941 resultados para Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm
The profitability of momentum portfolios in the equity markets is derived from the continuation of stock returns over medium time horizons. The empirical evidence of momentum, however, is significantly different across markets around the world. The purpose of this dissertation is to: (1) help global investors determine the optimal selection and holding periods for momentum portfolios, (2) evaluate the profitability of the optimized momentum portfolios in different time periods and market states, (3) assess the investment strategy profits after considering transaction costs, and (4) interpret momentum returns within the framework of prior studies on investors’ behavior. Improving on the traditional practice of selecting arbitrary selection and holding periods, a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed. The GA performs a thorough and structured search to capture the return continuations and reversals patterns of momentum portfolios. Three portfolio formation methods are used: price momentum, earnings momentum, and earnings and price momentum and a non-linear optimization procedure (GA). The focus is on common equity of the U.S. and a select number of countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The findings suggest that the evolutionary algorithm increases the annualized profits of the U.S. momentum portfolios. However, the difference in mean returns is statistically significant only in certain cases. In addition, after considering transaction costs, both price and earnings and price momentum portfolios do not appear to generate abnormal returns. Positive risk-adjusted returns net of trading costs are documented solely during “up” markets for a portfolio long in prior winners only. The results on the international momentum effects indicate that the GA improves the momentum returns by 2 to 5% on an annual basis. In addition, the relation between momentum returns and exchange rate appreciation/depreciation is examined. The currency appreciation does not appear to influence significantly momentum profits. Further, the influence of the market state on momentum returns is not uniform across the countries considered. The implications of the above findings are discussed with a focus on the practical aspects of momentum investing, both in the U.S. and globally.
The profitability of momentum portfolios in the equity markets is derived from the continuation of stock returns over medium time horizons. The empirical evidence of momentum, however, is significantly different across markets around the world. The purpose of this dissertation is to: 1) help global investors determine the optimal selection and holding periods for momentum portfolios, 2) evaluate the profitability of the optimized momentum portfolios in different time periods and market states, 3) assess the investment strategy profits after considering transaction costs, and 4) interpret momentum returns within the framework of prior studies on investors’ behavior. Improving on the traditional practice of selecting arbitrary selection and holding periods, a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed. The GA performs a thorough and structured search to capture the return continuations and reversals patterns of momentum portfolios. Three portfolio formation methods are used: price momentum, earnings momentum, and earnings and price momentum and a non-linear optimization procedure (GA). The focus is on common equity of the U.S. and a select number of countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The findings suggest that the evolutionary algorithm increases the annualized profits of the U.S. momentum portfolios. However, the difference in mean returns is statistically significant only in certain cases. In addition, after considering transaction costs, both price and earnings and price momentum portfolios do not appear to generate abnormal returns. Positive risk-adjusted returns net of trading costs are documented solely during “up” markets for a portfolio long in prior winners only. The results on the international momentum effects indicate that the GA improves the momentum returns by 2 to 5% on an annual basis. In addition, the relation between momentum returns and exchange rate appreciation/depreciation is examined. The currency appreciation does not appear to influence significantly momentum profits. Further, the influence of the market state on momentum returns is not uniform across the countries considered. The implications of the above findings are discussed with a focus on the practical aspects of momentum investing, both in the U.S. and globally.
An important problem faced by the oil industry is to distribute multiple oil products through pipelines. Distribution is done in a network composed of refineries (source nodes), storage parks (intermediate nodes), and terminals (demand nodes) interconnected by a set of pipelines transporting oil and derivatives between adjacent areas. Constraints related to storage limits, delivery time, sources availability, sending and receiving limits, among others, must be satisfied. Some researchers deal with this problem under a discrete viewpoint in which the flow in the network is seen as batches sending. Usually, there is no separation device between batches of different products and the losses due to interfaces may be significant. Minimizing delivery time is a typical objective adopted by engineers when scheduling products sending in pipeline networks. However, costs incurred due to losses in interfaces cannot be disregarded. The cost also depends on pumping expenses, which are mostly due to the electricity cost. Since industrial electricity tariff varies over the day, pumping at different time periods have different cost. This work presents an experimental investigation of computational methods designed to deal with the problem of distributing oil derivatives in networks considering three minimization objectives simultaneously: delivery time, losses due to interfaces and electricity cost. The problem is NP-hard and is addressed with hybrid evolutionary algorithms. Hybridizations are mainly focused on Transgenetic Algorithms and classical multi-objective evolutionary algorithm architectures such as MOEA/D, NSGA2 and SPEA2. Three architectures named MOTA/D, NSTA and SPETA are applied to the problem. An experimental study compares the algorithms on thirty test cases. To analyse the results obtained with the algorithms Pareto-compliant quality indicators are used and the significance of the results evaluated with non-parametric statistical tests.
This work represents an original contribution to the methodology for ecosystem models' development as well as the rst attempt of an end-to-end (E2E) model of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem (NHCE). The main purpose of the developed model is to build a tool for ecosystem-based management and decision making, reason why the credibility of the model is essential, and this can be assessed through confrontation to data. Additionally, the NHCE exhibits a high climatic and oceanographic variability at several scales, the major source of interannual variability being the interruption of the upwelling seasonality by the El Niño Southern Oscillation, which has direct e ects on larval survival and sh recruitment success. Fishing activity can also be highly variable, depending on the abundance and accessibility of the main shery resources. This context brings the two main methodological questions addressed in this thesis, through the development of an end-to-end model coupling the high trophic level model OSMOSE to the hydrodynamics and biogeochemical model ROMS-PISCES: i) how to calibrate ecosystem models using time series data and ii) how to incorporate the impact of the interannual variability of the environment and shing. First, this thesis highlights some issues related to the confrontation of complex ecosystem models to data and proposes a methodology for a sequential multi-phases calibration of ecosystem models. We propose two criteria to classify the parameters of a model: the model dependency and the time variability of the parameters. Then, these criteria along with the availability of approximate initial estimates are used as decision rules to determine which parameters need to be estimated, and their precedence order in the sequential calibration process. Additionally, a new Evolutionary Algorithm designed for the calibration of stochastic models (e.g Individual Based Model) and optimized for maximum likelihood estimation has been developed and applied to the calibration of the OSMOSE model to time series data. The environmental variability is explicit in the model: the ROMS-PISCES model forces the OSMOSE model and drives potential bottom-up e ects up the foodweb through plankton and sh trophic interactions, as well as through changes in the spatial distribution of sh. The latter e ect was taken into account using presence/ absence species distribution models which are traditionally assessed through a confusion matrix and the statistical metrics associated to it. However, when considering the prediction of the habitat against time, the variability in the spatial distribution of the habitat can be summarized and validated using the emerging patterns from the shape of the spatial distributions. We modeled the potential habitat of the main species of the Humboldt Current Ecosystem using several sources of information ( sheries, scienti c surveys and satellite monitoring of vessels) jointly with environmental data from remote sensing and in situ observations, from 1992 to 2008. The potential habitat was predicted over the study period with monthly resolution, and the model was validated using quantitative and qualitative information of the system using a pattern oriented approach. The nal ROMS-PISCES-OSMOSE E2E ecosystem model for the NHCE was calibrated using our evolutionary algorithm and a likelihood approach to t monthly time series data of landings, abundance indices and catch at length distributions from 1992 to 2008. To conclude, some potential applications of the model for shery management are presented and their limitations and perspectives discussed.
Le Système Stockage de l’Énergie par Batterie ou Batterie de Stockage d’Énergie (BSE) offre de formidables atouts dans les domaines de la production, du transport, de la distribution et de la consommation d’énergie électrique. Cette technologie est notamment considérée par plusieurs opérateurs à travers le monde entier, comme un nouveau dispositif permettant d’injecter d’importantes quantités d’énergie renouvelable d’une part et d’autre part, en tant que composante essentielle aux grands réseaux électriques. De plus, d’énormes avantages peuvent être associés au déploiement de la technologie du BSE aussi bien dans les réseaux intelligents que pour la réduction de l’émission des gaz à effet de serre, la réduction des pertes marginales, l’alimentation de certains consommateurs en source d’énergie d’urgence, l’amélioration de la gestion de l’énergie, et l’accroissement de l’efficacité énergétique dans les réseaux. Cette présente thèse comprend trois étapes à savoir : l’Étape 1 - est relative à l’utilisation de la BSE en guise de réduction des pertes électriques ; l’Étape 2 - utilise la BSE comme élément de réserve tournante en vue de l’atténuation de la vulnérabilité du réseau ; et l’Étape 3 - introduit une nouvelle méthode d’amélioration des oscillations de fréquence par modulation de la puissance réactive, et l’utilisation de la BSE pour satisfaire la réserve primaire de fréquence. La première Étape, relative à l’utilisation de la BSE en vue de la réduction des pertes, est elle-même subdivisée en deux sous-étapes dont la première est consacrée à l’allocation optimale et le seconde, à l’utilisation optimale. Dans la première sous-étape, l’Algorithme génétique NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II) a été programmé dans CASIR, le Super-Ordinateur de l’IREQ, en tant qu’algorithme évolutionniste multiobjectifs, permettant d’extraire un ensemble de solutions pour un dimensionnement optimal et un emplacement adéquat des multiple unités de BSE, tout en minimisant les pertes de puissance, et en considérant en même temps la capacité totale des puissances des unités de BSE installées comme des fonctions objectives. La première sous-étape donne une réponse satisfaisante à l’allocation et résout aussi la question de la programmation/scheduling dans l’interconnexion du Québec. Dans le but de réaliser l’objectif de la seconde sous-étape, un certain nombre de solutions ont été retenues et développées/implantées durant un intervalle de temps d’une année, tout en tenant compte des paramètres (heure, capacité, rendement/efficacité, facteur de puissance) associés aux cycles de charge et de décharge de la BSE, alors que la réduction des pertes marginales et l’efficacité énergétique constituent les principaux objectifs. Quant à la seconde Étape, un nouvel indice de vulnérabilité a été introduit, formalisé et étudié ; indice qui est bien adapté aux réseaux modernes équipés de BES. L’algorithme génétique NSGA-II est de nouveau exécuté (ré-exécuté) alors que la minimisation de l’indice de vulnérabilité proposé et l’efficacité énergétique représentent les principaux objectifs. Les résultats obtenus prouvent que l’utilisation de la BSE peut, dans certains cas, éviter des pannes majeures du réseau. La troisième Étape expose un nouveau concept d’ajout d’une inertie virtuelle aux réseaux électriques, par le procédé de modulation de la puissance réactive. Il a ensuite été présenté l’utilisation de la BSE en guise de réserve primaire de fréquence. Un modèle générique de BSE, associé à l’interconnexion du Québec, a enfin été proposé dans un environnement MATLAB. Les résultats de simulations confirment la possibilité de l’utilisation des puissances active et réactive du système de la BSE en vue de la régulation de fréquence.
Interações sociais são frequentemente descritas como trocas sociais. Na literatura, trocas sociais em Sistemas Multiagentes são objeto de estudo em diversos contextos, nos quais as relações sociais são interpretadas como trocas sociais. Dentre os problemas estudados, um problema fundamental discutido na literatura e a regulação¸ ao de trocas sociais, por exemplo, a emergência de trocas equilibradas ao longo do tempo levando ao equilíbrio social e/ou comportamento de equilíbrio/justiça. Em particular, o problema da regulação de trocas sociais e difícil quando os agentes tem informação incompleta sobre as estratégias de troca dos outros agentes, especificamente se os agentes tem diferentes estratégias de troca. Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe uma abordagem para a autorregulacao de trocas sociais em sistemas multiagentes, baseada na Teoria dos Jogos. Propõe o modelo de Jogo de Autorregulacão ao de Processos de Trocas Sociais (JAPTS), em uma versão evolutiva e espacial, onde os agentes organizados em uma rede complexa, podem evoluir suas diferentes estratégias de troca social. As estratégias de troca são definidas através dos parâmetros de uma função de fitness. Analisa-se a possibilidade do surgimento do comportamento de equilíbrio quando os agentes, tentando maximizar sua adaptação através da função de fitness, procuram aumentar o numero de interações bem sucedidas. Considera-se um jogo de informação incompleta, uma vez que os agentes não tem informações sobre as estratégias de outros agentes. Para o processo de aprendizado de estratégias, utiliza-se um algoritmo evolutivo, no qual os agentes visando maximizar a sua função de fitness, atuam como autorregulares dos processos de trocas possibilitadas pelo jogo, contribuindo para o aumento do numero de interações bem sucedidas. São analisados 5 diferentes casos de composição da sociedade. Para alguns casos, analisa-se também um segundo tipo de cenário, onde a topologia de rede é modificada, representando algum tipo de mobilidade, a fim de analisar se os resultados são dependentes da vizinhança. Alem disso, um terceiro cenário é estudado, no qual é se determinada uma política de influencia, quando as medias dos parâmetros que definem as estratégias adotadas pelos agentes tornam-se publicas em alguns momentos da simulação, e os agentes que adotam a mesma estratégia de troca, influenciados por isso, imitam esses valores. O modelo foi implementado em NetLogo.
Ligand-protein docking is an optimization problem based on predicting the position of a ligand with the lowest binding energy in the active site of the receptor. Molecular docking problems are traditionally tackled with single-objective, as well as with multi-objective approaches, to minimize the binding energy. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-objective formulation that considers: the Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) difference in the coordinates of ligands and the binding (intermolecular) energy, as two objectives to evaluate the quality of the ligand-protein interactions. To determine the kind of Pareto front approximations that can be obtained, we have selected a set of representative multi-objective algorithms such as NSGA-II, SMPSO, GDE3, and MOEA/D. Their performances have been assessed by applying two main quality indicators intended to measure convergence and diversity of the fronts. In addition, a comparison with LGA, a reference single-objective evolutionary algorithm for molecular docking (AutoDock) is carried out. In general, SMPSO shows the best overall results in terms of energy and RMSD (value lower than 2A for successful docking results). This new multi-objective approach shows an improvement over the ligand-protein docking predictions that could be promising in in silico docking studies to select new anticancer compounds for therapeutic targets that are multidrug resistant.
Pitch Estimation, also known as Fundamental Frequency (F0) estimation, has been a popular research topic for many years, and is still investigated nowadays. The goal of Pitch Estimation is to find the pitch or fundamental frequency of a digital recording of a speech or musical notes. It plays an important role, because it is the key to identify which notes are being played and at what time. Pitch Estimation of real instruments is a very hard task to address. Each instrument has its own physical characteristics, which reflects in different spectral characteristics. Furthermore, the recording conditions can vary from studio to studio and background noises must be considered. This dissertation presents a novel approach to the problem of Pitch Estimation, using Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP).We take advantage of evolutionary algorithms, in particular CGP, to explore and evolve complex mathematical functions that act as classifiers. These classifiers are used to identify piano notes pitches in an audio signal. To help us with the codification of the problem, we built a highly flexible CGP Toolbox, generic enough to encode different kind of programs. The encoded evolutionary algorithm is the one known as 1 + , and we can choose the value for . The toolbox is very simple to use. Settings such as the mutation probability, number of runs and generations are configurable. The cartesian representation of CGP can take multiple forms and it is able to encode function parameters. It is prepared to handle with different type of fitness functions: minimization of f(x) and maximization of f(x) and has a useful system of callbacks. We trained 61 classifiers corresponding to 61 piano notes. A training set of audio signals was used for each of the classifiers: half were signals with the same pitch as the classifier (true positive signals) and the other half were signals with different pitches (true negative signals). F-measure was used for the fitness function. Signals with the same pitch of the classifier that were correctly identified by the classifier, count as a true positives. Signals with the same pitch of the classifier that were not correctly identified by the classifier, count as a false negatives. Signals with different pitch of the classifier that were not identified by the classifier, count as a true negatives. Signals with different pitch of the classifier that were identified by the classifier, count as a false positives. Our first approach was to evolve classifiers for identifying artifical signals, created by mathematical functions: sine, sawtooth and square waves. Our function set is basically composed by filtering operations on vectors and by arithmetic operations with constants and vectors. All the classifiers correctly identified true positive signals and did not identify true negative signals. We then moved to real audio recordings. For testing the classifiers, we picked different audio signals from the ones used during the training phase. For a first approach, the obtained results were very promising, but could be improved. We have made slight changes to our approach and the number of false positives reduced 33%, compared to the first approach. We then applied the evolved classifiers to polyphonic audio signals, and the results indicate that our approach is a good starting point for addressing the problem of Pitch Estimation.
The usage of multi material structures in industry, especially in the automotive industry are increasing. To overcome the difficulties in joining these structures, adhesives have several benefits over traditional joining methods. Therefore, accurate simulations of the entire process of fracture including the adhesive layer is crucial. In this paper, material parameters of a previously developed meso mechanical finite element (FE) model of a thin adhesive layer are optimized using the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2). Objective functions are defined as the error between experimental data and simulation data. The experimental data is provided by previously performed experiments where an adhesive layer was loaded in monotonically increasing peel and shear. Two objective functions are dependent on 9 model parameters (decision variables) in total and are evaluated by running two FEsimulations, one is loading the adhesive layer in peel and the other in shear. The original study converted the two objective functions into one function that resulted in one optimal solution. In this study, however, a Pareto frontis obtained by employing the SPEA2 algorithm. Thus, more insight into the material model, objective functions, optimal solutions and decision space is acquired using the Pareto front. We compare the results and show good agreement with the experimental data.
Effective and efficient implementation of intelligent and/or recently emerged networked manufacturing systems require an enterprise level integration. The networked manufacturing offers several advantages in the current competitive atmosphere by way to reduce, by shortening manufacturing cycle time and maintaining the production flexibility thereby achieving several feasible process plans. The first step in this direction is to integrate manufacturing functions such as process planning and scheduling for multi-jobs in a network based manufacturing system. It is difficult to determine a proper plan that meets conflicting objectives simultaneously. This paper describes a mobile-agent based negotiation approach to integrate manufacturing functions in a distributed manner; and its fundamental framework and functions are presented. Moreover, ontology has been constructed by using the Protégé software which possesses the flexibility to convert knowledge into Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema of Web Ontology Language (OWL) documents. The generated XML schemas have been used to transfer information throughout the manufacturing network for the intelligent interoperable integration of product data models and manufacturing resources. To validate the feasibility of the proposed approach, an illustrative example along with varied production environments that includes production demand fluctuations is presented and compared the proposed approach performance and its effectiveness with evolutionary algorithm based Hybrid Dynamic-DNA (HD-DNA) algorithm. The results show that the proposed scheme is very effective and reasonably acceptable for integration of manufacturing functions.
One of the main unresolved questions in science is how non-living matter became alive in a process known as abiognesis, which aims to explain how from a primordial soup scenario containing simple molecules, by following a ``bottom up'' approach, complex biomolecules emerged forming the first living system, known as a protocell. A protocell is defined by the interplay of three sub-systems which are considered requirements for life: information molecules, metabolism, and compartmentalization. This thesis investigates the role of compartmentalization during the emergence of life, and how simple membrane aggregates could evolve into entities that were able to develop ``life-like'' behaviours, and in particular how such evolution could happen without the presence of information molecules. Our ultimate objective is to create an autonomous evolvable system, and in order tp do so we will try to engineer life following a ``top-down'' approach, where an initial platform capable of evolving chemistry will be constructed, but the chemistry being dependent on the robotic adjunct, and how then this platform can be de-constructed in iterative operations until it is fully disconnected from the evolvable system, the system then being inherently autonomous. The first project of this thesis describes how the initial platform was designed and built. The platform was based on the model of a standard liquid handling robot, with the main difference with respect to other similar robots being that we used a 3D-printer in order to prototype the robot and build its main equipment, like a liquid dispensing system, tool movement mechanism, and washing procedures. The robot was able to mix different components and create populations of droplets in a Petri dish filled with aqueous phase. The Petri dish was then observed by a camera, which analysed the behaviours described by the droplets and fed this information back to the robot. Using this loop, the robot was then able to implement an evolutionary algorithm, where populations of droplets were evolved towards defined life-like behaviours. The second project of this thesis aimed to remove as many mechanical parts as possible from the robot while keeping the evolvable chemistry intact. In order to do so, we encapsulated the functionalities of the previous liquid handling robot into a single monolithic 3D-printed device. This device was able to mix different components, generate populations of droplets in an aqueous phase, and was also equipped with a camera in order to analyse the experiments. Moreover, because the full fabrication process of the devices happened in a 3D-printer, we were also able to alter its experimental arena by adding different obstacles where to evolve the droplets, enabling us to study how environmental changes can shape evolution. By doing so, we were able to embody evolutionary characteristics into our device, removing constraints from the physical platform, and taking one step forward to a possible autonomous evolvable system.
Self-replication and compartmentalization are two central properties thought to be essential for minimal life, and understanding how such processes interact in the emergence of complex reaction networks is crucial to exploring the development of complexity in chemistry and biology. Autocatalysis can emerge from multiple different mechanisms such as formation of an initiator, template self-replication and physical autocatalysis (where micelles formed from the reaction product solubilize the reactants, leading to higher local concentrations and therefore higher rates). Amphiphiles are also used in artificial life studies to create protocell models such as micelles, vesicles and oil-in-water droplets, and can increase reaction rates by encapsulation of reactants. So far, no template self-replicator exists which is capable of compartmentalization, or transferring this molecular scale phenomenon to micro or macro-scale assemblies. Here a system is demonstrated where an amphiphilic imine catalyses its own formation by joining a non-polar alkyl tail group with a polar carboxylic acid head group to form a template, which was shown to form reverse micelles by Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The kinetics of this system were investigated by 1H NMR spectroscopy, showing clearly that a template self-replication mechanism operates, though there was no evidence that the reverse micelles participated in physical autocatalysis. Active oil droplets, composed from a mixture of insoluble organic compounds in an aqueous sub-phase, can undergo processes such as division, self-propulsion and chemotaxis, and are studied as models for minimal cells, or protocells. Although in most cases the Marangoni effect is responsible for the forces on the droplet, the behaviour of the droplet depends heavily on the exact composition. Though theoretical models are able to calculate the forces on a droplet, to model a mixture of oils on an aqueous surface where compounds from the oil phase are dissolving and diffusing through the aqueous phase is beyond current computational capability. The behaviour of a droplet in an aqueous phase can only be discovered through experiment, though it is determined by the droplet's composition. By using an evolutionary algorithm and a liquid handling robot to conduct droplet experiments and decide which compositions to test next, entirely autonomously, the composition of the droplet becomes a chemical genome capable of evolution. The selection is carried out according to a fitness function, which ranks the formulation based on how well it conforms to the chosen fitness criteria (e.g. movement or division). Over successive generations, significant increases in fitness are achieved, and this increase is higher with more components (i.e. greater complexity). Other chemical processes such as chemiluminescence and gelation were investigated in active oil droplets, demonstrating the possibility of controlling chemical reactions by selective droplet fusion. Potential future applications for this might include combinatorial chemistry, or additional fitness goals for the genetic algorithm. Combining the self-replication and the droplet protocells research, it was demonstrated that the presence of the amphiphilic replicator lowers the interfacial tension between droplets of a reaction mixture in organic solution and the alkaline aqueous phase, causing them to divide. Periodic sampling by a liquid handling robot revealed that the extent of droplet fission increased as the reaction progressed, producing more individual protocells with increased self-replication. This demonstrates coupling of the molecular scale phenomenon of template self-replication to a macroscale physicochemical effect.
The TraSe (Transform-Select) algorithm has been developed to investigate the morphing of electronic music through automatically applying a series of deterministic compositional transformations to the source, guided towards a target by similarity metrics. This is in contrast to other morphing techniques such as interpolation or parameters or probabilistic variation. TraSe allows control over stylistic elements of the music through user-defined weighting of numerous compositional transformations. The formal evaluation of TraSe was mostly qualitative and occurred through nine participants completing an online questionnaire. The music generated by TraSe was generally felt to be less coherent than a human composed benchmark but in some cases judged as more creative.
A composite SaaS (Software as a Service) is a software that is comprised of several software components and data components. The composite SaaS placement problem is to determine where each of the components should be deployed in a cloud computing environment such that the performance of the composite SaaS is optimal. From the computational point of view, the composite SaaS placement problem is a large-scale combinatorial optimization problem. Thus, an Iterative Cooperative Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm (ICCGA) was proposed. The ICCGA can find reasonable quality of solutions. However, its computation time is noticeably slow. Aiming at improving the computation time, we propose an unsynchronized Parallel Cooperative Co-evolutionary Genetic Algorithm (PCCGA) in this paper. Experimental results have shown that the PCCGA not only has quicker computation time, but also generates better quality of solutions than the ICCGA.