314 resultados para Longus Capitis


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a X-linked muscle disease, which leads to alterations in membrane phospholipid fatty acid (FA) composition and skeletal muscle damage. Increased membrane saturated FA in muscular dystrophy may suggest its association with increased susceptibility (as being the cause or consequence) to muscle damage. It was hypothesised that increased saturation is positively correlated to increased muscle damage. Correlations were hypothesized to be greater in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) at 20 weeks compared to soleus (SOL) at 10 weeks in dystrophin deficient (mdx) mice. Increased saturation was correlated to damage in EDL at both 10 and 20 weeks, with stronger correlations at 10 weeks. The results suggest that membrane PL FA composition may be associated with damage through two possible means. Increased saturation may be a cause or consequence of membrane damage. Association of membrane composition with eccentric induced damage has underscored the importance of saturated PL FA compositions in damage to dystrophic myofibres.


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Les approches arthroscopiques et l’anatomie normale des articulations antébrachiocarpienne, carpienne moyenne et tarsocrurale n’ont jamais été décrites spécifiquement chez les bovins. Notre étude avait pour buts de définir les abords chirurgicaux et de décrire l’anatomie arthroscopique de ces trois articulations. Deux carpes et deux tarses issus du cadavre frais d’une vache adulte ont été injectés avec un mélange de latex, puis disséqués afin de déterminer les sites arthroscopiques d’intérêt. Par la suite, l’arthroscopie des articulations antébrachiocarpienne et carpienne moyenne (approche dorsale) et de l’articulation tarsocrurale (approches dorsale et plantaire) a été réalisée sur six cadavres frais de vaches adultes ne présentant ni boiterie ni distension articulaire avant leur euthanasie. Les approches dorsolatérale et dorsomédiale des articulations antébrachiocarpienne et carpienne moyenne ont été réalisées de part et d’autre de l’extenseur radial du carpe. Les structures observées étaient le radius distal, les os radial, intermédiaire, ulnaire, II et III fusionnés et IV du carpe, ainsi que des ligaments palmaires. Les approches dorsolatérale et dorsomédiale de l’articulation tarsocrurale ont été réalisées latéralement au long extenseur des doigts et médialement au troisième péronier respectivement. Les approches plantarolatérale et plantaromédiale ont été réalisées latéralement au fléchisseur latéral des doigts et latéralement au fléchisseur médial des doigts respectivement. Les structures observées étaient le tibia distal, les trochlées proximale et plantaire du talus, le processus coracoïde du calcanéus, l’articulation fibulo-calcanéenne et des ligaments articulaires. Quelle que soit l’articulation, l’approche latérale était préférée à l’approche médiale. L’arthroscopie du carpe et du tarse pourra être proposée dans un contexte hospitalier comme outil diagnostique, thérapeutique et pronostique des maladies articulaires bovines.


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La sclérose latérale amyotrophique est une maladie neurodégénérative fatale caractérisée par la dégénérescence progressive des neurones moteurs centraux et périphériques. L’un des premiers signes de la maladie est la dénervation de la jonction neuromusculaire (JNM). Les diverses unités motrices (UM) ne présentent toutefois pas la même vulnérabilité à la dénervation dans la SLA: les UM rapide fatigables sont en fait les plus vulnérables et les UM lentes sont les plus résistantes. Alors que des études précédentes ont démontré dans plusieurs modèles animaux de la SLA de nombreuses variations synaptiques, les découvertes ont été contradictoires. Par ailleurs, le type d’UM n’a pas été tenu en compte dans ces divers travaux. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que la présence de la mutation SOD1 pourrait affecter différemment la transmission synaptique des UM, en accord avec leur vulnérabilité sélective. En effectuant des enregistrements électrophysiologiques et de l’immunohistochimie, nous avons étudié la transmission synaptique des différents types d’UM du muscle à contraction rapide Extensor Digitorum Longus (EDL; rapide fatigable (FF) MU) et du muscle à contraction lente Soleus (SOL; lente (S) and rapide fatigue-résistante (FR) MU) de la souris SOD1G37R et leur congénères WT. Pour identifier le type d’UM, un marquage par immunohistochimie des chaînes de myosine a été effectué. Un triple marquage de la JNM a également été effectué pour vérifier son intégrité aux différents stades de la maladie. À P160, dans la période asymptomatique de la maladie, alors qu’aucune altération morphologique n’était présente, l’activité évoquée était déjà altérée différemment en fonction des UM. Les JNMs FF mutantes ont démontré une diminution de l’amplitude des potentiels de plaque motrice (PPM) et du contenu quantique, alors que les JNMs lentes démontraient pratiquement le contraire. Les JNMs FR montraient quant à elles une force synaptique semblable au WT. À P380, dans la période présymtomatique, de nombreuses altérations morphologiques ont été observées dans le muscle EDL, incluant la dénervation complète, l’innervation partielle et les extensions du nerf. La transmission synaptique évoquée des UM FF étaient toujours réduites, de même que la fréquence des potentiels de plaque motrice miniatures. À P425, à l’apparition des premiers symptômes, l’activité synaptique des JNMs S était redevenue normale alors que les JNMs FR ont montré à ce moment une diminution du contenu quantique par rapport au contrôle. De manière surprenante, aucun changement du ratio de facilitation n’a été observé malgré les changements flagrants de la force synaptique. Ces résultats révèlent que la fonction de la JNM est modifiée différemment en fonction de la susceptibilité des UM dans l’ALS. Cette étude fournit des pistes pour une meilleure compréhension de la physiologie de la JNM durant la pathologie qui est cruciale au développement d’une thérapie adéquate ciblant la JNM dans la SLA.


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Inhibition of myostatin signalling or its biological activity has recently emerged as a potential remedial approach against muscle wasting and degenerative diseases such as muscular dystrophies. In the present study we systemically administered a recombinant AAV8 vector expressing a mutated myostatin propeptide (AAV8ProMyo) to healthy mice in order to assess its impact on the histological, cellular and physiological properties of the skeletal muscle, exploiting the fact that myostatin is naturally inhibited by its own propeptide. We report that a single intravenous administration of AAV8ProMyo leads to increases in muscle mass of tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus and gastrocnemius muscles 8 weeks post-injection and tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and rectus femoris muscles 17 weeks post-injection. Moreover, treatment resulted in muscle fibre hypertrophy but not hyperplasia, with IIB myofibres responding to the greatest extent following propeptide-induced myostatin inhibition. Additionally, myofibre nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio was decreased in the AAV8ProMyo treated animals. Importantly, the hypertrophic EDL muscle 8 weeks after AAV8ProMyo treatment did not show the dramatic decrease in specific force displayed by the germline myostatin null mice. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The first mycetome was discovered more than 340 yr ago in the human louse. Despite the remarkable biology and medical and social importance of human lice, its primary endosymbiont has eluded identification and characterization. Here, we report the host-symbiont interaction of the mycetomic bacterium of the head louse Pediculus humanus capitis and the body louse P. h. humanus. The endosymbiont represents a new bacterial lineage in the -Proteobacteria. Its closest sequenced relative is Arsenophonus nasoniae, from which it differs by more than 10%. A. nasoniae is a male-killing endosymbiont of jewel wasps. Using microdissection and multiphoton confocal microscopy, we show the remarkable interaction of this bacterium with its host. This endosymbiont is unique because it occupies sequentially four different mycetomes during the development of its host, undergoes three cycles of proliferation, changes in length from 2–4 µm to more than 100 µm, and has two extracellular migrations, during one of which the endosymbionts have to outrun its host’s immune cells. The host and its symbiont have evolved one of the most complex interactions: two provisional or transitory mycetomes, a main mycetome and a paired filial mycetome. Despite the close relatedness of body and head lice, differences are present in the mycetomic provisioning and the immunological response.—Perotti, M. A., Allen, J. M., Reed, D. L., Braig, H. R. Host-symbiont interactions of the primary endosymbiont of human head and body lice.


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Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is hypothesized to occur as a result of repetitive, strenuous and abnormal postural activities of the elbow and wrist. There is still a lack of understanding of how wrist and forearm positions contribute to this condition during common manual tasks. In this study the wrist kinematics and the wrist extensors’ musculotendon patterns were investigated during a manual task believed to elicit LE symptoms in susceptible subjects. A 42-year-old right-handed male, with no history of LE, performed a repetitive movement involving pushing and turning a spring-loaded mechanism. Motion capture data were acquired for the upper limb and an inverse kinematic and dynamic analysis was subsequently carried out. Results illustrated the presence of eccentric contractions sustained by the extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), together with an almost constant level of tendon strain of both extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) and extensor digitorum communis lateral (EDCL) branch. It is believed that these factors may partly contribute to the onset of LE as they are both responsible for the creation of microtears at the tendons’ origins. The methodology of this study can be used to explore muscle actions during movements that might cause or exacerbate LE.


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The objective of this study was to determine the concentration of total selenium (Se) and the proportions of total Se comprised as selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenocysteine (SeCys) in the post mortem tissues of female pheasants (Phasianus Colchicus Torquator) offered diets containing graded additions of selenized enriched yeast (SY) or sodium selenite (SS). Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and tissue glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity of breast (Pectoralis Major) were assessed at 0 and 5 d post-mortem. A total of 216 female pheasant chicks were enrolled onto the study. 24 birds were euthanased at the start of the study and samples of blood, breast muscle, leg muscle (Peroneus Longus and M. Gastrocnemius), heart, liver, kidney and gizzard collected for determination of total Se. Remaining birds were blocked by live weight and randomly allocated to one of four dietary treatments (n=48 birds/treatment) that either differed in Se source (SY vs. SS) or dose (Con [0.2 mg total Se/kg], SY-L and SS-L [0.3 mg/kg total Se as SY and SS, respectively], and SY-H [0.45 mg total Se/kg]). Following 42 and 91 days of treatment 24 birds/treatment were euthanased and samples of blood, breast muscle, leg muscle, heart, liver, kidney and gizzard retained for determination of total Se and the proportion of total Se comprised as SeMet or SeCys. Whole blood GSH-Px activity was determined at each time point. Tissue GSH-Px activity and TBARS were determined in breast tissue at the end of the study. There were positive responses (P<0.001) in both blood and tissues to the graded addition of SY to the diet but the same responses were not apparent in the blood and tissues of selenite supplemented birds receiving comparable doses. Although there were differences between tissue types in the distribution of SeMet and SeCys there were few differences between treatments. There were effects of treatment on erythrocyte GSH-Px activity (P = 0.012) with values being higher in treatments SY-H and SS-L when compared to the negative control and treatment SY-L. There were no effects of treatment on tissue GSH-Px activity which is reflected in the overall lack of any treatment effects on TBARS.


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Myostatin is a member of the transformating growth factor-_ (TGF-_) superfamily of proteins and is produced almost exclusively in skeletal muscle tissue, where it is secreted and circulates as a serum protein. Myostatin acts as a negative regulator of muscle mass through the canonical SMAD2/3/4 signaling pathway. Naturally occurring myostatin mutants exhibit a ‘double muscling’ phenotype in which muscle mass is dramatically increased as a result of both hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Myostatin is naturally inhibited by its own propeptide; therefore, we assessed the impact of adeno associated virus-8 (AAV8) myostatin propeptide vectors when systemically introduced in MF-1 mice. We noted a significant systemic increase in muscle mass in both slow and fast muscle phenotypes, with no evidence of hyperplasia; however, the nuclei-to- cytoplasm ratio in all myofiber types was significantly reduced. An increase in muscle mass in slow (soleus) muscle led to an increase in force output; however, an increase in fast (extensor digitorum longus [EDL]) muscle mass did not increase force output. These results suggest that the use of gene therapeutic regimens of myostatin inhibition for age-related or disease-related muscle loss may have muscle-specific effects.


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Background: Acute renal failure is a serious complication of human envenoming by Bothrops snakes. The ion pump Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase has an important role in renal tubule function, where it modulates sodium reabsorption and homeostasis of the extracellular compartment. Here, we investigated the morphological and functional renal alterations and changes in Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase expression and activity in rats injected with Bothrops alternatus snake venom. Methods: Male Wistar rats were injected with venom (0.8 mg/kg, iv.) and renal function was assessed 6.24, 48 and 72 h and 7 days post-venom. The rats were then killed and renal Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity was assayed based on phosphate release from ATP; gene and protein expressions were assessed by real time PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy, respectively. Results: Venom caused lobulation of the capillary tufts, dilation of Bowman`s capsular space. F-actin disruption in Bowman`s capsule and renal tubule brush border, and deposition of collagen around glomeruli and proximal tubules that persisted seven days after envenoming. Enhanced sodium and potassium excretion, reduced proximal sodium reabsorption, and proteinuria were observed 6 h post-venom, followed by a transient decrease in the glomerular filtration rate. Gene and protein expressions of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha(1) subunit were increased 6 h post-venom, whereas Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity increased 6 h and 24 h post-venom. Conclusions: Bothrops alternatus venom caused marked morphological and functional renal alterations with enhanced Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase expression and activity in the early phase of renal damage. General significance: Enhanced Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity in the early hours after envenoming may attenuate the renal dysfunction associated with venom-induced damage. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have shown that rats chronically treated with Arginine (Arg), although normoglycemic, exhibit hyperinsulinemia and decreased blood glucose disappearance rate after an insulin challenge. Attempting to investigate the processes underlying these alterations, male Wistar rats were treated with Arg (35 mg/d), in drinking water, for 4 wk. Rats were then acutely stimulated with insulin, and the soleus and extensorum digitalis longus muscles, white adipose tissue (WAT), and liver were excised for total and/or phosphorylated insulin receptor (IR), IR substrate 1/2, Akt, Janus kinase 2, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1/3/5, and p85 alpha/55 alpha determination. Muscles and WAT were also used for plasma membrane (PM) and microsome evaluation of glucose transporter (GLUT) 4 content. Pituitary GH mRNA, GH, and liver IGF-I mRNA expression were estimated. It was shown that Arg treatment: 1) did not affect phosphotyrosine-IR, whereas it decreased phosphotyrosine-IR substrate 1/2 and phosphoserine-Akt content in all tissues studied, indicating that insulin signaling is impaired at post-receptor level; 2) decreased PM GLUT4 content in both muscles and WAT; 3) increased the pituitary GH mRNA, GH, and liver IGF-I mRNA expression, the levels of phosphotyrosine-STAT5 in both muscles, phosphotyrosine-Janus kinase 2 in extensorum digitalis longus, phosphotyrosine-STAT3 in liver, and WAT as well as total p85 alpha in soleus, indicating that GH signaling is enhanced in these tissues; and 4) increased p55 alpha total content in muscles, WAT, and liver. The present findings provide the molecular mechanisms by which insulin resistance and, by extension, reduced GLUT4 content in PM of muscles and WAT take place after chronic administration of Arg, and further suggest a putative role for GH in its genesis, considering its diabetogenic effect. (Endocrinology 150: 2080-2086, 2009)


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Objective: Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HM beta) is a metabolite of leucine widely used for improving sports performance. Although limp is recognized to promote anabolic or anti-catabolic effects on protein metabolism, the impact of its long-term use on skeletal muscle and/or genes that control the skeletal protein balance is not fully known. This study aimed to investigate whether chronic HM beta treatment affects the activity of GH/IGF-I axis and skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. Design: Rats were treated with HK beta (320 mg/kg BW) or vehicle, by gavage, for 4 weeks, and killed by decapitation. Blood was collected for evaluation of serum insulin, glucose and IGF-I concentrations. Samples of pituitary, liver, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were collected for total RNA or protein extraction to evaluate the expression of pituitary growth hormone (GH) gene (mRNA and protein), hepatic insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNA, skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA by Northern blotting/real time-PCR, or Western blotting. Results: Chronic HM beta treatment increased the content of pituitary GH mRNA and GH, hepatic IGF-I mRNA and serum IGF-I concentration. No changes were detected on skeletal muscle IGF-I and myostatin mRNA expression. However, the HIM-treated rats although normoglycemic, exhibited hyperinsulinemia. Conclusions: The data presented herein extend the body of evidence on the potential role of HM beta-treatment in stimulating GH/IGF-I axis activity. In spite of this effect, HM beta supplementation also induces an apparent insulin resistance state which might limit the beneficial aspects of the former results, at least in rats under normal nutritional status and health conditions. (C) 2010 Growth Hormone Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of unbound palmitic acid (PA) at plasma physiological concentration range on reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by cultured rat skeletal muscle cells was investigated. The participation of the main sites of ROS production was also examined. Production of ROS was evaluated by cytochrome c reduction and dihydroethidium oxidation assays. PA increased ROS production after 1 h incubation. A xanthine oxidase inhibitor did not change PA-induced ROS production. However, the treatment with a mitochondrial uncoupler and mitochondrial complex III inhibitor decreased superoxide production induced by PA. The importance of mitochondria was also evaluated in 1 h incubated rat soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles. Soleus muscle, which has a greater number of mitochondria than EDL, showed a higher superoxide production induced by PA. These results indicate that mitochondrial electron transport chain is an important contributor for superoxide formation induced by PA in skeletal muscle. Results obtained with etomoxir and bromopalmitate treatment indicate that PA has to be oxidized to raise ROS production. A partial inhibition of superoxide formation induced by PA was observed by treatment with diphenylene iodonium, an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase. The participation of this enzyme complex was confirmed through an increase of p47(phox) phosphorylation after treatment with PA.


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Glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) expression in adipose tissue decreases during fasting. In skeletal muscle, we hypothesized that GLUT4 expression might be maintained in a beta-adrenergic-dependent way to ensure energy disposal for contractile function. Herein we investigate beta-blockade or beta-stimulation effects on GLUT4 expression in oxidative (soleus) and glycolytic [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] muscles of fasted rats. Fasting increased GLUT4 mRNA in soleus (24%) and EDL (40%) but the protein content increased only in soleus (30%). beta 1-beta 2-, and beta 1-beta 2-beta 3-blockade decreased (20-30%) GLUT4 mRNA content in both muscles, although GLUT4 protein decreased only in EDL. When mRNA and GLUT4 protein regulations were discrepant, changes in the mRNA poly(A) tail length were detected, indicating a posttranscriptional modulation of gene expression. These results show that beta-adrenergic activity regulates GLUT4 gene expression in skeletal muscle during fasting, highlighting its participation in preservation of GLUT4 protein in glycolytic muscle. Muscle Nerve 40: 847-854, 2009


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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of exhaustive exercise on proteins associated with muscle damage and regeneration, including IL-2, IL-4 and MyoD, in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles and mesenteric (MEAT) and retroperitoneal adipose tissues (RPAT). Methods: Rats were killed by decapitation immediately (E0 group, n = 6), 2 (E2 group, n = 6) or 6 (E6 group, n = 6) hours after the exhaustion protocol, which consisted of running on a treadmill at approximately 70% of VO(2max) for fifty minutes and then at an elevated rate that increased at one m/min every minute, until exhaustion. Results: The control group (C group, n = 6) was not subjected to exercise. IL-2 protein expression increased at E0 in the soleus and EDL; at E2, this cytokine returned to control levels in both tissues. In the soleus, IL-2 protein expression was lower than that in the control at E6. IL-4 protein levels increased in EDL at E6, but the opposite result was observed in the soleus. MyoD expression increased at E6 in EDL. Conclusion: Exhaustive exercise was unable to modify IL-2 and IL-4 levels in MEAT and RPAT. The results show that exhaustive exercise has different effects depending on which muscle is analysed.


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The relative contribution of the pre- and post-synaptic effects to the neostigmine-induced recovery of neuromuscular transmission blocked by vecuronium was studied. A conjunction of myographical and electrophysiological techniques was employed. The preparation was the sciatic nerve-extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat, in vitro. The physiological variables recorded were nerve-evoked twitches (generated at 0.1 Hz), tetanic contractions (generated at 50 Hz) and end-plate potentials (epps), generated in trains of 50 Hz. The epps were analyzed in: amplitude of first epp in the train; mean amplitude of the 30th to the 59th epp in the train (epps-plateau); half-decay time of the epp; early tetanic rundown of epps in the train; plateau tetanic rundown of epps in the train; quantal content of the epps and quantal size. In myographical experiments, a concentration of vecuronium was found (0.8 mu m) that affected both twitches and tetanic contractions and a concentration of neostigmine was found (0.048 mu m) that completely restored the twitch affected by vecuronium. The cellular effects of vecuronium and neostigmine, studied alone or in association, in the above-mentioned concentrations, were scrutinized by means of electrophysiological techniques. These showed that vecuronium alone decreased the peak amplitude, the quantal content of epps and the quantal size and reinforced the tetanic rundown of epps. Neostigmine alone increased the peak amplitude, the quantal content and the half-decay time of the epps. When employed in the presence of vecuronium, neostigmine increased both the quantal content of the epps (via a presynaptic effect) and the half-decay time of the epps (via a postsynaptic effect). Seeing the pre- and the post-synaptic effects of neostigmine were of similar magnitude, they permit to conclude that both these effects contributed significantly to the restoration by neostigmine of the neuromuscular transmission blocked by vecuronium.