980 resultados para Local wind flow
The Yang-Mills-Higgs field generalizes the Yang-Mills field. The authors establish the local existence and uniqueness of the weak solution to the heat flow for the Yang-Mills-Higgs field in a vector bundle over a compact Riemannian 4-manifold, and show that the weak solution is gauge-equivalent to a smooth solution and there are at most finite singularities at the maximum existing time.
Advantages of dispersal on the scales that are possible in a long pelagic larval period are not apparent, even for benthic species. An alternative hypothesis is that wide dispersal may be an incidental byproduct of an ontogenetic migration from and then back to the parental habitat. Under this hypothesis, the water column is a better habitat than the bottom for early development. Because the parental area is often an especially favorable habitat for juveniles and adults, selection may even favor larval retention or larval return rather than dispersal. Where larval capabilities and currents permit, a high percentage of recruits may then be produced from local adults. Expected consequences of a high proportion of local recruitment are stronger links between stock and recruitment, greater vulnerability to recruitment overfishing and local modifications of habitat, greater local benefits from fishery reserves, and possibly more localized adaptation within populations. Export of some larvae is consistent with a high proportion of retained or returning larvae, could stabilize populations linked by larval exchange, and provide connectivity between marine reserves. Even a small amount of larval export could account for the greater gene flow, large ranges, and long evolutionary durations seen in species with long pelagic larval stages.
Background. Acute mesenteric ischemia is a potentially fatal vascular emergency with mortality rates ranging between 60% and 80%. Several studies have extensively examined the hemodynamic and metabolic effects of superior mesenteric artery occlusion. On the other hand, the cardiocirculatory derangement and the tissue damage induced by intestinal outflow obstruction have not been investigated systematically. For these reasons we decided to assess the initial impact of venous mesenteric occlusion on intestinal blood flow distribution, and correlate these findings with other systemic and regional perfusion markers. Methods. Fourteen mongrel dogs were subjected to 45 min of superior mesenteric artery (SMAO) or vein occlusion (SMVO), and observed for 120 min after reperfusion. Systemic hemodynamics were evaluated using Swan-Ganz and arterial catheters. Regional blood flow (ultrasonic flow probes), intestinal O(2)-derived variables, and mesenteric-arterial and tonometric-arterial pCO(2) gradients (D(mv-a)pCO(2) and D(t-a)pCO(2)) were also calculated. Results. SMVO was associated with hypotension and low cardiac output. A significant increase in the regional pCO(2) gradients was also observed in both groups during the ischemic period. After reperfusion, a progressive reduction in D(mv-a)pCO(2) occurred in the SMVO group; however, no improvement in D(t-p)CO(2) was observed. The histopathologic injury scores were 2.7 +/- 0.5 and 4.8 +/- 0.2 for SMAO and SMVO, respectively. Conclusions. SMV occlusion promoted early and significant hemodynamic and metabolic derangement at systemic and regional levels. Additionally, systemic pCO(2) gradient is not a reliable parameter to evaluate the local intestinal oxygenation. Finally, the D(t-a)pCO(2) correlates with histologic changes during intestinal congestion or ischemia. However, minor histologic changes cannot be detected using this methodology. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Taking into account that atherosclerosis is a focal disease and high levels of plasma cholesterol are closely correlated with its pathogenesis, it is a challenge to explain how equal concentrations of cholesterol bathing the endothelium can produce local, rather than global, effects on arteries. The focal distribution of atherosclerotic lesions has been considered to be dependent, at least in part, on hydrodynamic factors. The present study was carried out to further test the hypothesis that these forces are an important localizing factor in rats feeding a hypercholesterolaemic diet and submitted to infra-diaphragmatic aortic constriction. These animals develop a normotensive prestenotic region with laminar blood flow that serves as control for a normotensive poststenotic region with turbulent blood flow. Our findings clearly demonstrated that the combination of turbulent blood flow and low wall shear stress (WSS) in the presence of hypercholesterolaemia and oxidative stress creates conditions to the formation of focally distributed incipient atherosclerotic lesions observed in the poststenotic segment. In contrast, only diffuse fatty streaks could be observed in the normotensive prestenotic segment with laminar blood flow and normal WSS in the presence of hypercholesterolaemia and oxidative stress. Although haemodynamic forces are not by themselves responsible for the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, they prime the local vascular wall in which the lesion develop. Further studies are required to establish how haemodynamic forces are detected and transduced into chemical signalling by the cells of the artery wall and then converted into pathophysiologically relevant phenotypic changes.
Can eccentric arterial plaques alone cause flow stagnation points and favour thrombus incorporation?
We have used an experimental model of aorta stenosis, with a Plexiglas plug, simulating a stable atheromatous plaque that promotes local turbulence and thrombosis. With animal survival of more than 24 h, we followed the partial fibrinolysis of the thrombus as well as its posterior organization and incorporation to the arterial wall as a neointima for up to 30 days. The mushroom plug form permitted the development of recirculation and stasis areas around it, favouring this evolution. Despite noted limitations, this study demonstrates that thrombus incorporation can contribute to plaque extension, as it can promote recirculation and stasis areas.
Theoretical and numerical analysis is performed for an inviscid axisymmetric vortical bathtub-type flow. The level of vorticity is kept high so that the image of the flow on the radial-axial plane (r-z plane) is not potential. The most significant findings are: (1) the region of validity of the strong vortex approximation is separated from the drain by a buffer region, (2) the power-law asymptote of the stream function, specified by Delta Psi similar to r(4/3) Deltaz, appears near the axis when vorticity in the flow is sufficiently strong and (3) the local Rossby number in the region of the 4/3 power-law the initial vorticity level in the flow and the global Rossby number.
This paper attempts a state-of-the-art summary of research into thunderstorm wind fields from an engineering perspective. The characteristics of thunderstorms and the two extreme wind events-tornadoes and downbursts-spawn by thunderstorms are described. The significant differences from traditional boundary layer flows are highlighted. The importance of thunderstorm gusts in the worldwide database of extreme wind events is established. Physical simulations of tornadoes and downbursts are described and discussed leading to the recommendation that Wind Engineering needs to focus more resources on the fundamental issue - What is the flow structure in the strongest winds? © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Local scale windfield and air mass characteristics during the onset of two foehn wind events in an alpine hydro-catchment are presented. Grounding of the topographically modified foehn was found to be dependent on daytime surface heating and topographic channelling of flow. The foehn front was observed to advance down-valley until the valley widened significantly. The foehn wind appeared to decouple from the surface downstream of the accelerated flow associated with the valley constriction. and to be lifted above local thermally generated circulations including a lake breeze. Towards evening. the foehn front retreated up valley in response to reduced surface heating and the intrusion into the study area of a deep and cool air mass associated with a regional scale mountain-plain circulation. Differences in the local windfield observed during both case study events reflect the importance of different thermal and dynamic forcings on airflow in complex terrain. These are the result of variation in surface energy exchanges, channelling and blocking of airflow. Observations presented here have both theoretical and applied implications with regard to forecasting foehn onset, wind hazard management, recreational activities and air quality management in alpine settings.
In daily cardiology practice, assessment of left ventricular (LV) global function using non-invasive imaging remains central for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Despite the different methodologies currently accessible for LV segmentation in cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images, a fast and complete LV delineation is still limitedly available for routine use. In this study, a localized anatomically constrained affine optical flow method is proposed for fast and automatic LV tracking throughout the full cardiac cycle in short-axis CMR images. Starting from an automatically delineated LV in the end-diastolic frame, the endocardial and epicardial boundaries are propagated by estimating the motion between adjacent cardiac phases using optical flow. In order to reduce the computational burden, the motion is only estimated in an anatomical region of interest around the tracked boundaries and subsequently integrated into a local affine motion model. Such localized estimation enables to capture complex motion patterns, while still being spatially consistent. The method was validated on 45 CMR datasets taken from the 2009 MICCAI LV segmentation challenge. The proposed approach proved to be robust and efficient, with an average distance error of 2.1 mm and a correlation with reference ejection fraction of 0.98 (1.9 ± 4.5%). Moreover, it showed to be fast, taking 5 seconds for the tracking of a full 4D dataset (30 ms per image). Overall, a novel fast, robust and accurate LV tracking methodology was proposed, enabling accurate assessment of relevant global function cardiac indices, such as volumes and ejection fraction.
This paper proposes the use of a Modular Marx Multilevel Converter, as a solution for energy integration between an offshore Wind Farm and the power grid network. The Marx modular multilevel converter is based on the Marx generator, and solves two typical problems in this type of multilevel topologies: modularity and dc capacitor voltage balancing. This paper details the strategy for dc capacitor voltage equalization. The dynamic models of the converter and power grid are presented in order to design the converter ac output voltages and the dc capacitor voltage controller. The average current control is presented and used for power flow control, harmonics and reactive power compensation. Simulation results are presented in order to show the effectiveness of the proposed (MC)-C-3 topology.
Based on a poster submitted to CONCORD 2011 - Conference on Corporate R&D: The dynamics of Europe's industrial structure and the growth of innovative firms, Sevilla, IPTS, 6 Out. 2011, Seville, http://www.eventisimo.com/concord2011/recibido.html
Esta dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento e avaliação de um procedimento de \Numerical Site Calibration" (NSC) para um Parque Eólico, situado a sul de Portugal, usando Dinâmica de Fluídos Computacional (CFD). O NSC encontra-se baseado no \Site Calibration" (SC), sendo este um método de medição padronizado pela Comissão Electrónica Internacional através da norma IEC 61400. Este método tem a finalidade de quantificar e reduzir os efeitos provocados pelo terreno e por possíveis obstáculos, na medição do desempenho energético das turbinas eólicas. Assim, no SC são realizadas medições em dois pontos, no mastro referência e no local da turbina (mastro temporário). No entanto, em Parques Eólicos já construídos, este método não é aplicável visto ser necessária a instalação de um mastro de medição no local da turbina e, por conseguinte, o procedimento adequado para estas circunstâncias é o NSC. O desenvolvimento deste método é feito por um código CFD, desenvolvido por uma equipa de investigação do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, designado de WINDIETM, usado extensivamente pela empresa Megajoule Inovação, Lda em aplicações de energia eólica em todo mundo. Este código é uma ferramenta para simulação de escoamentos tridimensionais em terrenos complexos. As simulações do escoamento são realizadas no regime transiente utilizando as equações de Navier-Stokes médias de Reynolds com aproximação de Bussinesq e o modelo de turbulência TKE 1.5. As condições fronteira são provenientes dos resultados de uma simulação realizada com Weather Research and Forecasting, WRF. Estas simulações dividem-se em dois grupos, um dos conjuntos de simulações utiliza o esquema convectivo Upwind e o outro utiliza o esquema convectivo de 4aordem. A análise deste método é realizada a partir da comparação dos dados obtidos nas simulações realizadas no código WINDIETM e a coleta de dados medidos durante o processo SC. Em suma, conclui-se que o WINDIETM e as suas configurações reproduzem bons resultados de calibração, ja que produzem erros globais na ordem de dois pontos percentuais em relação ao SC realizado para o mesmo local em estudo.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energias Renováveis – Conversão Eléctrica e Utilização Sustentáveis
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer Science
Identificación/caracterización del problema: El abastecimiento energético en base a fuentes no tradicionales o recursos no renovables es un tema altamente estratégico en las agendas de los Estados. El petróleo se está agotando y las existencias no alcanzarán para abastecer el consumo mundial.Esto ha llevado a Gobiernos a implementar alternativas de producción energética basadas en fuentes no tradicionales, tales como el Hidrógeno (H2), lo cual creará una Economía basada en el Hidrógeno.Argentina cuenta con una matriz energética dependiente en un 90 por ciento del petróleo y con reservas certificadas de petróleo y gas natural para 8,6 y 9,4 años respectivamente. Sin duda, los desafíos próximos serán: a) crear las herramientas necesarias para minimizar una potencial crisis energética en el corto plazo, y b) desarrollar políticas energéticas que articulen su autoabastecimiento e inserción en la Economía del Hidrógeno. Dado que Argentina cuenta con uno de los recursos renovables más importantes del mundo, "el viento", tiene condiciones inmejorables para obtener Hidrógeno (H2) por electrólisis del agua, utilizando energía eléctrica proveniente de fuentes renovables como la eólica (EE). Es por ello que apostar al desarrollo local del H2 basado en la EE nos ofrecerá como país, un rol estratégico en la futura Economía del Hidrógeno.Objetivo General: Identificar la actual Matriz Energética Argentina y reconocer los factores limitantes y oportunidades para la diversificación de la misma, utilizando la Energía Eólica (EE) como pilar hacia la Economía del Hidrógeno (Econo-H2). El fin último será esbozar herramientas de política energética e instrumentos regulatorios pertinentes, que sirvan de base para la formulación de una macro política energética.Metodología de Investigación: Se utilizarán técnicas de análisis de la siguiente información:a) Documental (textos, artículos, información periodística)b) Técnica, Legal y administrativa) Oral (Declaraciones oficiales-privadas y entrevistas)d) Visual (imágenes, gráficos y mapas)e) Datos (cronológicos, estadísticos y geográficos)Resultados esperados: La formulación de herramientas de política energética y de instrumentos regulatorios pertinentes, que sirvan de base para la formulación de una macro política energética que considere la Energía Eólica (EE) como un pilar fundamental para la diversificación de la matriz energética actual. Asimismo se reflexionará sobre la importancia de asociar la EE a la producción masiva del hidrógeno (H2) para la inserción y proyección futura de la Argentina hacia la Economía del Hidrógeno.Importancia del Proyecto: Argentina ha ratificado el protocolo de Kioto y forma parte de la Johannesburg Renewable Energy Coalition (JREC), por la cual ha asumido compromisos para fijar políticas nacionales de incentivo para el desarrollo de uso de energías renovables.Sin embargo, y a pesar de una serie de iniciativas y leyes promulgadas relacionadas a uso de energías renovables, hasta la fecha, no se ha logrado cumplir con metas concretas.Consideramos que uno de los factores fundamentales que ha dificultado esto, se basa en la ausencia de una política de Estado de mediano y largo plazo que incluya a las energías renovables como un objetivo concreto y un sistema de instrumentos y planes complementarios que acompañen dicha política.