954 resultados para Macro-tidal Beaches


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River training walls have been built at scores of locations along the NSW coast and their impacts on shoreline change are still not fully understood. In this study, the Brunswick River entrance and adjacent beaches are selected for examination of the impact of the construction of major training walls. Thirteen sets of aerial photographs taken between 1947 and 1994 are used in a CIS approach to accurately determine tire shoreline Position, beach contours and sand volumes, and their changes in both time and space, and then to assess the contribution of both tire structures and natural hydrodynamic conditions to large scale (years-decades and kilometres) beach changes. The impact of the training walls can be divided into four stages: natural conditions prior to their construction (pre 1959), major downdrift erosion and updrift accretion during and. following the construction of the walls in 1959 similar to 1962 and 1966. diminishing impact of the walls between 1966 and 1987, and finally no apparent impact between 1987 similar to 1994. The impact extends horizontally about 8 km updrift and 17 km downdrift, and temporally up to 25 years..


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The ori-in of the radial sand ridges (RSRs) in the southern Yellow Sea has been a controversial problem since they were discovered in the early 1960s. To resolve the problem, two key questions need to be answered: (1) was the radial tidal current field in the RSR area generated by the submarine topography, or (2) did it exist before the RSRs occurred? In this study, the M-2 tide and tidal currents in the RSR area were simulated with a two-dimensional tidal model using a flat bottom and a shelving slope topography, the results being then compared with the field data. It is demonstrated that the radial tidal current field in the southern Yellow Sea is independent of bottom topography, and may thus be the controlling factor generating the RSRs. The radial tidal current field probably existed before the RSRs were formed.


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During the period of the post-glacial transgression maximum (PGTM), there was a huge trumpet estuary in the modern Changjiang River Delta area. The location and the shape of the Paleo-Changjiang River Estuary (PCRE) were much different from those of the present Changjiang River Estuary. The study on the change of characteristics of tidal wave in the Changjiang River mouth area since the PGTM can help to understand better the dynamic development of the Changjiang River Delta. The course curves of tidal level and tidal current velocity during a single tidal cycle for 35 points are calculated, and characteristics of tidal waves in the PCRE and its adjacent area are compared with those of tidal waves in the modern Changjiang River mouth area. The results show that the tidal waves within the PCRE and in its adjacent area during the period of the PGTM belonged to standing wave or a mixture of standing wave and progressive wave. Since then, the tidal wave in the Changjiang River mouth become gradually to be progressive wave with the PCRE being filled and the Changjiang River mouth shifting southeastwards.


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Salt marsh-tidal creek systems as a coastal geomorphological unit represent an important natural resource. The present study on Jiangsu salt marshes, eastern China, shows that variations in tidal current velocities in salt marsh creeks are controlled by the local tidal wave characteristics and the bed slope and elevation of the salt marshes and creeks. Likewise, the tidal currents modify the geomorphology of the salt marsh-tidal creek systems by transporting sediments and causing erosion/deposition. Storm events, which appear to have cyclical changes in their intensity relating to sunspot activities, can affect the geomorphic evolution of such systems. Further, in response to accelerated sea-level rise, accretional rates on salt marshes may increase. The tidal creeks have the function of transporting water and sediment onto the salt marsh surface; further, the energy of tidal currents and waves are dissipated within the salt marsh-tidal creek system. Hence, this coastal system has a potential value for coastal protection.


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A three-dimensional ocean circulation model, called Princeton Ocean Model (POM), is employed to simulate tides and tidal currents in Liaodong Bay. The nested grid technique is adopted to improve the computation precision. Computed harmonic constants of M-1, M-2 tides at five tidal gauge stations and surface elevations at two oil platforms are compared with those observed, and show good agreements with them. Based on the calculated results, the co-amplitude and co-phase tag lines of nil and M-2 tidal constituents, the residual current field of M-2 constituent, tidal form, tidal Current ellipse and the moving style of tidal current are given. It is found that diurnal tidal constituents have no amphidromic point whereas semi-diurnal constituents have one in the region of interest. Meanwhile, some meaningful results are concluded and presented, which are conducive to a thorough knowledge of the characteristics of tides and tidal currents in the Liaodong Bay.


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A numerical adjoint model with TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimeter data was set up to investigate the shallow water tidal constituents in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. Shallow water tidal constituents W-4, MS4 and M-6) in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea were first extracted from nearly 10 years of T/P data and then assimilated into a nonlinear barotropic tidal model by using adjoint method in order to fully describe the tides in this area. The general patterns of M-4 and MS4 solutions were in good agreement with those of Kang et al. (Cont. Shelf. Res. IS (1998) 739.) and Lefevre et al., (J. Geophys. Res. 105 (2000) 8707.). The RMS values for the principal constituents and coastal constituents were obviously less than those calculated by Kang et al. (1998) and Lefevre et al. (2000). It was shown that the calculated tidal constituents charts obtained in the present study were more accurate than those in other models. In the future the model will be applied to other coastal areas and some semi-enclosed seas. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The principal tidal constituents M-2, S-2, K-1 and O-1 in the South China Sea, Gulf of Tonkin and Gulf of Thailand are simulated simultaneously using the numerical scheme of Kwok et al. (1995 Proceedings of the 1st Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, pp. 16-19). The average differences between the computed and observed harmonic constants are mostly within 5 cm and 10 degrees for amplitudes and phase-lags, respectively. The simulated tidal regimes in the present model are believed to be more accurate than the previous numerical results. Our studies confirm that a clockwise rotating M-2 amphidromic system lies in the southeast of the Gulf of Thailand and an S-2 amphidromic system at the near-shore area of the northeast South China Sea. The linear tidal energy equation developed by Garrett (1975 Deep-Sea Research 22, 23-35) is generalized to the nonlinear case. Based on the numerical results, the energy budgets in the South China Sea and its subareas, namely the Taiwan Strait, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Gulf of Thailand and the remaining area are investigated. The tidal motion in the Taiwan Strait is maintained mainly by the energy fluxes from the East China Sea for both semidiurnal and diurnal species and partially from the Luzon Strait for semidiurnal species. For the other parts of the South China Sea, the tidal motion is mainly maintained by the energy fluxes through the Luzon Strait. The energy inputs from the tide-generating force are negative for semidiurnal species and positive for diurnal species. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In general, competition between buoyancy mechanisms and mixing dynamics largely determines the water column structure in a shelf sea. A three dimensional baroclinic ocean model forced by surface heat fluxes and the 2.5 order Mellor-Yamada turbulence scheme is used to simulate the annual cycle of the temperature in the Bohai Sea. The difference between the sea surface temperature (SST) and sea bottom temperature (SBT) is used to examine the evolution of its vertical stratification. It is found that the water column is well-mixed from October to March and that the seasonal thermocline appears in April, peaks in July and then weakens afterwards, closely following the heat budget. In addition, the Loder parameter based on the topography and tidal current amplitude is also computed in order to examine tidal fronts in the BS, which are evident in summer months when the wind stirring mechanism is weak.


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Direct current observations in the Yellow Sea interior are very scarce due to intense fishing and trawling activities. Most previous studies on tides in the area were based on coastal measurements or satellite altimeter sea levels and have not been rigorously compared with direct measurements. In this paper, tidal currents are studied with current profiles from three bottom-moored Sontek Acoustic Doppler Profilers (ADPs) deployed in the southern Yellow Sea in summer of 2001 and 2003. The measured current series were dominated by tidal currents. Maximum velocities are between 40-80 cm/s at the mooring stations. M-2 current is the most dominant primary tidal constituent, while MS4 and M-4 are the most significant shallow water tides with much smaller amplitudes than the primary tides.


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The abundance of Calanus sinicus eggs, nauplii, copepodites and adults and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration were studied across tidal fronts in October 2000, and May and June 2001 in the Yellow Sea, China. The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of tidal fronts in the ecology of C. sinicus. The hydrographic tidal fronts were identified by the horizontal temperature gradient in the bottom layer and the temperature profiles across the fronts. The survey results showed that the concentration of Chl-a was high in the vicinity of the fronts, particularly in spring and early summer. The abundance of C. sinicus eggs and nauplii was usually higher in the tidal fronts than in the adjacent areas. In May and June 2001, the abundance of copepodites and adults of C. sinicus peaked in the tidal front. In June 2001 and October 2000, many copepodites and adults were found in stratified region.


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The velocity components across tidal fronts are examined using the Blumberg and Mellor 3-D nonlinear numerical coastal circulation model incorporated with the Mellor and Yamada level 2.5 turbulent closure model based on the reasonable model output of the M-2 tide and density residual currents. In the numerical experiments, upwelling motion appears around all the fronts with different velocity structures, accounting for surface cold water around the fronts. The experiments also suggest that the location and formation of fronts are closely related to topography and tidal mixing, as is the velocity structure around the front.


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Three surveys were carried out in anchovy spawning periods in southern Yellow Sea in May and June 2001, and June 2002. Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) concentration, bacterioplankton abundance, biomass and their variations along the zone of tidal fronts were investigated. The results showed that (1) high Synechococcus abundance distributed more often in frontal area and middle-surface layer of a stratified zone; and (2) the maximal abundance of bacteria occurred in stratified and mixed zone. 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new species of Spionidae, Scolelepis (Scolelepis) daphoinos sp. nov., is described and illustrated from northern China seas. The species was frequently encountered and highly abundant on sand beaches, but rarely found in subtidal areas. It was formerly misidentified as S. (S.) squamata (Muller, 1806) in China but differed from the latter species in several details in morphology, including the presence of obvious reddish pigmentation patches and the absence of unidentate hooded hooks. Another two Scolelepis species, S. (S.) lingulata Imajima, 1992 and S. (S.) variegata Imajima, 1992, are reported for the first time from Chinese waters. Two species of Scolelepis, S. (S.) globosa Wu & Chen, 1964 and S. (S.) lefebvrei (Gravier, 1905), were reported previously; therefore, five species in this genus are known from China in total. A key to all Scolelepis species from Chinese waters is provided.