutations inhibit the self-association of S100A4 in vivo and reduce markedly the affinity of S100A4 for at least two of its protein targets, a recombinant fragment of non-muscle myosin heavy chain isoform A, and p53. Inhibition of the self-association of S100 proteins might be a novel means of inhibiting their metastasis-promoting activities.


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Objective-We previously demonstrated that upregulation of intermediate-conductance Ca2+ -activated K+ channels (KCa 3.1) is necessary for mitogen-induced phenotypic modulation in isolated porcine coronary smooth muscle cells (SMCs). The objective of the present study was to determine the role of KCa3.1 in the regulation of coronary SMC phenotypic modulation in vivo using a swine model of postangioplasty restenosis. Methods and Results-Balloon angioplasty was performed on coronary arteries of swine using either noncoated or balloons coated with the specific KCa3.1 blocker TRAM-34. Expression of KCa3.1, c-jun, c-fos, repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor (REST), smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SMMHC), and myocardin was measured using qRT-PCR in isolated medial cells 2 hours and 2 days postangioplasty. KCa3.1, c-jun, and c-fos mRNA levels were increased 2 hours postangioplasty, whereas REST expression decreased. SMMHC expression was unchanged at 2 hours, but decreased 2 days postangioplasty. Use of TRAM-34 coated balloons prevented KCa3.1 upregulation and REST downregulation at 2 hours, SMMHC and myocardin downregulation at 2 days, and attenuated subsequent restenosis 14 and 28 days postangioplasty. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated corresponding changes at the protein level. Conclusion-Blockade of KCa3.1 by delivery of TRAM-34 via balloon catheter prevented smooth muscle phenotypic modulation and limited subsequent restenosis. © 2008 American Heart Association, Inc.


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In the development of wave energy converters, the mooring system is a key component for a safe station-keeping and an important factor in the cost of the wave energy production. Generally, when designing a mooring system for a wave energy converter, two important conditions must be considered: (i) that the mooring system must be strong enough to limit the drifting motions, even in extreme waves, tidal and wind conditions and (ii) it must be compliant enough so that the impact on wave energy production can be minimised. It is frequently found that these two conditions are contradictory. The existing solutions mainly include the use of heavy chains, which create a catenary shaped mooring configuration, allowing limited flexibility within the mooring system, and hence very large forces may still be present on mooring lines and thus on anchors. This solution is normally quite expensive if the costs of the materials and installation are included. This paper presents a new solution to the mooring system for wave energy converters within the FP7 project, ‘GeoWAVE’, which is a project aiming to develop a new generation of the moorings system for minimising the loads on mooring lines and anchors, the impact on the device motions for power conversion, and the footprint if it is applicable, and meanwhile the new types of anchors are also addressed within the project. However this paper will focus on the new mooring system by presenting the wave tank test results of the Pelamis wave energy converter model and the new developed mooring system. It can be seen that the new generation of mooring system can significantly reduce the loads on mooring lines and anchors, and reduce the device excursions as a result of the new mooring system when compare to the conventional catenary mooring.