996 resultados para Mostaert, Gillis, 1534?-1598.


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The foetus is dependent on its mother for passive immunity involving receptor-mediated specific transport of antibodies. IgG antibody is present in highest concentration in serum and is the only antibody type that can cross the placenta efficiently, except for its IgG2 subclass. Most of the pathogenic manifestations affecting the foetus involve capsular antigens and polysaccharides of pathogens and it is known that immune response to these antigens is primed to the predominant production of IgG2 type of antibody. Paradoxically, the IgG2 subclass cannot cross the placenta and neutralize such antigens; therefore, infections related to these antigens may persist and can lead to serious conditions like miscarriage and stillbirth. This article describes in brief the properties of IgG subclasses, intrauterine infections seen during pregnancy and discusses possible IgG-based strategies to manage infections to afford protection to the foetus.


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The use of high-velocity sheet-forming techniques where the strain rates are in excess of 10(2)/s can help us solve many problems that are difficult to overcome with traditional metal-forming techniques. In this investigation, thin metallic plates/foils were subjected to shock wave loading in the newly developed diaphragmless shock tube. The conventional shock tube used in the aerodynamic applications uses a metal diaphragm for generating shock waves. This method of operation has its own disadvantages including the problems associated with repeatable and reliable generation of shock waves. Moreover, in industrial scenario, changing metal diaphragms after every shot is not desirable. Hence, a diaphragmless shock tube is calibrated and used in this study. Shock Mach numbers up to 3 can be generated with a high degree of repeatability (+/- 4 per cent) for the pressure jumps across the primary shock wave. The shock Mach number scatter is within +/- 1.5 per cent. Copper, brass, and aluminium plates of diameter 60 mm and thickness varying from 0.1 to 1 mm are used. The plate peak over-pressures ranging from 1 to 10 bar are used. The midpoint deflection, circumferential, radial, and thickness strains are measured and using these, the Von Mises strain is also calculated. The experimental results are compared with the numerical values obtained using finite element analysis. The experimental results match well with the numerical values. The plastic hinge effect was also observed in the finite element simulations. Analysis of the failed specimens shows that aluminium plates had mode I failure, whereas copper plates had mode II failure.


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Two Pd-6 molecular aggregates (1 and 2), self-sorted via a template-free three-component self-assembly process, represent new examples of discrete architectures exhibiting very high proton conductivity 0.78 x 10(-3) S cm(-1) (1) and 0.22 X 10(-3) S cm(-1) (2)] at 300 K at low relative humidity (B46%) with low activation energy comparable to that of currently used Nafion in fuel cells.


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Rapid and high wing-beat frequencies achieved during insect flight are powered by the indirect flight muscles, the largest group of muscles present in the thorax. Any anomaly during the assembly and/or structural impairment of the indirect flight muscles gives rise to a flightless phenotype. Multiple mutagenesis screens in Drosophila melanogaster for defective flight behavior have led to the isolation and characterization of mutations that have been instrumental in the identification of many proteins and residues that are important for muscle assembly, function, and disease. In this article, we present a molecular-genetic characterization of a flightless mutation, flightless-H (fliH), originally designated as heldup-a (hdp-a). We show that fliH is a cis-regulatory mutation of the wings up A (wupA) gene, which codes for the troponin-I protein, one of the troponin complex proteins, involved in regulation of muscle contraction. The mutation leads to reduced levels of troponin-I transcript and protein. In addition to this, there is also coordinated reduction in transcript and protein levels of other structural protein isoforms that are part of the troponin complex. The altered transcript and protein stoichiometry ultimately culminates in unregulated acto-myosin interactions and a hypercontraction muscle phenotype. Our results shed new insights into the importance of maintaining the stoichiometry of structural proteins during muscle assembly for proper function with implications for the identification of mutations and disease phenotypes in other species, including humans.


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Imaging ellipsometry was combined with electrochemical methods for studying electrostatic interactions of protein and solid surfaces. The potential of zero charge for gold-coated silicon wafer/solution interfaces wad determined by AC impedance method. The potential of the gold-coated silicon wafer was controlled at the potential of zero charge, and the adsorption of fibrinogen on the potential-controlled and non-controlled surfaces was measured in real time at the same time by imaging ellipsometry The effect of electrostatic interaction was studied by comparing the difference between the potential of controlled adsorption and the Potential of noncontrolled adsorption. It was shown that the rate of fibrinogen adsorption on the potentiostatic surface was faster than that on the nonpotentiostatic surface. The electrostatic influence on fibrinogen adsorption on the gold-coated silicon wafer was weak, so the hydrophobic interaction should be the major affinity.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar la respuesta del frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) al virus del mosaico amarillo del frijol (BYMV) se seleccionaron las variedades Revolución 81 y Revolución 84, las cuales fueron inoculadas con BYMV en diferentes etapas fenológicas. El experimento consistió de dos etapas; Etapa 1 (vivero) en el período comprendido de julio-septiembre de 1991, en el campo de la Escuela de Sanidad Vegetal, Universidad Nacional Agraria, kilómetro 12 1/2 carretera norte, Managua; y la Etapa II (campo), en La Compañía, Masatepe, Carazo. Las variables evaluadas fueron, número de vainas por planta, número de granos por vaina y rendimiento (peso de granos). Para evaluar las diferencias estadísticas de las variables mencionadas se realizó análisis de varianza. En la Etapa 1 se observó que el menor rendimiento se presentó en el momento de inoculación a los 7 DDE para la variedad Rev. 81 y para la variedad Rev. 84 el menor rendimiento fue a los 15 DDE. En la Etapa II el mayor rendimiento se presentó cuando la inoculación se hizo a los 15 DDE, para la variedad Rev.81 y a los 7 DDE, para la variedad Rev.84. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la variedad Rev.81 y Rev. 84 son susceptibles al BYMV resultando con un menor rendimiento la variedad Rev. 81.


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El presente trabajo se planificó con la finalidad de determinar la influencia de cuatro niveles de nitrógeno (0, 65, 130 y 195 kilogramos por hectárea) y cuatro fraccionamientos (100 % a los 20 días después de la siembra; 50 % a los 20 y 50 % a los 30 días después de la siembra; 50 % a los 20 y 50% a los 45 días después de la siembra; 100 % a los 30 días después de la siembra) sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo de ajonjolí (Sesamum indicum L.) variedad TUREN bajo las condiciones ecológicas de la Hacienda Las Mercedes, Managua. El ensayo se estableció en la siembra de primera de 1991 (lro. de Junio hasta el 22 de Agosto), utilizándose un diseño experimental con arreglo en parcelas divididas y distribución en bloques completos al azar, con 13 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las variables estudiadas, a excepción del diámetro del tallo que presentó diferencias significativas a los 35 días después de la siembra, siendo la mejor respuesta a esta variable cuando se le aplicó 195 kg de N/ha. Los resultados estadísticos mostraron que la aplicación de los diferentes niveles y fraccionamientos del nitrógeno no presentan diferencias significativas sobre el rendimiento y sus componentes principales. Sin embargo, se determinó a través del análisis económico que el mayor ingreso neto se obtuvo utilizando 130 kg N/ha aplicado en un 100% a los 20 días después de la siembra, seguido del tratamiento que incluye la dosis de 65 kg N/ha aplicado en un 100% a los 30 días después de la siembra con un margen de diferencia entre ellos de un 7.11 %; este último a su vez presentó la mayor rentabilidad.


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Traz a composição das Mesas da Câmara dos Deputados desde a primeira, eleita em 1826.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVII - Segurança Pública e Defesa Nacional.


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An intended numerical investigation is carried out. The results indicate that, even if a perfect adhesive bond is preserved between the particles and matrix materials, the two-phase element cell model is unable to predict the strength increment of the particulate polymeric composites (PPC). To explore the main reinforcing mechanism, additional microscopic experiment is performed. An ''influence zone'' was observed around each particle which is measured about 2 to 10 micrometers in thickness for a glass-polyethylene mixture. Then, an improved computational model is presented to include the ''influence zone'' effect and several mechanical behaviors of PPC are well simulated through this new model.


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O Diario..., como observa Borba de Moraes, "apresenta um roteiro muito resumido, mas muito exato" e, como diz Sacramento Blake, "atendendo ao que é escrito em viagem, e viagem de 648 léguas de terras invias e inexploradas. É, entretanto, trabalho de grande valor para a geografia dos lugares percorridos." O Diario... foi reeditado pelo Instituto Nacional do Livro em 1944.


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Floods occurred on streams in the vicinity of Perry, Taylor County, Florida, on June 9, 1957, as a result of heavy rains from atropical disturbance. Serious flooding occurred in Perry along Spring and Pimple creeks as outlined by the shaded area in figure 1, requiring the evacuation of about ZOO families from the lowland area. No loss of life was reported. The damages to residential and commercial properties were estimated at several million dollars. Most of the damage was confined to residential areas (fig. 2); however, several stores in the area were damaged by flood waters (fig. 3). This report presents data pertaining to the rainfall accompanying this storm and peak flows of Spring and Pimple creeks in Perry. It contains flood elevations at several points, and peak discharges of the two creeks flowing through Perry. The report also contains a discussion of the rainfall associated with the flood and a description of the general features of the flood. (PDF contains 16 pages.)


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Population characteristics of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides L.) including growth, body condition (relative weight), survival, and egg production were examined in relation to abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) coverage (primarily hydrilla [ Hydrilla verticillata L.f. Royle]) in three embayments of Lake Seminole, GA, and compared to a previous study conducted in 1998. (PDF has 8 pages.)


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Obra classificada por Brunet como "peça rara" e por Pierre Athanase Larouse, no Grand Dictionnaire Universel, como um "diário muito precioso".