964 resultados para Mariamne, consort of Herod I, King of Judea, ca. 57-ca. 29 B.C.


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X-ray diffraction structure functions for water flowing in a 1.5 mm diameter siphon in the temperature range 4 – 63 °C were obtained using a 20 keV beam at the Australian Synchrotron. These functions were compared with structure functions obtained at the Advanced Light Source for a 0.5 mm thick sample of water in the temperature range 1 – 77 °C irradiated with an 11 keV beam. The two sets of structure functions are similar, but there are subtle differences in the shape and relative position of the two functions suggesting a possible differences between the structure of bulk and siphon water. In addition, the first structural peak (Q0) for water in a siphon, showed evidence of a step-wise increase in Q0 with increasing temperature rather than a smoothly varying increase. More experiments are required to investigate this apparent difference.


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The dicoordinated borinium ion, dihydroxyborinium, B(OH)(2)(+) is generated from methyl boronic acid CH3B(OH)(2) by dissociative electron ionization and its connectivity confirmed by collisional activation. Neutralization-reionization (NR) experiments on this ion indicate that the neutral B(OH)(2) radical is a viable species in the gas phase. Both vertical neutralization of B(OH)(2)(+) and reionization of B(OH)(2) in the NR experiment are, however, associated with particularly unfavorable Franck-Condon factors. The differences in adiabatic and vertical electron transfer behavior can be traced back to a particular pi stabilization of the cationic species compared to the sp(2)-type neutral radical. Thermochemical data on several neutral and cationic boron compounds are presented based on calculations performed at the G2 level of theory.


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The Archean Hollandaire volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit is a felsic–siliciclastic VMS deposit located in the Murchison Domain of the Youanmi Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. It is hosted in a succession of turbidites, mudstones and coherent rhyodacite sills and has been metamorphosed to upper greenschist/lower amphibolite facies and includes a pervasive S1 deformational fabric. The coherent rhyodacitic sills are interpreted as syndepositional based on geochemical similarities with well-known VMS-associated felsic rocks and similar foliations to the metasediments. We offer several explanations for the absence of textural evidence (e.g. breccias) for syn-depositional origins: 1) the subaqueous sediments were dehydrated by long-lived magmatism such that no pore-water remained to drive quench fragmentation; 2) pore-space occlusion by burial and/or, 3) alteration overprinting and obscuring of primary breccias at contact margins. Mineralisation occurs by sub-seafloor replacement of original host rocks in two ore bodies, Hollandaire Main (~125 x >500 m and ~8 m thick) and Hollandaire West (~100 x 470 m and ~5 m thick), and occurs in three main textural styles, massive sulfides, which are exclusively hosted in turbidites and mudstones, and stringer and disseminated sulfides, which are also hosted in coherent rhyodacite. Most sulfides have textures consistent with remobilisation and recrystallisation. Hydrothermal metamorphism has altered the hangingwall and footwall to similar degrees, with significant gains in Mg, Mn and K and losses in Na, Ca and Sr. Garnet and staurolite porphyryoblasts also exhibit a footprint around mineralisation, extending up to 30 m both above and below the ore zone. High precision thermal ionisation mass spectrometry of zircons extracted from the coherent rhyodacite yield an age of 2759.5 ± 0.9 Ma, which along with geochemical comparisons, places the succession within the 2760–2735 Ma Greensleeves Formation of the Polelle Group of the Murchison Supergroup. Geochemical and geochronological evidence link the coherent rhyodacite sills to the Peter Well Granodiorite pluton ~2 km to the W, which acted as the heat engine driving hydrothermal circulation during VMS mineralisation. This study highlights the importance of both: detailed physical volcanological studies from which an accurate assessment of timing relationships, particularly the possibility of intrusions dismembering ore horizons, can be made; and identifying synvolcanic plutons and other similar suites, for VMS exploration targets in the Youanmi Terrane and worldwide.


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We undertook deep sequencing of gill transcriptomes from two freshwater crayfish, Cherax cainii and Cherax destructor, in order to generate genomic resources for future genomics research. Over 83 and 100 million high quality (quality score (Q) ≥ 30) paired-end Illumina reads (150 bp) were assembled into 147,101 and 136,622 contigs in C. cainii and C. destructor, respectively. A total of 24,630 and 23,623 contigs received significant BLASTx hits and allowed the identification of multiple gill expressed candidate genes associated with pH and salinity balance. These functionally annotated transcripts will provide a resource to facilitate comparative genomic research in the genus Cherax, and in particular allow insights into respiratory and osmoregulatory physiology of this group of animals.


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The crystal and molecular structure of N-benzyloxycarbonyl-a-aminoisobutyryl-L-prolyl methylamide, the amino terminal dipeptide fragment of alamethicin, has been determined using direct methods. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with the space group P212-21. Cell dimensions are a = 7.705 A, b = 11.365 A, and c = 21.904 A. The structure has been refined using conventional procedures to a final R factor of 0.054. The molecular structure possesses a 4 - 1 intramolecular N-H--0 hydrogen bond formed between the CO group of the urethane moiety and the NH group of the methylamide function. The peptide backbone adopts the type 111 P-turn conformation, with 42 = -51.0°, +* = -39.7",&j = -65.0', $3 = -25.4'. An unusual feature is the occurrence of the proline residue at position 3 of the P-turn. The observed structure supports the view that Aib residues initiate the formation of type 111 @-turn conformations. The pyrrolidine ring is puckered in Cy-exo fashion.


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The infra-red spectra of Cu, Ca, Sr, Ba and Pb chloroacetates were studied in order to investigate the effect of co-ordination on the vibration spectra of the ligand. The shifts of the symmetric and antisymmetric COO− vibrational frequencies indicate a bridged structure as the most probable one for the complexes investigated. No linear relationship between the shifts of the COO− stretching frequencies and E/r (where E is the electron excitation energy and r the ionic radius) was observed. No systematic mass effect on these COO− frequencies also could be established.


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A method for the delipidation of egg yolk plasma using phospholipase-C, n-heptane, and 1-butanol has been described. An aggregating protein fraction and a soluble protein fraction were separated by the action of phospholipase-C. The aggregating protein fraction freed of most of the lipids by treatment with n-heptane and 1-butanol was shown to be the apolipoproteins of yolk plasma, whereas the soluble proteins were identified as the livetins. Carbohydrate and the N-terminal amino acid analysis of these protein fractions are reported. A comparison of these protein fractions with the corresponding fractions obtained by formic acid delipidation of yolk plasma has been made. The gelation of yolk plasma by the action of phospholipase-C has been interpreted as an aggregation of lipoproteins caused by ionic interactions. The role of lecithin in maintaining the structural integrity of lipoproteins has been discussed.


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We present a signature-based search for anomalous production of events containing a photon, two jets, of which at least one is identified as originating from a b quark, and missing transverse energy. The search uses data corresponding to 2.0/fb of integrated luminosity from p-pbar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV, collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. From 6,697,466 events with a photon candidate with transverse energy ET> 25 GeV, we find 617 events with missing transverse energy > 25 GeV and two or more jets with ET> 15 GeV, at least one identified as originating from a b quark, versus an expectation of 607+- 113 events. Increasing the requirement on missing transverse energy to 50 GeV, we find 28 events versus an expectation of 30+-11 events. We find no indications of non-standard-model phenomena.


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By roller quenching and water quenching melts of Bi2(Ca, Sr)3Cu2O8+δ, glasses have been obtained. These glasses exhibit two glass transitions as well as two crystallization transitions. Microwave absorption studies show the glass to be weakly superconducting at 77 K, probably due to the presence of ultramicrocrystallites. The glass on crystallization at 870 K gives the crystalline n=1 member of the homologous series Bi2(Ca, Sr)n+1CunO 2n+4 and the n=2 member on annealing at 1100 K. The glass route provides a unique means of obtaining the n=2 member of the series. On prolonged annealing of the glass at 1120 K, the n=3 member seems to be formed.


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Thermodynamics of Cr-Mn alloys have been studied by Eremenko et al (l) using a fused salt e.m.f.technique. Their results indicate positive deviations from ideality at 1023 K. Kaufman (2) has independently estimated negative enthaipy and excess entropy for the b.c.c. Cr-Mn alloys, such that at high temperatures, the entropy term predominates over the enthalpy term giving positive deviations from ideality. Recently the thermodynamic properties of the alloys have been measured by 3acob (3) using a Knudsen cell technique in the temperature range of 1200 to 1500 K. The results indicate mild negative deviations from ideality over the entire composition range. Because of the differences in the reported results and Mn being a volatile component in the alloys which leads to surface depletion under a dynamic set up, an isopiestic technique is used to measure the properties of the alloys.


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Evidence is presented for the strong interaction of oxygen and nitrogen with solid films of buckminsterfullerene based on core-level spectroscopic studies. Cr, Ni and Cu deposited on C60 films interact strongly giving rise to large changes in the C(Is) and C(2p) binding energies as well as the (2p) binding energies of the transition metals.


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We present a first-principles theory of the equilibrium b.c.c.-f.c.c. interface at coexistence using the density functional method. We assume that the interfacial region has local body-centred tetragonal (b.c.t.) symmetry and predict typical interfacial widths to be of order 2 to 3 lattice spacings with typical energies close to 0.05 J/m2. These quantities are in good agreement with laboratory measurements on coherent interfaces.