685 resultados para Marcelino


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Background: Burnout syndrome (BS) is increasing among health professionals, including family doctors (FD). Aim: To characterize the prevalence of BS in a sample of FDs working in the Portuguese National Health System. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Setting: Primary Health Care Centers (HCC) from the 18 continental districts and 2 archipelagos of Portugal. Method: The Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey (MBI - HSS) was sent to 40 randomly selected health-care centers (HCC) and distributed to the FDs employed. Sociodemographic and work-related data was also collected. Participants were classified as having high, average or low levels of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and personal accomplishment (PA) dimensions of burnout. Results: 371 questionnaires were sent, of which 153 (83 women, age range 29-64 years; response rate 41%) returned. One quarter (25.5%) of participants had high EE, 10.1% high DP and 11.4% high PA, but only 2.0% of participants scored high for all three dimensions. Women had significantly higher DP and PA scores than men; increased daily workload also led to increased PA scores. Conversely, no association was found between BS scores and age, marital status, number of years of practice or type of HCC (Family or Personalized). Conclusion: High burnout is relatively common among Portuguese family doctors, yet slightly lower than reported for other European countries. Burnout relief measures should be developed in order to prevent a further increase of BS among Portuguese FDs.


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AbstractOBJECTIVEAnalyzing beliefs and actions of nurses in exercising patient advocacy in a hospital context.METHODA quantitative cross-sectional exploratory and descriptive study, conducted with 153 nurses from two hospitals in southern Brazil, one public and one philanthropic, by applying Protective Nursing Advocacy Scale - Brazilian version. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of variance.RESULTSNurses believe they are advocating for patients in their workplaces, and agree that they should advocate, especially when vulnerable patients need their protection. Personal values and professional skills have been identified as major sources of support for the practice of advocacy.CONCLUSIONNurses do not disagree nor agree that advocating for patients in their working environments can bring them negative consequences. It is necessary to recognize how the characteristics of public and private institutions have helped or not helped in exercising patient advocacy by nurses.


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RESUMO Objetivo Compreender as percepções de docentes, trabalhadores e estudantes sobre a articulação da educação interprofissional com as práticas na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método Qualitativo compreensivo e interpretativo, cuja coleta de dados foi realizada de 2012 a 2013, por meio de 18 entrevistas semiestruturadas com docentes e quatro sessões de grupos focais homogêneos com estudantes, docentes e trabalhadores da Atenção Primária. Resultados A triangulação dos resultados possibilitou a construção de duas categorias: prática colaborativa centrada no usuário e barreiras para educação interprofissional. A primeira indicou a necessidade de mudança do modelo de atenção e de formação dos profissionais de saúde, e a segunda apontou dificuldades percebidas pelos diferentes atores sociais no que se refere à implementação da educação interprofissional. Conclusão A educação interprofissional é incipiente no Brasil e sinaliza possibilidades de mudança em direção à prática colaborativa, mas requer maiores investimentos na articulação ensino-serviço.


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The aim of the study was to assess the effects of physical fitness on the relationships between body mass index (BMI) and body fat (BF) on blood pressure (BP) levels. Cross-sectional study conducted in 25 schools of Lisbon (Portugal), including 2041 boys and 1995 girls aged 10-18. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. Cardiovascular fitness was assessed by the 20-meter shuttle run and classified as fit/unfit. Obesity (BMI or BF defined) was defined according to international criteria. In both sexes, BMI was positively related with systolic and diastolic BP, while BF was only positively related with diastolic BP z-scores. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI categories regarding BP levels, while for BF a significant interaction was found. Being fit reduced the BF-induced increase in the Odds ratio (OR) of presenting with high BP: OR (95% confidence interval) 1.01 (0.73-1.40) and 0.99 (0.70-1.38) for overweight and obese fit boys, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese boys being 1.33 (0.94-1.90) and 1.75 (1.34-2.28), respectively. The values were 0.88 (0.57-1.35) and 1.66 (0.98-2.80) for overweight and obese fit girls, respectively, the corresponding values for unfit overweight and obese being 1.63 (1.12-2.37) and 1.90 (1.32-2.73) respectively. No interaction was found between fitness and BMI-defined overweight and obesity. Being fit reduces the negative impact of BF on BP levels and high BP status in adolescents. This protective effect was not found with BMI.


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A aplicação do lodo de esgoto em plantações florestais é uma das alternativas para resolver o problema da disposição final desse resíduo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a aplicação de biossólido melhora a fertilidade do solo e o estado nutricional de mudas de Eucalyptus grandis. O experimento foi montado em colunas de PVC de 20 cm de diâmetro, com nove tratamentos (testemunha, adubação mineral, doses crescentes de biossólido variando de 10 a 160 t ha-1) e quatro repetições. O experimento foi realizado durante 12 meses após o plantio das mudas. O biossólido influenciou mais a acidez do que outros atributos químicos do solo. Os teores de N, P e S nas folhas correlacionaram-se com a CTC e com o teor de C orgânico do solo, tendo essas variáveis apresentado valores significativamente mais elevados nas doses de 80 e 160 t ha-1. Observou-se diminuição da matéria orgânica do solo nas doses de 10 a 40 t ha-1. O biossólido alcalino diminui a acidez do solo e melhora sua fertilidade, aumentando a disponibilidade da maioria dos nutrientes.


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AIM: To characterise the prevalence of burnout syndrome in a sample of family doctors (FDs) working in the Portuguese National Health System. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING: Primary healthcare centres from the 18 continental districts and two archipelagos of Portugal. METHOD: The Portuguese version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey was sent to 40 randomly selected healthcare centres and distributed to the FDs employed. Socio-demographic and work-related data were also collected. Participants were classified as having high, average or low levels of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalisation (DP) and personal accomplishment (PA) dimensions of burnout. RESULTS: 371 questionnaires were sent, of which 153 (83 women, age range 29-64 years; response rate 41%) returned. One-quarter (25.3%, 95% CI 18.6% to 33.1%) of FDs scored high for EE, 16.2% (10.7% to 23.2%) for DP and 16.7% (11.1% to 23.6%) for lack of PA. On multivariate analysis, being married, of older age, having many years of practice or working in a personalised healthcare unit tended to be associated with increased burnout components. Men tended to present higher EE and DP but lower lack of PA than women. Finally, the prevalence (95% CI) of burnout ranged between 4.1% (1.5% to 8.6%) and 32.4% (25.0% to 40.6%), depending on the definition used. CONCLUSIONS: High burnout is relatively common among Portuguese FDs. Burnout relief measures should be developed in order to prevent a further increase of burnout syndrome among Portuguese FDs.


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Body mass index (BMI) is related with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), but less is known regarding the combined relationships between BMI and body fat (BF) on CRF. Cross-sectional study included 2361 girls and 2328 boys aged 10–18 years living in the area of Lisbon, Portugal. BMI was calculated by measuring height and weight, and obesity was assessed by international criteria. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. CRF was assessed by the 20-m shuttle run and the participants were classified as normal-to-high or low-CRF level according to Fitness gram criterion-referenced standards. The prevalence of low CRF was 47 and 39% in girls and boys, respectively. The corresponding values for the prevalence of obesity were 4.8 and 5.6% (not significant) and of excess BF of 12.1 and 25.1% (P <0.001), respectively. In both sexes, BMI and BF were inversely related with CRF: r = – 0.53 and – 0.45 for BMI and % BF, respectively, in boys and the corresponding values in girls were – 0.50 and – 0.33 (all P <0.01). When compared with a participant with normal BMI and BF, the odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for low CRF were 1.94 (1.46–2.58) for a participant with normal BMI and high BF, and 6.19 (5.02–7.63) for a participant with high BMI and high BF. The prevalence of low-CRF levels is high in Portuguese youths. BF negatively influences CRF levels among children/adolescents with normal BMI.


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Este trabalho é fruto de um estágio de pesquisa no Estado da Califórnia (EUA) e tem como objetivo analisar as principais características do financiamento da educação desse estado. A Califórnia possui 33 milhões de habitantes e cerca de seis milhões de alunos em seu sistema de educação básica que vai da pré-escola (kindergarten), em que as crianças entram com cinco anos de idade, até a 12ª série. O principal desafio enfrentado pelo estado, motivado principalmente por decisões judiciais, tem sido o de assegurar um patamar mínimo de recursos por aluno e o de evitar uma grande discrepância nos gastos por aluno entre distritos pobres e ricos. O que se constata é que o segundo objetivo tem sido parcialmente obtido mas basicamente mediante um nivelamento por baixo, de tal forma que o estado se coloca, hoje, em 40º lugar no ranking dos gastos por aluno no país.


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Este artigo apresenta uma análise inicial do financiamento das ações do Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação - PDE -, lançado em abril de 2007 pelo governo federal, focalizando algumas expectativas, impasses e impactos. Muitas das inquietações e dúvidas aqui expostas foram manifestadas no Seminário Itinerante O Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação - PDE - em Debate nas Universidades Públicas Paulistas, em que especialistas de diferentes instituições tiveram a oportunidade de debater com os formuladores e responsáveis pela implementação do plano. Optou-se por organizar análise em três partes. Na primeira parte, discutem-se alguns pressupostos do financiamento da educação nacional, mostrando que o país pode e deve aplicar mais recursos para alcançar um desenvolvimento educacional e social adequado. Na segunda, analisam-se documentos do MEC que explicitam as concepções que fundamentam o PDE no que se refere ao financiamento das 40 ações propostas. Na terceira, os autores se posicionam quanto à forma de financiamento adotada e quanto aos recursos previstos ou alocados para a execução das ações. Para finalizar, uma série de questões sobre o plano são levantadas em perspectiva propositiva.