959 resultados para Lti-like cells


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The mechanism of fatigue crack nucleation for nanocrystalline (nc) nickel was experimentally investigated in this paper. The samples of electrodeposited ne nickel were loaded cyclically by using a three point bending instrument at first. Then, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to scanning the sample surface after fatigue testing. The results indicated that, after fatigue testing, there are vortex-like cells with an average size of 108nm appeared along the crack on nc nickel sample. And, the roughness of sample surface increased with the maximum stress at the surface.


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Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung-metastasizing neoplasm caused by the proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells that commonly carry loss-of-function mutations in either the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 or 2 (TSC1 or TSC2) genes. While allosteric inhibition of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) has shown substantial clinical benefit, complementary therapies are required to improve response and/or to treat specific patients. However, there is a lack of LAM biomarkers that could potentially be used to monitor the disease and to develop other targeted therapies. We hypothesized that the mediators of cancer metastasis to lung, particularly in breast cancer, also play a relevant role in LAM. Analyses across independent breast cancer datasets revealed associations between low TSC1/2 expression, altered mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway signaling, and metastasis to lung. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analyses of 23 LAM lesions revealed positivity in all cases for the lung metastasis mediators fascin 1 (FSCN1) and inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1). Moreover, assessment of breast cancer stem or luminal progenitor cell biomarkers showed positivity in most LAM tissue for the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), integrin-beta 3 (ITGB3/CD61), and/or the sex-determining region Y-box 9 (SOX9) proteins. The immunohistochemical analyses also provided evidence of heterogeneity between and within LAM cases. The analysis of Tsc2-deficient cells revealed relative over-expression of FSCN1 and ID1; however, Tsc2-deficient cells did not show higher sensitivity to ID1-based cancer inhibitors. Collectively, the results of this study reveal novel LAM biomarkers linked to breast cancer metastasis to lung and to cell stemness, which in turn might guide the assessment of additional or complementary therapeutic opportunities for LAM.


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In observation of in vitro phagocytic activity against Aeromonas hydrophila isolate 34k (a virulent form) and Escherichia coli (an avirulent bacteria) of neutrophil- and monocyte-like cells of walking catfish Clarias batrachus showed phagocytosis. N eutrophils and monocytes phagocytized the avirulent form of bacterial isolate more than the virulent one. Other blood leucocytes did not show phagocytosis. Peritoneal macrophage of the fish were separated by glycogen elicitation and the macrophages were being adhered on plastic cover slips for studying their in vitro phagocytic activity. Most of the cells were alive after adherence and showed phagocytosis against the virulent and avirulent bacteria. The percent phagocytosis and phagocytic index were higher against the avirulent E. coli than the virulent A. hydrophila.


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采用分阶段诱导方法模拟肝细胞体内发育,建立体外诱导猕猴胚胎干细胞(rhesus monkey embryonic stem cells,rESCs)分化为成熟肝细胞的体系,对研究以ES细胞为基础的临床替代治疗人类晚期肝脏疾病具有重要的意义.将rESCs团块在含有10%FBS的DMEM培养基中悬浮培养11d,形成含有早期内胚层细胞的拟胚体(embryonic bodies,EB)并开始表达早期肝细胞的部分基因或蛋白,将11日龄EB接种至包被有ECM的组织培养皿,分阶段加入aFGF、BMP-4及OSM.经aFGF和BMP-4诱导7~10d后,分化细胞形态变为具有双核的多角形细胞,表达早期和中期肝细胞特异性的蛋白(AFP、ALB及CK18)和基因(AFP、ALB、APOH,G-6-P及TAT),并具有储存糖原的功能.撤除aFGF和BMP-4,添加OSM继续诱导7~10 d,分化的细胞表达成熟肝细胞所特有基因CYP1B1和ADH1C,并具有摄取靛青绿的能力.


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CD83 is a transmembrane glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily and a surface marker for fully matured dendritic cells (DCs) in humans and mice. In teleosts, DC-like cells and their molecular markers are largely unknown. In this report, we described the identification and expressional analysis of a CD83 homologue, SmCD83, from turbot Scophthalmus maximus. The open reading frame of SmCD83 is 639 bp, which is preceded by a S'-untranslated region (UTR) of 87 bp and followed by a 3'-UTR of 1111 bp. The SmCD83 gene is 4716 bp in length, which contains five exons and four introns. The deduced amino acid sequence of SmCD83 shares 40-50% overall identities with the CD83 of several fish species. Like typical CD83, SmCD83 possesses an Ig-like extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic domain. The conserved disulfide bond-forming cysteine residues and the N-linked glycosylation sites that are preserved in CD83 are also found in SmCD83. Expressional analysis showed that constitutive expression of SmCD83 was high in gill, blood, spleen, muscle, and kidney and low in heart and liver. Bacterial infection and poly(I:C) treatment enhanced SmCD83 expression in kidney in time-dependent manners. Likewise, bacterial challenge caused significant induction of SmCD83 expression in cultured macrophages. Vaccination of turbot with a bacterin and a purified recombinant subunit vaccine-induced significant SmCD83 expression during the first week following vaccination. These results demonstrate that SmCD83 expression correlates with microbial challenge and antigen stimulation, which suggests the possibility that there may exist in turbot DC-like antigen-presenting cells that express SmCD83 upon activation by antigen uptake. In addition, these results also suggest that SmCD83 may serve as a marker for activated macrophages in turbot. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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随着对海洋无脊椎动物免疫、发育以及细胞生物学等方面研究的需要,海洋无脊椎动物细胞培养日益受到关注。然而,由于海洋无脊椎动物的细胞代谢途径以及生长特性与陆生哺乳动物有很大差异,细胞培养难度较大,至今尚未有连续的细胞系建立。海鞘(Ciona savignyi)属于尾索动物亚门(Urochordata),是典型的被囊类动物。作为无脊椎动物中进化地位较高等的一类动物,海鞘在免疫、胚胎发育、细胞学等各个领域对研究脊椎动物的系统发生都有着非常重要的作用。 本文分别以海鞘的性腺组织细胞和血细胞为材料,建立和优化海鞘细胞体外培养方法和条件;另外,还识别了成体海鞘性腺内的生殖样干细胞,并对其进行了体外培养和鉴定,为进一步开展海鞘细胞体外培养最终建立细胞系积累了资料。 首先比较了4种基础培养基L-15、M199、DMEM和RPMIl640 与各种培养添加物组合、不同温度和PH值对海鞘性腺组织细胞和血细胞的体外生长的影响。结果表明,20℃,pH6.8,M199基础培养基添加10%胎牛血清最适合海鞘性腺组织细胞生长。同时对海鞘性腺的分离方法即机械解离细胞法和酶学解离细胞法进行了比较,发现机械解离细胞法最适合海鞘性腺组织细胞的分离,分离得到的细胞贴壁率和成活率高。对于海鞘血细胞的培养,20℃,pH6.8条件下,L-15基础培养基并添加10%胎牛血清对血细胞的体外存活和生长效果较好。另外,还成功的利用原代培养的血细胞检测了海鞘肿瘤坏死因子配体家族成员(CsTL)基因的表达变化。 论文还研究了海鞘细胞培养中细菌污染的鉴定和控制方法。对于培养过程中的细菌污染,通过细菌分离、培养和纯培养发现两类菌株检出率较高,均为革兰氏阴性菌。经PCR 扩增16S rDNA 基因序列片断,结果显示这两类菌株分别属于弧菌属和施万氏菌属。药敏试验结果表明,亚胺培南和氯霉素等对受检施万氏菌的敏感度较高;而受检弧菌对氯霉素和环丙沙星的敏感度高。为控制培养中的微生物污染,比较了几种抗生素组合的使用效果,其中氯霉素和亚胺培南与双抗的抗生素组合有较好的抑菌效果并对培养细胞的贴壁和生长没有影响。然而,海鞘性腺组织细胞和血细胞在体外的传代培养并未取得成功,本论文对来源于成体海鞘性腺的生殖样干细胞进行了体外培养和鉴定。结果表明,成体海鞘性腺内存在生殖样干细胞,且在体外可以生长,繁殖并且可能具有分化潜能。体外培养的过程中,生长的细胞克隆明显具有类似胚胎干细胞的形态和基因表达特点。 本研究克隆了海鞘肿瘤坏死因子配体家族成员(CsTL)基因。CsTL全长995个核苷酸编码281个氨基酸。组织表达结果显示,CsTL在性腺组织的表达水平相对比较高,提示CsTL可能对海鞘性腺的发育或分化等起着一定的作用。利用昆虫杆状病毒表达系统表达纯化了CsTL蛋白。结果显示,重组CsTL对L929细胞显示了明显的细胞毒性作用,说明CsTL是具有生物学活性的重组蛋白。但是尝试用获得的重组CsTL蛋白作为培养添加物培养海鞘性腺组织细胞,但并未检测到CsTL对海鞘性腺组织细胞的生长或凋亡有任何影响。 总之,本文筛选到了适合海鞘性腺组织细胞和血细胞生长的培养基,并成功的将这两类细胞在体外进行了原代培养,并且虽然细胞传代未获成功,但为今后继续深入开展海鞘细胞培养研究奠定了基础,另外,海鞘生殖样干细胞的识别和培养也将为海洋无脊椎动物的细胞培养提供一条新途径。


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Transient overexpression of defined combinations of master regulator genes can effectively induce cellular reprogramming: the acquisition of an alternative predicted phenotype from a differentiated cell lineage. This can be of particular importance in cardiac regenerative medicine wherein the heart lacks the capacity to heal itself, but simultaneously contains a large pool of fibroblasts. In this study we determined the cardio-inducing capacity of ten transcription factors to actuate cellular reprogramming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts into cardiomyocyte-like cells. Overexpression of transcription factors MYOCD and SRF alone or in conjunction with Mesp1 and SMARCD3 enhanced the basal but necessary cardio-inducing effect of the previously reported GATA4, TBX5, and MEF2C. In particular, combinations of five or seven transcription factors enhanced the activation of cardiac reporter vectors, and induced an upregulation of cardiac-specific genes. Global gene expression analysis also demonstrated a significantly greater cardio-inducing effect when the transcription factors MYOCD and SRF were used. Detection of cross-striated cells was highly dependent on the cell culture conditions and was enhanced by the addition of valproic acid and JAK inhibitor. Although we detected Ca(2+) transient oscillations in the reprogrammed cells, we did not detect significant changes in resting membrane potential or spontaneously contracting cells. This study further elucidates the cardio-inducing effect of the transcriptional networks involved in cardiac cellular reprogramming, contributing to the ongoing rational design of a robust protocol required for cardiac regenerative therapies.


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The origin of neurons was a key event in evolution, allowing metazoans to evolve rapid behavioral responses to environmental cues. Reconstructing the origin of synaptic proteins promises to reveal their ancestral functions and might shed light on the evolution of the first neuron-like cells in metazoans. By analyzing the genomes of diverse metazoans and their closest relatives, the evolutionary history of diverse presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins has been reconstructed. These analyses revealed that choanoflagellates, the closest relatives of metazoans, possess diverse synaptic protein homologs. Recent studies have now begun to investigate their ancestral functions. A primordial neurosecretory apparatus in choanoflagellates was identified and it was found that the mechanism, by which presynaptic proteins required for secretion of neurotransmitters interact, is conserved in choanoflagellates and metazoans. Moreover, studies on the postsynaptic protein homolog Homer revealed unexpected localization patterns in choanoflagellates and new binding partners, both which are conserved in metazoans. These findings demonstrate that the study of choanoflagellates can uncover ancient and previously undescribed functions of synaptic proteins.


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Odontoblasts form the outermost cellular layer of the dental pulp where they have been proposed to act as sensory receptor cells. Despite this suggestion, evidence supporting their direct role in mediating thermo-sensation and nociception is lacking. Transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels directly mediate nociceptive functions, but their functional expression in human odontoblasts has yet to be elucidated. In the present study, we have examined the molecular and functional expression of thermo-sensitive TRP channels in cultured odontoblast-like cells and in native human odontoblasts obtained from healthy wisdom teeth. PCR and western blotting confirmed gene and protein expression of TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8 channels. Immunohistochemistry revealed that these channels were localised to odontoblast-like cells as determined by double staining with dentin sialoprotein (DSP) antibody. In functional assays, agonists of TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8 channels elicited [Ca2+]i transients that could be blocked by relevant antagonists. Application of hot and cold stimuli to the cells also evoked rises in [Ca2+]i which could be blocked by TRP-channel antagonists. Using a gene silencing approached we further confirmed a role for TRPA1 in mediating noxious cold responses in odontoblasts. We conclude that human odontoblasts express functional TRP channels that may play a crucial role in mediating thermal sensation in teeth. Cultured and native human odontoblasts express functional TRP channels that may play a crucial role in mediating thermal sensation in teeth.


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Epac1 and Epac2 bind cAMP and mediate cAMP-dependent activation of Rap1. cAMP is produced in neutrophils in response to many chemoattractants. This second messenger plays a key role in the regulation of the functions of neutrophils. However, it is still not known whether Epacs are expressed in human neutrophils. We found that stimulation of PLB-985 cells differentiated into neutrophil-like cells, human neutrophils with 8CPT-2Me-cAMP (a selective activator of Epacs), or FK (a diterpene that augments the intracellular level of cAMP) led to GTP-loading of Rap1. Epac1 mRNA was expressed in UND and DF PLB-985 cells, but Epac1 protein was only detected in DF PLB-985 cells. In human neutrophils, the Epac1 transcript was present, and Epac1 protein could be detected by Western blot analysis if the cells had been treated with the serine protease inhibitor PMSF. FK induced adhesion of PLB-985 cells and human neutrophils on fibrinogen, a ligand for beta 2 integrins. Interestingly, in DF PLB-985 cells, but not in human neutrophils, 8CPT-2Me-cAMP induced beta 2 integrin-dependent adhesion. The failure of 8CPT-2Me-cAMP to induce beta 2 integrin-dependent human neutrophil adhesion could be explained by the fact that this compound did not induce a switch of the beta 2 integrins from a low-affinity to a high-affinity ligand-binding conformation. We concluded that Epac1 is expressed in human neutrophils and is involved in cAMP-dependent regulation of Rap1. However, the loading of GTP on Rap1 per se is not sufficient to promote activation of beta 2 integrins. J. Leukoc. Biol. 90: 741-749; 2011.


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Transplantation of hepatocytes or hepatocyte-like cells of extrahepatic origin is a promising strategy for treatment of acute and chronic liver failure. We examined possible utility of hepatocyte-like cells induced from bone marrow cells for such a purpose. Clonal cell lines were established from the bone marrow of two different rat strains. One of these cell lines, rBM25/S3 cells, grew rapidly (doubling time, approximately 24 hours) without any appreciable changes in cell properties for at least 300 population doubling levels over a period of 300 days, keeping normal diploid karyotype. The cells expressed CD29, CD44, CD49b, CD90, vimentin, and fibronectin but not CD45, indicating that they are of mesenchymal cell origin. When plated on Matrigel with hepatocyte growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-4, the cells efficiently differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells that expressed albumin, cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1, CYP1A2, glucose 6-phosphatase, tryptophane-2,3-dioxygenase, tyrosine aminotransferase, hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)1 alpha, and HNF4alpha. Intrasplenic transplantation of the differentiated cells prevented fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. In conclusion, a clonal stem cell line derived from adult rat bone marrow could differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells, and transplantation of the differentiated cells could prevent fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. The present results indicate a promising strategy for treating human fatal liver diseases.


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BACKGROUND: There have been few histological or ultrastructural studies of the outer retina and choriocapillaris following panretinal photocoagulation therapy. This investigation examines the long-term morphological effects of panretinal photocoagulation in two patients with type II diabetes who had received laser treatment more than 6 months prior to death.

METHODS: Regions of retina and choroid from each patient were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde, dissected out and examined using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

RESULTS: After removing the neural retina, scanning electron microscopy of non-photocoagulated areas of the eye cups revealed normal cobblestone-like retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. Regions with laser scars showed little RPE infiltration into the scar area, although large rounded cells often appeared in isolation within these areas. Sections of the retina and choroid in burn regions showed a complete absence of the outer nuclear layer and photoreceptor cells, with the inner retinal layers lying in close apposition to Bruch's membrane. Non-photocoagulated regions of the retina and choroid appeared normal in terms of both cell number and cell distribution. The RPE layer was absent within burn scars but many RPE-like cells appeared markedly hypertrophic at the edges of these regions. Bruch's membrane always remained intact, although the underlying choriocapillaris was clearly disrupted at the point of photocoagulation burns, appearing largely fibrosed and non-perfused. Occasional choroidal capillaries occurring in this region were typically small in profile and had plump non-fenestrated endothelium.

CONCLUSIONS: This study outlines retinal and choroidal cell responses to panretinal photocoagulation in diabetic patients and demonstrates an apparent reduction in the capacity of these tissues to repair laser damage.


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Background: Mechanotransduction in the dental pulp is mediated by mechano-sensitive trigeminal afferents but accumulating evidence suggests odontoblasts also contribute to mechano-sensory functions of the pulp as evidenced by expression of TRP channels, calcium-activated potassium channels and TREK-1 potassium channels. Activation of these mechano-sensitive channels is considered critical for the mechanotransduction of fluid movement within dentinal tubules into electrical signals transmitted by the pulpal afferents to elicit tooth sensitivity and pain. Since tooth pain and sensitivity are potentiated by inflammation we hypothesise that the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α sensitizes odontoblast responses to mechanical stimuli. Objective: To investigate the effect of TNF-α on the response of odontblast-like cells to mechanical stimuli. Method: Odontoblast-like cells were derived from dental pulp cells of immature third molars as previously described (El-karim et al 20112011 Pain, 152, 2211-2223). Odontoblast response to mechanical stimuli (application of hypotonic solution) was determined using ratiometric calcium imaging. Cells were treated with TNF-α for either 24hrs or short application for 10 mins prior to calcium imaging. Result: Odontoblast-like cells responded to hypotonic solution (230 mOSM) by increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration [Ca+2]i that was reduced to near base line in the presence of the TRPV4 antagonist RN-1734. Incubation of odontoblast -like cells with TNFα for 24 hrs resulted in a significant increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in response to hypotonic stimuli compared to untreated cells. Similar results were obtained when cells were treated with TNF-α for 10 mins prior to imaging. Conclusion: Both short and long term treatment of odontoblasts-like cells with TNF-α resulted in enhanced responses to mechanical stimuli mediated via TRPV4 channel suggesting a role for this channel in inflammatory dental pain.


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Background: The transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels play a critical role in sensory physiology, where they act as transducers of thermal, mechanical and chemical stimuli. We have previously shown the functional expression of several TRP channels by human odontoblast-like cells and proposed their significance in odontoblast sensory perception. Functional expression of the mechano-sensitiveTRPV2 channel by human odontoblasts would further support a role for TRP channels in odontoblast physiology. Objective: The objective of the current study was to determine the functional expression of TRPV2 by human odontoblasts. Methods: Human dental pulp cells were cultured in the presence of 2 mM β-glycerophoshate to induce an odontoblast phenotype. TRPV2 gene expression was determined by qPCR employing custom designed FAM TRPV2 specific primers and probes (Roche, UK) and the Light Cycler 480 Probes Master (Roche). TRPV2 protein expression was determined following SDS-PAGE and Western blotting of cell lysate preparations. Functional expression of TRPV2 was investigated by Ca2+ microfluorimetry. Results: qPCR data indicated robust expression of TRPV2 in odontoblast-like cells. Western blotting revealed a discrete immunoreactive protein band indicating expression of TRPV2 in cell lysates. In functional assays, the chemical agonist of TRPV2, cannabidiol, was shown to elicit [Ca2+]i transients, that were reduced to baseline in the presence of the TRPV2 antagonist Tranilast, suggesting channel functionality in odontoblast-like cells. Conclusion: These results provide the first evidence for the functional expression of TRPV2 in human odontoblast-like cells, providing further support for the role of TRP channels in odontoblast physiology.


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RESUMO: A reprogramação celular permite que uma célula somática seja reprogramada para outra célula diferente através da expressão forçada de factores de transcrição (FTs) específicos de determinada linhagem celular, e constitui uma área de investigação emergente nos últimos anos. As células somáticas podem ser experimentalmente manipuladas de modo a obter células estaminais pluripotentes induzidas (CEPi), ou convertidas directamente noutro tipo de célula somática. Estas descobertas inovadoras oferecem oportunidades promissoras para o desenvolvimento de novas terapias de substituição celular e modelos de doença, funcionando também como ferramentas valiosas para o estudo dos mecanismos moleculares que estabelecem a identidade celular e regulam os processos de desenvolvimento. Existem várias doenças degenerativas hereditárias e adquiridas da retina que causam deficiência visual devido a uma disfunção no tecido de suporte da retina, o epitélio pigmentar da retina (EPR). Uma destas doenças é a Coroideremia (CHM), uma doença hereditária monogénica ligada ao cromossoma X causada por mutações que implicam a perda de função duma proteína com funções importantes na regulação do tráfico intracelular. A CHM é caracterizada pela degenerescência progressiva do EPR, assim como dos foto-receptores e da coróide. Resultados experimentais sugerem que o EPR desempenha um papel importante na patogénese da CHM, o que parece indicar uma possível vantagem terapêutica na substituição do EPR nos doentes com CHM. Por outro lado, existe uma lacuna em termos de modelos in vitro de EPR para estudar a CHM, o que pode explicar o ainda desconhecimento dos mecanismos moleculares que explicam a patogénese desta doença. Assim, este trabalho focou-se principalmente na exploração das potencialidades das técnicas de reprogramação celular no contexto das doenças de degenerescência da retina, em particular no caso da CHM. Células de murganho de estirpe selvagem, bem como células derivadas de um ratinho modelo de knockout condicional de Chm, foram convertidos com sucesso em CEPi recorrendo a um sistema lentiviral induzido que permite a expressão forçada dos 4 factores clássicos de reprogramação, a saber Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 e c-Myc. Estas células mostraram ter equivalência morfológica, molecular e funcional a células estaminais embrionárias (CES). As CEPi obtidas foram seguidamente submetidas a protocolos de diferenciação com o objectivo final de obter células do EPR. Os resultados promissores obtidos revelam a possibilidade de gerar um valioso modelo de EPR-CHM para estudos in vitro. Em alternativa, a conversão directa de linhagens partindo de fibroblastos para obter células do EPR foi também abordada. Uma vasta gama de ferramentas moleculares foi gerada de modo a implementar uma estratégia mediada por FTs-chave, seleccionados devido ao seu papel fundamental no desenvolvimento embrionário e especificação do EPR. Conjuntos de 10 ou menos FTs foram usados para transduzir fibroblastos, que adquiriram morfologia pigmentada e expressão de alguns marcadores específicos do EPR. Adicionalmente, observou-se a activação de regiões promotoras de genes específicos de EPR, indicando que a identidade transcricional das células foi alterada no sentido pretendido. Em conclusão, avanços significativos foram atingidos no sentido da implementação de tecnologias de reprogramação celular já estabelecidas, bem como na concepção de novas estratégias inovadoras. Metodologias de reprogramação, quer para pluripotência, quer via conversão directa, foram aplicadas com o objectivo final de gerar células do EPR. O trabalho aqui descrito abre novos caminhos para o estabelecimento de terapias de substituição celular e, de uma maneira mais directa, levanta a possibilidade de modelar doenças degenerativas da retina com disfunção do EPR numa placa de petri, em particular no caso da CHM.---------------ABSTRACT: Cellular reprogramming is an emerging research field in which a somatic cell is reprogrammed into a different cell type by forcing the expression of lineage-specific transcription factors (TFs). Cellular identities can be manipulated using experimental techniques with the attainment of pluripotency properties and the generation of induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) cells, or the direct conversion of one somatic cell into another somatic cell type. These pioneering discoveries offer new unprecedented opportunities for the establishment of novel cell-based therapies and disease models, as well as serving as valuable tools for the study of molecular mechanisms governing cell fate establishment and developmental processes. Several retinal degenerative disorders, inherited and acquired, lead to visual impairment due to an underlying dysfunction of the support cells of the retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Choroideremia (CHM), an X-linked monogenic disease caused by a loss of function mutation in a key regulator of intracellular trafficking, is characterized by a progressive degeneration of the RPE and other components of the retina, such as the photoreceptors and the choroid. Evidence suggest that RPE plays an important role in CHM pathogenesis, thus implying that regenerative approaches aiming at rescuing RPE function may be of great benefit for CHM patients. Additionally, lack of appropriate in vitro models has contributed to the still poorly-characterized molecular events in the base of CHM degenerative process. Therefore, the main focus of this work was to explore the potential applications of cellular reprogramming technology in the context of RPE-related retinal degenerations. The generation of mouse iPS cells was established and optimized using an inducible lentiviral system to force the expression of the classic set of TFs, namely Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc. Wild-type cells, as well as cells derived from a conditional knockout (KO) mouse model of Chm, were successfully converted into a pluripotent state, that displayed morphology, molecular and functional equivalence to Embryonic Stem (ES) cells. Generated iPS cells were then subjected to differentiation protocols towards the attainment of a RPE cell fate, with promising results highlighting the possibility of generating a valuable Chm-RPE in vitro model. In alternative, direct lineage conversion of fibroblasts into RPE-like cells was also tackled. A TF-mediated approach was implemented after the generation of a panoply of molecular tools needed for such studies. After transduction with pools of 10 or less TFs, selected for their key role on RPE developmental process and specification, fibroblasts acquired a pigmented morphology and expression of some RPE-specific markers. Additionally, promoter regions of RPE-specific genes were activated indicating that the transcriptional identity of the cells was being altered into the pursued cell fate. In conclusion, highly significant progress was made towards the implementation of already established cellular reprogramming technologies, as well as the designing of new innovative ones. Reprogramming into pluripotency and lineage conversion methodologies were applied to ultimately generate RPE cells. These studies open new avenues for the establishment of cell replacement therapies and, more straightforwardly,raise the possibility of modelling retinal degenerations with underlying RPE defects in apetri dish, particularly CHM.