975 resultados para Mandibular gland


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Japanese quail selected for reduced (low-stress, LS) rather than exaggerated (high-stress, HS) plasma corticosterone response to brief restraint have consistently shown greater cloacal gland (CG) development, an androgen-dependent trait. In this study, the effects of testosterone implants on levels of plasma testosterone and CG development in castrated LS and HS quail were determined. Stress-line males were castrated and randomly allocated to 1 of 3 testosterone treatments: the empty testosterone (ET), low testosterone (LT), or high testosterone (HT) implant group. Cloacal gland volume was determined at 4 weekly intervals that represented ranges of 1 to 9 d, 8 to 17 d, 15 to 24 d, and 22 to 31 d after castration and testosterone implantation. Levels of plasma testosterone were also assessed at the end of the study. Development of the CG was affected by quail line (LS > HS), testosterone treatment (HT > LT > ET), and time of measurement (1 to 9 d < 8 to 17 d < 15 to 24 d = 22 to 31 d after castration and testosterone implantation). A significant interaction between testosterone treatment and time of measurement on CG volume was also detected (with CG volume generally increasing with time in LT- and HT-treated quail, but not in ET-treated quail). However, even though HT implant treatments induced higher CG development than did LT treatments beyond the first interval of CG volume measurement, and despite the finding of greater CG volumes in LS than HS quail during the last 2 measurement intervals within each of the LT and HT groups, no interaction was observed between testosterone implant dosages and quail stress line on CG volume. Thus, by the end of the study, regardless of testosterone dose, CG volume was consistently greater in LS quail than in their HS counterparts. In addition, although, as expected, the testosterone implant treatment significantly altered levels of plasma testosterone (HT > LT > ET), neither quail line nor its interaction with testosterone treatment affected plasma testosterone. The present findings suggest that the often-observed depressed CG development in the HS line may be independent of testosterone effects


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Pheromones are chemicals used to communicate between animals of the same species, and are thought to be used by most marine animals. With limited vision, abalone primarily sense their world chemically, and pheromones may play an important role in settlement, attraction, recognition, alarm, and reproduction. Despite this, there has been no detailed investigation into pheromone substances, both in their precise biochemical nature or pheromonal function. In this study, we investigated the presence of pheromonelike substances from the hypobranchial gland of the abalone Haliotis asinina using bioassays, immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The hypobranchial gland of many prosobranchial marine molluscs has been classified as a sex auxiliary gland releasing unknown substances during spawning. In our study, cephalic tentacle assays demonstrated that the cell extracts of the hypobranchial gland contain chemical cues that are sensed by conspecifics. An antibody against the sea slug “attractin” pheromone was used as a probe to localize a similar protein in the mucin-secreting cells of the epithelial lining the hypobranchial gland of both male and female abalone. The approximate molecular weight of this abalone attractin-like protein is 30 kDa in both males and females. Fractionation of hypobranchial gland extracts by C5 RP-HPLC could not selectively purify this protein, and no sex-specific differences were observed. We predict that the attractin-like protein could be one of a number of important proteins involved in maturation, aggregation, and/or spawning behavior of abalone. In future research, additional hypobranchial gland components will be tested further for these types of behavior.


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Milk sialoglycoconjugates can protect the gastrointestinal tract of the suckling neonate by competitively binding to invading pathogens and promoting growth of beneficial flora, and their potential role in postnatal brain development is of particular interest in human infant nutrition. Although the concentration and the distribution of sialoglycoconjugates have been extensively studied in the milk of various species, the investigation of sialyltransferase gene expression in the mammary gland, in the context of lactation, has been limited. The sialyltransferase enzyme ST6Gal I transfers sialic acid from CMP-sialic acid to type 2 (Galβ1,4GlcNAc) free disaccharides or the termini of N- or O-linked oligosaccharides using an α2,6-linkage. Expression of the ST6Gal I gene is primarily regulated at the level of transcription through the use of several cell and development- specific promoters, producing transcripts with divergent 5′ untranslated regions (UTR). In the mouse mammary gland, the novel 5′UTR exon (L) appears to be associated with a drastic increase in ST6Gal I gene expression during lactation. We find that rats also possess an exon (L), suggesting conservation of this regulatory mechanism in rodents. In contrast, an exon (L)-containing transcript was not detected in the lactating bovine or human mammary gland. We also observed a trend of increasing ST6Gal I gene expression in the bovine mammary gland, culminating in involution. This is in contrast to species such as mice where the greatest change in ST6Gal I gene expression occurs between pregnancy and lactation, suggesting different roles in rodents vs. other mammals for α2,6-sialylated oligosaccharides present in milk.


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, is regulated acutely by protein phosphorylation and chronically by protein synthesis. No studies have systematically investigated the phosphorylation of these sites in vivo in response to stressors. We specifically investigated the phosphorylation of TH occurring within the first 24 h in response to the social defeat stress in the rat adrenal, the locus coeruleus, substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. Five groups were investigated; home cage control (HCC), two groups that underwent social defeat (SD+) which were sacrificed either 10 min or 24 h after the end of the protocol and two groups that were put into the cage without the resident being present (SD−) which were sacrificed at time points identical to the SD+. We found at 10 min there were significant increases in serine 40 and 31 phosphorylation levels in the locus coeruleus in SD+ compared to HCC and increases in serine 40 phosphorylation levels in the substantia nigra in SD+ compared to SD−. We found at 24 h there were significant increases in serine 19 phosphorylation levels in the ventral tegmental area in SD+ compared to HCC and decreases in serine 40 phosphorylation levels in the adrenal in SD+ compared to SD−. These findings suggest that the regulation of TH phosphorylation in different catecholamine-producing cells varies considerably and is dependent on both the nature of the stressor and the time at which the response is analysed.


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Resistance to thyroid hormone is an uncommon problem, which has rarely been associated with thyroid dysgenesis. We report a case with both thyroid gland ectopy and resistance to thyroid hormone and, thus, a reduced capacity to produce and respond to thyroid hormone. The patient presented at 2 years of age with developmental delay, dysmorphic features, and elevation in both thyroxine and thyrotropin. We document her response to therapy with thyroxine, with particular regard to her growth and development. Persistent elevation of thyrotropin is commonly recognized during treatment of congenital hypothyroidism. Resistance to thyroid hormone may be an important additional diagnosis to consider in cases where thyrotropin remains persistently elevated.


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This thesis aimed to exploit the Cape fur seal as an alternative model to study mammary gland development and especially the switch from lactation to involution, as well as better understand cell-matrix interactions in vitro, essential to understanding tissue homeostasis and pathogenesis.