984 resultados para Motion dynamics


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We introduce a novel method to simulate hydrated macromolecules with a dielectric continuum representation of the surrounding solvent. In our approach, the interaction between the solvent and the molecular degrees of freedom is described by means of a polarization density free energy functional which is minimum at electrostatic equilibrium. After a pseudospectral expansion of the polarization and a discretization of the functional, we construct the equations of motion for the system based on a Car-Parrinello technique. In the limit of the adiabatic evolution of the polarization field variables, our method provides the solution of the dielectric continuum problem "on the fly," while the molecular coordinates are propagated. In this first study, we show how our dielectric continuum molecular dynamics method can be successfully applied to hydrated biomolecules, with low cost compared to free energy simulations with explicit solvent. To our knowledge, this is the first time that stable and conservative molecular dynamic simulations of solutes can be performed for a dielectric continuum model of the solvent. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We set out aspects of a numerical algorithm used in solving the full-dimensionality time-dependent Schrodinger equation describing the electronic motion of the hydrogen molecular ion driven by an intense, linearly polarized laser pulse aligned along the molecular axis. This algorithm has been implemented within the fixed inter-nuclear separation approximation in a parallel computer code, a brief summary of which is given. Ionization rates are calculated and compared with results from other methods, notably the time-independent Floquet method. Our results compare very favourably with the precise predictions of the Floquet method, although there is some disagreement with other wavepacket calculations. Visualizations of the electron dynamics are also presented in which electron rescattering is observed.


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The structure and dynamics of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate is studied by molecular dynamics simulations. We find long-range spatial correlations between the ions and a three-dimensional local structure that reflects the asymmetry of the cations. The main contribution to the configurational energy comes from the electrostatic interactions which leads to charge-ordering effects. Radial screening and threedimensional distribution of charge are also analyzed. The motion of a single ion is studied via velocity and reorientational correlation functions. It is found that ions "rattle" in a long-lived cage, while the orientational structure relaxes on a time scale longer than 200 ps. As in a supercooled liquid, the mean square displacements reveal a subdiffusive dynamics. In addition, the presence of dynamic heterogeneities can be detected by analyzing the non-Gaussian behavior of the van Hove correlation function and the spatial arrangement of the most mobile ions. The short-time collective dynamics is also studied through the electric current time correlation function.


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A method for introducing correlations between electrons and ions that is computationally affordable is described. The central assumption is that the ionic wavefunctions are narrow, which makes possible a moment expansion for the full density matrix. To make the problem tractable we reduce the remaining many-electron problem to a single-electron problem by performing a trace over all electronic degrees of freedom except one. This introduces both one- and two-electron quantities into the equations of motion. Quantities depending on more than one electron are removed by making a Hartree-Fock approximation. Using the first-moment approximation, we perform a number of tight binding simulations of the effect of an electric current on a mobile atom. The classical contribution to the ionic kinetic energy exhibits cooling and is independent of the bias. The quantum contribution exhibits strong heating, with the heating rate proportional to the bias. However, increased scattering of electrons with increasing ionic kinetic energy is not observed. This effect requires the introduction of the second moment.


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Modelling Joule heating is a difficult problem because of the need to introduce correct correlations between the motions of the ions and the electrons. In this paper we analyse three different models of current induced heating (a purely classical model, a fully quantum model and a hybrid model in which the electrons are treated quantum mechanically and the atoms are treated classically). We find that all three models allow for both heating and cooling processes in the presence of a current, and furthermore the purely classical and purely quantum models show remarkable agreement in the limit of high biases. However, the hybrid model in the Ehrenfest approximation tends to suppress heating. Analysis of the equations of motion reveals that this is a consequence of two things: the electrons are being treated as a continuous fluid and the atoms cannot undergo quantum fluctuations. A means for correcting this is suggested.


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The behavior of a model ionic liquid (IL) confined between two flat parallel walls was studied at various interwall distances using computer simulations. The results focus both on structural and dynamical properties. Mass and charge density along the confinement axis reveal a structure of layers parallel to the walls that leads to an oscillatory profile in the electrostatic potential. Orientational correlation functions indicate that cations at the interface orient tilted with respect to the surface and that any other orientational order is lost thereafter. The diffusion coefficients of the ions exhibit a maximum as a function of the confinement distance, a behavior that results from a combination of the structure of the liquid as a whole and a faster molecular motion in the vicinity of the walls. We discuss the relevance of the present results and elaborate on topics that need further attention regarding the effects of ILs in the functioning of IL-based dye-sensitized solar cells.


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Few-cycle laser pulses are used to "pump and probe" image the vibrational wavepacket dynamics of a HD+ molecular ion. The quantum dephasing and revival structure of the wavepacket are mapped experimentally with time-resolved photodissociation imaging. The motion of the molecule is simulated using a quantum-mechanical model predicting the observed structure. The coherence of the wavepacket is controlled by varying the duration of the intense laser pulses. By means of a Fourier transform analysis both the periodicity and relative population of the vibrational states of the excited molecular ion have been characterized.


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The complex dynamics of radio-frequency driven atmospheric pressure plasma jets is investigated using various optical diagnostic techniques and numerical simulations. Absolute number densities of ground state atomic oxygen radicals in the plasma effluent are measured by two-photon absorption laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy (TALIF). Spatial profiles are compared with (vacuum) ultra-violet radiation from excited states of atomic oxygen and molecular oxygen, respectively. The excitation and ionization dynamics in the plasma core are dominated by electron impact and observed by space and phase resolved optical emission spectroscopy (PROES). The electron dynamics is governed through the motion of the plasma boundary sheaths in front of the electrodes as illustrated in numerical simulations using a hybrid code based on fluid equations and kinetic treatment of electrons.


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Recent advances in the study of quantum vibrations and rotations in the fundamental hydrogen molecules are reported. Using the deuterium molecules (D-2(+) and D-2) as exemplars, the application of ultrafast femtosecond pump-probe experiments to study the creation and time-resolved imaging of coherent nuclear wavepackets is discussed. The ability to study the motion of these fundamental molecules in the time-domain is a notable milestone, made possible through the advent of ultrashort intense laser pulses with durations on sub-vibrational (and sub-rotational) timescales. Quantum wavepacket revivals are characterised for both vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom and quantum models are used to provide a detailed discussion of the underlying ultrafast physical dynamics for the specialist and non-specialist alike. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A dusty plasma crystalline configuration consisting of charged dust grains of alternating charge sign (.../+/-/+/-/+/...) and mass is considered. Both charge and mass of each dust species are taken to be constant. Considering the equations of longitudinal motion, a dispersion relation for linear longitudinal vibrations is derived from first principles and then analyzed. Two harmonic modes are obtained, namely, an acoustic mode and an inverse-dispersive optic-like one. The nonlinear aspects of acoustic longitudinal dust grain motion are addressed via a generalized Boussinesq (and, alternatively, a generalized Korteweg-de Vries) description. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Vortex dynamics in inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensates are studied numerically in two and three dimensions. We simulate the precession of a single vortex around the center of a trapped condensate, and use the Magnus force to estimate the precession frequency. Vortex ring dynamics in a spherical trap are also simulated, and we discover that a ring undergoes oscillatory motion around a circle of maximum energy. The position of this locus is calculated as a function of the number of condensed atoms. In the presence of dissipation, the amplitude of the oscillation will increase, eventually resulting in self-annihilation of the ring.


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This paper describes the use of the Euler equations for the generation and testing of tabular aerodynamic models for flight dynamics analysis. Maneuvers for the AGARD Standard Dynamics Model sharp leading-edge wind-tunnel geometry are considered as a test case. Wind-tunnel data is first used to validate the prediction of static and dynamic coefficients at both low and high angles, featuring complex vortical flow, with good agreement obtained at low to moderate angles of attack. Then the generation of aerodynamic tables is described based on a data fusion approach. Time-optimal maneuvers are generated based on these tables, including level flight trim, pull-ups at constant and varying incidence, and level and 90 degrees turns. The maneuver definition includes the aircraft states and also the control deflections to achieve the motion. The main point of the paper is then to assess the validity of the aerodynamic tables which were used to define the maneuvers. This is done by replaying them, including the control surface motions, through the time accurate computational fluid dynamics code. The resulting forces and moments are compared with the tabular values to assess the presence of inadequately modeled dynamic or unsteady effects. The agreement between the tables and the replay is demonstrated for slow maneuvers. Increasing rate maneuvers show discrepancies which are ascribed to vortical flow hysteresis at the higher rate motions. The framework is suitable for application to more complex viscous flow models, and is powerful for the assessment of the validity of aerodynamics models of the type currently used for studies of flight dynamics.


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This manuscript describes how motor behaviour researchers who are not at the same time expert roboticists may implement an experimental apparatus, which has the ability to dictate torque fields around a single joint on one limb or single joints on multiple limbs without otherwise interfering with the inherent dynamics of those joints. Such an apparatus expands the exploratory potential of the researcher wherever experimental distinction of factors may necessitate independent control of torque fields around multiple limbs, or the shaping of torque fields of a given joint independently of its plane of motion, or its directional phase within that plane. The apparatus utilizes torque motors. The challenge with torque motors is that they impose added inertia on limbs and thus attenuate joint dynamics. We eliminated this attenuation by establishing an accurate mathematical model of the robotic device using the Box-Jenkins method, and cancelling out its dynamics by employing the inverse of the model as a compensating controller. A direct measure of the remnant inertial torque as experienced by the hand during a 50 s period of wrist oscillations that increased gradually in frequency from 1.0 to 3.8 Hz confirmed that the removal of the inertial effect of the motor was effectively complete.


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Aiming to establish a rigorous link between macroscopic random motion (described e.g. by Langevin-type theories) and microscopic dynamics, we have undertaken a kinetic-theoretical study of the dynamics of a classical test-particle weakly coupled to a large heat-bath in thermal equilibrium. Both subsystems are subject to an external force field. From the (time-non-local) generalized master equation a Fokker-Planck-type equation follows as a "quasi-Markovian" approximation. The kinetic operator thus defined is shown to be ill-defined; in specific, it does not preserve the positivity of the test-particle distribution function f(x, v; t). Adopting an alternative approach, previously introduced for quantum open systems, is proposed to lead to a correct kinetic operator, which yields all the expected properties. A set of explicit expressions for the diffusion and drift coefficients are obtained, allowing for modelling macroscopic diffusion and dynamical friction phenomena, in terms of an external field and intrinsic physical parameters.


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A dust crystal consisting of charged dust grains of alternating charge sign (.../+/-/+/-/+/...) and mass is considered. Considering the equations of longitudinal motion, a linear dispersion relation is derived from first principles, and then analyzed. Two modes are obtained, including an acoustic mode and an inverse-dispersive optic-like one. The nonlinear aspects of longitudinal dust grain motion are also briefly addressed, via a Boussineq and Korteweg- de Vries description.