947 resultados para Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Funchal


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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A partir de sua experiência pessoal, de frequentadora de museus desde a infância, e profissional, atuando em uma instituição cultural que abriga um museu, a arte-educadora Paula Hilst Selli discute neste livro a relação entre os museus e seu público. Sua suposição inicial é que os museus não fazem parte das opções de lazer para a maioria da população porque a formação de público dessas instituições está ligada diretamente à infância e à experiência construída nessa fase. A partir dessa ideia, sugere questões: Será que as crianças de hoje frequentam museus? Como? Com quem? O que será que elas pensam ou imaginam acerca desses espaços? Será que nesses ambientes são estimuladas à construção do conhecimento? As crianças são protagonistas ou figurantes das ações educativas? Assim, por meio de uma pesquisa realizada com crianças, a autora busca saber o que elas pensam a respeito dos museus e como se relacionam com eles, para, então, refletir sobre o acesso e a formação de público desse tipo de equipamento cultural na cidade de São Paulo. Além de investigar o papel que o museu assume no imaginário infantil e quem são os principais responsáveis por intermediar o contato entre as crianças e essas instituições, a arte-educadora analisa documentos oficiais e estudos históricos com o objetivo de discutir as responsabilidades no acesso a bens culturais


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The present work had as objective to calculate and to analyze the costs of the assistance of just born of diabetic mothers interned in the units of Joint Lodging of the Maternity and Nursery and UTI Neonatology of the HC - FMB - Unesp. This is a exploratory, descriptive study with quantitative analysis of the data, with just born of carrying mothers of gestational diabetes and of light hyperglycemia, that had carried through the prenatal assistance in the HC - FMB - Unesp, in the period of 1o of January the 31 of December of 2009. The analysis of the data disclosed that the costs indirect and of the assistance to the just born in joint lodging had been of: R$ 160,20 for the group of RN of mothers with light hyperglycemia, R$204,10 for the group with diabetes and R$100,57 for the control. The costs indirect and of the assistance to the just born in Nursery had been of: R$ 494,94 for the group of RN of mothers with light hyperglycemia, R$565,89 for the group with diabetes and R$262,98 for the control. The weighed average cost of the assistance to the just born in Joint Lodging, Nursery and UTI of Neonatology was of: R$ 191,33 for the group of RN of mothers with light hyperglycemia, R$458,58 for the group with diabetes and R$210,48 for the control. It can be concluded that the costs of just born of diabetic mothers and with light hyperglycemia were higher and had similar perinatal results to the one of the control group


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The main objective of this project step is the evolution of scenery matter on the occidental theater media, related to space and technical possibilities of the theatrical building and space on history of contemporary arts. The main point is that scenery must communicate with a specific matter. Something in touch with the plot speeches. Something that makes all the plot elements to communicate. Acting has an specific message to deliver, and that message is what really matter to the viewer of the show. “It’s never late to state that scenery is not a decoration, or just an interior composition. Scenery is not a painting or a sculpture: it’s an integrated art form. It’s never too repetitive to say that scenery is a result from the composition with lights, shadows, shapes, lines and volumes, in balance and on harmony as a whole, that create movement and contrast” (Dias, 2001) On the second step of the project, the objective is to analyze the building process and the scenery aspects of the “Be-a-bá Brasil” show, using illustrations, pictures and analysis data of the context the show was inserted on


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This magazine aims to be an environment for discussion and information about performance art in Brazil and abroad, taking advantage of the momentum of this art form today. The magazine apart will be the first Brazilian publication to focus on performance art out of academic environments. The collaboration of professionals and scholars lends credibility to the product becoming a benchmark in the study of contemporary art. Besides being an enhancer and exhibitor of artists and works, this magazine also wants to be a work of art itself


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This essay to discusses the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking, through the prism of Lacan’s theory on visuality, as perceived by the critic and art historian Hal Foster. In my opinion, this intersection would allow us to enlighten new ways of reading the work of art towards a paradigm of a non-applied psychoanalysis. Therefore, this paper intends to tackle aspects which concern the Lacanian concept of real in order to question some problems that concern the contemporary work of art.


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA


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This study is resultant of the interview with the plastic artist Leda Catunda, when it emphasized for the feminine, the context and work’s creative process. For this, handle a ready of the technique and materials used in the work of artist into the reflection of the plastic language that prize the pictures and alternatives supports, assemblages that materially personifies itself in objects and topics from the popular culture.


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The following work proposes an approach to drawing based upon a language which is diluted and also introduced in the hybridization perceived in the 21st Century. Based on a shift of languages in visual arts which refers to appropriations and to the expansion of possibilities for the procedure and the physicality of the artistic work, it looks into the place of drawing, its dimensions and concepts. While it is an expressive vehicle, the drawing constitutes an indispensable element for the development of expression forms, transformed and diversified over centuries. In the 21st Century, its plurality presents it in several dimensions. When it is expanded in the space, it not only makes sure that it not bi dimensional, as well as it is asserted in its essence, besides coded methods. The text is structured around theoretical and practical researches based on Ostrower, Derdyk, Canclini and author/artist.


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Esse artigo apresenta uma abordagem sobre a produção da artista brasileira Brísgida Baltar (1959-), enfatizando-se as obras que compõem o "Projeto Umidades". O recorte proposto prioriza as relações de afetividade e intimidade que se delieniam na poética da artista em ações que transitam entre o interior e exterior e dão sentido à paisagem enquanto permanência sensorial e imaginária.


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The way we look express our soul, so there is no way to disregard the presence of intuitive processes in the creation of any work, like say Fayga Ostrower. Based on the theories of the artist, intends to investigate how their own texts read his plastic production, heavily influenced by German Expressionism. The concernment of the research is in the approach how their publications favor the understanding of artistic making as a moment against the intuitive and the fullness of the original creation and true to the thought of the artist.


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O presente estudo aborda as relações existentes entre a memória e a arte, registradas atravésde monumentos arquitetônicos na cidade de São Paulo, especialmente, no âmbito da artecontemporânea. Elege como instrumental de pesquisa a história da arte e seus desdobramentosestéticos, tendo como foco de análise a "poética de memórias" de Maria Bonomi uma das mais importantes artistas do cenário nacional. O painel Epopéia Paulista, construído a partirde ateliê-residência, em abril de 2004, no espaço expositivo do Museu de Arte Contemporâneada Universidade de São Paulo (MAC USP) e que hoje se encontra no corredor de ligaçãoentre o Metrô e a Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (na Estação da Luz) servecomo obra-referência na criação e no processo de narrativas de memórias de diversas etniasem São Paulo


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O presente artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre a imagem dos rios ao longo da história da arte, a partir da pesquisa realizada por mim para a tese de doutorado “Poéticas Líquidas: a água na arte contemporânea“. Os rios são estudados tanto a partir de suas representações pictóricas de interesse histórico, como também enquanto suporte para a realização de obras de arte contemporânea. São identificadas conotações simbólicas e espirituais dos rios, como metáfora para o transcorrer da vida e para as transformações, assim como também suas questões mais terrenas, ligadas à ecologia e à sua relação com as cidades. Como reflexão final, apresento alguns trabalhos plásticos realizados por mim ao longo dos anos, que discutem a presença dos rios na vida contemporânea, a partir de proposições estéticas que refletem as conflituosas relações entre o homem e a natureza na atualidade.