904 resultados para License to market
Avui dia el coneixement s'ha convertit en l'actiu més valuós de qualsevol organització, i la gestió d'aquest actiu, en una necessitat. La competitivitat de les empreses i, per tant, la seva supervivència depenen, en gran manera, del fet que aquest coneixement es pugui preservar i emprar eficientment. Quantes vegades hem perdut el temps innecessàriament cercant documents que nosaltres mateixos hem guardat en algun lloc i que no sabem trobar, o hem desaprofitat la informació d'altres perquè no sabem que existeix, o hem hagut de demanar informació a altres persones perquè nosaltres no la tenim a la nostra disposició o no sabem com trobar-la. Tot això i molt més pot quedar resolt amb una bona gestió del coneixement. Si haguéssim de definir què és la gestió del coneixement, podríem dir que és tot el conjunt d'activitats que tenen com a finalitat fer servir, compartir i desenvolupar els coneixements d'una organització i de les persones que hi treballen per a aconseguir una millora en els seus objectius, ser més precisos en la presa de decisions i poder donar una resposta més ràpida a les necessitats del mercat. Però implantar la gestió del coneixement en una empresa no és una tasca fàcil ni immediata. A banda de comportar un canvi organitzatiu important, cal que hi hagi un suport tecnològic, cosa que implica definir uns processos, abans inexistents i que ara han de ser aplicats i veure com s'integra en el funcionament de l'activitat diària de l'empresa, en aquest cas, el desenvolupament de projectes informàtics.
Les literatures francòfones, relegades durant molts anys a una quasi total indiferència per part de la literatura francesa, han pres en els últims quinze anys una importància considerable. L'esforç per part de molts professors d'incloure aquestes literatures en els programes d'ensenyament està donant els seus fruits. L'interès suscitat per l'estudi de la literatura quebequesa i l'apogeu que està prenent a Catalunya –a més de les bones relacions Catalunya-Quebec– van ser el motor d’una recerca sobre la presència, la traducció i la recepció de la literatura de Quebec a Catalunya. Per tal de conèixer l’estat de la qüestió, es va procedir, en un primer temps, a un seguiment de tot el que s’havia publicat a Catalunya referent a la literatura del Quebec. Igualment, es va sondejar els treballs sobre aquesta matèria que no havien estat objecte de publicació i es va recopilar la diversa informació sobre les manifestacions culturals relacionades amb aquesta matèria. En un segon temps, es va procedir a l’estudi dels materials obtinguts i a la seva avaluació. Malgrat la presència recent de la literatura del Quebec a Catalunya i la manca de planificació institucional per dur a terme una traducció sistemàtica que permeti mostrar l’estat actual d’aquesta literatura, es troba, cada vegada més, una voluntat manifesta de donar a conèixer aquesta cultura provinent de Quebec ja sigui per afinitats o voluntats individuals o per respondre a les tendències de mercat.
Dada a importância do conceito de orientação para o mercado e a inexistência de estudos que estudem o seu grau de implementação nas empresas Cabo-Verdianas, este estudo visa medir o grau de orientação para o mercado dos hotéis em Cabo Verde. O estudo foi aplicado às unidades hoteleiras do sector turístico em Cabo Verde com o objectivo de: (i) determinar o grau de orientação para o mercado dos hotéis em Cabo Verde e (ii) verificar a existência de diferenças significativas no grau de orientação para o mercado dos hotéis em função da existência de departamento de marketing nos hotéis, a área funcional dos respondentes, a localização geográfica dos hotéis e a procedência do capital social maioritário. As conclusões do estudo sugerem que em termos gerais, os hotéis, em Cabo Verde, segundo as percepções dos gestores, tem um nível médio de orientação para o mercado. Os resultados mostraram ainda que apenas existe uma diferença significativa no grau de geração e resposta ao mercado, entre os hotéis nacionais e os estrangeiros. Igualmente, constatou-se que, existe uma diferença significativa, no grau de geração e disseminação de informação de mercado, entre a percepção da área comercial e ou marketing e as restantes áreas das unidades hoteleiras. Entretanto, relativamente à localização dos hotéis e à existência ou não de departamentos de marketing, não foi confirmada a existência de diferenças significativas no grau de geração, disseminação de informação e resposta ao mercado. Due to the importance given to the concept of market orientation and the lack of studies which examine its level of implementation in Cape Verdean companies, this research aims to measure the level of market orientation of hotels in Cape Verde. This study was applied to hotel units in Cape Verde with the aim of: (i) determining the level of market orientation in Cape Verde hotels and (ii) verifying the existence of significant differences in the degree of market orientation of hotels which have or not a marketing department, the professional area of the respondents, the geographic location of the hotels and the origin of the majority funds. According to the managers’ perceptions, the results suggest that in general terms, the hotels, in Cape Verde, , have an intermediate level of market orientation. The results also show that there is a significant difference between national and foreign hotels regarding information generation and responsiveness to market. In the same way, there is as significant difference on the degree of generation and dissemination of information between the functional commercial areas and the others functional hotel areas. However, there was no significant difference on what concerns generation, dissemination and market responsiveness, regarding hotels location and the existence or not of marketing departments.
Summary Throughout my thesis, I elaborate on how real and financing frictions affect corporate decision making under uncertainty, and I explore how firms time their investment and financing decisions given such frictions. While the macroeconomics literature has focused on the impact of real frictions on investment decisions assuming all equity financed firms, the financial economics literature has mainly focused on the study of financing frictions. My thesis therefore assesses the join interaction of real and financing frictions in firms' dynamic investment and financing decisions. My work provides a rationale for the documented poor empirical performance of neoclassical investment models based on the joint effect of real and financing frictions on investment. A major observation relies in how the infrequency of corporate decisions may affect standard empirical tests. My thesis suggests that the book to market sorts commonly used in the empirical asset pricing literature have economic content, as they control for the lumpiness in firms' optimal investment policies. My work also elaborates on the effects of asymmetric information and strategic interaction on firms' investment and financing decisions. I study how firms time their decision to raise public equity when outside investors lack information about their future investment prospects. I derive areal-options model that predicts either cold or hot markets for new stock issues conditional on adverse selection, and I provide a rational approach to study jointly the market timing of corporate decisions and announcement effects in stock returns. My doctoral dissertation therefore contributes to our understanding of how under real and financing frictions may bias standard empirical tests, elaborates on how adverse selection may induce hot and cold markets in new issues' markets, and suggests how the underlying economic behaviour of firms may induce alternative patterns in stock prices.
Spanning tests in return and stochastic discount factor mean-variance frontiers: A unifying approach
We propose new spanning tests that assess if the initial and additional assets share theeconomically meaningful cost and mean representing portfolios. We prove their asymptoticequivalence to existing tests under local alternatives. We also show that unlike two-step oriterated procedures, single-step methods such as continuously updated GMM yield numericallyidentical overidentifyng restrictions tests, so there is arguably a single spanning test.To prove these results, we extend optimal GMM inference to deal with singularities in thelong run second moment matrix of the influence functions. Finally, we test for spanningusing size and book-to-market sorted US stock portfolios.
Changes in agriculture operations over the past 35 years are having a dramatic impact on Iowa’s roads and bridges. The average size of an Iowa farm has increased to 352 acres in 2003, compared to 237 acres in 1970. Modern agricultural practices have also produced higher yields per acre, which means more grain to haul to market. In order to increase efficiency, farmers are beginning to use larger capacity wagons hauling more bushels per trip to the elevator, and using much heavier equipment in their farming operations. This trend is stressing Iowa bridges beyond the current capabilities to maintain them.
Actualment un típic embedded system (ex. telèfon mòbil) requereix alta qualitat per portar a terme tasques com codificar/descodificar a temps real; han de consumir poc energia per funcionar hores o dies utilitzant bateries lleugeres; han de ser el suficientment flexibles per integrar múltiples aplicacions i estàndards en un sol aparell; han de ser dissenyats i verificats en un període de temps curt tot i l’augment de la complexitat. Els dissenyadors lluiten contra aquestes adversitats, que demanen noves innovacions en arquitectures i metodologies de disseny. Coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs) estan emergent com a candidats potencials per superar totes aquestes dificultats. Diferents tipus d’arquitectures han estat presentades en els últims anys. L’alta granularitat redueix molt el retard, l’àrea, el consum i el temps de configuració comparant amb les FPGAs. D’altra banda, en comparació amb els tradicionals processadors coarse-grained programables, els alts recursos computacionals els permet d’assolir un alt nivell de paral•lelisme i eficiència. No obstant, els CGRAs existents no estant sent aplicats principalment per les grans dificultats en la programació per arquitectures complexes. ADRES és una nova CGRA dissenyada per I’Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Center (IMEC). Combina un processador very-long instruction word (VLIW) i un coarse-grained array per tenir dues opcions diferents en un mateix dispositiu físic. Entre els seus avantatges destaquen l’alta qualitat, poca redundància en les comunicacions i la facilitat de programació. Finalment ADRES és un patró enlloc d’una arquitectura concreta. Amb l’ajuda del compilador DRESC (Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded System Compile), és possible trobar millors arquitectures o arquitectures específiques segons l’aplicació. Aquest treball presenta la implementació d’un codificador MPEG-4 per l’ADRES. Mostra l’evolució del codi per obtenir una bona implementació per una arquitectura donada. També es presenten les característiques principals d’ADRES i el seu compilador (DRESC). Els objectius són de reduir al màxim el nombre de cicles (temps) per implementar el codificador de MPEG-4 i veure les diferents dificultats de treballar en l’entorn ADRES. Els resultats mostren que els cícles es redueixen en un 67% comparant el codi inicial i final en el mode VLIW i un 84% comparant el codi inicial en VLIW i el final en mode CGA.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a generic computing language that provides an outstanding case study of commodification of service standards. The development of this language in the late 1990s marked a shift in computer science as its extensibility let store and share any kind of data. Many office suites software rely on it. The chapter highlights how the largest multinational firms pay special attention to gain a recognised international standard for such a major technological innovation. It argues that standardisation processes affects market structures and can lead to market capture. By examining how a strategic use of standardisation arenas can generate profits, it shows that Microsoft succeeded in making its own technical solution a recognised ISO standard in 2008, while the same arena already adopted two years earlier the open source standard set by IBM and Sun Microsystems. Yet XML standardisation also helped to establish a distinct model of information technology services at the expense of Microsoft monopoly on proprietary software
You want a job. And you believe that somewhere, some employer has precisely the job you want - one that fully utilizes your knowledge and abilities and provides challenge and opportunities for advancement. To find that job, you need to perform a well-planned job search. You have a product to sell - your knowledge, skills and experience . . . YOURSELF! What you need to know is how to market yourself most effectively. Whether you are just out of school and ready to start your career or looking for a new position after 20 years of experience, some of the techniques presented in this booklet may help you. NOTE: ENGLISH
We analyse the strategic behaviours of agents in a market through the appropriate¬ness of their skills to the market. If agents' skills are well adapted to market and they can reach their target, they will not need to adopt strategic behaviours. The agents will behave as selfish individuals. However, if their skills are not well adapted and they cannot attain their target alone, they will adopt strategic behaviours to reach their objectives. These behaviours will have a different impact on the utilities of other agents, depending on the skills and the objectives of the agent. If these agents need other agents to reach their objectives, they will behave as altruistic individuals who internalise the utilities of other agents in reaching their objectives and will adopt cooperative behaviours. However, if these agents fear that other agents could prevent them from reaching their target because they can foresee that the skills of other agents are better adapted than their own skills, the agents will then behave as predator individuals and will adopt destructive behaviours to attain their objective. It is in the interests of these agents to manipulate information to increase disorder and dissimulate their lack of skills. They will reproduce the strategies of animals that modify their appearance to escape predators or simulate being bait to attract their prey. These agents will seek to induce chaos into the behaviours of other agents to amplify the impact of their strategies. The appropriateness of skills to the market allows an understanding of the emer-gence of networks and associated strategies. The members of a networks are inputs who are excluded when their costs are higher than their benefits. A network simul-taneously allows cooperation and selfish, predatory behaviours among its members. A network may adopt informational strategies when seeking to become the leader in a market or when it cannot survive. The creation of networks and the manipulation of information are two overlapping evolutionary strategies, with the first strategy favouring the second. In our model, an agent does not behave like a firm that aims only to maximise the profits of the firm but rather as a member of a network who adopts strategic behaviours as a function of the interests of this network. If his skills are well adapted to the market and he can innovate, he will not invest in erroneous input; in contrast, if his skills are not adapted, the agent will invest in the erroneous input of information into the market in order to survive. Therefore, when any informational asymmetries between the agents and their principals characterise the market, the price cannot be the main element that allows equilibrium to be reached in the market; instead, the appropriateness of skills to the market enables equilibrium. We will now apply these hypotheses to explain the strategic behaviours of physicians and pharmaceutical companies.
Pentagon-classified navigation systems are designed and tested. Genetically-superior, drought resistant triple-stacked corn hybrids exponentially improve corn and soybean yields. Scientists discover a simple flower, the marigold, unlocks astonishing potential as a change agent to improve the world’s health. All achieved or discovered in Iowa, the common denominator among all of these extraordinary activities is the intensive research and development efforts involved in bringing them to market. For businesses heavily dependent on research and development, one of their strategic advantages of conducting that world-changing research in Iowa is the state’s Research Activities Credit, commonly referred to as the Research and Development tax credit. Whether a company’s specific strategy is planting a stake into emerging markets, expanding its market leadership position, or paving technological inroads to gain market share, the success of those efforts is largely dependent on the company’s preceding work in research and development. Iowa recognizes how significant these resulting innovations are to long-term business growth and stability. Even though the federal research credits have fluctuated with intermittent expiration dates and reinstatement periods, Iowa has remained consistent in its support for the Research Activities Credit over theyears.
Peasant societies are often seen by neoliberal or Marxist theorists as passive subjects of political-economic transformations occurring at a higher level, only surviving through acculturation to market requirements. By analyzing agricultural work organization in highland communities and a local system of water management called Acuerdos Reciprocos por el Agua (Reciprocal Agreements for Water), developed in 2003 by the Natura Bolivia foundation in Florida Province in Bolivia, we show that, contrary to this perception, traditional reciprocal norms still play an essential role in decision making. This suggests the agency of rural societies and the resilience of traditional reciprocity-based norms in mountain regions.
In today's era of advanced methods, it is interesting that a centuries-old Roman road-building concept can be the most attractive alternative available. The need for a less expensive road base construction method is very apparent, especially to the county engineer faced with maintaining quality lower traffic volume farm-to-market roads. The revival of the Macadam stone base is one possible solution. Des Moines County believed a Macadam road had excellent possibilities for their particular needs. They proposed a research project designed to eliminate some of the unknown factors of Macadam stone base construction. It is the intent of this research project to develop standardized design procedures and serve as an aid for others in constructing a Macadam base roadway. The Iowa Department of Transportation has published special provisions for the construction of Macadam stone bases that were adopted as the guideline specifications for the research project.
As of December 31, 1970 there were 57,270 miles of Local Secondary roads and 32,958 miles of Farm to Market roads in the Iowa secondary road system. The Local Secondary system carried a traffic load of 2,714,180 daily vehicle miles, accounting for 32% of all traffic in the secondary system. For all Local Secondary roads having some form of surfacing, 98% were surfaced with gravel or crushed stone. During the 1970 construction year 335 miles of surfaced roads were constructed in the Local Secondary system with 78% being surfaced with gravel or crushed stone. The total maintenance expenditure for all secondary roads in Iowa during 1970 amounted to $40,086,091. Of this, 42%, or $17,020,332, was spent for aggregate replacement on existing gravel or crushed stone roads with an additional 31% ($12,604,456) being spent on maintenance other than resurfacing. This amounts to 73% of the total maintenance budget and are the largest two maintenance expenditure items out of a list of 10 ranging from bridges to drainage assessments. The next largest item was 7%, for maintenance of existing flexible bases. Three concurrent phases of study were included in this project: (1) laboratory screenings studies of various additives thought to have potential for long-lasting dust palliation, soil additive strength, durability, and additive retention potential; (2) test road construction using those additives that indicated promise for performance-serviceability usage; and (3) observations and tests of constructed sections for evaluation of the additive's contribution to performance and serviceability as well as the relationship to initial costs.
Nationwide surveys on radiation dose to the population from medical radiology are recommended in order to follow the trends in population exposure and ensure radiation protection. The last survey in Switzerland was conducted in 1998, and the annual effective dose from medical radiology was estimated to be 1 mSv y(-1) per capita. The purpose of this work was to follow the trends in diagnostic radiology between 1998 and 2008 in Switzerland and determine the contribution of different modalities and types of examinations to the collective effective dose from medical x-rays. For this reason, an online database (www.raddose.ch) was developed. All healthcare providers who hold a license to run an x-ray unit in the country were invited to participate in the survey. More than 225 examinations, covering eight radiological modalities, were included in the survey. The average effective dose for each examination was reassessed. Data from about 3,500 users were collected (42% response rate). The survey showed that the annual effective dose was 1.2 mSv/capita in 2008. The most frequent examinations are conventional and dental radiographies (88%). The contribution of computed tomography was only 6% in terms of examination frequency but 68% in terms of effective dose. The comparison with other countries showed that the effective dose per capita in Switzerland was in the same range as in other countries with similar healthcare systems, although the annual number of examinations performed in Switzerland was higher.