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We investigated gas hydrate in situ inventories as well as the composition and principal transport mechanisms of fluids expelled at the Amsterdam mud volcano (AMV; 2,025 m water depth) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Pressure coring (the only technique preventing hydrates from decomposition during recovery) was used for the quantification of light hydrocarbons in near-surface deposits. The cores (up to 2.5 m in length) were retrieved with an autoclave piston corer, and served for analyses of gas quantities and compositions, and pore-water chemistry. For comparison, gravity cores from sites at the summit and beyond the AMV were analyzed. A prevalence of thermogenic light hydrocarbons was inferred from average C1/C2+ ratios <35 and d13C-CH4 values of -50.6 per mil. Gas venting from the seafloor indicated methane oversaturation, and volumetric gas-sediment ratios of up to 17.0 in pressure cores taken from the center demonstrated hydrate presence at the time of sampling. Relative enrichments in ethane, propane, and iso-butane in gas released from pressure cores, and from an intact hydrate piece compared to venting gas suggest incipient crystallization of hydrate structure II (sII). Nonetheless, the co-existence of sI hydrate can not be excluded from our dataset. Hydrates fill up to 16.7% of pore volume within the sediment interval between the base of the sulfate zone and the maximum sampling depth at the summit. The concave-down shapes of pore-water concentration profiles recorded in the center indicate the influence of upward-directed advection of low-salinity fluids/fluidized mud. Furthermore, the SO42- and Ba2+ pore-water profiles in the central part of the AMV demonstrate that sulfate reduction driven by the anaerobic oxidation of methane is complete at depths between 30 cm and 70 cm below seafloor. Our results indicate that methane oversaturation, high hydrostatic pressure, and elevated pore-water activity caused by low salinity promote fixing of considerable proportions of light hydrocarbons in shallow hydrates even at the summit of the AMV, and possibly also of other MVs in the region. Depending on their crystallographic structure, however, hydrates will already decompose and release hydrocarbon masses if sediment temperatures exceed ca. 19.3°C and 21.0°C, respectively. Based on observations from other mud volcanoes, the common occurrence of such temperatures induced by heat flux from below into the immediate subsurface appears likely for the AMV.


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The mixing performance of three passive milli-scale reactors with different geometries was investigated at different Reynolds numbers. The effects of design and operating characteristics such as mixing channel shape and volume flow rate were investigated. The main objective of this work was to demonstrate a process design method that uses on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for modeling and Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology for manufacture. The reactors were designed and simulated using SolidWorks and Fluent 15.0 software, respectively. Manufacturing of the devices was performed with an EOS M-series AM system. Step response experiments with distilled Millipore water and sodium hydroxide solution provided time-dependent concentration profiles. Villermaux-Dushman reaction experiments were also conducted for additional verification of CFD results and for mixing efficiency evaluation of the different geometries. Time-dependent concentration data and reaction evaluation showed that the performance of the AM-manufactured reactors matched the CFD results reasonably well. The proposed design method allows the implementation of new and innovative solutions, especially in the process design phase, for industrial scale reactor technologies. In addition, rapid implementation is another advantage due to the virtual flow design and due to the fast manufacturing which uses the same geometric file formats.


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Physical-chemical properties of Ti are sensible to the presence of interstitial elements. In the case of thermochemical treatments plasma assisted, the influence of different active species is not still understood. In order to contribute for such knowledge, this work purposes a study of the role played by the active species atmosphere into the Ar N2 CH4 carbonitriding plasma. It was carried out a plasma diagnostic by OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) in the z Ar y N2 x CH4 plasma mixture, in which z, y and x indexes represent gas flow variable from 0 to 4 sccm (cm3/min). The diagnostic presents abrupt variations of emission intensities associated to the species in determined conditions. Therefore, they were selected in order to carry out the chemical treatment and then to investigate their influences. Commercial pure Ti disks were submitted to plasma carbonitriding process using pre-established conditions from the OES measurements while some parameters such as pressure and temperature were maintained constant. The concentration profiles of interstitial elements (C and N atoms) were determined by Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) resulting in a depth profile plots. The reactions used were 15N(ρ,αγ)12C and 12C(α,α)12C. GIXRD (Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction) analysis was used in order to identify the presence of phases on the surface. Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used in order to qualitatively study the carbon into the TiCxN1 structure. It has been verified which the density species effectively influences more the diffusion of particles into the Ti lattice and characteristics of the layer formed than the gas concentration. High intensity of N2 + (391,4 nm) and CH (387,1 nm) species promotes more diffusion of C and N. It was observed that Hα (656,3 nm) species acts like a catalyzer allowing a deeper diffusion of nitrogen and carbon into the titanium lattice.


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A NOx reduction efficiency higher than 95% with NH3 slip less than 30 ppm is desirable for heavy-duty diesel (HDD) engines using selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems to meet the US EPA 2010 NOx standard and the 2014-2018 fuel consumption regulation. The SCR performance needs to be improved through experimental and modeling studies. In this research, a high fidelity global kinetic 1-dimensional 2-site SCR model with mass transfer, heat transfer and global reaction mechanisms was developed for a Cu-zeolite catalyst. The model simulates the SCR performance for the engine exhaust conditions with NH3 maldistribution and aging effects, and the details are presented. SCR experimental data were collected for the model development, calibration and validation from a reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and an engine experimental setup at Michigan Technological University (MTU) with a Cummins 2010 ISB engine. The model was calibrated separately to the reactor and engine data. The experimental setup, test procedures including a surrogate HD-FTP cycle developed for transient studies and the model calibration process are described. Differences in the model parameters were determined between the calibrations developed from the reactor and the engine data. It was determined that the SCR inlet NH3 maldistribution is one of the reasons causing the differences. The model calibrated to the engine data served as a basis for developing a reduced order SCR estimator model. The effect of the SCR inlet NO2/NOx ratio on the SCR performance was studied through simulations using the surrogate HD-FTP cycle. The cumulative outlet NOx and the overall NOx conversion efficiency of the cycle are highest with a NO2/NOx ratio of 0.5. The outlet NH3 is lowest for the NO2/NOx ratio greater than 0.6. A combined engine experimental and simulation study was performed to quantify the NH3 maldistribution at the SCR inlet and its effects on the SCR performance and kinetics. The uniformity index (UI) of the SCR inlet NH3 and NH3/NOx ratio (ANR) was determined to be below 0.8 for the production system. The UI was improved to 0.9 after installation of a swirl mixer into the SCR inlet cone. A multi-channel model was developed to simulate the maldistribution effects. The results showed that reducing the UI of the inlet ANR from 1.0 to 0.7 caused a 5-10% decrease in NOx reduction efficiency and 10-20 ppm increase in the NH3 slip. The simulations of the steady-state engine data with the multi-channel model showed that the NH3 maldistribution is a factor causing the differences in the calibrations developed from the engine and the reactor data. The Reactor experiments were performed at ORNL using a Spaci-IR technique to study the thermal aging effects. The test results showed that the thermal aging (at 800°C for 16 hours) caused a 30% reduction in the NH3 stored on the catalyst under NH3 saturation conditions and different axial concentration profiles under SCR reaction conditions. The kinetics analysis showed that the thermal aging caused a reduction in total NH3 storage capacity (94.6 compared to 138 gmol/m3), different NH3 adsorption/desorption properties and a decrease in activation energy and the pre-exponential factor for NH3 oxidation, standard and fast SCR reactions. Both reduction in the storage capability and the change in kinetics of the major reactions contributed to the change in the axial storage and concentration profiles observed from the experiments.


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All-atom molecular dynamics simulations and experimental characterization have been used to examine the structure and dynamics of novel evaporation-suppressing films where the addition of a water-soluble polymer to an ethylene glycol monooctadecyl ether monolayer leads to improved water evaporation resistance. Simulations and Langmuir trough experiments demonstrate the surface activity of poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP). Subsequent MD simulations performed on the thin films supported by the PVP sublayer show that, at low surface pressures, the polymer tends to concentrate at the film/water interface. The simulated atomic concentration profiles, hydrogen bonding patterns, and mobility analyses of the water-polymer-monolayer interfaces reveal that the presence of PVP increases the atomic density near the monolayer film, improves the film stability, and reduces the mobility of interfacial waters. These observations explain the molecular basis of the improved efficacy of these monolayer/polymer systems for evaporation protection of water and can be used to guide future development of organic thin films for other applications.


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This project will establish an innovative quantitative analytical technique which will assist the development of Queensland's cocoa industry through a better understanding of those components that can produce unique sensory and flavour profiles of cocoa products.


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This work was carried out to verify the effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on Jundia hormones (cortisol, 17 beta-estradiol and testosterone), oocyte and swim-up fry production. Earthen ponds containing Jundia females were contaminated with glyphosate (3.6 mg/L); blood samples were collected from eight females from each treatment immediately before, or at 1, 10, 20 30 and 40 days following contamination. A typical post-stress rise in cortisol levels was observed at the 20th and 40th days following exposure to glyphosate. At the 40th day, 17 beta-estradiol was decreased in the exposed females. A similar number of oocytes were stripped out from females from both groups, however, a lower number of viable swim-up fry were obtained from the herbicide exposed females, which also had a higher liver-somatic index (LSI). The results indicate that the presence of glyphosate in water was deleterious to Rhamdia quelen reproduction, altering steroid profiles and egg viability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biogeochemical measurements in sediment cores collected with the submersible JAGO (pusch cores) and a TV-MUC in the Black Sea during MSM15/1, Northwest Crimea (HYPOX Project), at water depths between 152-156 m. A series of microbial mats were sampled on the hypoxic region of the Crimean Shelf. Concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) were measured on finely powdered, freeze-dried subsamples of sediment using a using a Fisons NA-1500 elemental analyzer. For organic carbon determination samples were pre-treated with 12.5% HCl to remove carbonates. Chlorophyll a (chl a), phaeopigments (PHAEO) and chloroplastic pigment equivalents (CPE) was measured according to Schubert et al., (2005; doi:10.1029/2004GC000837) and total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) and single amino acid: ASP, GLU, SER, HIS, GLY, THR, ARG, ALA, TYR, MET, VAL, PHE, ILE, LEU, LYS following Dauwe et al., 1998. High-resolution ex situ sulfide and pH microprofiles, were assessed only for station MSM15/1_492_PUC1. "in mat 1, 2 and 3" refers to 3 different profiles in 3 different spots of the microbial mat, whereas "outside mat", a profile outside the microbial mat.


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An in situ iron enrichment experiment was carried out in the Southern Ocean Polar Frontal Zone and fertilized a patch of water within an eddy of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (EisenEx, Nov. 2000). During the experiment, a physical speciation technique was used for iron analysis in order to understand the changes in iron distribution and size-fractionations, including soluble Fe (<200 kDa), colloidal Fe (200 kDa-0.2 µm) and labile particle Fe (>0.2 µm), throughout the development of the phytoplankton bloom. Prior to the first infusion of iron, dissolved (<0.2 µm) iron concentrations in the ambient surface seawater were extremely low (0.06±0.015 nM) with colloidal iron being a minor fraction. For the iron addition, an acidified FeSO4 solution was released three times over a 23-day period to the eddy. High levels of dissolved iron concentrations (2.0±1.1 nM) were measured in the surface water until 4 days after the first iron infusion. After every iron infusion, when high iron concentrations were observed before storm events, there was a significant correlation between colloidal and dissolved iron concentrations ([Colloidal Fe]=0.7627[Dissolved Fe]+0.0519, R2=0.9346). These results indicate that a roughly constant proportion of colloidal vs. dissolved iron was observed after iron infusion (~76%). Storm events caused a significant decrease in iron concentrations (<0.61 nM in dissolved iron) and changed the proportions of the three iron size-fractions (soluble, colloidal and labile particle). The changes in each iron size-fraction indicate that colloidal iron was eliminated from surface mixed layer more easily than particulate and soluble fractions. Therefore, particle and soluble iron efficiently remain in the mixed layer, probably due to the presence of suspended particles and naturally dissolved organic ligands. Our data suggest that iron removal through colloidal aggregation during phytoplankton bloom should be considered in the oceanic iron cycle.


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This work was carried out to verify the effect of a glyphosate-based herbicide on Jundia hormones (cortisol, 17 beta-estradiol and testosterone), oocyte and swim-up fry production. Earthen ponds containing Jundia females were contaminated with glyphosate (3.6 mg/L); blood samples were collected from eight females from each treatment immediately before, or at 1, 10, 20 30 and 40 days following contamination. A typical post-stress rise in cortisol levels was observed at the 20th and 40th days following exposure to glyphosate. At the 40th day, 17 beta-estradiol was decreased in the exposed females. A similar number of oocytes were stripped out from females from both groups, however, a lower number of viable swim-up fry were obtained from the herbicide exposed females, which also had a higher liver-somatic index (LSI). The results indicate that the presence of glyphosate in water was deleterious to Rhamdia quelen reproduction, altering steroid profiles and egg viability. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this thesis, the relationship between air pollution and human health has been investigated utilising Geographic Information System (GIS) as an analysis tool. The research focused on how vehicular air pollution affects human health. The main objective of this study was to analyse the spatial variability of pollutants, taking Brisbane City in Australia as a case study, by the identification of the areas of high concentration of air pollutants and their relationship with the numbers of death caused by air pollutants. A correlation test was performed to establish the relationship between air pollution, number of deaths from respiratory disease, and total distance travelled by road vehicles in Brisbane. GIS was utilized to investigate the spatial distribution of the air pollutants. The main finding of this research is the comparison between spatial and non-spatial analysis approaches, which indicated that correlation analysis and simple buffer analysis of GIS using the average levels of air pollutants from a single monitoring station or by group of few monitoring stations is a relatively simple method for assessing the health effects of air pollution. There was a significant positive correlation between variable under consideration, and the research shows a decreasing trend of concentration of nitrogen dioxide at the Eagle Farm and Springwood sites and an increasing trend at CBD site. Statistical analysis shows that there exists a positive relationship between the level of emission and number of deaths, though the impact is not uniform as certain sections of the population are more vulnerable to exposure. Further statistical tests found that the elderly people of over 75 years age and children between 0-15 years of age are the more vulnerable people exposed to air pollution. A non-spatial approach alone may be insufficient for an appropriate evaluation of the impact of air pollutant variables and their inter-relationships. It is important to evaluate the spatial features of air pollutants before modeling the air pollution-health relationships.


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In previous research (Chung et al., 2009), the potential of the continuous risk profile (CRP) to proactively detect the systematic deterioration of freeway safety levels was presented. In this paper, this potential is investigated further, and an algorithm is proposed for proactively detecting sites where the collision rate is not sufficiently high to be classified as a high collision concentration location but where a systematic deterioration of safety level is observed. The approach proposed compares the weighted CRP across different years and uses the cumulative sum (CUSUM) algorithm to detect the sites where changes in collision rate are observed. The CRPs of the detected sites are then compared for reproducibility. When high reproducibility is observed, a growth factor is used for sequential hypothesis testing to determine if the collision profiles are increasing over time. Findings from applying the proposed method using empirical data are documented in the paper together with a detailed description of the method.


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Endurance exercise can cause immunosuppression and increase the risk of upper respiratory illness. The present study examined changes in the secretion of T helper (Th) cell cytokines after endurance exercise. Ten highly trained road cyclists [mean±SEM: age 24.2±1.7 years; height 1.82±0.02 m; body mass 73.8±2.0 kg; peak oxygen uptake 65.9±2.3 mL/(kg•min)] performed 2 h of cycling exercise at 90% of the second ventilatory threshold. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated with phytohemagglutinin. Plasma cortisol concentrations and the concentration of Th1/Th2/Th17 cell cytokines were examined. Data were analyzed using both traditional statistics and magnitude-based inferences. Results revealed a significant decrease in plasma cortisol at 4–24 h postexercise compared with pre-exercise values. Qualitative analysis revealed postexercise changes in concentrations of plasma cortisol, IL-2, TNF, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-17A compared with pre-exercise values. A Th1/Th2 shift was evident immediately postexercise. Furthermore, for multiple cytokines, including IL-2 and TNF (Th1), IL-6 and IL-10 (Th2), and IL-17 (Th17), no meaningful change in concentration occurred until more than 4 h postexercise, highlighting the duration of exercise-induced changes in immune function. These results demonstrate the importance of considering “clinically” significant versus statistically significant changes in immune cell function after exercise.