978 resultados para Migratory locust.


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We report herein that expression of α2β1 integrin increased human erythroleukemia K562 transfectant (KX2C2) cell movement after extravasation into liver parenchyma. In contrast, a previous study demonstrated that α2β1 expression conferred a stationary phenotype to human rhabdomyosarcoma RD transfectant (RDX2C2) cells after extravasation into the liver. We therefore assessed the adhesive and migratory function of α2β1 on KX2C2 and RDX2C2 cells using a α2β1-specific stimulatory monoclonal antibody (mAb), JBS2, and a blocking mAb, BHA2.1. In comparison with RDX2C2 cells, KX2C2 were only weakly adherent to collagen and laminin. JBS2 stimulated α2β1-mediated interaction of KX2C2 cells with both collagen and laminin resulting in increases in cell movement on both matrix proteins. In the presence of Mn2+, JBS2-stimulated adhesion on collagen beyond an optimal level for cell movement. In comparison, an increase in RDX2C2 cell movement on collagen required a reduction in its adhesive strength provided by the blocking mAb BHA2.1. Consistent with these in vitro findings, in vivo videomicroscopy revealed that α2β1-mediated postextravasation cell movement of KX2C2 cells in the liver tissue could also be stimulated by JBS2. Thus, results demonstrate that α2β1 expression can modulate postextravasation cell movement by conferring either a stationary or motile phenotype to different cell types. These findings may be related to the differing metastatic activities of different tumor cell types.


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Most migratory bird populations are composed of individuals that migrate and individuals that remain resident. While the role of ecological factors in maintaining this behavioral dimorphism has received much attention, the importance of genetic constraints on the evolution of avian migration has not yet been considered. Drawing on the recorded migratory activities of 775 blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) from a partially migratory population in southern France, we tested two alternative genetic models about the relationship between incidence and amount of migratory activity. The amount of migratory activity could be the continuous variable “underlying” the phenotypic expression of migratory urge, or, alternatively, the expression of both traits could be controlled by two separate genetic systems. The distributions of migratory activities in five different cohorts and the inheritance pattern derived from selective breeding experiments both indicate that incidence and amount of migratory activity are two aspects of one trait. Thus, all birds without measurable activity have activity levels at the low end of a continuous distribution, below the limit of expression or detection. The phenotypic dichotomy “migrant–nonmigrant” is caused by a threshold which may not be fixed but influenced both genetically and environmentally. This finding has profound implications for the evolution of migration: the transition from migratoriness to residency should not only be driven by selection favoring resident birds but also by selection for lower migratory activity. This potential for selection on two aspects, residency and migration distance, of the same trait may enable extremely rapid evolutionary changes to occur in migratory behavior.


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Each year, millions of monarch butterflies from eastern North America migrate to overwinter in 10–13 discrete colonies located in the Oyamel forests of central Mexico. For decades efforts to track monarch migration have relied on observations and tag-recapture methods, culminating with the discovery of the wintering colonies in 1975. Monarch tag returns from Mexico, however, are few and primarily from two accessible colonies, and therefore tag-recapture techniques have not quantified natal origins or distinctiveness among monarch populations at wintering sites. Such information would be invaluable in the conservation of the monarch and its migration phenomenon since the wintering sites currently are threatened by habitat alteration. Here we show that stable hydrogen (δD) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios of wintering monarchs can be used to evaluate natal origins on the summer breeding range. Stable-hydrogen and carbon isotopic values of 597 wintering monarchs from 13 wintering roost sites were compared with isotopic patterns measured in individuals at natal sites across their breeding range over a single migration cycle. We determined that all monarch wintering colonies were composed of individuals originating mainly from the Midwest, United States, thereby providing evidence for a panmictic model of wintering colony composition. However, two colonies showed more northerly origins, suggesting possible priority colonies for conservation efforts.


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La migración es una respuesta a cambios estacionales del clima generando desplazamientos periódicos entre hábitats de cría y de invernada, permitiendo así el uso temporal de los recursos disponibles. La migración implica unos costes energéticos muy elevados, un aumento de la depredación potencial, variaciones ambientales y una disponibilidad de alimento impredecible a lo largo de la ruta migratoria; por lo que es una de las actividades más desafiantes de su ciclo vital. A pesar de ello, los beneficios de la migración compensan sus costes. La migración está programada genéticamente, siendo relativamente constante en su momento, distancia y dirección. Por otro lado, ambiente juega un papel predominante en algunas poblaciones, pudiendo modificar el comportamiento migratorio de una estrategia parcial o facultativa a un modo de vida sedentario. Con el fin de describir el origen y evolución del comportamiento migratorio en aves, se ha propuesto un “modelo de umbral” genético para determinar si un ave es migrante o sedentaria. Dentro de una variable continua (p.ej. la concentración de proteínas u hormonas), este modelo asume que existe una actividad migratoria subyacente implicada en su expresión génica. Este umbral divide cada variable en categorías dicotómicas que definen el fenotipo de un individuo. Los ejemplares sin actividad migratoria muestran valores por debajo de este umbral, siendo clasificados como sedentarios, mientras que los ejemplares migrantes muestran valores por encima del umbral definido. Los cambios de estrategia vital no dependen únicamente de la posición del umbral determinado genéticamente sino también de las variables ambientales, por lo que dichas variaciones deben ser añadidas al modelo. Este modelo de umbral ambiental predice que el carácter migratorio de los individuos situados en los extremos de distribución no se encuentra afectado por los factores ambientales, mientras que aquellos más próximos al umbral pueden más fácilmente cambiar su estrategia migratoria...


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