993 resultados para Mark correlation functions
Development of empirical potentials for amorphous silica Amorphous silica (SiO2) is of great importance in geoscience and mineralogy as well as a raw material in glass industry. Its structure is characterized as a disordered continuous network of SiO4 tetrahedra. Many efforts have been undertaken to understand the microscopic properties of silica by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this method the interatomic interactions are modeled by an effective potential that does not take explicitely into account the electronic degrees of freedom. In this work, we propose a new methodology to parameterize such a potential for silica using ab initio simulations, namely Car-Parrinello (CP) method [Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2471 (1985)]. The new potential proposed is compared to the BKS potential [Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1955 (1990)] that is considered as the benchmark potential for silica. First, CP simulations have been performed on a liquid silica sample at 3600 K. The structural features so obtained have been compared to the ones predicted by the classical BKS potential. Regarding the bond lengths the BKS tends to underestimate the Si-O bond whereas the Si-Si bond is overestimated. The inter-tetrahedral angular distribution functions are also not well described by the BKS potential. The corresponding mean value of theSiOSi angle is found to be ≃ 147◦, while the CP yields to aSiOSi angle centered around 135◦. Our aim is to fit a classical Born-Mayer/Coulomb pair potential using ab initio calculations. To this end, we use the force-matching method proposed by Ercolessi and Adams [Europhys. Lett. 26, 583 (1994)]. The CP configurations and their corresponding interatomic forces have been considered for a least square fitting procedure. The classical MD simulations with the resulting potential have lead to a structure that is very different from the CP one. Therefore, a different fitting criterion based on the CP partial pair correlation functions was applied. Using this approach the resulting potential shows a better agreement with the CP data than the BKS ones: pair correlation functions, angular distribution functions, structure factors, density of states and pressure/density were improved. At low temperature, the diffusion coefficients appear to be three times higher than those predicted by the BKS model, however showing a similar temperature dependence. Calculations have also been carried out on crystalline samples in order to check the transferability of the potential. The equilibrium geometry as well as the elastic constants of α-quartz at 0 K are well described by our new potential although the crystalline phases have not been considered for the parameterization. We have developed a new potential for silica which represents an improvement over the pair potentials class proposed so far. Furthermore, the fitting methodology that has been developed in this work can be applied to other network forming systems such as germania as well as mixtures of SiO2 with other oxides (e.g. Al2O3, K2O, Na2O).
In this thesis we will investigate some properties of one-dimensional quantum systems. From a theoretical point of view quantum models in one dimension are particularly interesting because they are strongly interacting, since particles cannot avoid each other in their motion, and you we can never ignore collisions. Yet, integrable models often generate new and non-trivial solutions, which could not be found perturbatively. In this dissertation we shall focus on two important aspects of integrable one- dimensional models: Their entanglement properties at equilibrium and their dynamical correlators after a quantum quench. The first part of the thesis will be therefore devoted to the study of the entanglement entropy in one- dimensional integrable systems, with a special focus on the XYZ spin-1/2 chain, which, in addition to being integrable, is also an interacting model. We will derive its Renyi entropies in the thermodynamic limit and its behaviour in different phases and for different values of the mass-gap will be analysed. In the second part of the thesis we will instead study the dynamics of correlators after a quantum quench , which represent a powerful tool to measure how perturbations and signals propagate through a quantum chain. The emphasis will be on the Transverse Field Ising Chain and the O(3) non-linear sigma model, which will be both studied by means of a semi-classical approach. Moreover in the last chapter we will demonstrate a general result about the dynamics of correlation functions of local observables after a quantum quench in integrable systems. In particular we will show that if there are not long-range interactions in the final Hamiltonian, then the dynamics of the model (non equal- time correlations) is described by the same statistical ensemble that describes its statical properties (equal-time correlations).
Die Entstehung eines Marktpreises für einen Vermögenswert kann als Superposition der einzelnen Aktionen der Marktteilnehmer aufgefasst werden, die damit kumulativ Angebot und Nachfrage erzeugen. Dies ist in der statistischen Physik mit der Entstehung makroskopischer Eigenschaften vergleichbar, die von mikroskopischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen den beteiligten Systemkomponenten hervorgerufen werden. Die Verteilung der Preisänderungen an Finanzmärkten unterscheidet sich deutlich von einer Gaußverteilung. Dies führt zu empirischen Besonderheiten des Preisprozesses, zu denen neben dem Skalierungsverhalten nicht-triviale Korrelationsfunktionen und zeitlich gehäufte Volatilität zählen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt der Fokus auf der Analyse von Finanzmarktzeitreihen und den darin enthaltenen Korrelationen. Es wird ein neues Verfahren zur Quantifizierung von Muster-basierten komplexen Korrelationen einer Zeitreihe entwickelt. Mit dieser Methodik werden signifikante Anzeichen dafür gefunden, dass sich typische Verhaltensmuster von Finanzmarktteilnehmern auf kurzen Zeitskalen manifestieren, dass also die Reaktion auf einen gegebenen Preisverlauf nicht rein zufällig ist, sondern vielmehr ähnliche Preisverläufe auch ähnliche Reaktionen hervorrufen. Ausgehend von der Untersuchung der komplexen Korrelationen in Finanzmarktzeitreihen wird die Frage behandelt, welche Eigenschaften sich beim Wechsel von einem positiven Trend zu einem negativen Trend verändern. Eine empirische Quantifizierung mittels Reskalierung liefert das Resultat, dass unabhängig von der betrachteten Zeitskala neue Preisextrema mit einem Anstieg des Transaktionsvolumens und einer Reduktion der Zeitintervalle zwischen Transaktionen einhergehen. Diese Abhängigkeiten weisen Charakteristika auf, die man auch in anderen komplexen Systemen in der Natur und speziell in physikalischen Systemen vorfindet. Über 9 Größenordnungen in der Zeit sind diese Eigenschaften auch unabhängig vom analysierten Markt - Trends, die nur für Sekunden bestehen, zeigen die gleiche Charakteristik wie Trends auf Zeitskalen von Monaten. Dies eröffnet die Möglichkeit, mehr über Finanzmarktblasen und deren Zusammenbrüche zu lernen, da Trends auf kleinen Zeitskalen viel häufiger auftreten. Zusätzlich wird eine Monte Carlo-basierte Simulation des Finanzmarktes analysiert und erweitert, um die empirischen Eigenschaften zu reproduzieren und Einblicke in deren Ursachen zu erhalten, die zum einen in der Finanzmarktmikrostruktur und andererseits in der Risikoaversion der Handelsteilnehmer zu suchen sind. Für die rechenzeitintensiven Verfahren kann mittels Parallelisierung auf einer Graphikkartenarchitektur eine deutliche Rechenzeitreduktion erreicht werden. Um das weite Spektrum an Einsatzbereichen von Graphikkarten zu aufzuzeigen, wird auch ein Standardmodell der statistischen Physik - das Ising-Modell - auf die Graphikkarte mit signifikanten Laufzeitvorteilen portiert. Teilresultate der Arbeit sind publiziert in [PGPS07, PPS08, Pre11, PVPS09b, PVPS09a, PS09, PS10a, SBF+10, BVP10, Pre10, PS10b, PSS10, SBF+11, PB10].
In the first part of the thesis, we propose an exactly-solvable one-dimensional model for fermions with long-range p-wave pairing decaying with distance as a power law. We studied the phase diagram by analyzing the critical lines, the decay of correlation functions and the scaling of the von Neumann entropy with the system size. We found two gapped regimes, where correlation functions decay (i) exponentially at short range and algebraically at long range, (ii) purely algebraically. In the latter the entanglement entropy is found to diverge logarithmically. Most interestingly, along the critical lines, long-range pairing breaks also the conformal symmetry. This can be detected via the dynamics of entanglement following a quench. In the second part of the thesis we studied the evolution in time of the entanglement entropy for the Ising model in a transverse field varying linearly in time with different velocities. We found different regimes: an adiabatic one (small velocities) when the system evolves according the instantaneous ground state; a sudden quench (large velocities) when the system is essentially frozen to its initial state; and an intermediate one, where the entropy starts growing linearly but then displays oscillations (also as a function of the velocity). Finally, we discussed the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the transition between the paramagnetic and the ordered phase.
Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) is the preferred tool for obtaining non-perturbative results from QCD in the low-energy regime. It has by nowrnentered the era in which high precision calculations for a number of phenomenologically relevant observables at the physical point, with dynamical quark degrees of freedom and controlled systematics, become feasible. Despite these successes there are still quantities where control of systematic effects is insufficient. The subject of this thesis is the exploration of the potential of todays state-of-the-art simulation algorithms for non-perturbativelyrn$\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions to produce reliable results in thernchiral regime and at the physical point both for zero and non-zero temperature. Important in this context is the control over the chiral extrapolation. Thisrnthesis is concerned with two particular topics, namely the computation of hadronic form factors at zero temperature, and the properties of the phaserntransition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD.rnrnThe electromagnetic iso-vector form factor of the pion provides a platform to study systematic effects and the chiral extrapolation for observables connected to the structure of mesons (and baryons). Mesonic form factors are computationally simpler than their baryonic counterparts but share most of the systematic effects. This thesis contains a comprehensive study of the form factor in the regime of low momentum transfer $q^2$, where the form factor is connected to the charge radius of the pion. A particular emphasis is on the region very close to $q^2=0$ which has not been explored so far, neither in experiment nor in LQCD. The results for the form factor close the gap between the smallest spacelike $q^2$-value available so far and $q^2=0$, and reach an unprecedented accuracy at full control over the main systematic effects. This enables the model-independent extraction of the pion charge radius. The results for the form factor and the charge radius are used to test chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT) and are thereby extrapolated to the physical point and the continuum. The final result in units of the hadronic radius $r_0$ is rn$$ \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys}/r_0^2 = 1.87 \: \left(^{+12}_{-10}\right)\left(^{+\:4}_{-15}\right) \quad \textnormal{or} \quad \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys} = 0.473 \: \left(^{+30}_{-26}\right)\left(^{+10}_{-38}\right)(10) \: \textnormal{fm} \;, $$rn which agrees well with the results from other measurements in LQCD and experiment. Note, that this is the first continuum extrapolated result for the charge radius from LQCD which has been extracted from measurements of the form factor in the region of small $q^2$.rnrnThe order of the phase transition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD and the associated transition temperature are the last unkown features of the phase diagram at zero chemical potential. The two possible scenarios are a second order transition in the $O(4)$-universality class or a first order transition. Since direct simulations in the chiral limit are not possible the transition can only be investigated by simulating at non-zero quark mass with a subsequent chiral extrapolation, guided by the universal scaling in the vicinity of the critical point. The thesis presents the setup and first results from a study on this topic. The study provides the ideal platform to test the potential and limits of todays simulation algorithms at finite temperature. The results from a first scan at a constant zero-temperature pion mass of about 290~MeV are promising, and it appears that simulations down to physical quark masses are feasible. Of particular relevance for the order of the chiral transition is the strength of the anomalous breaking of the $U_A(1)$ symmetry at the transition point. It can be studied by looking at the degeneracies of the correlation functions in scalar and pseudoscalar channels. For the temperature scan reported in this thesis the breaking is still pronounced in the transition region and the symmetry becomes effectively restored only above $1.16\:T_C$. The thesis also provides an extensive outline of research perspectives and includes a generalisation of the standard multi-histogram method to explicitly $\beta$-dependent fermion actions.
Zweidimensionale Flüssigkeiten harter Scheiben sind in der Regel einfach zu simulieren, jedoch überraschend schwer theoretisch zu beschreiben. Trotz ihrer hohen Relevanz bleiben die meisten theoretischen Ansätze qualitativ. Hier wird eine Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT) vorgestellt, die erstmalig die Struktur solcher Flüssigkeiten bei hohen Dichten korrekt beschreibt und den Ansatz des Gefrierübergangs abbildet.rnEs wird gezeigt, dass der Ansatz der Fundamentalmaßtheorie zu einem solchen Funktional führt. Dabei werden sowohl Dichteverteilungen um ein Testteilchen als auch Zweiteilchen-Korrelationsfunktionen untersucht.rnGrafikkarten bieten sehr hohe Recheneffizienz und ihr Einsatz in der Wissenschaft nimmt stetig zu. In dieser Arbeit werden die Vor- und Nachteile der Grafikkarte für wissenschaftliche Berechnungen erörtert und es wird gezeigt, dass die Berechnung der DFT auf Grafikkarten effizient ausgeführt werden kann. Es wird ein Programm entwickelt, dass dies umsetzt. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass die Ergebnisse einfacher (bekannter) Funktionale mit denen von CPU-Berechnungen übereinstimmen, so dass durch die Nutzung der Grafikkarte keine systematischen Fehler zu erwarten sind.
We used the Green's functions from auto-correlations and cross-correlations of seismic ambient noise to monitor temporal velocity changes in the subsurface at Villarrica volcano in the Southern Andes of Chile. Campaigns were conducted from March to October 2010 and February to April 2011 with 8 broadband and 6 short-period stations, respectively. We prepared the data by removing the instrument response, normalizing with a root-mean-square method, whitening the spectra, and filtering from 1 to 10 Hz. This frequency band was chosen based on the relatively high background noise level in that range. Hour-long auto- and cross-correlations were computed and the Green's functions stacked by day and total time. To track the temporal velocity changes we stretched a 24 hour moving window of correlation functions from 90% to 110% of the original and cross correlated them with the total stack. All of the stations' auto-correlations detected what is interpreted as an increase in velocity in 2010, with an average increase of 0.13%. Cross-correlations from station V01, near the summit, to the other stations show comparable changes that are also interpreted as increases in velocity. We attribute this change to the closing of cracks in the subsurface due either to seasonal snow loading or regional tectonics. In addition to the common increase in velocity across the stations, there are excursions in velocity on the same order lasting several days. Amplitude decreases as the station's distance from the vent increases suggesting these excursions may be attributed to changes within the volcanic edifice. In at least two occurrences the amplitudes at stations V06 and V07, the stations farthest from the vent, are smaller. Similar short temporal excursions were seen in the auto-correlations from 2011, however, there was little to no increase in the overall velocity.
Campylobacter, a major zoonotic pathogen, displays seasonality in poultry and in humans. In order to identify temporal patterns in the prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in a voluntary monitoring programme in broiler flocks in Germany and in the reported human incidence, time series methods were used. The data originated between May 2004 and June 2007. By the use of seasonal decomposition, autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions, it could be shown that an annual seasonality is present. However, the peak month differs between sample submission, prevalence in broilers and human incidence. Strikingly, the peak in human campylobacterioses preceded the peak in broiler prevalence in Lower Saxony rather than occurring after it. Significant cross-correlations between monthly temperature and prevalence in broilers as well as between human incidence, monthly temperature, rainfall and wind-force were identified. The results highlight the necessity to quantify the transmission of Campylobacter from broiler to humans and to include climatic factors in order to gain further insight into the epidemiology of this zoonotic disease.
We derive explicit lower and upper bounds for the probability generating functional of a stationary locally stable Gibbs point process, which can be applied to summary statistics such as the F function. For pairwise interaction processes we obtain further estimates for the G and K functions, the intensity, and higher-order correlation functions. The proof of the main result is based on Stein's method for Poisson point process approximation.
The rates for lepton number washout in extensions of the Standard Model containing right-handed neutrinos are key ingredients in scenarios for baryogenesis through leptogenesis. We relate these rates to real-time correlation functions at finite temperature, without making use of any particle approximations. The relations are valid to quadratic order in neutrino Yukawa couplings and to all orders in Standard Model couplings. They take into account all spectator processes, and apply both in the symmetric and in the Higgs phase of the electroweak theory. We use the relations to compute washout rates at next-to-leading order in g, where g denotes a Standard Model gauge or Yukawa coupling, both in the non-relativistic and in the relativistic regime. Even in the non-relativistic regime the parametrically dominant radiative corrections are only suppressed by a single power of g. In the non-relativistic regime radiative corrections increase the washout rate by a few percent at high temperatures, but they are of order unity around the weak scale and in the relativistic regime.
Measurements of two-particle correlation functions and the first five azimuthal harmonics, v 1 to v 5 , are presented, using 28 nb −1 of p+Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of √s NN=5.02 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Significant long-range “ridgelike” correlations are observed for pairs with small relative azimuthal angle (|Δϕ|<π/3 ) and back-to-back pairs (|Δϕ|>2π/3 ) over the transverse momentum range 0.4
correlations is Fourier decomposed to obtain the harmonics v n as a function of p T and event activity. The extracted v n values for n=2 to 5 decrease with n . The v 2 and v 3 values are found to be positive in the measured p T range. The v 1 is also measured as a function of p T and is observed to change sign around p T ≈1.5 –2.0 GeV and then increase to about 0.1 for p T >4 GeV. The v 2 (p T ) , v 3 (p T ) , and v 4 (p T ) are compared to the v n coefficients in Pb+Pb collisions at √s NN=2.76 TeV with similar event multiplicities. Reasonable agreement is observed after accounting for the difference in the average p T of particles produced in the two collision systems.
With the aim of providing a worldsheet description of the refined topological string, we continue the study of a particular class of higher derivative couplings Fg,n in the type II string effective action compactified on a Calabi–Yau threefold. We analyse first order differential equations in the anti-holomorphic moduli of the theory, which relate the Fg,n to other component couplings. From the point of view of the topological theory, these equations describe the contribution of non-physical states to twisted correlation functions and encode an obstruction for interpreting the Fg,n as the free energy of the refined topological string theory. We investigate possibilities of lifting this obstruction by formulating conditions on the moduli dependence under which the differential equations simplify and take the form of generalised holomorphic anomaly equations. We further test this approach against explicit calculations in the dual heterotic theory.
Objective. Loud noises in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) may impede growth and development for extremely low birthweight (ELBW, < 1000 grams) newborns. The objective of this study was to measure the association between NICU sound levels and ELBW neonates' arterial blood pressure to determine whether these newborns experience noise-induced stress. ^ Methods. Noise and arterial blood pressure recordings were collected for 9 ELBW neonates during the first week of life. Sound levels were measured inside the incubator, and each subject's arterial blood pressures were simultaneously recorded for 15 minutes (at 1 sec intervals). Time series cross-correlation functions were calculated for NICU noise and mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) recordings for each subject. The grand mean noise-MABP cross-correlation was calculated for all subjects and for lower and higher birthweight groups for comparison. ^ Results. The grand mean noise-MABP cross-correlation for all subjects was mostly negative (through 300 sec lag time) and nearly reached significance at the 95% level at 111 sec lag (mean r = -0.062). Lower birthweight newborns (454-709 g) experienced significant decreases in blood pressure with increasing NICU noise after 145 sec lag (peak r = -0.074). Higher birthweight newborns had an immediate negative correlation with NICU sound levels (at 3 sec lag, r = -0.071), but arterial blood pressures increased to a positive correlation with noise levels at 197 sec lag (r = 0.075). ^ Conclusions. ELBW newborns' arterial blood pressure was influenced by NICU noise levels during the first week of life. Lower birthweight newborns may have experienced an orienting reflex to NICU sounds. Higher birthweight newborns experienced an immediate orienting reflex to increasing sound levels, but arterial blood pressure increased approximately 3 minutes after increases in noise levels. Increases in arterial blood pressure following increased NICU sound levels may result from a stress response to noise. ^
We assessed whether the relative importance of positive and negative interactions in early successional communities varied across a large landslide on Casita Volcano (Nicaragua). We tested several hypotheses concerning the signatures of these processes in the spatial patterns of woody pioneer plants, as well as those of mortality and recruitment events, in several zones of the landslide differing in substrate stability and fertility, over a period of two years (2001 and 2002). We identified all woody individuals with a diameter >1 cm and mapped them in 28 plots measuring 10 × 10-m. On these maps, we performed a spatial point pattern analysis using univariate and bivariate pair-correlation functions; g (r) and g12 (r), and pairwise differences of univariate and bivariate functions. Spatial signatures of positive and negative interactions among woody plants were more prevalent in the most and least stressful zones of the landslide, respectively. Natural and human-induced disturbances such as the occurrence of fire, removal of newly colonizing plants through erosion and clearcutting of pioneer trees were also identified as potentially important pattern-creating processes. These results are in agreement with the stress-gradient hypothesis, which states that the relative importance of facilitation and competition varies inversely across gradients of abiotic stress. Our findings also indicate that the assembly of early successional plant communities in large heterogeneous landslides might be driven by a much larger array of processes than previously thought.
Although tree ferns are an important component of temperate and tropical forests, very little is known about their ecology. Their peculiar biology (e.g., dispersal by spores and two-phase life cycle) makes it difficult to extrapolate current knowledge on the ecology of other tree species to tree ferns. In this paper, we studied the effects of negative density dependence (NDD) and environmental heterogeneity on populations of two abundant tree fern species, Cyathea caracasana and Alsophila engelii, and how these effects change across a successional gradient. Species patterns harbor information on processes such as competition that can be easily revealed using point pattern analysis techniques. However, its detection may be difficult due to the confounded effects of habitat heterogeneity. Here, we mapped three forest plots along a successional gradient in the montane forests of Southern Ecuador. We employed homogeneous and inhomogeneous K and pair correlation functions to quantify the change in the spatial pattern of different size classes and a case-control design to study associations between juvenile and adult tree ferns. Using spatial estimates of the biomass of four functional tree types (short- and long-lived pioneer, shade- and partial shade-tolerant) as covariates, we fitted heterogeneous Poisson models to the point pattern of juvenile and adult tree ferns and explored the existence of habitat dependencies on these patterns. Our study revealed NDD effects for C. caracasana and strong environmental filtering underlying the pattern of A. engelii. We found that adult and juvenile populations of both species responded differently to habitat heterogeneity and in most cases this heterogeneity was associated with the spatial distribution of biomass of the four functional tree types. These findings show the effectiveness of factoring out environmental heterogeneity to avoid confounding factors when studying NDD and demonstrate the usefulness of covariate maps derived from mapped communities.