1000 resultados para Matrizes de transição
Com o objetivo de verificar a influência de fatores fisiológicos das plantas-matrizes de umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa Arruda.), as épocas de realização e os métodos de enxertia, sobre o pegamento de enxertos desta espécie, foram conduzidos cinco experimentos sob condições de viveiro, na Embrapa Semi-Árido, em Petrolina-PE. Os experimentos foram instalados nos meses de janeiro, março, maio, julho e setembro de 1998. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com três tratamentos e oito repetições. Os tratamentos foram: garfagem em fenda cheia e à inglesa simples e borbulhia em "T" invertido. Os garfos foram colhidos de acordo com o ciclo fenológico das plantas-matrizes, correspondendo às fases de crescimento vegetativo, reprodutivo e de dormência, quando então se realizaram as avaliações dos fatores fisiológicos. Os fatores fisiológicos (fotossíntese, potencial hídrico e condutância estomática), observados na planta-matriz, nas diferentes fases fenológicas, não influenciaram o índice de pegamento dos diferentes métodos de enxertia. Os métodos de enxertia por garfagem em fenda cheia e à inglesa simples apresentaram maiores índices médio de pegamento, de 97,1 e 92,4%, respectivamente. O material vegetativo (garfos) colhido nas diferentes fases fenológicas da planta-matriz não afetou o índice de pegamento do processo da enxertia, o que amplia a oferta de mudas ao longo do ano devido à oferta de material propagativo.
O rambutan é uma frutífera exótica que apresenta alto potencial de mercado, e suas mudas podem ser obtidas por sementes ou vegetativamente. A produção de mudas via sementes é rotineiramente feita no Estado de São Paulo, tendo-se alta variabilidade no pomar, além de demorar mais tempo para entrar em produção. Embora caracteres morfológicos sejam amplamente usados na diferenciação de variedades, as técnicas moleculares permitem a comparação e a identificação genética dos materiais. Diante disso, o presente trabalho foi realizado, comparando progênies e plantas-matrizes de rambutan, por fAFLP. As análises foram realizadas no Laboratório de Bioquímica de Microrganismos e Plantas, do Departamento de Tecnologia - Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias - UNESP - Câmpus de Jaboticabal-SP, utilizando 06 plantas de rambutan, denominadas: A; B; C; D; E e F. Foram coletadas folhas de 15 plântulas oriundas de cada planta-matriz e realizou-se a extração de DNA, sendo as amostras quantificadas em biofotômetro, e os marcadores fAFLP, obtidos de acordo com o protocolo AFLP Plant Mapping Protocol (Applied Biosystems), utilizando as combinações de pares de primers: ACG/CAC; ACT/CAT; ACA/CTT e ACC/CTT. Pode ser concluído que o uso de marcadores moleculares é eficiente na distinção de materiais e na obtenção de distância genética; não é recomendada a obtenção de mudas via sementes quando a finalidade é a de instalação de pomar comercial.
O pequi é uma espécie com ampla distribuição no cerrado brasileiro, tendo grande importância social e econômica para os habitantes desse bioma. O presente trabalho foi proposto em função da ausência de informações sobre os efeitos de fatores genéticos e ambientais na expressão de variáveis físicas em frutos dessa espécie. Informações dessa natureza facilitam as decisões em relação ao processo de domesticação e melhoramento dessa espécie. Para atender a este objetivo, colheram-se frutos nos municípios de Curvelo e São Gonçalo do Rio Preto, Minas Gerais, totalizando 15 matrizes por município, selecionadas através de características que refletem suas idades, sendo a principal o diâmetro do tronco rente ao solo (DAS). As variáveis físicas avaliadas foram: Peso Total do Fruto (PTF); Peso do Mesocarpo Externo (PME); Peso dos Putamens (PTP) por fruto; Nº de Putamens (NP) por fruto e Peso Total de Polpa (PTPL) por fruto. O efeito de matrizes foi altamente significativo para todas as variáveis avaliadas, enquanto o de populações foi apenas para NP. As estimativas das correlações entre as variáveis avaliadas foram todas positivas, algumas significativas. As estimativas das correlações entre DAS e as demais variáveis também foram todas positivas, algumas significativas. Os resultados permitem concluir que: há grandes expectativas de ganhos a partir da propagação vegetativa de matrizes selecionadas no campo para as características físicas de seus frutos; o peso de polpa por fruto, caráter de grande importância econômica, mas de avaliação trabalhosa, pode ser selecionado a partir da avaliação do peso de putamens por fruto; o efeito da idade da planta sobre a expressão de variáveis físicas em frutos de pequi é nulo ou positivo, podendo a seleção ser conduzida em plantas jovens.
The metal-catalyzed autooxidation of S(IV) has been studied for more than a century without a consensus being obtained as to reaction rates, rate laws or mechanisms. The main objective in this work was to explore the reaction between Cu(II) and SO2 in the presence of M(II), paying special attention to the formation of double sulfites like Cu2SO3.M(II)SO3.2H 2O. The two principal aspects studied were: i) a new way to prepare double sulfites with high purity degree and the selectivity in the M(II) incorporation during the salt formation.
This work describes the selective hydrolysis of carboxyamide groups of asparagine and glutamine of collagen matrices for the preparation of negatively charged collagen biomaterials. The reaction was performed in the presence of chloride and sulfate salts of alkaline and alkaline earth metals in aqueous dimethylsulfoxide solution and, selectively hydrolysis of carboxyamide groups of collagen matrices was promoted without cleavage of the peptide bond. The result is a new collagen material with controlled increase in negative charge content. Although triple helix secondary structure of tropocollagen was preserved, significative changes in thermal stabilities were observed in association with a new pattern of tropocollagen macromolecular association, particularly in respect microfibril assembly, thus providing at physiological pH a new type of collagen structure for biomaterial preparation, characterized by different charge and structural contents .
The strong reducing action of L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) are of fundamental interest in biochemical and related process. The oxidation of ascorbic acid by molecular oxygen and others oxidants are of fundamental importance, involving the intervention of transition metal ions as catalysts and the formation transition metal complexes of ascorbic acid as intermediates. The present article is intended to cover some aspects of the reactions of ascorbic acid and related compounds involving some transition metal ions.
The oxidation process of sulfur (IV) species (SO2, HSO3- e SO32-) by oxygen, catalysed by trace metal ion and complexes, can play an important role in atmospheric, analytical and bioinorganic chemistry. An overview of the most important reactions in these fields is presented. A fascinating redox cycling of the metal ions and complexes during such autoxidation process was revealed by the combination of kinetics and coordination chemistry studies.
In this article are presented some fundamental elements of the conventional and of the variational transition state theories which are needed to carried out calculations of semi-classical chemical dynamics. Some important bottlenecks in building reliable potential energy surfaces using electronic structure calculations are also discussed. It is put emphasis on the methodology of the variational transition state theory with interpolated corrections (VTST-IC), and its application in the calculations of the rate constants and of the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) of CH4 + Cl « CH3 + HCl reaction.
This review discusses the methods used to prepare conductive polymers in confined environments. This spatial restriction causes formation of defect-free polymer chains in the interlayer as porous cavities of inorganic hosts. The properties of the different composites obtained are a synergist combination of the characteristics of the inorganic host and the polymer. This opens new perspectives for the preparation of these materials and widens its potential applications.
The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of the application of a non-ionic resin obtained by impregnation of Alizarin Red S (VAS) in Amberlite XAD-7 for manganese, copper and zinc separation and preconcentration in saline matrices. For these system, the metals were quantitatively retained, in the pH range 8.5-10.0, by using 0.50 g of solid phase, stirring time of five minutes and a total mass up to 200 mug of each cation. The sorbed elements were subsequently eluted and a fifty-fold, ten-fold and ten-fold preconcentration factor for to Zn, Cu and Mn were obtained, respectively.
Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) or octogen is a white crystalline substance which occurs in four polymorphous forms. It is used in a wide variety of military and industrial formulations owing to its suitable properties. Researchers have demonstrated the usefulness of this energetic material in explosive components. In the present work we apply differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to measure the a ® d solid-solid phase transition energy of HMX. The results obtained by Kissinger's and Ozawa's methods were 487 and 495 kJ/mol, respectively.
The oxidation of sulfite catalyzed by transition metal ions produces reactive oxysulfur species that can damage plasmid and isolated DNA in vitro. Among the four DNA bases, guanine is the most sensitive to one-electron oxidation promoted by the species formed in the autoxidation of sulfite (HSO5-, HO, SO3-, SO4- and SO5-) due to its low reduction potential and ability to bind transition metal ions capable to catalyze oxidative processes. Some oxidative DNA lesions are promutagenic and oxidative DNA damage is proposed to play a crucial role in certain human pathologies, including cancer.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a great environmental concern mainly because of their toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic potential. This paper reports utilization of the solid-phase extraction (SPE) technique to determine PAHs in environmental aqueous matrices. The recovery from environmental aqueous matrices fortified with PAHs varied from 63.7 to 93.1% for atmospheric liquid precipitation, from 38.3 to 95.1% for superficial river water, and from 71.0 to 95.5% for marine water. No negative matrix effect was observed for the recovery of PAHs from atmospheric liquid precipitation and marine water, but was observed for superficial river water, particularly for PAHs possessing 5 and 6 aromatic rings.
This paper proposes an alternate method to detect forbidden doping substances present in biological matrices of horseracing. The method was fully validated for caffeine, identified as the most frequent forbidden substance in the analysis conducted by the Antidoping Laboratory of the Brazilian Jockey Club, which adopts a zero threshold limit according to national and international horseracing practices. The metrological reliability of the method applied to toxicological analysis in biological matrices is discussed. Although the analytical method proposed for detection of a zero threshold level of the doping substance is qualitative, it was validated for the determination of the limiting value (also known as quantification limit value) introducing a criterion that prevents the issuing of incorrect results ("false-positives" and "false-negatives").
Chromatographic methods are commonly used for analysis of small molecules in different biological matrices. An important step to be considered upon a bioanalytical method's development is the capacity to yield reliable and reproducible results. This review discusses validation procedures adopted by different governmental agencies, such as Food and Drug Administration (USA), European Union (EU) and Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (BR) for quantification of small molecules by bioanalytical chromatographic methods. The main parameters addressed in this review are: selectivity, linearity, precision, accuracy, quantification and detection limits, recovery, dilution integrity, stability and robustness. Also, the acceptance criterions are clearly specified.