954 resultados para Muscle function


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Abstract PURPOSE: Reliable animal models are essential to evaluate future therapeutic options like cell-based therapies for external anal sphincter insufficiency. The goal of our study was to describe the most reliable model for external sphincter muscle insufficiency by comparing three different methods to create sphincter muscle damage. METHODS: In an experimental animal study, female Lewis rats (200-250 g) were randomly assigned to three treatment groups (n = 5, each group). The external sphincter muscle was weakened in the left dorsal quadrant by microsurgical excision, cryosurgery, or electrocoagulation by diathermy. Functional evaluation included in vivo measurements of resting pressure, spontaneous muscle contraction, and contraction in response to electrical stimulation of the afferent nerve at baseline and at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after sphincter injury. Masson's trichrome staining and immunofluorescence for skeletal muscle markers was performed for morphological analysis. RESULTS: Peak contraction after electrical stimulation was significantly decreased after sphincter injury in all groups. Contraction forces recovered partially after cryosurgery and electrocoagulation but not after microsurgical excision. Morphological analysis revealed an incomplete destruction of the external sphincter muscle in the cryosurgery and electrocoagulation groups compared to the microsurgery group. CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, three different models of external sphincter muscle insufficiency were directly compared. The animal model using microsurgical sphincter destruction offers the highest level of consistency regarding tissue damage and sphincter insufficiency, and therefore represents the most reliable model to evaluate future therapeutic options. In addition, this study represents a novel model to specifically test the external sphincter muscle function.


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BACKGROUND Patients in whom conventional peroneal nerve repair surgery failed to reconstitute useful foot lift need to be evaluated for their suitability to undergo a concomitant tendon transfer procedure or nerve transfers. OBJECTIVE To report our first clinical experience with nerve transfers for persistent traumatic peroneal nerve palsy. METHODS Between 2007 and 2013, 8 patients were operated on for foot drop after unsuccessful nerve surgery. Six patients without fatty degeneration of the anterior tibial muscle and proximal lesion of the peroneal nerve were oriented for tibial to peroneal nerve transfer. In the other 2 cases where the anterior and lateral compartments were destructed, the anterior tibial muscle function was reconstructed with a neurotized lateral gastrocnemius transfer. For each patient, we graded postoperative results using the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre scheme and the Ninkovic assessment scale. RESULTS Of the 6 patients who underwent nerve transfer of the anterior tibial muscle, 2 patients had excellent results, 1 patient had good results, 1 patient had fair results, and 2 patients had poor results. Of the 2 patients that underwent neurotized lateral gastrocnemius transfer, 1 patient achieved excellent results after tenolysis, whereas 1 patient achieved poor results. After the nerve transfer, 5 patients did not wear an ankle-foot orthosis. Four patients did not limp. Four patients were able to walk barefoot, navigate stairs, and participate in activities. CONCLUSION Early clinical results after tibial to peroneal nerve transfer and neurotized lateral gastrocnemius transfer appear mixed. The results of nerve transfer seem, on the whole, less reliable than the literature reports on tendon transfer. ABBREVIATIONS EMG, electromyographyNAP, nerve action potential.


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Congenital pseudomyotonia in Chianina cattle is a muscle function disorder very similar to that of Brody disease in humans. Mutations in the human ATP2A1 gene, encoding SERCA1, cause Brody myopathy. The analysis of the collected Chianina pedigree data suggested monogenic autosomal recessive inheritance and revealed that all 17 affected individuals traced back to a single founder. A deficiency of SERCA1 function in skeletal muscle of pseudomyotonia affected Chianina cattle was observed as SERCA1 activity in affected animals was decreased by about 70%. Linkage analysis showed that the mutation was located in the ATP2A1 gene region on BTA25 and subsequent mutation analysis of the ATP2A1 exons revealed a perfectly associated missense mutation in exon 6 (c.491G>A) leading to a p.Arg164His substitution. Arg164 represents a functionally important and strongly conserved residue of SERCA1. This study provides a suitable large animal model for human Brody disease.


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The hypothesis tested was that rapid rejection of Trichinella spiralis infective larvae from immunized rats following a challenge infection is associated with a local anaphylactic reaction, and this response should be reflected in altered small intestinal motility. The objective was to determine if altered gut smooth muscle function accompanies worm rejection based on the assumption that anaphylaxis in vivo could be detected by changes in intestinal smooth muscle contractile activity (ie. an equivalent of the Schultz-Dale reaction or in vitro anaphylaxis). The aims were to (1) characterize motility changes by monitoring intestinal myoelectric activity in conscious rats during the enteric phase of T. spiralis infection in immunized hosts, (2) detect the onset and magnitude of myoelectric changes caused by challenge infection in immunized rats, (3) determine the parasite stimulus causing changes, and (4) determine the specificity of host response to stimulation. Electrical slow wave frequency, spiking activity, normal interdigestive migrating myoelectric complexes and abnormal migrating action potential complexes were measured. Changes in myoelectric parameters induced by larvae inoculated into the duodenum of immune hosts differed from those associated with primary infection with respect to time of onset, magnitude and duration. Myoelectric changes elicited by live larvae could not be reproduced by inoculation of hosts with dead larvae, larval excretory-secretory products, or by challenge with a heterologous parasite, Eimeria nieschulzi. These results indicate that (1) local anaphylaxis is a component of the initial response to T. spiralis in immune hosts, since the rapid onset of altered smooth muscle function parallels in time the expression of rapid rejection of infective larvae, and (2) an active mucosal penetration attempt by the worm is necessary to elicit this host response. These findings provide evidence that worm rejection is a consequence of, or sequel to, an immediate hypersensitivity reaction elicited when parasites attempt to invade the gut mucosa of immunized hosts. ^


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Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is an aggressive pediatric cancer of striated muscle characterized in 60% of cases by a t(2;13)(q35;q14). This results in the fusion of PAX3, a developmental transcription factor required for limb myogenesis, with FKHR, a member of the forkhead family of transcription factors. The resultant PAX3-FKHR gene possesses transforming properties; however, the effects of this chimeric oncogene on gene expression are largely unknown. To investigate the actions of these transcription factors, both Pax3 and PAX3-FKHR were introduced into NIH 3T3 cells, and the resultant gene expression changes were analyzed with a murine cDNA microarray containing 2,225 elements. We found that PAX3-FKHR but not PAX3 activated a myogenic transcription program including the induction of transcription factors MyoD, Myogenin, Six1, and Slug as well as a battery of genes involved in several aspects of muscle function. Notable among this group were the growth factor gene Igf2 and its binding protein Igfbp5. Relevance of this model was suggested by verification that three of these genes (IGFBP5, HSIX1, and Slug) were also expressed in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines. This study utilizes cDNA microarrays to elucidate the pattern of gene expression induced by an oncogenic transcription factor and demonstrates the profound myogenic properties of PAX3-FKHR in NIH 3T3 cells.


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A ausência de terapias eficazes para a caquexia permanece como um problema central para o tratamento do câncer no mundo. Em contrapartida, o treinamento de força (i.e. também conhecido como treinamento resistido) tem sido amplamente utilizado como uma estratégia não farmacológica anticatabólica, prevenindo a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética. Entretanto, o papel terapêutico do treinamento de força na caquexia do câncer permanece apenas especulativo. Portanto, nesse estudo avaliamos se o treinamento de força poderia atenuar a perda da massa e da função da musculatura esquelética em um severo modelo de caquexia do câncer em ratos. Para isso, ratos machos da linhagem Wistar foram randomizados em quatro grupos experimentais: 1) ratos sedentários injetados com solução salina na medula óssea (Controle); 2) ratos injetados com solução salina na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Controle + T); 3) ratos sedentários injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea (Tumor); e 4) ratos injetados com células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea e submetidos ao treinamento de força (Tumor + T). Foram avaliados a massa e a área de secção transversa da musculatura esquelética, marcadores de disfunção metabólica e do turnover proteico, a função da musculatura esquelética in vivo e ex vivo, o consumo alimentar, o crescimento tumoral e a sobrevida dos grupos experimentais com tumor. O grupo Tumor apresentou atrofia muscular após quinze dias da injeção das células tumorais como pode ser observado pela redução na massa dos músculos Plantaris (- 20,5%) e EDL (-20%). A atrofia no músculo EDL foi confirmada por análises histológicas, demonstrando uma redução de 43,8% na área de secção transversa. Embora o treinamento de força tenha aumentado o conteúdo proteico da lactato desidrogenase e revertido totalmente o conteúdo da forma fosforilada de 4EBP-1 (i.e. repressor da transcrição de mRNA), ele não atuou na morfologia da musculatura esquelética nos animais com tumor. Além disso, o treinamento de força não atenuou a perda de função da musculatura esquelética, a anorexia, o crescimento tumoral ou a taxa de mortalidade. Contudo, a força muscular, avaliada pelo teste de 1RM, apresentou uma correlação negativa com a sobrevida dos animais (p = 0,02), sugerindo que a perda de força prediz a mortalidade nesse modelo experimental de caquexia do câncer. Em suma, a injeção de células do tumor Walker 256 na medula óssea induz caquexia do câncer em ratos. O treinamento de força não foi eficaz em atenuar a perda de massa e função da musculatura esquelética nesse modelo. Entretanto, a força muscular prediz a sobrevida dos animais, sugerindo que novos estudos são necessários para elucidar o possível efeito terapêutico do treinamento de força para atenuar a caquexia do câncer e a progressão tumoral


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The prevalence of dementia is growing in developed countries where elderly patients are increasing in numbers. Neurotransmission modulation is one approach to the treatment of dementia. Cholinergic precursors, anticholinesterases, nicotine receptor agonists and muscarinic M-2 receptor antagonists are agents that enhance cholinergic neurotransmission and that depend on having some intact cholinergic innervation to be effective in the treatment of dementia. The cholinergic precursor choline alfoscerate may be emerging as a potential useful drug in the treatment of dementia, with few adverse effects. Of the anticholinesterases, donepezil, in addition to having a similar efficacy to tacrine in mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD), appears to have major advantages; its use is associated with lower drop-out rates in clinical trials, a lower incidence of cholinergic-like side effects and no liver toxicity. Rivastigmine is efficacious in the treatment in dementia with Lewy bodies, a condition in which the other anticholinesterases have not been tested extensively to date. Galantamine is an anticholinesterase and also acts as an allosteric potentiating modulator at nicotinic receptors to increase the release of acetylcholine. Pooled data from clinical trials of patients with mild-to-moderate AD suggest that the benefits and safety profile of galantamine are similar to those of the anticholinesterases. Selective nicotine receptor agonists are being developed that enhance cognitive performance without influencing autonomic and skeletal muscle function, but these have not yet entered clinical trial for dementia. Unlike the cholinergic enhancers, the M, receptor agonists do not depend upon intact cholinergic nerves but on intact M, receptors for their action, which are mainly preserved in AD and dementia with Lewy bodies. The M, receptor-selective agonists developed to date have shown limited efficacy in clinical trials and have a high incidence of side effects. A major recent advancement in the treatment of dementia is memantine, a non-competitive antagonist at NMDA receptors. Memantine is beneficial in the treatment of severe and moderate to-severe AD and may also be of some benefit in the treatment of mild-to-moderate vascular dementia. Drugs that modulate 5-HT, somatostatin and noradrenergic neurotransmission are also being considered for the treatment of dementia.


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Patients with low back pain (LBP) often present with impaired proprioception of the lumbopelvic region. For this reason, proprioception training usually forms part of the rehabilitation protocols. New exercise equipment that produces whole body, low frequency vibration (WBV) has been developed to improve muscle function, and reportedly improves proprioception. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate whether weightbearing exercise given in conjunction with WBV would affect lumbosacral position sense in healthy individuals. For this purpose, twenty-five young individuals with no LBP were assigned randomly to an experimental or control group. The experimental group received WBV for five minutes while holding a static, semi-squat position. The control group adopted the same weightbearing position for equal time but received no vibration. A two-dimensional motion analysis system measured the repositioning accuracy of pelvic tilting in standing. The experimental (WBV) group demonstrated a significant improvement in repositioning accuracy over time (mean 0.78 degrees) representing 39% improvement. It was concluded that WBV may induce improvements in lumbosacral repositioning accuracy when combined with a weightbearing exercise. Future studies with WBV should focus on evaluating its effects with different types of exercise, the exercise time needed for optimal outcomes, and the effects on proprioception deficits in LBP patients.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of dietary antioxidant supplementation with a-tocopherol and a-lipoic acid on cyclosporine-induced alterations to erythrocyte and plasma redox balance, and cyclosporine-induced endothelial and smooth muscle dysfunction. Rats were randomly assigned to either control, antioxidant, cyclosporine or cyclosporine + antioxidant treatments. Cyclosporine A was administered for 10 days after an 8-week feeding period. Plasma was analyzed for alpha-tocopherol, total antioxidant capacity, malondialdehyde and creatinine. Erythrocytes were analyzed for glutathione, methemoglobin, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, alpha-tocopherol and malondialdehye. Vascular endothelial and smooth muscle function was determined in vitro. Antioxidant supplementation resulted in significant increases in erythrocyte a-tocopherol concentration and glutathione peroxidase activity in both of the antioxidant-supplemented groups. Cyclosporine administration caused significant decreases in glutathione concentration, methemoglobin concentration and superoxide dismutase activity. Antioxidant supplementation attenuated the cyclosporine-induced decrease in superoxide dismutase activity. Cyclosporine therapy impaired both endothelium-independent and -dependent relaxation of the thoracic aorta, and this was attenuated by antioxidant supplementation. In summary, dietary supplementation with alpha-tocopherol and alpha-lipoic acid attenuated the cyclosporine-induced decrease in erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity and attenuated cyclosporine-induced vascular dysfunction.


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Persistent intermittent headache is a common disorder and is often accompanied by neck aching or stiffness, which could infer a cervical contribution to headache. However, the incidence of cervicogenic headache is estimated to be 14-18% of all chronic headaches, highlighting the need for clear criterion of cervical musculoskeletal impairment to identify cervicogenic headache sufferers who may benefit from treatments such as manual therapy. This study examined the presence of cervical musculoskeletal impairment in 77 subjects, 27 with cervicogenic headache, 25 with migraine with aura and 25 control subjects. Assessments included a photographic measure of posture, range of movement, cervical manual examination, pressure pain thresholds, muscle length, performance in the cranio-cervical flexion test and cervical kinaesthetic sense. The results indicated that when compared to the migraine with aura and control groups who scored similarly in the tests, the cervicogenic headache group had less range of cervical flexion/extension (P = 0.048) and significantly higher incidences of painful upper cervical joint dysfunction assessed by manual examination (all P < 0.05) and muscle tightness (P < 0.05). Sternocleidomastoid normalized EMG values were higher in the latter three stages of the cranio-cervical flexion test although they failed to reach significance. There were no between group differences for other measures. A discriminant analysis revealed that manual examination could discriminate the cervicogenic headache group from the other subjects (migraine with aura and control subjects combined) with an 80% sensitivity. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: To examine the effect of progressive resistance training on muscle function, functional performance, balance, body composition, and muscle thickness in men receiving androgen deprivation for prostate cancer. Methods: Ten men aged 59-82 yr on androgen deprivation for localized prostate cancer undertook progressive resistance training for 20 wk at 6- to 12-repetition maximum (RM) for 12 upper- and lower-body exercises in a university exercise rehabilitation clinic. Outcome measures included muscle strength and muscle endurance for the upper and lower body, functional performance (repeated chair rise, usual and fast 6-m walk, 6-m backwards walk, stair climb, and 400-m walk time), and balance by sensory organization test. Body composition was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and muscle thickness at four anatomical sites by B-mode ultrasound. Blood samples were assessed for prostate specific antigen (PSA), testosterone, growth hormone (GH), cortisol, and hemoglobin. Results: Muscle strength (chest press, 40.5%; seated row, 41.9%; leg press, 96.3%; P < 0.001) and muscle endurance (chest press, 114.9%; leg press, 167.1%; P < 0.001) increased significantly after training. Significant improvement (P < 0.05) occurred in the 6-m usual walk (14.1%), 6-m backwards walk (22.3%), chair rise (26.8%), stair climbing (10.4%), 400-m walk (7.4%), and balance (7.8%). Muscle thickness increased (P < 0.05) by 15.7% at the quadriceps site. Whole-body lean mass was preserved with no change in fat mass. There were no significant changes in PSA, testosterone, GH, cortisol, or hemoglobin. Conclusions: Progressive resistance exercise has beneficial effects on muscle strength, functional performance and balance in older men receiving androgen deprivation for prostate cancer and should be considered to preserve body composition and reduce treatment side effects.


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It has been proposed that early-onset myopia (EOM) i.e. myopia onset before the age of 15 is primarily inherited whereas late-onset myopia (LOM) i.e. myopia onset after the age of 16 is induced by environmental factors, principally sustained near vision. No consensus exists as to which aspect of the near vision response; accommodation, vergence or their synergistic cross links promotes LOM development. Furthermore, the mechanism by which near vision could induce elongation of posterior chamber is obscure although there is evidence to show that ciliary muscle tone plays an important role. By comparing accommodation and vergence responses of emmetropes (EMMs), EOMs and LOMs under both open- and closed-loop conditions, this thesis aims to define further the oculomotor correlates of myopic development. A Canon Autoref R-1 optometer was used to measure accommodation responses while an Apple IIe controlled the flashed Maddox Rod sequence used when measuring vergence. Both techniques permitted open- and closed-loop measures to be obtained. The results presented demonstrate that it is unlikely that those individuals susceptible to LOM can be distinguished with regard to oculomotor responses or innervational characteristics of the ciliary muscle. The aetiology of LOM may be associated with ciliary muscle function but account needs to be taken of interactions between the ciliary muscle, choriod, sclera and introcular pressure and further research is necessary before those EMMs susceptible to LOM can be identified.


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) increases in prevalence in the elderly. There is evidence for significant muscle loss and accelerated cognitive impairment in older adults with T2DM; these comorbidities are critical features of frailty. In the early stages of T2DM, insulin sensitivity can be improved by a “healthy” diet. Management of insulin resistance by diet in people over 65 years of age should be carefully re-evaluated because of the risk for falling due to hypoglycaemia. To date, an optimal dietary programme for older adults with insulin resistance and T2DM has not been described. The use of biomarkers to identify those at risk for T2DM will enable clinicians to offer early dietary advice that will delay onset of disease and of frailty. Here we have used an in silico literature search for putative novel biomarkers of T2DM risk and frailty. We suggest that plasma bilirubin, plasma, urinary DPP4-positive microparticles and plasma pigment epithelium-derived factor merit further investigation as predictive biomarkers for T2DM and frailty risk in older adults. Bilirubin is screened routinely in clinical practice. Measurement of specific microparticle frequency in urine is less invasive than a blood sample so is a good choice for biomonitoring. Future studies should investigate whether early dietary changes, such as increased intake of whey protein and micronutrients that improve muscle function and insulin sensitivity, affect biomarkers and can reduce the longer term complication of frailty in people at risk for T2DM.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of multimodal supervised physiotherapy programs with the absence of treatment among women with persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence. METHODS: This was a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Sixty-four women with stress urinary incontinence were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of either multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 21), multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation with abdominal muscle training (n = 23), or control non–pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 20). The primary outcome measure consisted of a modified 20-minute pad test. The secondary outcome measures included a Visual Analog Scale describing the perceived burden of incontinence, the Urogenital Distress Inventory, the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, and pelvic floor muscle function measurements. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out, leaving 62 for analysis. At follow-up, more than 70% of the women in the treatment groups (14/20 in the pelvic floor and 17/23 in the pelvic floor plus abdominal group) were continent on pad testing compared with 0% of women in the control group. Scores on the pad test, Visual Analog Scale, Urogenital Distress Inventory, and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire improved significantly in both treatment groups (all P < .002), whereas no changes were observed in the control group. Pelvic floor muscle function, however, did not improve significantly in either active group. CONCLUSION: Multimodal supervised pelvic floor physiotherapy is an effective treatment for persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of multimodal supervised physiotherapy programs with the absence of treatment among women with persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence. METHODS: This was a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Sixty-four women with stress urinary incontinence were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of either multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 21), multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation with abdominal muscle training (n = 23), or control non–pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 20). The primary outcome measure consisted of a modified 20-minute pad test. The secondary outcome measures included a Visual Analog Scale describing the perceived burden of incontinence, the Urogenital Distress Inventory, the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, and pelvic floor muscle function measurements. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out, leaving 62 for analysis. At follow-up, more than 70% of the women in the treatment groups (14/20 in the pelvic floor and 17/23 in the pelvic floor plus abdominal group) were continent on pad testing compared with 0% of women in the control group. Scores on the pad test, Visual Analog Scale, Urogenital Distress Inventory, and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire improved significantly in both treatment groups (all P < .002), whereas no changes were observed in the control group. Pelvic floor muscle function, however, did not improve significantly in either active group. CONCLUSION: Multimodal supervised pelvic floor physiotherapy is an effective treatment for persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence.