918 resultados para Measurement based model identification


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Brand salience, or the prominence of a brand in memory, has been linked to brand choice and purchase by consumers. The research reported in this paper proposed and tested a model of brand salience for fast-moving consumer goods, which incorporates knowledge, media consumption, and brand image as antecedents. A quasi-experimental method was utilised, where 270 respondents undertook a free recall exercise using category cues, and then completed multiitem measures of brand knowledge, brand associations, and purchase likelihood. Analysis of the data using SEM found support for an empirical model of brand salience where there was a relationship between brand salience and purchase likelihood. The empirical evidence supports building a brand in a primary category, in order to build the depth and breadth of the brand’s associations in consumer memory.


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This paper presents a framework that uses ear images for human identification. The framework makes use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for ear image feature extraction and Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network for classification. Framework are proposed to improve recognition accuracy of human identification. The framework was tested on an ear image database to evaluate its reliability and recognition accuracy. The experimental results showed that our framework achieved higher stable recognition accuracy and over-performed other existing methods. The recognition accuracy stability and computation time with respect to different image sizes and factors were investigated thoroughly as well in the experiments.


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Decisions taken during migration can have a large effect on the fitness of birds. Migration must be accurately timed with food availability to allow efficient fueling but is also constrained by the optimal arrival date at the breeding site. The decision of when to leave a site can be driven by energetics (sufficient body stores to fuel flight), time-related cues (internal clock under photoperiodic control), or external cues (temperature, food resources). An individual based model (IBM) that allows a mechanistic description of a range of departure decision rules was applied to the spring migration of pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) from wintering grounds in Denmark to breeding grounds on Svalbard via 2 Norwegian staging sites. By comparing predicted with observed departure dates, we tested 7 decision rules. The most accurate predictions were obtained from a decision rule based on a combination of cues including the amount of body stores, date, and plant phenology. Decision rules changed over the course of migration with the external cue decreasing in importance and the time-related cue increasing in importance for sites closer to breeding grounds. These results are in accordance with descriptions of goose migration, following the “green-wave”: Geese track the onset of plant growth as it moves northward in spring, with an uncoupling toward the end of the migration if time is running out. We demonstrate the potential of IBMs to study the possible mechanisms underlying stopover ecology in migratory birds and to serve as tools to predict consequences of environmental change.


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Urbanization is one of the most evident global changes. Research in the field of urban growth modelling has generated models that explore for drivers and components of the urban growth dynamics. Cellular automata (CA) modeling is one of the recent advances, and a number of CA-based models of urban growth have produced satisfactory simulations of spatial urban expansion over time. Most application and test of CA-based models of urban growth which provide likely and reliable simulations has been developed in urban regions of developed nations; urban regions in the United States, in particular. This is because most of the models were developed in universities and research centers of developed nations, and these regions have the required data, which is extensive. Most of the population growth in the world, however, occurs in the developing world. While some European countries show signs of stabilization of their population, in less developed countries, such as India, population still grows exponentially. And this growth is normally uncoordinated, which results in serious environmental and social problems in urban areas. Therefore, the use of existing dynamic–spatial models of urban growth in regions of developing nations could be a means to assist planners and decision makers of these regions to understand and simulate the process of urban growth and test the results of different development strategies. The pattern of growth of urban regions of developing nations, however, seems to be different of the pattern of developed countries. The former use to be more dense and centralized, normally expanding outwards from consolidated urban areas; while the second is normally more fragmented and sparse. The present paper aims to investigate to how extent existing CA-based urban growth models tested in developed nations can also be applied to a developing country urban area. The urban growth model was applied to Porto Alegre City, Brazil. An expected contiguous expansion from existing urban areas has been obtained as following the historical trends of growth of the region. Moreover, the model was sensitive and able to portray different pattern of growth in the study area by changing the value of its parameters.


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Spatial activity recognition in everyday environments is particularly challenging due to noise incorporated during video-tracking. We address the noise issue of spatial recognition with a biologically inspired chemotactic model that is capable of handling noisy data. The model is based on bacterial chemotaxis, a process that allows bacteria to survive by changing motile behaviour in relation to environmental dynamics. Using chemotactic principles, we propose the chemotactic model and evaluate its classification performance in a smart house environment. The model exhibits high classification accuracy (99%) with a diverse 10 class activity dataset and outperforms the discrete hidden Markov model (HMM). High accuracy (>89%) is also maintained across small training sets and through incorporation of varying degrees of artificial noise into testing sequences. Importantly, unlike other bottom–up spatial activity recognition models, we show that the chemotactic model is capable of recognizing simple interwoven activities.


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This paper applies dimensional analysis to propose an alternative model for estimating the effective density of flocs (Δρf). The model takes into account the effective density of the primary particles, in addition to the sizes of the floc and primary particles, and does not consider the concept of self-similarity. The model contains three dimensionless products and two empirical parameters (αf and βf), which were calibrated by using data available in the literature. Values of αf=0.7 and βf=0.8 were obtained. The average value of the primary particle size (Dp) for the data used in the analysis, inferred from the new model, was found to vary from 0.05 μm to 100 μm with a mean value of 2.5 μm. Good comparisons were obtained in comparing the estimated floc-settling velocity on the basis of the proposed model for effective floc density with the measured value.


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Based on attachment theory, this study developed a theory-based model of heterosexual relationship functioning that examined both proximal and distal factors and both actor and partner effects. A particular focus was on the underexplored issue of double-mediated effects between attachment orientation and relationship satisfaction. Data were collected from a community sample of 95 cohabiting and married couples with a mean age of 39.30 years. Participants completed measures of attachment, commitment, provision of partner support, trust, intimacy, destructive conflict management, and relationship satisfaction. The hypothesized model was largely supported. The association between attachment orientation and relationship satisfaction was mediated through a series of actor and partner variables. No gender differences were found across actor paths; however, differences were found in partner effects for men and women. The model has important implications for relationship researchers and practitioners. © 2013 The British Psychological Society.


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Rapid advances in bionanotechnology have recently generated growing interest in identifying peptides that bind to inorganic materials and classifying them based on their inorganic material affinities. However, there are some distinct characteristics of inorganic materials binding sequence data that limit the performance of many widely-used classification methods when applied to this problem. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to predict the affinity classes of peptide sequences with respect to an associated inorganic material. We first generate a large set of simulated peptide sequences based on an amino acid transition matrix tailored for the specific inorganic material. Then the probability of test sequences belonging to a specific affinity class is calculated by minimizing an objective function. In addition, the objective function is minimized through iterative propagation of probability estimates among sequences and sequence clusters. Results of computational experiments on two real inorganic material binding sequence data sets show that the proposed framework is highly effective for identifying the affinity classes of inorganic material binding sequences. Moreover, the experiments on the structural classification of proteins (SCOP) data set shows that the proposed framework is general and can be applied to traditional protein sequences.


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The effect of deformation parameters on the flow behavior of a Ti6Al4V alloy has been studied to understand the deformation mechanisms during hot compression. Cylindrical samples with partially equiaxed grains were deformed in the α+β phase region at different thermo-mechanical conditions. To develop components with tailored properties, the physically based Estrin and Mecking (EM) model for the work hardening/dynamic recovery combined with the Avrami equation for dynamic recrystallization was used to predict the flow stress at varying process conditions. The EM model revealed good predictability up to the peak strain, however, at strain rates below 0.01s-1, a higher B value was observed due to the reduced density of dislocation tangles. In contrast, the flow softening model revealed higher value of constants a and b at high strain rates due to the reduction in the volume fraction of dynamic recrystallization and larger peak strain. The predicted flow stress using the combined EM+Avrami model revealed good agreement with the measured flow stress resulted in very low average absolute relative error value. The microstructural analysis of the samples suggests the formation of coarse equiaxed grains together with the increased β phase fraction at low strain rate leads to a higher flow softening.


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Tool condition monitoring is an important factor in ensuring manufacturing efficiency and product quality. Audio signal based methods are a promising technique for condition monitoring. However, the influence of interfering signals and background noise has hindered the use of this technique in production sites. Blind signal separation (BSS) has the potential to solve this problem by recovering the signal of interest out of the observed mixtures, given that the knowledge about the BSS model is available. In this paper, we discuss the development of the BSS model for sheet metal stamping with a mechanical press system, so that the BSS techniques based on this model can be developed in future. This involves conducting a set of specially designed machine operations and developing a novel signal extraction technique. Also, the link between stamping process conditions and the extracted audio signal associated with stamping was successfully demonstrated by conducting a series of trials with different lubrication conditions and levels of tool wear.


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Recommender systems have been successfully dealing with the problem of information overload. However, most recommendation methods suit to the scenarios where explicit feedback, e.g. ratings, are available, but might not be suitable for the most common scenarios with only implicit feedback. In addition, most existing methods only focus on user and item dimensions and neglect any additional contextual information, such as time and location. In this paper, we propose a graph-based generic recommendation framework, which constructs a Multi-Layer Context Graph (MLCG) from implicit feedback data, and then performs ranking algorithms in MLCG for context-aware recommendation. Specifically, MLCG incorporates a variety of contextual information into a recommendation process and models the interactions between users and items. Moreover, based on MLCG, two novel ranking methods are developed: Context-aware Personalized Random Walk (CPRW) captures user preferences and current situations, and Semantic Path-based Random Walk (SPRW) incorporates semantics of paths in MLCG into random walk model for recommendation. The experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.


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Starting from the idea that economic systems fall into complexity theory, where its many agents interact with each other without a central control and that these interactions are able to change the future behavior of the agents and the entire system, similar to a chaotic system we increase the model of Russo et al. (2014) to carry out three experiments focusing on the interaction between Banks and Firms in an artificial economy. The first experiment is relative to Relationship Banking where, according to the literature, the interaction over time between Banks and Firms are able to produce mutual benefits, mainly due to reduction of the information asymmetry between them. The following experiment is related to information heterogeneity in the credit market, where the larger the bank, the higher their visibility in the credit market, increasing the number of consult for new loans. Finally, the third experiment is about the effects on the credit market of the heterogeneity of prices that Firms faces in the goods market.


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OSAN, R. , TORT, A. B. L. , AMARAL, O. B. . A mismatch-based model for memory reconsolidation and extinction in attractor networks. Plos One, v. 6, p. e23113, 2011.