960 resultados para MARGINAL DONORS


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Splenic marginal zone (MZ) B cells are a lineage distinct from follicular and peritoneal B1 B cells. They are located next to the marginal sinus where blood is released. Here they pick up antigens and shuttle the load onto follicular dendritic cells inside the follicle. On activation, MZ B cells rapidly differentiate into plasmablasts secreting antibodies, thereby mediating humoral immune responses against blood-borne type 2 T-independent antigens. As Krüppel-like factors are implicated in cell differentiation/function in various tissues, we studied the function of basic Krüppel-like factor (BKLF/KLF3) in B cells. Whereas B-cell development in the bone marrow of KLF3-transgenic mice was unaffected, MZ B-cell numbers in spleen were increased considerably. As revealed in chimeric mice, this occurred cell autonomously, increasing both MZ and peritoneal B1 B-cell subsets. Comparing KLF3-transgenic and nontransgenic follicular B cells by RNA-microarray revealed that KLF3 regulates a subset of genes that was similarly up-regulated/down-regulated on normal MZ B-cell differentiation. Indeed, KLF3 expression overcame the lack of MZ B cells caused by different genetic alterations, such as CD19-deficiency or blockade of B-cell activating factor-receptor signaling, indicating that KLF3 may complement alternative nuclear factor-κB signaling. Thus, KLF3 is a driving force toward MZ B-cell maturation.


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Quality granular materials suitable for building all-weather roads are not uniformly distributed throughout the state of Iowa. For this reason the Iowa Highway Research Board has sponsored a number of research programs for the purpose of developing new and effective methods for making use of whatever materials are locally available. This need is ever more pressing today due to the decreasing availability of road funds and quality materials, and the increasing costs of energy and all types of binder materials. In the 1950s, Professor L. H. Csanyi of Iowa State University had demonstrated both in the laboratory and in the field, in Iowa and in a number of foreign countries, the effectiveness of preparing low cost mixes by stabilizing ungraded local aggregates such as gravel, sand and loess with asphalt cements using the foamed asphalt process. In this process controlled foam was produced by introducing saturated steam at about 40 psi into heated asphalt cement at about 25 psi through a specially designed and properly adjusted nozzle. The reduced viscosity and the increased volume and surface energy in the foamed asphalt allowed intimate coating and mixing of cold, wet aggregates or soils. Through the use of asphalt cements in a foamed state, materials normally considered unsuitable could be used in the preparation of mixes for stabilized bases and surfaces for low traffic road construction. By attaching the desired number of foam nozzles, the foamed asphalt can be used in conjunction with any type of mixing plant, either stationary or mobile, batch or continuous, central plant or in-place soil stabilization.


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BACKGROUND: To determine the extent to which major histoincompatibilities are recognized after bone marrow transplantation, we characterized the specificity of the cytotoxic T lymphocytes isolated during graft-versus-host disease. We studied three patients transplanted with marrow from donors who were histoincompatible for different types of HLA antigens. METHODS: Patient 1 was mismatched for one "ABDR-antigen" (HLA-A2 versus A3). Two patients were mismatched for antigens that would usually not be taken into account by standard selection procedures: patient 2 was mismatched for an "HLA-A subtype" (A*0213 versus A*0201), whereas patient 3 was mismatched for HLA-C (HLA-C*0501 versus HLA-C*0701). All three HLA class I mismatches were detected by a pretransplant cytotoxic precursor test. RESULTS: Analysis of the specificity of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte clones isolated after transplantation showed that the incompatibilities detected by the pretransplant cytotoxic precursor assay were the targets recognized during graft-versus-host disease. CONCLUSIONS: Independent of whether the incompatibility consisted of a "full" mismatch, a "subtype" mismatch, or an HLA-C mismatch, all clones recognized the incompatible HLA molecule. In addition, some of these clones had undergone antigen selection and were clearly of higher specificity than the ones established before transplantation, indicating that they had been participating directly in the antihost immune response.


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In humans, NK receptors are expressed by natural killer cells and some T cells, the latter of which are preferentially alphabetaTCR+ CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). In this study we analyzed the expression of nine NK receptors (p58.1, p58.2, p70, p140, ILT2, NKRP1A, ZIN176, CD94 and CD94/NKG2A) in PBL from both healthy donors and melanoma patients. The percentages of NK receptor-positive T cells (NKT cells) varied strongly, and this variation was more important between individual patients than between individual healthy donors. In all the individuals, the NKT cells were preferentially CD28-, and a significant correlation was found between the percentage of CD28- T cells and the percentage of NK receptor+ T cells. Based on these data and the known activated phenotype of CD28- T cells, we propose that the CD28- CD8+ T cell pool represents or contains the currently active CTL population, and that the frequent expression of NK receptors reflects regulatory mechanisms modulating the extent of CTL effector function. Preliminary results indicate that some tumor antigen-specific T cells may indeed be CD28- and express NK receptors in vivo.


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Summary The mechanisms regulating the protective immune T-cell responses generated against the persistent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Cytomegaloviru_s (CNIV) remain poorly understood. We analyzed the dynamics of cellular differentiation and T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotype selection of EBV- and CMV-specific T-cells in healthy adults and melanoma patients. While these responses could be subdivided into four T lymphocyte populations, théir proportions varied between EBV and CMV specific responses. Phenotypic and TCR clonotypic analyses supported a linear model of differentiation from the early-differentiated (EM/CD28pos) subset to the late-differentiatdc (EMRA/CD28neg) subset. In-depth clonal composition analyses revealed TCR repertoires, which were highly restricted for CMV- and relatively diverse for EBV-specific cells. Virtually all virus-specific clonotypes identified in the EMRA/CD28neg subset were also found within the pool of less differentiated "memory" cells. However, striking differences in the patterns of dominance were observed among these subsets, as some clonotypes were selected with differentiation, while others were not. Latedifferentiated CMV-specific clonotypes were mostly characterized by TCRs with lower dependency on CD8 co-receptor interaction. Yet all clonotypes displayed similar functional avidities, suggesting a compensatory role of CD8 in the clonotypes of lower TCR avidity. Importantly, clonotype selection and composition of each virus-specific subset upon differentiation was highly preserved over time, with the presence of the same dominant clonotypes at specific differentiation stages within a period of four years. This work was extended to the study of EBV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in melanoma patients undergoing transient lymphodepletion, followed by adoptive cell transfer (ACT) and immune reconstitution for thè treatment of their tumors. Following treatment regimen, we first observed an increase in the proportion of virus-specific T-cells in 3 out of 5 patients, accompanied by a more differentiated phenotype (EMRA/CD28neg), compared to specific cells of healthy individuals. Yet, similarly to healthy donors, clonotype selection and composition of virus-specific T-cells varied along the pathway of cellular differentiation, with some clonotypes being selected with differentiation, while others were not. Intriguingly, no novel clonotypes emerged following transient immuno-suppression and homeostatic proliferation, finding which was subsequently explained by the absence of EBV reactivation. The distribution of each clonotype within early- and late-differentiated T-cell subsets in 4 out 5 patients was highly stable over time, with those clonotypes initially found before the start of treatment that were again present at specific differentiation stages after transient lymphodepletion and ACT. These findings uncover novel features of the highly sophisticated control of steady state protective T-cell immune responses against persistent herpesviruses in healthy adults. Furthermore they reveal the striking stability of these responses in terms of clonotype selection and composition with T-cell differentiation even in situations where the immune system has been. challenged. Résumé : Les mécanismes qui régulent les réponses immunitaires de type protectrices, générées contre les virus chroniquement persistants tels que l'Epstein-Barr (EBV) ou le Cytomegalo (CMV) restent largement inconnus. Nous avons analysé la différenciation des lymphocytes T spécifiques pour ces virus, ainsi que la composition des clonotypes T (par leur récepteur T) chez les donneurs sains. Les réponses immunes peuvent être classifiées en quatre souspopulations majeures de lymphocytes T, cependant, leur proportion varie entre les réponses spécifiques contre EBV ou CMV. Ces analyses soutiennent le modèle linéaire de différenciation, à partir de la population non différenciée (EM/CD28pos) vers la population plus différenciée (ENIIZA/CD28neg). De plus, nos données sur la composition clonale de ces cellules T spécifiques ont révélé des répertoires TCR restreints, pour la réponse anti-CMV, et relativement diversifiés contre EBV. Tous les clonotypes spécifiques de ces virus identifiés dans la sous-population différenciée EMRA/CD28neg, ont également été retrouvés dans la population de cellules "mémoires". Toutefois, de fortes différences ont été observées dans les schémas de domination de ces sous-populations, en effet, certains clonotypes étaient sélectionnés avec la différenciation, alors que d'autres ne l'étaient pas. Nous avons également démontré que ces clonotypes différenciés et spécifiques pour le CMV sont caractérisés par des TCRs à faible dépendance en regard de la coopération du corécepteur CD8. Néanmoins, tous les clonotypes affichent une avidité fonctionnelle similaire, suggérant un rôle compensatoire du CD8, dans le cas des clonotypes avec une faible avidité du TCR En définitive, la composition et la sélection des clonotypes spécifiques pour chaque virus et pour chaque sous-population suit un schéma de différenciation hautement conservé au cours du temps, avec la présence de ces mêmes clonotypes au même stade de différenciation sur une période de quatre ans. Ce travail a été étendu à l'étude des réponses T CD8+ spécifiques pour le virus EBV chez les patients atteints de mélanome et recevant dans le cadre du traitement de leurs tumeurs une lymphodéplétion transitoire, suivie d'un transfert adoptif de cellules et d'une reconstitution immunitaire. Au cours de cette thérapie, nous avons en premier lieu observé pour 3 des 5 patients une augmentation de la proportion de cellules T spécifiques pour le virus, accompagné d'un phénotype plus différencié (EMRA/CD28neg), et ceci comparativement à des cellules spécifiques d'individus sains. Pourtant, comme nous l'avons observé chez les donneurs sains, la sélection et la composition des clonotypes T spécifiques varient tout au long de la différenciation cellulaire, avec certains clonotypes sélectionnés et d'autres qui ne le sont pas. Étonnamment, aucun nouveau clonotype n'a émergé après l'immuno-suppression transitoire et la prolifération homéostatique. Cette observation trouve son explication par une absence de réactivation du virus EBV chez ces patients, et ce malgré leur traitement. De plus, la distribution de chaque clonotype parmi ces sous-populations non-différenciées et différenciées reste stable au cours du traitement. Ainsi, les mêmes clonotypes initialement identifiés avant le début du traitement sont présents aux mêmes stades de différenciation après la lymphodéplétion et la prolifération homéostatique. Ces résultats ont permis d'identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation hautement «sophistiquée » des réponses immunitaires T contre les virus persistants EBV et CMV chez les donneurs sains. En particulier, ils révèlent la grande stabilité de ces réponses en termes de sélection et de composition des clonotypes avec la différenciation cellulaire, et ce dans les situations chroniques, ainsi que dans les situations dans lesquelles le système immunitaire a été profondément perturbé.


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Introduction: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) emerged as an autochthonous food-borne disease in developed countries, transmitted mainly through pork meat. Cases of transmission through blood transfusion have been reported. Recent studies revealed sero-prevalence rates of 13.5%, 16.6% and 20.6% among blood donors in England, France and Denmark, respectively. The aim of this study was to determine the sero-prevalence of HEV among Swiss blood donors. Method: We screened 550 consecutive blood donations from the Service Régional Vaudois de Transfusion Sanguine of Epalinges, for the presence of anti-HEV IgG (MP Diagnostics HEV ELISA). The sample size was based on the Lorentz formula considering an expected prevalence of 3% with a precision of 1.5%. For each donor, we studied the following variables: age, sex and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value. Results: All blood donors were Caucasian, and included 332 men (60.4%) and 218 women (39.6%). The median age was 55 years (IQR 46-63 years). Overall, anti-HEV IgG were found in 27 of 550 samples (4.9%). The sero-prevalence was 5.4% (18/314) in men and 4.1% (9/209) in women. The presence of anti-HEV IgG was not correlated to age, gender or ALT values. Conclusion: Compared to other European countries, the HEV sero-prevalence among blood donors in Switzerland is surprisingly low. Possible explanations include the strict regulation of animals and meat import. However, to confirm this hypothesis, further studies assessing the prevalence of HEV in Swiss swine will be necessary.


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This correspondence studies the formulation of members ofthe Cohen-Posch class of positive time-frequency energy distributions.Minimization of cross-entropy measures with respect to different priorsand the case of no prior or maximum entropy were considered. It isconcluded that, in general, the information provided by the classicalmarginal constraints is very limited, and thus, the final distributionheavily depends on the prior distribution. To overcome this limitation,joint time and frequency marginals are derived based on a "directioninvariance" criterion on the time-frequency plane that are directly relatedto the fractional Fourier transform.


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En el imaginario colectivo de la sociedad de posguerra siempre están presentes las duras condiciones de la vida cotidiana. La población infantil fue especialmente sensible a esta situación debido al alto índice de enfermedades infecciosas, el racionamiento dietético y las angustias derivadas del conflicto bélico. En estas condiciones, el Auxilio Social de la Falange fue el encargado de administrar la beneficencia y, a su vez, resocializar la población, en este caso, la infantil, dentro de los valores nacionalsindicalistas y nacionalcatólicos. Ello le permitió no sólo controlar la política social sino también criminalizar a los vencidos en el momento de administrarla. En definitiva, fue uno de los pilares fundamentales en el proceso de construcción del edificio franquista.


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To characterise the genetics of splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL), we performed whole exome sequencing of 16 cases and identified novel recurrent inactivating mutations in Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2), a gene whose deficiency was previously shown to cause splenic marginal zone hyperplasia in mice. KLF2 mutation was found in 40 (42%) of 96 SMZLs, but rarely in other B-cell lymphomas. The majority of KLF2 mutations were frameshift indels or nonsense changes, with missense mutations clustered in the C-terminal zinc finger domains. Functional assays showed that these mutations inactivated the ability of KLF2 to suppress NF-κB activation by TLR, BCR, BAFFR and TNFR signalling. Further extensive investigations revealed common and distinct genetic changes between SMZL with and without KLF2 mutation. IGHV1-2 rearrangement and 7q deletion were primarily seen in SMZL with KLF2 mutation, while MYD88 and TP53 mutations were nearly exclusively found in those without KLF2 mutation. NOTCH2, TRAF3, TNFAIP3 and CARD11 mutations were observed in SMZL both with and without KLF2 mutation. Taken together, KLF2 mutation is the most common genetic change in SMZL and identifies a subset with a distinct genotype characterised by multi-genetic changes. These different genetic changes may deregulate various signalling pathways and generate cooperative oncogenic properties, thereby contributing to lymphomagenesis.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Hepcidin is the main hormone that regulates iron balance. Its lowering favours digestive iron absorption in cases of iron deficiency or enhanced erythropoiesis. The careful dosage of this small peptide promises new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Its measurement is progressively being validated and now its clinical value must be explored in different physiological situations. Here, we evaluate hepcidin levels among premenopausal female donors with iron deficiency without anaemia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a preceding study, a 4-week oral iron treatment (80 mg/day) was administered in a randomized controlled trial (n = 145), in cases of iron deficiency without anaemia after a blood donation. We subsequently measured hepcidin at baseline and after 4 weeks of treatment, using mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Iron supplementation had a significant effect on plasma hepcidin compared to the placebo arm at 4 weeks [+0·29 nm [95% CI: 0·18 to 0·40]). There was a significant correlation between hepcidin and ferritin at baseline (R(2) = 0·121, P < 0·001) and after treatment (R(2) = 0·436, P < 0·001). Hepcidin levels at baseline were not predictive of concentration changes for ferritin or haemoglobin. However, hepcidin levels at 4 weeks were significantly higher (0·79 nm [95% CI: 0·53 to 1·05]) among ferritin responders. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that a 4-week oral treatment of iron increased hepcidin blood concentrations in female blood donors with an initial ferritin concentration of less than 30 ng/ml. Apparently, hepcidin cannot serve as a predictor of response to iron treatment but might serve as a marker of the iron repletion needed for erythropoiesis.


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The historiography of science has undergone a profound change from the traditional perspective of a few decades ago, according to which only mainstream science was worth pursuing as a research field. Such a restricted outlook was not conducive to a thorough understanding of the whole process of the construction of science. New approaches have breathed new life into the discipline, taking into account not only scientific endeavours from so-called peripheral societies, but also from different quarters within or close to the central groups. From this a new and far more interesting view has emerged, showing a complex and richer texture.


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Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a non-radiative energy transfer from a fluorescent donor molecule to an appropriate acceptor molecule and a commonly used technique to develop homogeneous assays. If the emission spectrum of the donor overlaps with the excitation spectrum of the acceptor, FRET might occur. As a consequence, the emission of the donor is decreased and the emission of the acceptor (if fluorescent) increased. Furthermore, the distance between the donor and the acceptor needs to be short enough, commonly 10-100 Å. Typically, the close proximity between the donor and the acceptor is achieved via bioaffinity interactions e.g. antibody binding antigen. Large variety of donors and acceptors exist. The selection of the donor/acceptor pair should be done not only based on the requirements of FRET but also the performance expectancies and the objectives of the application should be considered. In this study, the exceptional fluorescence properties of the lanthanide chelates were employed to develop two novel homogeneous immunoassays: a non-competitive hapten (estradiol) assay based on a single binder and a dual-parametric total and free PSA assay. In addition, the quenching efficiencies and energy transfer properties of various donor/acceptor pairs were studied. The applied donors were either europium(III) or terbium(III) chelates; whereas several organic dyes (both fluorescent and quenchers) acted as acceptors. First, it was shown that if the interaction between the donor/acceptor complexes is of high quality (e.g. biotin-streptavidin) the fluorescence of the europium(III) chelate could be quenched rather efficiently. Furthermore, the quenching based homogeneous non-competitive assay for estradiol had significantly better sensitivity (~67 times) than a corresponding homogeneous competitive assay using the same assay components. Second, if the acceptors were chosen to emit at the emission minima of the terbium(III) chelate, several acceptor emissions could be measured simultaneously without significant cross-talk from other acceptors. Based on these results, the appropriate acceptors were chosen for the dual-parameter assay. The developed homogeneous dual-parameter assay was able to measure both total and free PSA simultaneously using a simple mix and measure protocol. Correlation of this assay to a heterogeneous single parameter assay was excellent (above 0.99 for both) when spiked human plasma samples were used. However, due to the interference of the sample material, the obtained concentrations were slightly lower with the homogeneous than the heterogeneous assay, especially for the free PSA. To conclude, in this work two novel immunoassay principles were developed, which both are adaptable to other analytes. However, the hapten assay requires a rather good antibody with low dissociation rate and high affinity; whereas the dual-parameter assay principle is applicable whenever two immunometric complexes can form simultaneously, provided that the requirements of FRET are fulfilled.