969 resultados para MEDIUM-TERM


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The National Strategy for Higher Education was launched in January 2011. In order to ensure effective oversight of implementation of the strategy the Department of Education and Skills has established an Implementation Oversight Group. The Oversight Group is co-ordinating, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of recommendations contained in the National Strategy on an ongoing basis in conjunction with other expertise and stakeholders as required. The Oversight Group has agreed a short to medium term Implementation Progress reporting template that details actions under four broad strategic headings together with a number of supporting objectives. The strategic headings are congruent with the aims of the National Strategy. Each action is the responsibility of a designated organisation. It is the intention of the Department of Education and Skills to report regularly on the implementation of the strategy.


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The National Strategy for Higher Education was launched in January 2011. In order to ensure effective oversight of implementation of the strategy the Department of Education and Skills has established an Implementation Oversight Group. The Oversight Group is co-ordinating, monitoring and reporting on the implementation of recommendations contained in the National Strategy on an ongoing basis in conjunction with other expertise and stakeholders as required. The Oversight Group has agreed a short to medium term Implementation Progress reporting template that details actions under four broad strategic headings together with a number of supporting objectives. The strategic headings are congruent with the aims of the National Strategy. Each action is the responsibility of a designated organisation. It is the intention of the Department of Education and Skills to report regularly on the implementation of the strategy.


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Part One explores the background factors relating to new school establishment, outlines the views received as a result of consultation with the public and the New Schools Advisory Committee (NSAC) and reviews international practice in relation to establishment of new schools. The population of the country experienced an unprecedented increase in the past ten years. Despite the current economic downturn, the effect of this recent population increase is that growth in demand for school places is set to increase over the short to medium term. The overriding objective is to ensure that a school place is available to every child. Part Two explores issues around planning for new schools in the future. It discusses patron selection, the mechanism for identifying the need for a new school and proposals for cost effectiveness, including campus arrangements. A school is of central importance to a local community and therefore the establishment of a new school must be carried out with reference to the overall plan of the local authority for any given area. Guidelines published under Section 28 of the Planning Act entitled “The Provision of Schools and the Planning System” (July 2008) establish a 7 framework for co-operation between the Department and planning authorities to ensure the timely and cost-effective provision of school facilities.


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Testing for high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) as triage and test of cure was introduced into the Northern Ireland Cervical Screening Programme on Monday 28 January 2013. This policy change will significantly alter the screening pathway for women with a mild dyskaryosis or borderline smear result. The link between HR-HPV infection and the development of cervical cancer has now been clearly established, with almost 100% of cervical cancers containing HPV DNA. Women with no evidence of HR-HPV infection are extremely unlikely to develop cervical cancer in the short to medium term. HPV triage is the process whereby HR-HPV testing is used to manage women with low grade cervical abnormalities. Only 15-20% of women with a borderline or mild smear result have a significant abnormality that needs treatment. HR-HPV testing is effective in identifying which women may need treatment and allows colposcopy resources to be allocated more effectively. The test of cure process is being introduced because it is now known that women with a normal or low grade smear test, and who are HR-HPV negative at six months after treatment, are at very low risk of residual disease. These women do not need to be recalled for another screening appointment for three years. The test of cure process means all post-treatment smears (at six months) that are reported as normal, borderline or mild dyskaryosis will be tested for HR-HPV. Those women who are HR-HPV positive will remain at colposcopy. HR-HPV negative women can be safely returned to recall in three years. It is estimated that the HR-HPV test of cure will allow approximately 80% of women who have been through treatment to avoid undergoing annual smear tests. These FAQs answer the most common and important queries in relation to HPV and the new screening process, and were distributed to all GPs in Northern Ireland. They can be downloaded as a PDF from this website.


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Testing for high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) as triage and test of cure was introduced into the Northern Ireland Cervical Screening Programme on Monday 28 January 2013. This policy change will significantly alter the screening pathway for women with a mild dyskaryosis or borderline smear result. The link between HR-HPV infection and the development of cervical cancer has now been clearly established, with almost 100% of cervical cancers containing HPV DNA. Women with no evidence of HR-HPV infection are extremely unlikely to develop cervical cancer in the short to medium term. HPV triage is the process whereby HR-HPV testing is used to manage women with low grade cervical abnormalities. Only 15-20% of women with a borderline or mild smear result have a significant abnormality that needs treatment. HR-HPV testing is effective in identifying which women may need treatment and allows colposcopy resources to be allocated more effectively.The test of cure process is being introduced because it is now known that women with a normal or low grade smear test, and who are HR-HPV negative at six months after treatment, are at very low risk of residual disease. These women do not need to be recalled for another screening appointment for three years.The test of cure process means all post-treatment smears (at six months) that are reported as normal, borderline or mild dyskaryosis will be tested for HR-HPV. Those women who are HR-HPV positive will remain at colposcopy. HR-HPV negative women can be safely returned to recall in three years. It is estimated that the HR-HPV test of cure will allow approximately 80% of women who have been through treatment to avoid undergoing annual smear tests. This flowchart poster outlines the new triage and test of cure process. It was distributed to all GPs in Northern Ireland and is available to download as a PDF from this website.�


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Aquest article defineix i dóna una visió general sobre què són les biblioteques digitals en el moment present: els desenvolupaments que es porten a terme arreu del món en aquest sentit, els avantatges de la generalització d'aquests processos, els beneficis a curt i a mitjà termini per a una gran part de la societat, especialment en el camp de la recerca, i els problemes que l'evolució tecnològica, econòmica, social, etc. constant, fan emergir entorn d'aquest camp.


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Aquest article defineix i dóna una visió general sobre què són les biblioteques digitals en el moment present: els desenvolupaments que es porten a terme arreu del món en aquest sentit, els avantatges de la generalització d'aquests processos, els beneficis a curt i a mitjà termini per a una gran part de la societat, especialment en el camp de la recerca, i els problemes que l'evolució tecnològica, econòmica, social, etc. constant, fan emergir entorn d'aquest camp.


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El propòsit d'aquesta comunicació és resumir les diferents iniciatives dutes a terme a la Universitat d'Alacant per a la promoció de l'accés obert a la recerca i la docència generades pels seus membres, així com els diferents incentius destinats a afavorir l'autoarxivament en el seu Repositori institucional, RUA. Fins al moment a la Universitat d'Alacant s'ha optat per realitzar diferents convocatòries amb incentius econòmics, dirigides tant a personal investigador com a docent, en què s'especifica l'obligatorietat d'arxivar en el Repositori els materials generats arran d'aquestes convocatòries. Resumirem els resultats obtinguts fins al moment, indicant els pros i els contres d'aquest sistema d'incentius, i assenyalarem els nous reptes que se'ns presenten a curt i mitjà termini, amb especial referència a la proposició d'un nou model de política a adoptar per l'arxiu i difusió de la producció científica i docent generada a la nostra Universitat.


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A Comprehensive Plan is a medium-term planning instrument. Its development alone does not guarantee the achievement of the goals laid out in it, but by defining the goals, establishing priorities and setting out courses of action and concrete activities it will allow for an overall vision of the objectives being aimed towards and the tasks that will need to be carried out. The first Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2003-2007 (I PISMA, Plan Integral de Salud Mental de Andalucía) was developed using this approach. Nine courses of action were covered in this Plan, which over its duration lead to noticeable progress in various fields.The assessment of the I PISMA and the experience gained from its development have channelled into this second Comprehensive Mental Health Plan for Andalusia 2008-2012 (II PISMA). The main principles for this second Plan are quality improvements, equality and efficiency of health services, aimed at public awareness of mental health in the Andalusian population, prevention of the illnesses and improvements to the care of patients and their families.


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The protective anti-HBs titres were examined six-year post-immunisation with the Brazilian recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. After the primary vaccination, all adolescents (n = 89) responded with protective anti-HBs titres and had a geometric mean titre (GMT) of 4031.8 mIU/mL. In 2010, 94.5% maintained protective anti-HBs (> 10 mIU/mL) antibodies, with a GMT of 236.0 mIU/mL. A positive correlation was observed between the anti-HBs titres after the primary vaccination and the titres at the six-year follow-up (p < 0.01). Eleven subjects showed anti-HBs titres suggestive of a natural booster. Prostitution and tattoos/piercings were marginally associated with natural boosters in the multivariate analysis. This study showed the first data on anti-HBs persistence following the Brazilian hepatitis B vaccine in sexually active individuals and highlights its effectiveness in the medium term.


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L'objectiu general del projecte de tesi és el d'estudiar la resposta de les espècies algals a canvis en la disponibilitat de nutrients (i.e. NH4+/NO3-/PO43-). La hipòtesi de partida és que les alteracions en les concentracions absolutes i relatives de nutrients provoquen canvis en l'activitat de les espècies algals que seran més o menys intensos en funció de l’espècie i que són fruit de les característiques eco-evolutives intrínseques de cadascuna. Els objectius concrets es diferencien per l’escala temporal a la que s’observa la resposta, que va des de minuts fins a setmanes: Objectiu 1. Analitzar canvis a curt termini en l’activitat de les espècies degut a augments puntuals en la concentració absoluta i relativa de nutrients (NH4+/NO3-/ PO43-). S'ha vist que algunes espècies redueixen l’activitat fotosintètica a curt termini per destinar tots els recursos a l’assimilació de nutrients (Elrifi i Turpin 1986). S’estudiarà si aquesta pauta es troba de forma generalitzada i si respon a patrons evolutius, funcionals (mida, forma...) o ecològics (disponibilitat de nutrients). Objectiu 2. Analitzar, a mig termini, l’activitat de les espècies algals a diferents concentracions de NH4+/NO3-/ PO43-. Les respostes s’intentaran modelar, de manera que els paràmetres es puguin considerar trets funcionals característics de les espècies. S'estudiarà si la variabilitat en aquests trets respon a patrons evolutius o a d’altres trets funcionals com per exemple la mida. Objectiu 3. Analitzar com afecta, a llarg termini, la disponibilitat de nutrients en la composició d’espècies. Es detectarà quines espècies són més sensibles a les condicions de NH4+:NO3- i N:P del medi, i com es relaciona això amb les respostes específiques trobades en els objectius anteriors.


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OBJECTIVE: Assess the degree of satisfaction in a series of patients between 50 and 60 years of age who underwent surgery in our unicompartmental prosthesis unit (UPU) for monocompartmental gonarthrosis. Likewise, the definition based on current literature is assessed, as well as our experience in the indications, inconveniences and results of the internal knee unicompartmental arthroplasty discussed with supra-tuberosity tibial osteotomy, which was the common surgical option in these cases.MATERIAL AND METHOD: This study included 19 patients between 50 and 60 years of age (average age 56.7 years) (Interval of 51-60 years) intervened between 7/2007 and 11/2011 by the same surgeon (GDFB). Functional assessment used the Oxford Knee Score (OKS) questionnaire. A bibliographic search was performed in the MEDLINE, COCHRANE and EMBASE databases from 1988 to 2012. RESULTS: With an average follow-up of 29.4 months, 16 of 19 patients stated that they were satisfied with the results obtained and would repeat the intervention. One patient sufered a prosthetic infection and was reviewed for total knee replacement with good results. CONCLUSIONS: the medial, unicompartmental arthroplasty of the knee is a valid surgical option and reproducible in the medium term treatment of monocompartmental gonarthrosis in patients between 50 and 60 years of age.


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There are many factors that influence the day-ahead market bidding strategies of a generation company (GenCo) in the current energy market framework. Environmental policy issues have become more and more important for fossil-fuelled power plants and they have to be considered in their management, giving rise to emission limitations. This work allows to investigate the influence of both the allowances and emission reduction plan, and the incorporation of the derivatives medium-term commitments in the optimal generation bidding strategy to the day-ahead electricity market. Two different technologies have been considered: the coal thermal units, high-emission technology, and the combined cycle gas turbine units, low-emission technology. The Iberian Electricity Market and the Spanish National Emissions and Allocation Plans are the framework to deal with the environmental issues in the day-ahead market bidding strategies. To address emission limitations, some of the standard risk management methodologies developed for financial markets, such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), have been extended. This study offers to electricity generation utilities a mathematical model to determinate the individual optimal generation bid to the wholesale electricity market, for each one of their generation units that maximizes the long-run profits of the utility abiding by the Iberian Electricity Market rules, the environmental restrictions set by the EU Emission Trading Scheme, as well as the restrictions set by the Spanish National Emissions Reduction Plan. The economic implications for a GenCo of including the environmental restrictions of these National Plans are analyzed and the most remarkable results will be presented.


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Objectives: In patients with lateral osteoarthritis of the knee, use of external unicompartmental knee arthroplasty it is a well known surgical alternative, used by the minor trauma involved, short hospital stay and rapid recovery. The purpose of this study is to show the clinical outcomes to short-medium term of patients undergoing this procedure. Methods: we describe the technique used and the peculiarities of the prosthesis (A Mobile-bearing lateral unicompartmental knee replacement, Oxford Domed ®). This is an observational retrospective longitudinal study, of 15 arthroplasties performed in 13 women and 2 men, between 2010 and 2013, with a mean age of 60’7 years, with a diagnosis of lateral osteoarthritis of the knee, without involvement of the medial or patellofemoral compartment and cruciate ligaments functionally intact, with a mean follow up of 25 months. All patients complete the Oxford Knee Score and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) during the study. Results: The results are favorable, with an improvement of 6.60 points on the EVA, 3.73 for 1 in the postoperatory funcionality, the OKS very satisfactory with an average of 38 points over 50 and without any postoperative function surgical revision. Anserine tendinitis was observed in 20% of cases. Conclusions: The benefits of this surgery against their alternatives are assessed, and their potential drawbacks. External unicompartmental knee arthroplasty is an effective alternative in cases of knee osteoarthritis of the lateral compartment with no other associated injuries.


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Malgrat els esforços de la UE en la promoció de la democràcia i un compromís comú per la democràcia i els drets humans al EMP, no hi ha signes de convergència cap al model liberal democràtic propugnat per la UE. No obstant això, l'abast i la intensitat de la cooperació multilateral, transnacional i bilateral han augmentat constantment en tota la regió des de mitjans de 1990. La cooperació en el camp de la promoció de la democràcia es caracteritza per la forta dinàmica de normativa sectorial, i la diferenciació geogràfica, però està clarament situada en un marc regional i altament estandarditzat. Si bé la convergència política o la política sembla poc probable en el curt o mitjà termini, democràcia i drets humans estan fermament establerts en una agenda regional comú