928 resultados para Magazzino Riprogettazione Layout Stoccaggio


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Disk drives are the bottleneck in the processing of large amounts of data used in almost all common applications. File systems attempt to reduce this by storing data sequentially on the disk drives, thereby reducing the access latencies. Although this strategy is useful when data is retrieved sequentially, the access patterns in real world workloads is not necessarily sequential and this mismatch results in storage I/O performance degradation. This thesis demonstrates that one way to improve the storage performance is to reorganize data on disk drives in the same way in which it is mostly accessed. We identify two classes of accesses: static, where access patterns do not change over the lifetime of the data and dynamic, where access patterns frequently change over short durations of time, and propose, implement and evaluate layout strategies for each of these. Our strategies are implemented in a way that they can be seamlessly integrated or removed from the system as desired. We evaluate our layout strategies for static policies using tree-structured XML data where accesses to the storage device are mostly of two kinds - parent-tochild or child-to-sibling. Our results show that for a specific class of deep-focused queries, the existing file system layout policy performs better by 5-54X. For the non-deep-focused queries, our native layout mechanism shows an improvement of 3-127X. To improve performance of the dynamic access patterns, we implement a self-optimizing storage system that performs rearranges popular block accesses on a dedicated partition based on the observed workload characteristics. Our evaluation shows an improvement of over 80% in the disk busy times over a range of workloads. These results show that applying the knowledge of data access patterns for allocation decisions can substantially improve the I/O performance.


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La tesi presenta una panoramica sull'augmented, virtual e mixed reality, descrivendone le caratteristiche e le modalità di sviluppo. Come caso di studio viene analizzato il dispositivo Microsoft Hololens, descrivendone le caratteristiche concettuali, hardware e software. Per le applicazioni di questo dispositivo viene effettuata una riprogettazione della gestione e del concetto di ologramma all'interno di un'applicazione olografica, analizzandone i motivi e i vantaggi. E' fornita una overview sui dettagli implementativi della riprogettazione al fine di chiarire ogni aspetto dell'applicazione.


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Con questa tesi si vuole illustrare e riordinare il lavoro da me svolto sulla progettazione di mozzi ruota e di altri componenti ad esso associati, relativi alla vettura del team di Formula SAE dell’Università di Bologna. Dopo una prima fase di studio del particolare componente tesa a definire quali caratteristiche fossero richieste al fine di raggiungere gli obbiettivi, si è passati allo sviluppo del progetto con lo svolgimento di primi calcoli a mano, per definire in linea di massima le sollecitazioni, per poi affinare il dimensionamento con le simulazioni FEM. Il componente è stato infine realizzato in lega d'alluminio ad elevate prestazioni.


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La tesi ha l'obiettivo di analizzare e ottimizzare i flussi di approvvigionamento in un'azienda che produce su commessa: CT Pack S.r.L, specializzata nella realizzazione di macchine automatiche per il packaging di biscotti, gelato e cioccolato. Per raggiungere l'obiettivo si è preso come riferimento il modello proposto dal BPR (Business Process Reengineering): sono stati analizzati i principali attori coinvolti, in particolare fornitori e magazzino, mediante l'uso di KPI definiti ad hoc. Sulla base di questi sono stati individuati due processi critici: il primo riguarda la gestione del magazzino, che presenta un'elevata quantità di codici non movimentati anche a causa del processo di gestione del materiale avanzato al termine di ciascuna commessa; il secondo riguarda il materiale a consumo, che impiega i magazzinieri per un tempo eccessivo, è caratterizzato da giacenze per il 30% non movimentate e da supermarket collocati in officina ridondanti e caratterizzati da bassi tassi di utilizzo (anche sotto il 50%). Per risolvere questi problemi ed effettuare una riprogettazione si fa affidamento agli strumenti proposti dal project management: si imposta quindi un progetto che ha l'obiettivo di ridurre nel breve periodo il valore di magazzino mediante lo smaltimento attraverso diverse vie di codici non utilizzati e agisce nel lungo periodo per evitare che le criticità si ripropongano. Mediante la riprogettazione della gestione dei resi di produzione si prevede un maggior controllo, grazie al lavoro congiunto di ufficio tecnico e ufficio acquisti. La nuova gestione del materiale a consumo ha in se alcune delle tecniche proposte dalla lean production (il kanban, per esempio) e integra il fornitore nella catena di approvvigionamento, garantendo un maggior controllo sulle quantità, un risparmio di circa 7 h/mese di lavoro per i magazzinieri e una riduzione delle giacenze del 46%.


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This is the first time a multidisciplinary team has employed an iterative co-design method to determine the ergonomic layout of an emergency ambulance treatment space. This process allowed the research team to understand how treatment protocols were performed and developed analytical tools to reach an optimum configuration towards ambulance design standardisation. Fusari conducted participatory observations during 12-hour shifts with front-line ambulance clinicians, hospital staff and patients to understand the details of their working environments whilst on response to urgent and emergency calls. A simple yet accurate 1:1 mock-up of the existing ambulance was built for detailed analysis of these procedures through simulations. Paramedics were called in to participate in interviews and role-playing inside the model to recreate tasks, how they are performed, the equipment used and to understand the limitations of the current ambulance. The use of Link Analysis distilled 5 modes of use. In parallel, an exhaustive audit of all equipment and consumables used in ambulances was performed (logging and photography) to define space use. These developed 12 layout options for refinement and CAD modelling and presented back to paramedics. The preferred options and features were then developed into a full size test rig and appearance model. Two key studies informed the process. The 2005 National Patient Safety Agency funded study “Future Ambulances” outlined 9 design challenges for future standardisation of emergency vehicles and equipment. Secondly, the 2007 EPSRC funded “Smart Pods” project investigated a new system of mobile urgent and emergency medicine to treat patients in the community. A full-size mobile demonstrator unit featuring the evidence-based ergonomic layout was built for clinical tests through simulated emergency scenarios. Results from clinical trials clearly show that the new layout improves infection control, speeds up treatment, and makes it easier for ambulance crews to follow correct clinical protocols.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi è stato sviluppato presso l’azienda “Nuova Star” SpA di Zola Predosa, leader mondiale nella produzione di meccanismi di apertura per porte di forni domestici. Gli scopi principali di questi meccanismi sono quelli di bilanciare il peso della porta durante l’apertura della stessa e di generare, a porta chiusa, una opportuna forza di ritenuta che la tenga pressata contro le guarnizioni del forno. L’azienda produce una notevole varietà di modelli, realizzati mediante componenti in lamiera stampata che si basano su varianti dei medesimi meccanismi di base, in particolare un manovellismo di spinta (per ottenere il bilanciamento) e un sistema camma-punteria (per garantire la chiusura). In un’ottica di sperimentazione e innovazione del prodotto, l’azienda ha quindi espresso il desiderio di realizzare un nuovo modello, concepito attraverso un sistema inedito e originale e che allo stesso tempo risultasse più economico rispetto ai vari modelli attualmente in produzione. In particolare questo nuovo meccanismo dovrà sfruttare un sistema a cavi. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quindi quello di ripensare il meccanismo attualmente esistente, analizzando le proprietà offerte da un sistema a cavi per sfruttarne i possibili vantaggi, sia in termini di funzionamento che di economicità del prodotto finale. A tale scopo si partirà con l’analisi concettuale dell’architettura e del funzionamento dei meccanismi su cui si basano i modelli attualmente in produzione. Si passerà poi a una seconda fase di progettazione concettuale, nella quale verranno ideate e proposte varie soluzioni alternative. Seguirà quindi uno studio articolato nei seguenti punti: - Analisi cinematica e cinetostatica - Analisi e scelta dei parametri ottimali di funzionamento - Disegno costruttivo dei vari componenti - Simulazione multibody del nuovo meccanismo tramite il software MSC Adams;


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Si è analizzato un sistema di stoccaggio rivolgendo l'attenzione all'attività del Customer Service. Dopo il primo periodo di raccolta dati è stato popolato un database che rappresentasse al meglio la realtà osservata. Il database ci ha permesso, attraverso la manipolazione dei dati, di calcolare delle statistiche circa gli eventi più significativi in termini di tempo.


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Contemporary integrated circuits are designed and manufactured in a globalized environment leading to concerns of piracy, overproduction and counterfeiting. One class of techniques to combat these threats is circuit obfuscation which seeks to modify the gate-level (or structural) description of a circuit without affecting its functionality in order to increase the complexity and cost of reverse engineering. Most of the existing circuit obfuscation methods are based on the insertion of additional logic (called “key gates”) or camouflaging existing gates in order to make it difficult for a malicious user to get the complete layout information without extensive computations to determine key-gate values. However, when the netlist or the circuit layout, although camouflaged, is available to the attacker, he/she can use advanced logic analysis and circuit simulation tools and Boolean SAT solvers to reveal the unknown gate-level information without exhaustively trying all the input vectors, thus bringing down the complexity of reverse engineering. To counter this problem, some ‘provably secure’ logic encryption algorithms that emphasize methodical selection of camouflaged gates have been proposed previously in literature [1,2,3]. The contribution of this paper is the creation and simulation of a new layout obfuscation method that uses don't care conditions. We also present proof-of-concept of a new functional or logic obfuscation technique that not only conceals, but modifies the circuit functionality in addition to the gate-level description, and can be implemented automatically during the design process. Our layout obfuscation technique utilizes don’t care conditions (namely, Observability and Satisfiability Don’t Cares) inherent in the circuit to camouflage selected gates and modify sub-circuit functionality while meeting the overall circuit specification. Here, camouflaging or obfuscating a gate means replacing the candidate gate by a 4X1 Multiplexer which can be configured to perform all possible 2-input/ 1-output functions as proposed by Bao et al. [4]. It is important to emphasize that our approach not only obfuscates but alters sub-circuit level functionality in an attempt to make IP piracy difficult. The choice of gates to obfuscate determines the effort required to reverse engineer or brute force the design. As such, we propose a method of camouflaged gate selection based on the intersection of output logic cones. By choosing these candidate gates methodically, the complexity of reverse engineering can be made exponential, thus making it computationally very expensive to determine the true circuit functionality. We propose several heuristic algorithms to maximize the RE complexity based on don’t care based obfuscation and methodical gate selection. Thus, the goal of protecting the design IP from malicious end-users is achieved. It also makes it significantly harder for rogue elements in the supply chain to use, copy or replicate the same design with a different logic. We analyze the reverse engineering complexity by applying our obfuscation algorithm on ISCAS-85 benchmarks. Our experimental results indicate that significant reverse engineering complexity can be achieved at minimal design overhead (average area overhead for the proposed layout obfuscation methods is 5.51% and average delay overhead is about 7.732%). We discuss the strengths and limitations of our approach and suggest directions that may lead to improved logic encryption algorithms in the future. References: [1] R. Chakraborty and S. Bhunia, “HARPOON: An Obfuscation-Based SoC Design Methodology for Hardware Protection,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 1493–1502, 2009. [2] J. A. Roy, F. Koushanfar, and I. L. Markov, “EPIC: Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits,” in 2008 Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2008, pp. 1069–1074. [3] J. Rajendran, M. Sam, O. Sinanoglu, and R. Karri, “Security Analysis of Integrated Circuit Camouflaging,” ACM Conference on Computer Communications and Security, 2013. [4] Bao Liu, Wang, B., "Embedded reconfigurable logic for ASIC design obfuscation against supply chain attacks,"Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE), 2014 , vol., no., pp.1,6, 24-28 March 2014.


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This research aimed to identify the link between the layout of workspaces in offices and the design strategies for environmental comfort. Strategies surveyed were focused on the thermal, visual and luminic comfort. In this research, visual comfort is related to issues of visual integration within and between the interior and exterior of the building. This is a case study conducted at the administrative headquarters of Centro Regional Nordeste do Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE-CRN), located in Natal/RN. The methodological strategy used was the Post-Occupancy Evaluation, which combined the survey data on the building (layout of workspaces, bioclimatic strategies adopted in the design, use of these strategies) with some techniques aimed at acquiring qualitative information related to users. The workspace layout is primordial to satisfaction and productivity of workers. Issues such as concentration, communication, privacy, personal identity, density and space efficiency, barriers (access, visual and even ventilation and lighting), among others, are associated with the layout. The environmental comfort is one of the essential elements to maintaining life quality in workplace. Moreover, it is an important factor in user`s perception of the space in which he or she are inserted. Both layout and environmental comfort issues should be collected and analyzed in the establishment phase of the programming step. That way, it is possible to get adequate answers to these questions in subsequent project phases. It was found that changes in the program that occurred over time, especially concerning persons (number and characteristics), resulted in changes in layout, generating high density and inflexible environments. It turns difficult to adjust the furniture to the occupants` requirement, including comfort needs. However, the presence of strategies for environmental quality provides comfort to spaces, ensuring that, even in situations not considered optimal, users perceive the environment in a positive way. It was found that the relationship between environmental comfort and layout takes the following forms: in changing the perception of comfort, depending on the layout of the arrangements; adjustments in layout, due to needs for comfort; and the elevation of user satisfaction and environmental quality due to the presence of strategies comfort even in situations of inadequate layout