992 resultados para Multimedia documents


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Komunikabide elektronikoak, multimedia eta elkarreragileak, errealitate bihurtu dira duela zenbait urte. 1993-1994tik orain arte milaka komunikabide,aldizkari, irrati edo telebisten bertsio birtual asko eta, era berean,zibergunerako berariaz pentsatutako informazio-bide berriak Internet sarean atzitu ahal dira. Bizitza laburra badu ere, kazetaritza elektronikoak komunikabide berriez hitz egitea ahalbidetzen duten joera batzuk agertu ditu dagoeneko. Modulu honen bitartez komunikabide elektronikok garatzen ari diren ezaugarrien eta kazetaritza elektronikoari aplikatu ahal zaizkion eta aplikatzen zaizkion ikerketa-eremu akademikoen berri jakinarazi nahi da soil-soilik; horrez gainera, erreferentzia bibliografiko batzuk (bai fisikoak, liburu eta artikulu inprimatuak, bai birtualak, helbide elektronikoak, informazioa aurkitzeko) emango dira, gaia interesatzen zaienei laguntzeko asmoarekin. Azken batean, ziberguneko kazetaritzaren barrura sartzeko balio digun “aferaren egoera” hutsaz ari gara.


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El Campus Virtual ha publicado en formato CD-ROM, a través del Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU, los textos correspondientes a las materias del primer cuatrimestre del "Curso Periodismo Digital por Internet" (curso 2000/2001).


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This compilation of references to works which synthesize information on coastal topics is intended to be useful to resource managers in decision making processes. However, the utility must be understand in terms of its limited coverage. The bibliography is not inclusive of all the published materials on the topics selected. Coverage is clearly defined in the following paragraph. The time span of the bibliography is limited to references that were published from I983 to 1993, except for a last-minute addition of a few 1994 publications. All searches were done in mid- to late-1993. The bibliography was compiled from searches done on the following DIALOG electronic databases: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, BlOSlS Previews, Dissertation Abstracts Online, Life Sciences Collection, NTlS (National Technical lnformation Service), Oceanic Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, SciSearch, and Water Resources Abstracts. In addition, two NOAA electronic datases were searched: the NOAA Library and lnformation Catalog and the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. Synthesis of information is not an ubiquitous term used in database development. In order to locate syntheses of required coastal topics, 89 search terms were used in combinations which required 10 searches from each file. From the nearly 6,000 citations which resulted from the electronic searches, the most appropriate were selected to produce this bibliography. The document was edited and indexed using Wordperfect software. When available, an abstract has been included. Every abstract was edited. The bibliography is subdivided into four main topics or sections: ecosystems, coastal water body conditions, natural disasters, and resource management. In the ecosystems section, emphasis is placed on organisms in their environment on the major coastlines of the U.S. In the second section, coastal water body conditions, the environment itself is emphasized. References were found for the Alaskan coast, but none were found for Hawaii. The third section, on natural disasters, emphasizes environmental impacts resulting from natural phenomena. Guidelines, planning and management reports, modelling documents, strategic and restoration plans, and environmental economics related to sustainability are included in the fourth section, resource management. Author, geographic, and subject indices indices are provided. The authors would like to thank Victor Omelczenko and Terry Seldon of the NOAA Sea Grant Office for access to and training on the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. We are grateful also to Dorothy Anderson, Philip Keavey, and Elizabeth Petersen who reviewed the draft document.


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Versión electrónica para multimedia del libro Corales Pétreos de Cuba publicado en 1980 por Nereida Martínez Estalella y Vasil Zlatarski. La colección de Corales pétreos se formó en el Instituto de Oceanología entre los años 1970 y 1975. En 2005 pasa a ser custodiada por el Acuario Nacional con el resto de las colecciones biológicas. La colección está formada por 4,990 ejemplares, 2 Clases Anthozoa e Hydrozoa , 16 familias, 30 géneros, 45 especies y 23 formas. Multimedia electronic book version of Stony Corals Cuba published in 1980 by Nereida Martínez Estalella and Vasil Zlatarski. The collection of stony corals are formed at the Institute of Oceanology between 1970 and 1975. Renumbered in 2005 by the National Aquarium guarded with other biological collections. The collection consists of 4,990 samples, 2 classes Anthozoa and Hydrozoa, 16 families, 30 genera, 45 species and 23 forms.


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This research proposes a method for extracting technology intelligence (TI) systematically from a large set of document data. To do this, the internal and external sources in the form of documents, which might be valuable for TI, are first identified. Then the existing techniques and software systems applicable to document analysis are examined. Finally, based on the reviews, a document-mining framework designed for TI is suggested and guidelines for software selection are proposed. The research output is expected to support intelligence operatives in finding suitable techniques and software systems for getting value from document-mining and thus facilitate effective knowledge management. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.