966 resultados para MIR-205


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MicroRNAs (miRNA) are negative regulators of gene expression at the posttranscriptional level, which are involved in tumorigenesis. Two miRNAs, miR-15a and miR-16, which are located at chromosome 13q14, have been implicated in cell cycle control and apoptosis, but little information is available about their role in solid tumors. To address this question, we established a protocol to quantify miRNAs from laser capture microdissected tissues. Here, we show that miR-15a/miR-16 are frequently deleted or down-regulated in squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the lung. In these tumors, expression of miR-15a/miR-16 inversely correlates with the expression of cyclin D1. In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell lines, cyclins D1, D2, and E1 are directly regulated by physiologic concentrations of miR-15a/miR-16. Consistent with these results, overexpression of these miRNAs induces cell cycle arrest in G(1)-G(0). Interestingly, H2009 cells lacking Rb are resistant to miR-15a/miR-16-induced cell cycle arrest, whereas reintroduction of functional Rb resensitizes these cells to miRNA activity. In contrast, down-regulation of Rb in A549 cells by RNA interference confers resistance to these miRNAs. Thus, cell cycle arrest induced by these miRNAs depends on the expression of Rb, confirming that G(1) cyclins are major targets of miR-15a/miR-16 in NSCLC. Our results indicate that miR-15a/miR-16 are implicated in cell cycle control and likely contribute to the tumorigenesis of NSCLC.


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Recently, we reported a functional interaction between miR-21 and its identified chemokine target CCL20 in colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines. Here, we investigated whether such functional interactions are permitted at the cellular level which would require an inverse correlation of expression and also co-expression of miR-21 and CCL20 in the same cell. Expression profiling was performed using qPCR, and ELISA, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were applied for the presentation of their cellular localization. We demonstrated that miR-21 as well as CCL20 were both significantly upregulated in CRC tissues; thus, showing no antidromic expression pattern. This provided an initial clue that miR-21 and CCL20 may not be expressed in the same cell. In addition, we located miR-21 expression at the cellular level predominantly in stromal cells such as tumor-associated fibroblasts and to a minor degree in immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes. Likewise, CCL20 expression was primarily detected in tumor-infiltrating immune cells. Thus, investigating the cellular localization of miR-21 and its target CCL20 revealed that both molecules are expressed predominantly in the microenvironment of CRC tumors.


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Postprimary tuberculosis occurs in immunocompetent people infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is restricted to the lung and accounts for 80% of cases and nearly 100% of transmission. Little is known about the immunopathology of postprimary tuberculosis due to limited availability of specimens. Tissues from 30 autopsy cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were located. Sections of characteristic lesions of caseating granulomas, lipid pneumonia, and cavitary stages of postprimary disease were selected for immunohistochemical studies of macrophages, lymphocytes, endothelial cells, and mycobacterial antigens. A higher percentage of cells in lipid pneumonia (36.1%) and cavitary lesions (27.8%) were positive for the dendritic cell marker DEC-205, compared to granulomas (9.0%, P < .05). Cavities contained significantly more T-regulatory cells (14.8%) than found in lipid pneumonia (5.2%) or granulomas (4.8%). Distribution of the immune cell types may contribute to the inability of the immune system to eradicate tuberculosis.


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Understanding Nanog’s Role in Cancer Biology Mark Daniel Badeaux Supervisory Professor Dean Tang, PhD The cancer stem cell model holds that tumor heterogeneity and population-level immortality are driven by a subset of cells within the tumor, termed cancer stem cells. Like embryonic or somatic stem cells, cancer stem cells are believed to possess self-renewal capacity and the ability to give rise to a multitude of varieties of daughter cell. Because of cancer’s implied connections to authentic stem cells, we screened a variety of prostate cancer cell lines and primary tumors in order to determine if any notable ‘stemness’ genes were expressed in malignant growths. We found a promising lead in Nanog, a central figure in maintaining embryonic stem cell pluripotency, and through a variety of experiments in which we diminished Nanog expression, found that it may play a significant role in prostate cancer development. We then created a transgenic mouse model in which we targeted Nanog expression to keratin 14-expressing in order to assess its potential contribution to tumorigenesis. We found a variety of developmental abnormalities and altered differentiation patterns in our model , but much to our chagrin we observed neither spontaneous tumor formation nor premalignant changes in these mice, but instead surprisingly found that high levels of Nanog expression inhibited tumor formation in a two-stage skin carcinogenesis model. We also noted a depletion of skin stem cell populations, which underlies the wound-healing defect our mice harbor as well. Gene expression analysis shows a reduction in c-Jun and Bmp5, two genes whose loss inhibits skin tumor development and reduces stem cell counts respectively. As we further explored Nanog’s activity in prostate cancer, it became apparent that the protein oftentimes was not expressed. Emboldened by the competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) hypothesis, we identified the Nanog 3’UTR as a regulator of the tumor suppressive microRNA 128a (miR-128a), which includes known oncogenes such as Bmi1 among its authentic targets. Future work will necessarily involve discerning instances in which Nanog mRNA is the biologically relevant molecule, as well as identifying additional mRNA species which may serve solely as a molecular sink for miR-128a.


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In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Sozialkapitalbestand der 382 Gemeinden des Kantons Bern und deren wirtschaftlichen Prosperität. Als Indikator für das Sozialkapital verwenden wir die Anzahl an Vereinen. Nach unseren Recherchen gibt es im Kanton Bern insgesamt 10 130 Vereine. Die statistischen Analysen zeigen, dass selbst unter Kontrolle von weiteren Merkmalen Gemeinden mit vielen Vereinen über ein höheres Einkommen pro Einwohner verfügen. In einer Unterstichprobe von 100 Gemeinden wurde zusätzlich eine schriftliche Befragung von 2 577 Vereinen durchgeführt. Die Resultate ergeben, dass für den Wohlstand der Gemeinden insbesondere die Anzahl an aktiven Mitgliedern ausschlaggebend ist. Vereine mit Fokussierung auf das Gemeinwohl (Putnam-Vereine) haben zudem eine grössere Bedeutung für den Wohlstand als Vereine, die eher Partikularinteressen vertreten (Olson-Vereine). Insgesamt bestätigen die Ergebnisse die Sozialkapitalthese.


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In summer 2011, the two Russian MIR sub- mersibles were brought to Switzerland to perform deep water dives in Lake Geneva. Research teams from several environmental science institutes, both national and inter- national, participated in this interdisciplinary effort to investigate the deeper parts of Lake Geneva. Using the MIRs allowed the scientists to see and precisely select the sites where they could extract specific sediment cores and carry out detailed in situ measurements at the sediment– water boundary. One focus site was the surrounding of the outlet of the wastewater treatment plant of the City of Lausanne, which discharges into the Vidy Bay. The investigations concentrated on the pollution of the local sediments, pollution-related ecotoxicological risks, micro- bial activity and spreading and removal of the effluents from the bay to the open waters of the lake. The other focus site was the Rhoˆne River delta and its subaquatic canyons, which formed as a result of the long-term interplay of the deposition of river-borne sediments and flood-triggered canyon erosion events.