932 resultados para Multi-layered Soil
Teniendo en cuenta que no hay nada que se escape de la moda 1, y extendiendonos más allá de esta manida discusión sobre intersecciones formales, esta investigación propone la pasarela como un lugar real de mediación entre moda y arquitectura. Asumiendo esta condición, la pasarela encarna nuevos modos de producción apropiándose de su espacio y estructura, y convierténdose en una máquina capaz de generar múltiples y más bien infinitos significados. La moda es sin duda un proyecto creativo, que ha venido utilizando la pasarela como un marco para la reordenación de su narrativa visual, renovándose asi mismo como fenómeno social. Este proyecto de investigación plantea, que contrariamente las tipologías actuales de las pasarelas no nos facilitan la comprensión de una colección – que suele ser el objetivo principal. Presentan en cambio un entorno en el que se acoplan diferentes formatos visuales, -con varias capas-, conviéndolo en una compleja construcción y provocando nunerosas fricciones con el espacio-tiempo-acción durante el proceso de creación de otros territorios. Partiendo de la idea de la pasarela como un sistema, en el que sus numerosas variables pueden producir diversas combinaciones, esta investigación plantea la hipótesis por la cual un nuevo sistema de pasarela se estaría formando enteramente con capas de información. Este escenario nos conduciría a la inmersión final de la moda en los tejidos de la virtualidad. Si bien el debate sobre la relevancia de los desfiles de moda se ha vuelto más evidente hoy en día, esta investigación especula con la posibilidad del pensamiento arquitectónico y como este puede introducir metodologías de análisis en el marco de estos desfiles de moda, proponiendo una lectura de la pasarela como un sistema de procedimientos específicos inherente a los proyectos/procesos de la arquitectura. Este enfoque enlaza ambas prácticas en un territorio común donde el espacio, el diseño, el comportamiento, el movimiento, y los cuerpos son ordenados/organizados en la creación de estas nuevas posibilidades visuales, y donde las interacciones activan la generación de la novedad y los mensajes. PALABRAS CLAVES moda, sistema, virtual, información, arquitectura Considering that there is nothing left untouched by fashion2, and going beyond the already exhausted discussion about formal intersections, this research introduces the catwalk as the real arena of mediation between fashion and architecture. By assuming this condition, the catwalk embodies new modes of production that appropriates its space and turns it into a machine for generating multiple if not infinite meanings. Fashion, as a creative project, has utilized the catwalk as a frame for rearranging its visual narrative and renewing itself as social phenomena. This research disputes, however, that the current typologies of catwalks do not facilitate the understanding of the collection – as its primary goal - but, instead, present an environment composed of multi-layered visual formats, becoming a complex construct that collides space-time-action in the creation of other territories. Departing from the analysis of the catwalk as a system and how its many variables can produce diverse combinations, this research presents the hypothesis that a new system is being formed entirely built out of information. Such scenario indicates fashion´s final immersion into the fabrics of virtuality. While the discussion about the relevance of fashion shows has become more evident today, this research serves as an introductory speculation on how architectural thinking can introduce methodologies of analysis within the framework of the fashion shows, by proposing a reading of the catwalk as a system through specific procedures that are inherent to architectural projects. Such approach intertwines both practices into a common territory where space, design, behaviour, movement, and bodies are organized for the creation of visual possibilities, and where interactions are triggered in the making of novelty and messages. KEYWORDS fashion, system, virtual, information, architectural
Los análisis de fiabilidad representan una herramienta adecuada para contemplar las incertidumbres inherentes que existen en los parámetros geotécnicos. En esta Tesis Doctoral se desarrolla una metodología basada en una linealización sencilla, que emplea aproximaciones de primer o segundo orden, para evaluar eficientemente la fiabilidad del sistema en los problemas geotécnicos. En primer lugar, se emplean diferentes métodos para analizar la fiabilidad de dos aspectos propios del diseño de los túneles: la estabilidad del frente y el comportamiento del sostenimiento. Se aplican varias metodologías de fiabilidad — el Método de Fiabilidad de Primer Orden (FORM), el Método de Fiabilidad de Segundo Orden (SORM) y el Muestreo por Importancia (IS). Los resultados muestran que los tipos de distribución y las estructuras de correlación consideradas para todas las variables aleatorias tienen una influencia significativa en los resultados de fiabilidad, lo cual remarca la importancia de una adecuada caracterización de las incertidumbres geotécnicas en las aplicaciones prácticas. Los resultados también muestran que tanto el FORM como el SORM pueden emplearse para estimar la fiabilidad del sostenimiento de un túnel y que el SORM puede mejorar el FORM con un esfuerzo computacional adicional aceptable. Posteriormente, se desarrolla una metodología de linealización para evaluar la fiabilidad del sistema en los problemas geotécnicos. Esta metodología solamente necesita la información proporcionada por el FORM: el vector de índices de fiabilidad de las funciones de estado límite (LSFs) que componen el sistema y su matriz de correlación. Se analizan dos problemas geotécnicos comunes —la estabilidad de un talud en un suelo estratificado y un túnel circular excavado en roca— para demostrar la sencillez, precisión y eficiencia del procedimiento propuesto. Asimismo, se reflejan las ventajas de la metodología de linealización con respecto a las herramientas computacionales alternativas. Igualmente se muestra que, en el caso de que resulte necesario, se puede emplear el SORM —que aproxima la verdadera LSF mejor que el FORM— para calcular estimaciones más precisas de la fiabilidad del sistema. Finalmente, se presenta una nueva metodología que emplea Algoritmos Genéticos para identificar, de manera precisa, las superficies de deslizamiento representativas (RSSs) de taludes en suelos estratificados, las cuales se emplean posteriormente para estimar la fiabilidad del sistema, empleando la metodología de linealización propuesta. Se adoptan tres taludes en suelos estratificados característicos para demostrar la eficiencia, precisión y robustez del procedimiento propuesto y se discuten las ventajas del mismo con respecto a otros métodos alternativos. Los resultados muestran que la metodología propuesta da estimaciones de fiabilidad que mejoran los resultados previamente publicados, enfatizando la importancia de hallar buenas RSSs —y, especialmente, adecuadas (desde un punto de vista probabilístico) superficies de deslizamiento críticas que podrían ser no-circulares— para obtener estimaciones acertadas de la fiabilidad de taludes en suelos. Reliability analyses provide an adequate tool to consider the inherent uncertainties that exist in geotechnical parameters. This dissertation develops a simple linearization-based approach, that uses first or second order approximations, to efficiently evaluate the system reliability of geotechnical problems. First, reliability methods are employed to analyze the reliability of two tunnel design aspects: face stability and performance of support systems. Several reliability approaches —the first order reliability method (FORM), the second order reliability method (SORM), the response surface method (RSM) and importance sampling (IS)— are employed, with results showing that the assumed distribution types and correlation structures for all random variables have a significant effect on the reliability results. This emphasizes the importance of an adequate characterization of geotechnical uncertainties for practical applications. Results also show that both FORM and SORM can be used to estimate the reliability of tunnel-support systems; and that SORM can outperform FORM with an acceptable additional computational effort. A linearization approach is then developed to evaluate the system reliability of series geotechnical problems. The approach only needs information provided by FORM: the vector of reliability indices of the limit state functions (LSFs) composing the system, and their correlation matrix. Two common geotechnical problems —the stability of a slope in layered soil and a circular tunnel in rock— are employed to demonstrate the simplicity, accuracy and efficiency of the suggested procedure. Advantages of the linearization approach with respect to alternative computational tools are discussed. It is also found that, if necessary, SORM —that approximates the true LSF better than FORM— can be employed to compute better estimations of the system’s reliability. Finally, a new approach using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) is presented to identify the fully specified representative slip surfaces (RSSs) of layered soil slopes, and such RSSs are then employed to estimate the system reliability of slopes, using our proposed linearization approach. Three typical benchmark-slopes with layered soils are adopted to demonstrate the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of the suggested procedure, and advantages of the proposed method with respect to alternative methods are discussed. Results show that the proposed approach provides reliability estimates that improve previously published results, emphasizing the importance of finding good RSSs —and, especially, good (probabilistic) critical slip surfaces that might be non-circular— to obtain good estimations of the reliability of soil slope systems.
La presente tesis doctoral se centra en la investigación del "estrato arquitectónico", manejando conceptos, lógicas y sinopsis como puntos organizativos, enlazados y superpuestos, que den paso a un marco propositivo que pueda ser simultáneamente articulado e independiente. Una situación que, ante nuevos desafíos, pretende ir más allá de una estricta definición de estrato o de su noción preconcebida descrita desde la superposición de diversos materiales. Todo ello a fin de revelar los diferentes perfiles del estrato y de la estratificación. Para ello, se abre y amplía el campo de estudio proyectual/procesual desdibujando los límites entre disciplinas –geología, filosofía, tecnología, arquitectura–. Y al mismo tiempo, se construye una cartografía del estrato arquitectónico asociada: a una taxonomía descriptora, a nuevas formulaciones, a pensamientos de personajes reconocibles y/o rescatados –como Rowe/Slutzky, Smithson, Parent/Virilio, Koolhaas, MVRDV, etc.–, y, por último, a nuevas lógicas proyectuales y operativas referidas al estrato, que fusionan conocimientos complejos. Unos contenidos que habitualmente no se presentan en investigaciones doctorales tradicionales –lo que permite afrontar nuevos cambios metodológicos, e imprimir un punto de partida para el desarrollo de futuras investigaciones o de otros posibles caminos emergentes–. Así, el discurso se impregna de nuevos referentes teóricos dentro de una misma mitología común (la del estrato). Un tema abordado con claves híbridas, es decir, con estudios selectivos y escritos coleccionados –analizados a partir de antecedentes encontrados y consolidados–, combinados con interpretaciones subyacentes en la arquitectura contemporánea –que pueden todavía encontrarse en fase experimental–. Una investigación que muestra la adaptación, la evolución y el cambio de la definición de "estrato arquitectónico", así como de su apariencia, utilización y aplicación a lo largo del tiempo, consecuencia de las nuevas necesidades y/o de las nuevas bases ideológicas ocasionadas por nuevos descubrimientos. Estratos arquitectónicos que dotan al espacio de profundidad –desde la bidimensionalidad– mediante la superposición de planos paralelos hacia la construcción de una nueva experiencia de estratificación fenomenológica. Estratos que generan estímulos y cambian su materialidad –de opacos a (en)tramados– creando apariencias y produciendo diversos efectos, para posteriormente exfoliarse y convertirse en estratos habitables. Estratos capturadores del espacio-tiempo, o de las dinámicas internas. Llegando incluso, con un último giro, a la era digital, donde el estrato informacional –que continua siendo independiente, autónomo y diverso, y que puede ser modificado, manipulado, suprimido o activable sin alterar el conjunto–, propicia obtener sistemas flexibles, relacionales, capaces de mutar o adaptarse, asociados a distintos niveles de organización dispositiva, que impulsan acciones y hacen emerger lógicas proyectuales. Estratos que surgen de forma elaborada o espontánea en el territorio urbano o natural (ciudad sobre ciudad, suelo sobre suelo), que se aplican extendiendo e hibridando el territorio (paisajes operativos), que son replanteados artificialmente como mecanismos edificatorios según las exigencias existentes (estratos programáticos, capas especializadas), y que se implantan como capas/layers en los programas informáticos utilizados como herramientas de diseño (multicapas, sistemas de intercambio informacional). Un trabajo que se estructura de manera multicapa lo que permite recorrer la tesis como un mapa de secuencias, saltar entre estratos de información, o seleccionar lecturas según intereses de pensamiento o acción arquitectónica. En consecuencia, una investigación sobre el "estrato arquitectónico" que conecta diversas disciplinas, que recopila distintos posicionamientos teórico/prácticos –lo que implica la introducción de parámetros y datos vivos–, y afronta un posicionamiento estratégico que vuelve a poner en valor el estrato arquitectónico –partiendo de estrategias formales que se han transformado en estrategias experimentales/operativas (a medida que el entorno se ha ido complejizando), siguiendo una estrategia conceptual e intelectual contemporánea, propia y específica–. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis is based on the research of "architectural stratum" using concepts, logical and synopsis as organizational, linked and overlapping points, which give way to a proactive framework that can be articulated and independent simultaneously. A situation that, faced with new challenges, aims to go beyond a strict definition of stratum or their preconceived notion described from the superposition of different materials. All this in order to reveal the different profiles of stratum and stratification. To do this, it opens and widens the field of project/process study, blurring the boundaries between disciplines –geology, philosophy, technology, architecture–. And, at the same time, a cartography of the architectural stratum is constructed, that associates with: descriptor taxonomy, new formulations, thoughts of recognizable and/or rescued characters, –as Rowe/Slutzky, Smithson, Parent/Virilio, Koolhaas, MVRDV, etc.–, and finally, a new project and operational logics referred to stratum, which merge complex knowledge. A content not usually presented in traditional doctoral research –which can face new methodological changes, and creates a starting point for future research or other possible emerging paths–. Thus, the work is imbued with new theoretical framework within a common mythology (stratum’s myth). An issue addressed with hybrid keys, that is, with selective studies and collected writings –analyzed starting from found and consolidated backgrounds–, combined with underlying performances on contemporary architecture –which can still be in experimental phase–. A research that shows adaptation, evolution and change of the definition of "architectural stratum", as well as their appearance, use and application throughout time, result of the new requirements and/or the new ideological foundations caused by new discoveries. Architectural strata that give depth to space –from two-dimensionality– by overlapping parallel planes towards the construction of a new experience of phenomenological stratification. Strata that generate stimuli and change their materiality –from opaque to lattice– creating appearances and producing various effects, for later exfoliating and becoming habitable strata. Strata that capture space-time or internal dynamics. Even reaching, with a final twist, the digital age, where the informational stratum –which remains independent, autonomous and diverse, and can be modified, manipulated, deleted or activated without altering the whole–, contribute to obtaining flexible, relational systems, able to mutate or adapt, associated with different levels of regulatory organization, that drive actions and make emerge project logics. Strata that arise elaborately or spontaneously in urban or natural territory (city upon city, floor upon floor), which apply expanding and hybridizing the territory (operational landscapes), which are artificially restated as building mechanisms according to existing requirements (strata program, specialized layers), which are implemented as layers in the software used as design tools (multilayer, systems of informational interchange). A work that is structured in a multi-layered way, which allows explore the thesis as a sequence map, jump between layers of information, or select readings according to an interest in thought or architectural action. Therefore, an investigation into the "architectural stratum" that connects different disciplines, which collects different theoretical/practical positions –which implies the introduction of live parameters and data– and faces a strategic positioning returning to value the architectural stratum –based on formal strategies that have become experimental/operational strategies (as the environment has become more complex), following a conceptual, intellectual, contemporary, own specific strategy–.
The contemporary artist, Lonnie Holley, creates assemblage sculptures using found objects that he then places in his multi-layered yard art environment. With the rise in prestige of folk art, many art galleries and museums have displayed the works of Holley, removing them from the yard art environment and placing them in the gallery setting. This paper addresses how meaning changes when the context of Holley’s artworks changes.
La Malinche’s serene face and beautifully dressed figure dominates the first half of the lost sixteenth century manuscript El Lienzo de Tlaxcala, which exists today in the form of a copy made after the original. In this paper I propose an expanded study of these twenty-one representations of La Malinche as they offer insight into the Tlaxcalan’s reverence, respect, and spiritual belief in La Malinche. The Tlaxcalan leaders recognized her influence on both the Spanish and indigenous leaders during the conquest and cleverly designed a painted narrative to reinforce their connection with La Malinche to enhance their position with the Spanish. Through a multi layered study that consists of a detailed account of her biography in contrast to gender roles in Pre-Hispanic America, as well as formal and iconographic analysis of rarely examined images from the Lienzo de Tlaxcala that link La Malinche to the Virgin Mary, and a review of the ethnographic research on religious beliefs among contemporary Tlaxcalans, I will demonstrate that the mutable history of this woman made her the ideal supernatural protagonist for the people of Tlaxcala.
This paper presents a multi-layered Question Answering (Q.A.) architecture suitable for enhancing current Q.A. capabilities with the possibility of processing complex questions. That is, questions whose answer needs to be gathered from pieces of factual information scattered in different documents. Specifically, we have designed a layer oriented to process the different types of temporal questions. Complex temporal questions are first decomposed into simpler ones, according to the temporal relationships expressed in the original question. In the same way, the answers of each simple question are re-composed, fulfilling the temporal restrictions of the original complex question. Using this architecture, a Temporal Q.A. system has been developed. In this paper, we focus on explaining the first part of the process: the decomposition of the complex questions. Furthermore, it has been evaluated with the TERQAS question corpus of 112 temporal questions. For the task of question splitting our system has performed, in terms of precision and recall, 85% and 71%, respectively.
When interpreting the "Yukos affair", it is hard to focus on any single particular motive or explanation that would easily rationalise the government's actions against the company. The "Yukos affair" is a multi-layered process with a number of different reasons for its cause. When one scrutinises the events around the company, the impression may be obtained that the Kremlin seemed at first not to have had any ultimate strategy; the authorities' position evolved as time went by. At first, the conflict was mainly of a political nature; economic factors did not arise until later, when the oil sector was undergoing changes in ownership.
This paper evaluates a new, low-frequency finite-difference time-domain method applied to the problem of induced E-fields/eddy currents in the human body resulting from the pulsed magnetic field gradients in MRI. In this algorithm, a distributed equivalent magnetic current is proposed as the electromagnetic source and is obtained by quasistatic calculation of the empty coil's vector potential or measurements therein. This technique circumvents the discretization of complicated gradient coil geometries into a mesh of Yee cells, and thereby enables any type of gradient coil modelling or other complex low frequency sources. The proposed method has been verified against an example with an analytical solution. Results are presented showing the spatial distribution of gradient-induced electric fields in a multi-layered spherical phantom model and a complete body model. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A novel class of nonlinear, visco-elastic rheologies has recently been developed by MUHLHAUS et al. (2002a, b). The theory was originally developed for the simulation of large deformation processes including folding and kinking in multi-layered visco-elastic rock. The orientation of the layer surfaces or slip planes in the context of crystallographic slip is determined by the normal vector the so-called director of these surfaces. Here the model (MUHLHAUS et al., 2002a, b) is generalized to include thermal effects; it is shown that in 2-D steady states the director is given by the gradient of the flow potential. The model is applied to anisotropic simple shear where the directors are initially parallel to the shear direction. The relative effects of textural hardening and thermal softening are demonstrated. We then turn to natural convection and compare the time evolution and approximately steady states of isotropic and anisotropic convection for a Rayleigh number Ra=5.64x10(5) for aspect ratios of the experimental domain of 1 and 2, respectively. The isotropic case has a simple steady-state solution, whereas in the orthotropic convection model patterns evolve continuously in the core of the convection cell, which makes only a near-steady condition possible. This near-steady state condition shows well aligned boundary layers, and the number of convection cells which develop appears to be reduced in the orthotropic case. At the moderate Rayleigh numbers explored here we found only minor influences in the change from aspect ratio one to two in the model domain.
Nonlinear, non-stationary signals are commonly found in a variety of disciplines such as biology, medicine, geology and financial modeling. The complexity (e.g. nonlinearity and non-stationarity) of such signals and their low signal to noise ratios often make it a challenging task to use them in critical applications. In this paper we propose a new neural network based technique to address those problems. We show that a feed forward, multi-layered neural network can conveniently capture the states of a nonlinear system in its connection weight-space, after a process of supervised training. The performance of the proposed method is investigated via computer simulations.
The paper presents a new theory for modeling flow in anisotropic, viscous rock. This theory has originally been developed for the simulation of large deformation processes including folding and kinking in multi-layered visco-elastic rock. The orientation of slip planes in the context of crystallographic slip is determined by the normal vector, the so-called director of these surfaces. The model is applied to simulate anisotropic natural mantle convection. We compare the evolution of the director and approximately steady states of isotropic and anisotropic convection. The isotropic case has a simple steady state solution, whereas the orthotropic convection model produces a continuously evolving patterning in tile core of the convection cell which makes only a near-steady condition possible, in which the thermal boundary layer appears to be well aligned with the flow and hence as observed in seismic tomomgraphy strong anistropic.
This article examines the multi-layered interrelation between Gerhard Roth’s writing and film. It charts the corresponding relationship of his early books to their accompanying television documentaries. The main focus of this essay however is on the film adaptation of Stille Ozean (1980) and Landäufiger Tod (1984), the two major novels in his cycle Archive des Shweigens. Supplemented by a look at the two radically different adaptations of his volume of topographical essays on Vienna called Eine Reise in das Innere von Wien (1991), the article also provides a summary overview of the seven dramas written by Roth for Austrian television in the 1990s, some of which were directed by his son Thomas. Finally Roth's approach to the medium of film is being discussed by drawing on the 59 reviews he published between 1995 and 1997 as a film critic for the Austrian magazine NEWS.
Flow control in Computer Communication systems is generally a multi-layered structure, consisting of several mechanisms operating independently at different levels. Evaluation of the performance of networks in which different flow control mechanisms act simultaneously is an important area of research, and is examined in depth in this thesis. This thesis presents the modelling of a finite resource computer communication network equipped with three levels of flow control, based on closed queueing network theory. The flow control mechanisms considered are: end-to-end control of virtual circuits, network access control of external messages at the entry nodes and the hop level control between nodes. The model is solved by a heuristic technique, based on an equivalent reduced network and the heuristic extensions to the mean value analysis algorithm. The method has significant computational advantages, and overcomes the limitations of the exact methods. It can be used to solve large network models with finite buffers and many virtual circuits. The model and its heuristic solution are validated by simulation. The interaction between the three levels of flow control are investigated. A queueing model is developed for the admission delay on virtual circuits with end-to-end control, in which messages arrive from independent Poisson sources. The selection of optimum window limit is considered. Several advanced network access schemes are postulated to improve the network performance as well as that of selected traffic streams, and numerical results are presented. A model for the dynamic control of input traffic is developed. Based on Markov decision theory, an optimal control policy is formulated. Numerical results are given and throughput-delay performance is shown to be better with dynamic control than with static control.
Ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels (T91, HT-9, EP 823) are candidate materials for future liquid lead or lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) cooled nuclear reactors. To understand the corrosion of these materials in LBE, samples of each material were exposed at 535 °C for 600 h and 200 h at an oxygen content of 10 wt%. After the corrosion tests, the samples were analyzed using SEM, WDX and nano-indentation in cross section. Multi-layered oxide scales were found on the sample surfaces. The compositions of these oxide layers are not entirely in agreement with the literature. The nano-indentation results showed that the E-modulus and hardness of the oxide layers are significantly lower than the values for dense bulk oxide materials. It is assumed that the low values stem from high porosity in the oxide layers. Comparison with in-air oxidized steels show that the E-modulus decreases with increasing oxide layer thickness. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The primary objective of this research has been to investigate the interfacial phenomenon of protein adsorption in relation to the bulk and surface structure-property effect s of hydrogel polymers. In order to achieve this it was first necessary to characterise the bulk and surface properties of the hydrogels, with regard to the structural chemistry of their component monomers. The bulk properties of the hydrogels were established using equilibrium water content measurements, together with water-binding studies by differential scanning calorimetry (D.S.C.). Hamilton and captive air bubble-contact angle techniques were employed to characterise the hydrogel-water interface and from which by a mathematical derivation, the interfacial free energy (ðsw) and the surface free energy components (ð psv, ðdsv, ðsv) were obtained. From the adsorption studies using the radio labelled iodinated (125I) proteins of human serum albumin (H.S.A.) and human fibrinogen (H.Fb.), it was Found that multi-layered adsorption was occurring and that the rate and type of this adsorption was dependent on the physico-chemical behaviour of the adsorbing protein (and its bulk concentration in solution), together with the surface energetics of the adsorbent polymer. A potential method for the invitro evaluation of a material's 'biocompatibility' was also investigated, based on an empirically observed relationship between the adsorption of albumin and fibrinogen and the 'biocompatibility' of polymeric materials. Furthermore, some consideration was also given to the biocompatibility problem of proteinaceous deposit formation on hydrophilic soft' contact lenses and in addition a number of potential continual wear contact lens formulations now undergoing clinical trials,were characterised by the above techniques.