781 resultados para Mechanical engineers


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"This paper is an analysis of the data contained in a report of the ASME Research Committee on Plastic Flow of Metals entitled Rolling of metals."


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Nano/micro grinding of tungsten carbide (WC) mould inserts was performed. A form accuracy of 〜200nm (in PV) and a surface roughness of 〜7nm were achieved. Nanoindentation revealed that small chipping or cracking occurred even at a penetration depth of 38nm, which could hinder the further improvement of surface quality during grinding. It was found that when grinding was conducted at nanometric scale, the microstructure of the work material and the morphology of the WC grains should be taken into account to enable a fully ductile removal. Copyright 2005 by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers


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Creativity is increasingly recognised as an essential component of engineering design. This paper describes an exploratory study into the nature and importance of creativity in engineering design problem solving in relation to the possible impact of software design tools. The first stage of the study involved an empirical investigation in the form of a case study of the use of standard CAD tool sets and the development of a systems engineering software support tool. It was found that there were several ways in which CAD influenced the creative process, including enhancing visualisation and communication, premature fixation, circumscribed thinking and bounded ideation. The tool development experience uncovered the difficulty in supporting creative processes from the developer's perspective. The issues were the necessity of making assumptions, achieving a balance between structure and flexibility, and the pitfalls of satisfying user wants and needs. The second part of the study involved the development of a model of the creative problem solving process in engineering design. This provided a possible explanation for why purpose designed engineering software tools might encourage an analytical problem solving approach and discourage a more creative approach.


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Various micro-radial compressor configurations were investigated using one-dimensional meanline and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques for use in a micro gas turbine (MGT) domestic combined heat and power (DCHP) application. Blade backsweep, shaft speed, and blade height were varied at a constant pressure ratio. Shaft speeds were limited to 220 000 r/min, to enable the use of a turbocharger bearing platform. Off-design compressor performance was established and used to determine the MGT performance envelope; this in turn was used to assess potential cost and environmental savings in a heat-led DCHP operating scenario within the target market of a detached family home. A low target-stage pressure ratio provided an opportunity to reduce diffusion within the impeller. Critically for DCHP, this produced very regular flow, which improved impeller performance for a wider operating envelope. The best performing impeller was a low-speed, 170 000 r/min, low-backsweep, 15° configuration producing 71.76 per cent stage efficiency at a pressure ratio of 2.20. This produced an MGT design point system efficiency of 14.85 per cent at 993 W, matching prime movers in the latest commercial DCHP units. Cost and CO2 savings were 10.7 per cent and 6.3 per cent, respectively, for annual power demands of 17.4 MWht and 6.1 MWhe compared to a standard condensing boiler (with grid) installation. The maximum cost saving (on design point) was 14.2 per cent for annual power demands of 22.62 MWht and 6.1 MWhe corresponding to an 8.1 per cent CO2 saving. When sizing, maximum savings were found with larger heat demands. When sized, maximum savings could be made by encouraging more electricity export either by reducing household electricity consumption or by increasing machine efficiency.


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This paper explores a new method of analysing muscle fatigue within the muscles predominantly used during microsurgery. The captured electromyographic (EMG) data retrieved from these muscles are analysed for any defining patterns relating to muscle fatigue. The analysis consists of dynamically embedding the EMG signals from a single muscle channel into an embedded matrix. The muscle fatigue is determined by defining its entropy characterized by the singular values of the dynamically embedded (DE) matrix. The paper compares this new method with the traditional method of using mean frequency shifts in the EMG signal's power spectral density. Linear regressions are fitted to the results from both methods, and the coefficients of variation of both their slope and point of intercept are determined. It is shown that the complexity method is slightly more robust in that the coefficient of variation for the DE method has lower variability than the conventional method of mean frequency analysis.


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This paper describes an innovative sensing approach allowing capture, discrimination, and classification of transients automatically in gait. A walking platform is described, which offers an alternative design to that of standard force plates with advantages that include mechanical simplicity and less restriction on dimensions. The scope of the work is to investigate as an experiment the sensitivity of the distributive tactile sensing method with the potential to address flexibility on gait assessment, including patient targeting and the extension to a variety of ambulatory applications. Using infrared sensors to measure plate deflection, gait patterns are compared with stored templates using a pattern recognition algorithm. This information is input into a neural network to classify normal and affected walking events, with a classification accuracy of just under 90 per cent achieved. The system developed has potential applications in gait analysis and rehabilitation, whereby it can be used as a tool for early diagnosis of walking disorders or to determine changes between pre- and post-operative gait.


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Services-led competitive strategies are critically important to Western manufacturers. This paper contributes to our basic knowledge of such strategies by examining the enabling information and communication technologies that successfully servitized manufacturers appear to be adopting. Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme, through this paper we seek to offer immediate assistance to manufacturers who wish to understand how they might exploit the servitization movement.


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Integrated vehicle health management (IVHM) is a collection of data relevant to the present and future performance of a vehicle system and its transformation into information can be used to support operational decisions. This design and operation concept embraces an integration of sensors, communication technologies, and artificial intelligence to provide vehicle-wide abilities to diagnose problems and recommend solutions. This article aims to report the state-of-the-art of IVHM research by presenting a systematic review of the literature. The literature from different sources is collated and analysed, and the major emerging themes are presented. On this basis, the article describes the IVHM concept and its evolution, discusses configurations and existing applications along with main drivers, potential benefits and barriers to adoption, summarizes design guidelines and available methods, and identifies future research challenges.


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Interest is growing around the application of lean techniques to new product introduction (NPI). Although a relatively emergent topic compared with the application of ‘lean’ within the factory, since 2000 there has been an exponential rise in the literature on this subject. However, much of this work focuses on describing and extolling the virtues of the ‘Toyota approach’ to design. Therefore, by way of a stock take for the UK, the present authors' research has set out to understand how well lean product design practices have been adopted by leading manufacturers. This has been achieved by carrying out in-depth case studies with three carefully selected manufacturers of complex engineered products. This paper describes these studies, the detailed results and subsequent findings, and concludes that both the awareness and adoption of practices is generally embryonic and far removed from the theory advocated in the literature.


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A Product-Service System (PSS) is an integrated combination of products and services. This Western concept embraces a service-led competitive strategy, environmental sustainability, and the basis to differentiate from competitors who simply offer lower priced products. This paper aims to report the state-of-the-art of PSS research by presenting a clinical review of literature currently available on this topic. The literature is classified and the major outcomes of each study are addressed and analysed. On this basis, this paper defines the PSS concept, reports on its origin and features, gives examples of applications along with potential benefits and barriers to adoption, summarizes available tools and methodologies, and identifies future research challenges.


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Lean is usually associated with the ‘operations’ of a manufacturing enterprise; however, there is a growing awareness that these principles may be transferred readily to other functions and sectors. The application to knowledge-based activities such as engineering design is of particular relevance to UK plc. Hence, the purpose of this study has been to establish the state-of-the-art, in terms of the adoption of Lean in new product development, by carrying out a systematic review of the literature. The authors' findings confirm the view that Lean can be applied beneficially away from the factory; that an understanding and definition of value is key to success; that a set-based (or Toyota methodology) approach to design is favoured together with the strong leadership of a chief engineer; and that the successful implementation requires organization-wide changes to systems, practices, and behaviour. On this basis it is felt that this review paper provides a useful platform for further research in this topic.


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Servitization is a growing area of interest amongst practitioners, policymakers, and academics, and much is still to be learnt about its adoption in practice. This paper makes a contribution to this debate by identifying the key facilities practices that successful servitizing manufacturers appear to be deploying, and the underlying rationale behind their configuration. Although these are preliminary findings from a longer-term research programme, this short communication seeks to highlight the implications for manufacturing professionals and organizations who are considering the servitization of their operations.


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Almost all manufacturers offer services, but some use these as the basis for their competitive strategy. This is a growing area of interest among practitioners, policy makers, and academics, yet little is known about the adoption of servitization by UK manufacturers. In this paper a survey is presented that has been used to explore the extent, motivations, challenges, and successes of servitization within the business-to-business sector. The findings indicate, for example, that many manufacturers are succeeding with their service strategies, that they are attracted to these as a source of customer focus and revenue growth, and that such strategies require less organizational change than might be expected. Although the findings from the survey should be treated as preliminary, and further work is needed to confirm their reliability and insight, they indicate that servitization is proving to be a powerful competitive weapon for many companies.