913 resultados para Metastatic Colorectal-Cancer


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Colorectal cancer mortality has been declining over the last two decades in Europe, particularly in women, the trends being, however, different across countries and age groups. We updated to 2007 colorectal cancer mortality trends in Europe using data from the World Health Organization (WHO). Rates were analyzed for the overall population and separately in young, middle-age and elderly populations. In the European Union (EU), between 1997 and 2007 mortality from colorectal cancer declined by around 2% per year, from 19.7 to 17.4/100,000 men (world standardized rates) and from 12.5 to 10.5/100,000 women. Persisting favorable trends were observed in countries of western and northern Europe, while there were more recent declines in several countries of eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia particularly in women (but not Romania and the Russian Federation). In 2007, a substantial excess in colorectal cancer mortality was still observed in Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Slovenia in men (rates over 25/100,000), and in Hungary, Norway, Denmark and Slovakia in women (rates over 14/100,000). Colorectal mortality trends were more favorable in the young (30-49 years) from most European countries, with a decline of ∼2% per year since the early 1990s in both men and women from the EU. The recent decreases in colorectal mortality rates in several European countries are likely due to improvements in (early) diagnosis and treatment, with a consequent higher survival from the disease. Interventions to further reduce colorectal cancer burden are, however, still warranted, particularly in eastern European countries.


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Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-γ (PPARγ), a transcription factor of the nuclear receptor superfamily plays a significant role in colorectal cancer pathogenesis. In most experimental systems PPARγ activation has tumor suppressing effects in the colon. PPARγ is regulated at multiple levels by the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). At a first level, UPS regulates PPARγ transcription. This regulation involves both PPARγ transcription specific factors and the general transcription machinery. At a second level UPS regulates PPARγ and its co-factors themselves, as PPARγ and many co-factors are proteasome substrates. At a third level of regulation, transduction pathways working in parallel but also having interrelations with PPARγ are regulated by the UPS, creating a network of regulation in the colorectal carcinogenesis-related pathways that are under UPS control. Activation of PPARγ transcription by direct pharmacologic activators and by stabilization of its molecule by proteasome inhibitors could be strategies to be exploited in colorectal cancer treatment.


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Background: The Valais's cancer registry (RVsT) of the Observatoire valaisan de le santé (OVS) and the department of oncology of Valais's Hospital conducted a study on the epidemiology and pattern of care of colorectal cancer in Valais. Colorectal cancer is the third cause of death by cancer in Switzerland with about 1600 deaths per year. It is the third most frequent cancer for males and the second most frequent for females in Valais. The number of new colorectal cancer cases (average per year) increased between 1989 and 2009 for males as well as for females in Valais. The number of colorectal cancer death cases (average per year) slightly increased between 1989 and 2009 for males as well as for females in Valais. Age-standardized rates of incidence were stable for males and females in Valais and in Switzerland between 1989 and 2009, while age-standardized rates of mortality decreased for males and females in Valais and Switzerland. Results: 774 cases were recorded (59% males). Median age at diagnosis was 70 years old. Most of cancers were invasive (79%) and the main localization was the colon (71%). The most frequent mode of detection was a consultation for non emergency symptoms (75%), but almost 10% of patients consulted in emergency. 82% of patients were treated within 30 days from diagnosis. 90% of the patients were treated by surgery alone or with combined treatment. The first treatment was surgery, including endoscopic resection in 86% of the cases. The treatment was different according to the localization and the stage of the cancer. Survival rate was 95% at 30 days and 79% at one year. The survival was dependent on the stage and the age at diagnosis. Cox model shows an association between mortality and age (better survival for young people) and between mortality and stage (better survival for the lower stages). Methods: RVsT collects information on all cancer cases since 1989 for people registered in the communes of Valais. RVsT has an authorization to collect non anonymized data. All new incident cancers are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O-3) and the stages are coded according to the TNM classification. We studied all cases of in situ and invasive colorectal cancers diagnosed between 2006 and 2009 and registered routinely at the RVsT. We checked for data completeness and if necessary sent questionnaires to avoid missing data. A distance of 15 cm has been chosen to delimitate the colon (sigmoid) and the rectal cancers. We made an active follow-up for vital status to have a valid survival analysis. We analyzed the characteristics of the tumors according to age, sex, localization and stage with stata 9 software. Kaplan-Meier curves were generated and Cox model were fitted to analyze survival. Conclusion: The characteristics of patients and tumors and the one year survival were similar to those observed in Switzerland and some European countries. Patterns of care were close to those recommended in guidelines. Routine data recorded in a cancer registry can be used, not only to provide general statistics, but also to help clinicians assess local practices.


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PURPOSE: To assess the usefulness of combining hyperthermia with a DNA repair inhibitor (double-strand break bait [Dbait]) and its potential application to radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in a preclinical model of human colorectal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The local ethics committee of animal experimentation approved all investigations. First, the relevance was assessed by studying the survival of four human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell cultures after 1 hour of hyperthermia at 41°C or 43°C with or without Dbait. Human colon adenocarcinoma cells (HT-29) were grafted subcutaneously into nude mice (n = 111). When tumors reached approximately 500 mm(3), mice were treated with Dbait alone (n = 20), sublethal RFA (n = 21), three different Dbait schemes and sublethal RFA (n = 52), or a sham treatment (n = 18). RFA was performed to ablate the tumor center alone. To elucidate antitumor mechanisms, 39 mice were sacrificed for blinded pathologic analysis, including assessment of DNA damage, cell proliferation, and tumor necrosis. Others were monitored for tumor growth and survival. Analyses of variance and log-rank tests were used to evaluate differences. RESULTS: When associated with mild hyperthermia, Dbait induced cytotoxicity in all tested colon cancer cell lines. Sublethal RFA or Dbait treatment alone moderately improved survival (median, 40 days vs 28 days for control; P = .0005) but combination treatment significantly improved survival (median, 84 days vs 40 days for RFA alone, P = .0004), with approximately half of the animals showing complete tumor responses. Pathologic studies showed that the Dbait and RFA combination strongly enhances DNA damage and coagulation areas in tumors. CONCLUSION: Combining Dbait with RFA sensitizes the tumor periphery to mild hyperthermia and increases RFA antitumor efficacy.


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Patients who had a colorectal cancer have a 1.5- to 2-fold excess risk of a second colorectal cancer as compared to the general population, the excess being higher at younger age at diagnosis. To further investigate the risk and the age-relation of the incidence of second primary colorectal cancer, we considered 9,389 first colon and rectal cancers registered in the Vaud Cancer Registry, Switzerland, between 1974 and 2008, and followed-up to the end of 2008 for a total of 44,113 person-years. There were 136 second colorectal cancers versus 90.5 expected, corresponding to a standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of 1.5 (95% confidence interval, CI, 1.3-1.8). The SIRs were not heterogeneous between men and women, and in strata of calendar year at diagnosis, duration of follow-up, and subsite. However, the SIR was 7.5 (95% CI 4.2-12.4) for subjects diagnosed below age 50 and declined thereafter to reach 1.0 (95% CI 0.6-1.6) at age 80 or over. Consequently, the incidence of second primary colorectal cancer was stable, and exceedingly high, around 300-400/100,000 between age 30-39 and 70 or over. This age pattern is consistent with the existence of a single mutational event in a population of highly susceptible individuals.


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Objective: Resection of hepatic metastases is indicated in selected Stage IV colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. A minority will eventually develop pulmonary metastases and may be candidates for lung surgery. The aim of this study was to assess clinical outcome, and identify parameters predicting survival after pulmonary metastasectomy, in patients who underwent prior resection of hepatic CRC metastases.Methods: We performed a retrospective analysis of 27 consecutive patients (median age 62 [range 33-75] years) who underwent resection of pulmonary metastases from CRC in two institutions from 1996 to 2009. All patients considered in the analysis had previously undergone colorectal and hepatic surgery with curative intent, and were considered cured in both locations (R0).Results: Median follow-up was 32 (range 3-69) months after resection of lung metastases and 65 (range 19-146) months after resection of primary CRC. Eleven (40?7%) patients had their primary tumors located in the rectum, and 12 (44%) patients presented initially with synchronous liver metastases (stage IV). Median disease-free interval between primary colorectal tumor and development of first metastasis was 6 (range 0-50) months. At the time of last follow-up, seven patients only (26%) were alive without evidence of recurrence. Three- and 5-year overall survival rates after lung surgery were 56% and 39%, respectively. Median survival after pulmonary metastasectomy was 46 months. In multivariate analysis, the number of pulmonary lesions was significantly correlated with survival (log-rank test, p = 0?035).Conclusion: Resection of lung metastases from CRC patients is compatible with prolonged (median = 4 years) survival, even when those patients had undergone prior resection of liver metastases. While prolonged, disease-free survival remains the exception, patients presentin


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While for many years the diagnosis and therapy of colon cancer did not change drastically, recently new drugs (irinotecan and oxaliplatin, used in adjuvant or neo-adjuvant approaches) and even more recently the introduction of therapies targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) through the monoclonal antibodies cetuximab and panitumumab, are revolutionizing the field. The finding that only patients with a tumor with a wild type (non mutated) KRAS gene respond to anti-EGFR therapy has also affected the way pathologists address colorectal cancer. Molecular analysis of the KRAS gene has become almost a routine in a very short period of time. Pathologists will have to be prepared for a new era: from standard morphology based diagnostic procedures to the prediction of response to therapy using molecular tools.


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The recognition that colorectal cancer (CRC) is a heterogeneous disease in terms of clinical behaviour and response to therapy translates into an urgent need for robust molecular disease subclassifiers that can explain this heterogeneity beyond current parameters (MSI, KRAS, BRAF). Attempts to fill this gap are emerging. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TGCA) reported two main CRC groups, based on the incidence and spectrum of mutated genes, and another paper reported an EMT expression signature defined subgroup. We performed a prior free analysis of CRC heterogeneity on 1113 CRC gene expression profiles and confronted our findings to established molecular determinants and clinical, histopathological and survival data. Unsupervised clustering based on gene modules allowed us to distinguish at least five different gene expression CRC subtypes, which we call surface crypt-like, lower crypt-like, CIMP-H-like, mesenchymal and mixed. A gene set enrichment analysis combined with literature search of gene module members identified distinct biological motifs in different subtypes. The subtypes, which were not derived based on outcome, nonetheless showed differences in prognosis. Known gene copy number variations and mutations in key cancer-associated genes differed between subtypes, but the subtypes provided molecular information beyond that contained in these variables. Morphological features significantly differed between subtypes. The objective existence of the subtypes and their clinical and molecular characteristics were validated in an independent set of 720 CRC expression profiles. Our subtypes provide a novel perspective on the heterogeneity of CRC. The proposed subtypes should be further explored retrospectively on existing clinical trial datasets and, when sufficiently robust, be prospectively assessed for clinical relevance in terms of prognosis and treatment response predictive capacity. Original microarray data were uploaded to the ArrayExpress database (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/) under Accession Nos E-MTAB-990 and E-MTAB-1026. © 2013 Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. Journal of Pathology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland.


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Die Ergebnisse mehrerer, in letzter Zeit publizierter Phase-III-Studien haben die therapeutischen Möglichkeiten in der Behandlung des metastasierten Magenkarzinoms deutlich erweitert. Die Dauerinfusion von 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) kann ohne Verlust an Wirkung durch Capecitabin ersetzt werden, ebenso wie Cisplatin durch Oxaliplatin. Nach den Ergebnissen der REAL-2-Studie zeigt die Kombination aus Epirubicin, Oxaliplatin und Capecitabin (EOX) eine Verbesserung des Gesamtüberlebens (9,9 vs. 11,2 Monate; HR 0,8) im Vergleich zu Epirubicin, Cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF). Die Frage, ob in der First-Line-Therapie eine Dreifachkombination oder eine Zweifachkombination eingesetzt werden sollte, ist allerdings weiterhin umstritten. Die Kombination aus Irinotecan und 5-FU stellt für solche Patienten, bei denen aufgrund von Komorbiditäten eine platinfreie Therapie bevorzugt wird, eine Alternative zur Kombination Cisplatin/5-FU dar. Docetaxel, 5-FU und Cisplatin (DCF) hat sich bezüglich des Überlebens in einer randomisierten Phase-III-Studie als statistisch signifikant überlegen erwiesen, allerdings besteht eine ausgeprägte hämatologische Toxizität, welche die Anwendbarkeit insbesondere bei den häufig älteren Patienten mit einem Magenkarzinom limitiert. Randomisierte Phase-III-Studien zum Vergleich von DCF mit anderen Dreierkombinationen, wie z. B. EOX, stehen aus. Recently published results from several phase III trials have significantly increased the therapeutic options in the treatment of metastatic stomach cancer: The continuous infusion of 5-FU can be replaced by capecitabine, and cisplatin can be replaced by oxaliplatin in both cases without impairing efficacy. According to the results of the REAL-2 trial, the combination of epirubicin, oxaliplatin and capecitabine (EOX) achieved superior results for overall survival compared to epirubicin, cisplatin und 5-FU (ECF) (9.9 versus 11.2 months, HR 0.8). However, the question of whether an optimal first line therapy should include a triplet regimen or the sequential use of doublets is a matter of debate. The combination of irinotecan and 5-FU may serve as an alternative to platinum-containing regimens in patients where, due to co-morbidity, a platinum-free regimen is preferred. The 3-drug combination of docetaxel, 5-FU and cisplatin (DCF) demonstrated a statistically significant survival benefit compared to the 2-drug combination of 5-FU and cisplatin in a randomized phase III trial, although results were limited by a particularly significant hematological toxicity, which prevents its application in the large group of elderly patients with gastric cancer. Direct randomized phase III comparisons of DCF with other 3-drug combinations, such as EOX are still missing.


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Background: While several studies have analysed sex and socioeconomic differences in cancer incidence and mortality, sex differences in oncological health care have been seldom considered. Objective: To investigate sex based inequalities in hospital readmission among patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Hospital Universitary in L¿Hospitalet (Barcelona, Spain). Participants: Four hundred and three patients diagnosed with colorectal between January 1996 and December 1998 were actively followed up until 2002. Main outcome measurements and methods: Hospital readmission times related to colorectal cancer after surgical procedure. Cox proportional model with random effect (frailty) was used to estimate hazard rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals of readmission time for covariates analysed. Results: Crude hazard rate ratio of hospital readmission in men was 1.61 (95% CI 1.21 to 2.15). When other significant determinants of readmission were controlled for (including Dukes¿s stage, mortality, and Charlson¿s index) a significant risk of readmission was still present for men (hazard rate ratio: 1.52, 95% CI 1.17 to 1.96). Conclusions: In the case of colorectal cancer, women are less likely than men to be readmitted to the hospital, even after controlling for tumour characteristics, mortality, and comorbidity. New studies should investigate the role of other non-clinical variable such as differences in help seeking behaviours or structural or personal sex bias in the attention given to patients.


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Purpose: Most of the patients with advanced colorectal cancer will develop liver metastasis, even after primary tumor resection. Although surgical resection remains the gold standard treatment of hepatic metastases, only few patients are eligible to curative resection. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is the most common curative alternative. Dbait are new molecules that inhibit DNA double-strand breaks repair. In vitro, Dbait has shown to increase cell death after hyperthermia. Here, we have assessed the combination of Dbait and RFA in the treatment of human colorectal cancer model xenografted in nude mice.Materials: 98 mice were flank-grafted with HT29 (human colon adenocarcinoma). When tumor reached 500 mm3, mice were sham treated (n=19), treated by Dbait via local injections (n=20), treated by RFA using an incomplete ablation scheme (n=20) or treated by combination of Dbait and RFA (n=39 separated in two Dbait regimens). After RFA, 39 mice were sacrificed for blinded pathological study, and 59 others were followed for survival analysis.Results: Mice treated by RFA-Dbait had significantly longer survival as compared to RFA alone (median survival: 56 vs 39 days, p<0.05) while RFA improved survival as compared to controls (median survival: 39 vs 28 days, p<0.05). Pathological studies of tumor slice have demonstrated significant decrease of tumor area and cancer cell viability in the RFA-Dbait group.Conclusions: While the implication of DNA repair activity in heat sensitivity remains unclear, our results show that the addition of Dbait to RFA enhances the antitumor response in this model and provide an experimental basis for the use of Dbait as an additional therapy to RFA.


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BACKGROUND: At least 2 apparently independent mechanisms, microsatellite instability (MSI) and chromosomal instability, are implicated in colorectal tumorigenesis. Their respective roles in predicting clinical outcomes of patients with T3N0 colorectal cancer remain unknown. METHODS: Eighty-eight patients with a sporadic T3N0 colon or rectal adenocarcinoma were followed up for a median of 67 months. For chromosomal instability analysis, Ki-ras mutations were determined by single-strand polymerase chain reaction, and p53 protein staining was studied by immunohistochemistry. For MSI analysis, DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction at 7 microsatellite targets (BAT25, BAT26, D17S250, D2S123, D5S346, transforming growth factor receptor II, and BAX). RESULTS: Overall 5-year survival rate was 72%. p53 protein nuclear staining was detected in 39 patients (44%), and MSI was detected in 21 patients (24%). MSI correlated with proximal location (P <.001) and mucinous content (P <.001). In a multivariate analysis, p53 protein expression carried a significant risk of death (relative risk = 4.0, 95% CI = 1.6 to 10.1, P =.004). By comparison, MSI was not a statistically significant prognostic factor for survival in this group (relative risk = 2.2, 95% CI = 0.6 to 7.3, P =.21). CONCLUSIONS: p53 protein overexpression provides better prognostic discrimination than MSI in predicting survival of patients with T3N0 colorectal cancer. Although MSI is associated with specific clinicopathologic parameters, it did not predict overall survival in this group. Assessment of p53 protein expression by immunocytochemistry provides a simple means to identify a subset of T3N0 patients with a 4-times increased risk for death.


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BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: To summarize the published literature on assessment of appropriateness of colonoscopy for screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) in asymptomatic individuals without personal history of CRC or polyps, and report appropriateness criteria developed by an expert panel, the 2008 European Panel on the Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, EPAGE II. METHODS: A systematic search of guidelines, systematic reviews, and primary studies regarding colonoscopy for screening for colorectal cancer was performed. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method was applied to develop appropriateness criteria for colonoscopy in these circumstances. RESULTS: Available evidence for CRC screening comes from small case-controlled studies, with heterogeneous results, and from indirect evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on fecal occult blood test (FOBT) screening and studies on flexible sigmoidoscopy screening. Most guidelines recommend screening colonoscopy every 10 years starting at age 50 in average-risk individuals. In individuals with a higher risk of CRC due to family history, there is a consensus that it is appropriate to offer screening colonoscopy at < 50 years. EPAGE II considered screening colonoscopy appropriate above 50 years in average-risk individuals. Panelists deemed screening colonoscopy appropriate for younger patients, with shorter surveillance intervals, where family or personal risk of colorectal cancer is higher. A positive FOBT or the discovery of adenomas at sigmoidoscopy are considered appropriate indications. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the lack of evidence based on randomized controlled trials (RCTs), colonoscopy is recommended by most published guidelines and EPAGE II criteria available online (http://www.epage.ch), as a screening option for CRC in individuals at average risk of CRC, and undisputedly as the main screening tool for CRC in individuals at moderate and high risk of CRC.


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Background Transketolase-like 1 (TKTL1) induces glucose degradation through anaerobic pathways, even in presence of oxygen, favoring the malignant aerobic glycolytic phenotype characteristic of tumor cells. As TKTL1 appears to be a valid biomarker for cancer prognosis, the aim of the current study was to correlate its expression with tumor stage, probability of tumor recurrence and survival, in a series of colorectal cancer patients. Methodolody/Principal Findings Tumor tissues from 63 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer at different stages of progression were analyzed for TKTL1 by immunohistochemistry. Staining was quantified by computational image analysis, and correlations between enzyme expression, local growth, lymph-node involvement and metastasis were assessed. The highest values for TKTL1 expression were detected in the group of stage III tumors, which showed significant differences from the other groups (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0.000008). Deeper analyses of T, N and M classifications revealed a weak correlation between local tumor growth and enzyme expression (Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.029), a significant association of the enzyme expression with lymph-node involvement (Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0014) and a significant decrease in TKTL1 expression associated with metastasis (Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0004). Conclusions/Significance To our knowledge, few studies have explored the association between variations in TKTL1 expression in the primary tumor and metastasis formation. Here we report downregulation of enzyme expression when metastasis appears, and a correlation between enzyme expression and regional lymph-node involvement in colon cancer. This finding may improve our understanding of metastasis and lead to new and more efficient therapies against cancer.