983 resultados para Leishmania vectors


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RESUMO As leishmanioses são doenças causadas por um protozoário intracelular pertencente à ordem Kinetoplastida, da família Trypanosomatidae, do género Leishmania. Os parasitas são transmitidos aos hospedeiros vertebrados por dípteros pertencentes à sub-família Phlebotominae. Devido à inexistência de vacinas a quimioterapêutica continua a representar o único mecanismo de prevenção e controlo. Os fármacos de primeira linha para o tratamento da leishmaniose visceral continuam a ser os antimoniais pentavalentes e a anfotericina B (AMB). A AMB lipossómica está a ser cada vez mais utilizada como 1ª linha. O conhecimento do(s) mecanismo(s) utilizados pelos parasitas, responsáveis pela resistência, é fundamental de modo a permitir o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos anti-Leishmania que possam substituir e/ou complementar os fármacos existentes, de uma forma eficaz assim como contribuir para o desenvolvimento de metodologias para avaliar e monitorizar a resistência. Espera-se do modelo animal a reprodução da infecção na Natureza. Os modelos canino e murino têm ajudado na compreensão dos mecanismos responsáveis pela patogénese e pela resposta imunitária à infecção por Leishmania. Sendo o cão o principal hospedeiro da infecção por L. infantum e o principal reservatório doméstico da leishmaniose visceral humana, procedeu-se à caracterização da evolução da infecção experimental em canídeos de raça Beagle através da análise clínica, hematológica, histopatológica, parasitária, assim com através da resposta imunitária desenvolvida. As alterações hematológicas observadas foram as associadas à leishmaniose visceral: anemia, leucopenia, trombocitopenia com aumento das proteínas totais e da fracção gama-globulina, e diminuição da albumina. Histologicamente observou-se nos órgãos viscerais uma reacção inflamatória crónica, acompanhada por vezes da formação de granulomas ricos em macrófagos. Apesar de todos os animais terem ficado infectados (confirmado pela presença do parasita nos vários tecidos e órgãos recolhidos na necrópsia), os únicos sinais clínicos observados transitoriamente foram adenopatia e alopécia. As técnicas moleculares foram significativamente mais eficazes na detecção do parasita do que os métodos parasitológicos convencionais. As amostras não invasivas (sangue periférico e conjuntiva) mostraram ser significativamente menos eficazes na detecção de leishmanias. No nosso modelo experimental não se observou a supressão da resposta celular ao antigénio parasitário e confirmou-se que, apesar de não protectora, a resposta humoral específica é pronunciada e precoce. A bipolarização da resposta imunitária Th1 ou Th2, amplamente descrita nas infecções experimentais por L. major no modelo murino, não foram observadas neste estudo. O facto dos animais não evidenciarem doença apesar do elevado parasitismo nos órgãos viscerais poderá estar relacionado com a expressão simultânea de citocinas de ambos os tipos Th1 e Treg, no baço, fígado, gânglio, medula óssea e sangue periférico. Neste estudo também se caracterizou o efeito da saliva do vector Phlebotomus perniciosus na infecção experimental de murganhos BALB/c com estirpes de L. infantum selvagem e tratada com AMB, inoculadas por via intradérmica. A visceralização da infecção ocorreu após a utilização da via de administração do inóculo que mais se assemelha ao que ocorre na Natureza. Apesar da disseminação dos parasitas nos animais co-inoculados com extracto de uma glândula salivar ter sido anterior à do grupo inoculado apenas com parasitas, não se detectaram diferenças significativas na carga parasitária, entre os três grupos, ao longo do período de observação pelo que, embora a saliva do vector esteja descrita como responsável pela exacerbação da infecção, tal não foi observado no nosso estudo. O aumento de expressão de citocinas esteve relacionado com o aumento do parasitismo mas, tal como no modelo canino, não se observou bipolarização da resposta imunitária. Os animais dos três grupos infectados parecem ter desenvolvido nos diferentes órgãos uma resposta mista dos tipos Th1 e Th2/Treg. Contudo, verificou-se a predominância da expressão Th1 (TNF-α), no fim do período de observação, o que pode estar relacionado com a resolução da infecção. Por outro lado, a presença de parasitas na pele dos animais inoculados com a estirpe L. infantum tratada com AMB permite colocar a hipótese da existência de parasitas resistentes na Natureza e destes poderem ser transmitidos. Após se ter verificado que a estirpe de L. infantum tratada com AMB tinha a capacidade de infectar e visceralizar no modelo murino, analisou-se o seu comportamento em dois dos principais vectores de L. infantum, Lutzomyia longipalpis e P. perniciosus. Os parasitas tratados com AMB apresentaram uma menor capacidade de permanecerem no interior do vector assim como um desenvolvimento mais lento apontando para uma menor capacidade de transmissão das estirpes resistentes a este fármaco, pelo que o tratamento com AMB poderá ser favorável à prevenção e controlo através da interrupção do ciclo de vida do parasita. De modo a determinar in vitro a susceptibilidade de Leishmania aos diferentes fármacos utilizados na terapêutica da leishmaniose humana e canina (Glucantime®, Fungizone®, miltefosine e alopurinol) comparou-se o sistema de promastigotas axénicos com o sistema amatigota-macrófago. Verificou-se que, para as estirpes estudadas, os resultados de ambos os sistemas não apresentavam diferenças significativas sendo a utilização do primeiro mais vantajosa ao ser menos moroso e de mais fácil execução. Seleccionaram-se estirpes quimio-resistentes in vitro, por exposição prolongada a doses crescentes de AMB, tendo-se verificado que os parasitas tratados, apresentaram uma menor susceptibilidade do que os não tratados à acção dos fármacos estudados, com excepção do alopurinol. A diminuição da susceptibilidade das estirpes aos fármacos utilizados poderá facilitar a dispersão de parasitas multiresistentes. Sendo a apoptose um dos mecanismos utilizados pelos parasitas para evitar a indução de uma resposta imune por acção de compostos anti- Leishmania, determinou-se o número de amastigotas apoptóticos assim como a produção de TNF-α e IL-10 pelos macrófagos tratados. Concluiu-se que os compostos conseguiram suprimir a produção de IL-10, inibidora da activação dos macrófagos, contudo nem a produção da citocina pro-inflamatória TNF- α nem a apoptose pareceram ser os principais mecanismos responsáveis à sobrevivência dos parasitas ao contacto com os fármacos.


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The members of the subfamily Triatominae (Hemiptera : Reduviidae) comprise a great number of species of medical importance in the transmission of the T. cruzi (American trypanosomiasis). The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge about the chemical composition in proteins, lipids, lipoproteins, and carbohydrates of vectors of Chagas' disease corresponding to twelve members of the subfamily Triatominae. This study was carried out in ninphs of the fifth instar and adult males of the species: T. delpontei, T. dimidiata, T. guasayana, T. infestans, T. mazzotti, T. pallidipennis, T. patagonica, T. platensis, T. rubrovaria, T. sordida of the Triatoma genus, and D. maximus and P. megistus of the Dipatalogaster and Panstrongylus genera respectively. The results show on one hand, qualitative differences in the protein composition, and on the other hand, similarity in the lipoprotein profiles. Lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates did not show significant differences between species or/and stages.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D degree in Engineering and Technology Sciences, Gene Therapy at the Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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São descritas as alterações microscópicas presentes na forma localizada (ulcerada) da Leishmaniose cutânea produzida por Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. Nesse tipo de manifestação, menos conhecido do que a forma anérgica ou difusa devida ao mesmo agente, as lesões são clinicamente idênticas às de leishmaniose cutânea causada por espécies outras de Leishmania, pertencentes ao subgênero Viannia. Na infecção localizada por L. (L.) amazonensis, entretanto, há um aspecto peculiar, só recentemente conhecido, ou seja, cerca de 50% dos indivíduos atingidos não reagem ao teste de Montenegro. A principal característica histológica observada foi a acumulação na derme, quase sempre focal, de numerosos macrófagos contendo no citoplasma um grande vacúolo cheio de amastigotas. O quadro é semelhante ao da forma difusa, porém sem o aspecto histiocitomatóide, próprio da última. Afora esses grupos de macrófagos, vêem-se também, na forma localizada, muitas células mononucleares da inflamação, principalmente plasmócitos e macrófagos não parasitados. Os acúmulos de macrófagos com amastigotas, quando volumosos, podem sofrer necrose na parte central; os parasitos, contidos nas células, são destruídos com elas ou liberados, e sua eliminação através da úlcera deve contribuir para a cura do processo. Esse tipo de necrose nunca foi descrito em casos da forma difusa. Não houve grande diferença, no quadro histológico, entre pacientes Montenegro-negativos e positivos. Apenas em alguns casos, do grupo Montenegro-positivo, havia granulomas formados por histiócitos epitelióides sem parasitos. Quanto à persistência das células com parasitos nas lesões, observou-se que aos seis meses ou mais de evolução, em ambos os grupos, ainda estavam elas presentes. Tal achado não é comum na leishmaniose tegumentar por L. (V.) braziliensis.


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Leishmania braziliensis is a causative agent of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL). The 034-JCG strain, isolated from a patient from the northern region of Paraná State, Brazil, was cultivated in Blood Agar Base medium, lyophilized and submitted to phenol-water extraction. The extract was treated with RNase I. The carbohydrate containing-antigen (Ag-CHO) was immunogenic to rabbits and showed at least a fraction with some negative charge at pH 8.2. This antigen showed cross-reactivity with the phenol-water extract of the growth medium used for the culture of promastigotes and with the surface antigens of promastigotes. Its composition is: 24.3% of total sugars, from which 11.2% of galactose, 7.5% of mannose and 5.6% of ribose. Protein content was 5.4% and phosphate 18.5%. The antigenic activity was maintained after: repeated freezing-thawing; lyophilization; heating at 100ºC for 30 minutes; treatment with RNase, trichloroacetic acid and sodium metaperiodate. The precipitin line obtained is Periodic Acid Schiff positive. The application of the Ag-CHO in counterimmunoelectrophoresis reaction for the immunodiagnosis of ACL showed 60% sensitivity, and no cross-reaction with the five sera of Chagas' disease patients tested. The use of this antigen in a more sensitive technique, with more samples of sera, may improve these results.


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We studied the susceptibility to Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis in strains of mice. The C57BL/6 strain was resistant and showed self-controlled lesion at the injected foot pad. The BALB/c and DBA/2J strains were susceptible and showed a foot swelling that started day 20 post-infection and progressed to a tumour-like lesion in later period of observation. The CBA/HJ strain was found to be of intermediary resistance. In contrast to other known cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice, the lesion in L. (V.) panamensis-infected mice was restricted to the inoculation site in the skin. In addition, we studied the development of cellular response and antibodies against Leishmania antigen in BALB/c and C57BL/6 strains. The proliferative response of lymph node cells against L. (V.) panamensis antigen was biphasic in both strains. An initial response was seen on day 20, followed by a refractory period between 40 and 80 days and a second response around fourth month post-infection. The response in the latter period was higher in C57BL/6 strain than in BALB/c strain. BALB/c strain presented much higher anti-Leishmania antibody level than C57BL/6 strain. The model and the correlation of immunological variables and the course of the infection are discussed.


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The objective of this study was to compare the histopathological changes and expression of CR3 and CR4 in the liver and spleen of dogs naturally and experimentally infected with L. chagasi. The basic histopathological lesions observed mainly in naturally infected dogs were: epithelioid hepatic granulomas, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of Kupffer cells, Malpigui follicles and mononucleated cells of the red pulp of the spleen. Sections from the liver and spleen by immunocytochemistry technique showed the presence of CD11b,c\CD 18 antigens in the control and infected animals and no qualitative or quantitative differences in the liver. Nevertheless, CD18 was always increased in the spleen of naturally and experimentally infected dogs. These results indicate that there is a difference in the activaton of CD 18 in both experimental and natural cases of canine visceral leishmaniasis that should play an important role in the immunological response to Leishmania chagasi infection.


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A triatomine survey was conducted in three rural settlements of Nicaragua (Santa Rosa, Quebrada Honda and Poneloya) where Chagas' disease is endemic, to determine rates of house infestation, evaluate the housing condition and to asess the performance of the María sensor box in detection of domestic vectors. A total of 184 households were selected and vectors were sought by the methods of timed manual capture and by sensor boxes. The sole vectors species found in this study was Triatoma dimidiata. Of the examined bugs 50, 60 and 33%, in the respective communities, were infected with T. cruzi. The rates of house infestation as determined by manual capture and sensor boxes were respectively, 48.3% and 54.2% in Santa Rosa, 29.8% and 51.2% in Quebrada Honda and in Poneloya 3.8 and 5.9% with significant difference between the methods in Quebrada Honda. When compared with the manual capture, the Maria sensor box detected vectors in 71.4% of positive houses in two of the communities but also was able to detect bugs in 39.3% and 41.1% of houses where manual capture had been negative. Housing condition was evaluated according to three structural parameters, in this way, in the first community 79.2% of houses were classified as bad, 20.8% as regular; in the second one 42.5% were bad and 57.5% regular, whereas in the third 62.5% of the houses were regular. Rates of infestation did not differ greatly between the different housing conditions. Our results show that the sensor box is as efficient as manual capture and could be implemented in our country.


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We have detected antibodies, in the sera of Chagas disease, Kala-azar and Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis patients, that bind multiple antigens shared between the three causative agents. The Chagas disease sera showed 98 to 100% positive results by ELISA when the Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania chagasi antigens were used, respectively. The Kala-azar sera showed 100% positive results with Trypanosoma cruzi or L. braziliensis antigens by immunofluorescence assays. The antibodies in the sera of Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis patients showed 100% positive results by ELISA assays with T. cruzi or L. chagasi antigens. Furthermore, the direct agglutination of L. chagasi promastigotes showed that 95% of Kala-azar and 35% of Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis sera agglutinated the parasite in dilutions above 1:512. In contrast, 15% of Chagas sera agglutinated the parasite in dilutions 1:16 and below. Western blot analysis showed that the Chagas sera that formed at least 24 bands with the T. cruzi also formed 13 bands with the L. chagasi and 17 bands with the L. braziliensis. The Kala-azar sera that recognized at least 29 bands with the homologous antigen also formed 14 bands with the T. cruzi and 10 bands with the L. braziliensis antigens. Finally, the Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis sera that formed at least 17 bands with the homologous antigen also formed 10 bands with the T. cruzi and four bands with the L. chagasi antigens. These results indicate the presence of common antigenic determinants in several protozoal proteins and, therefore, explain the serologic cross-reactions reported here.


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Diagnostic and parasite characterization and identification studies were carried out in human patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions in Santiago del Estero, Northern Province of Argentina. Diagnostic procedures were biopsies of lesions for smears and inoculations in hamster, needle aspirations of material from ulcers for "in vitro" cultures. Immunodiagnostic techniques applied were IFAT-IgG and Montenegro skin test. Primary isolation of eight stocks of leishmanial parasites was achieved from patients with active lesions. All stocks were biologically characterized by their behaviour in hamster, measurements of amastigote and promastigotes and growth "in vitro". Eight stocks were characterized and identified at species level by their reactivity to a cross-panel of sub-genus and specie-specific Monoclonal Antibodies through an Indirect Immunofluorescence technique and a Dot-ELISA. We conclude from the serodeme analysis of Argentina stocks that: stocks MHOM/AR/92/SE-1; SE-2; SE-4; SE-8; SE-8-I; SE-30; SE-34 and SE-36 are Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. Three Leishmania stocks (SE-1; SE-2 and SE-30) did not react with one highly specie-specific Monoclonal Antibody (Clone: B-18, Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis marker) disclosing two serodeme group patterns. Five out of eight soluble extracts of leishmanial promastigotes were electrophoresed on thin-layer starch gels and examined for the enzyme MPI, Mannose Phosphate Isomerase; MDH, Malate Dehydrogenase; 6PGD, 6 Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase; NH, Nucleoside Hydrolase, 2-deoxyinosinc as substrate; SOD, Superoxide Dismutase; GPI, Glucose Phosphate Isomerase and ES, Esterase. From the isoenzyme studies we concluded that stocks: MHOM/AR/92/SE-1; SE-2; SE-4; SE-8 and SE-8-I are isoenzymatically Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. We need to analyze more enzymes before assigning them to a braziliensis zymodeme.


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Human bartonellosis is found predominantly in Perú2, 6, 8, 12, 15, as well as in Ecuador3, 7, 10 and Colombia13, 15. In Peru, the disease is restricted to the valleys of the western-side and a few inter-andean and eastern-slopes of the andean valleys6, 15, 18 at altitudes between 1000 and 3200 masl. Most human cases are reported from the regions of Chavin, Nor Oriental del Marañon and Lima16. Lutzomyia verrucarum is presumed to be the only vector of human bartonellosis in the valleys of Peru1, 2, 8, 11, 17, 19/ Our research objetive was to detect the presence of Lu. verrucarum in various localities known to be endemic for human bartonellosis in three provinces of Region Nor Oriental del Marañon. Sandfly collections were made between 1987 and 1992 during four visits to bartonellosis-endemic provinces: San Ignacio (districts of San José de Lourdes: 1020-1260 m and La Coipa: 1200-1560 m), Jaén (districts of Santa Rosa: 1300-1680 m and Jaén: 1220-1680 m) and Utcubamba (districts of Lonya Grande: 1200 m and El Milagro: 1200-1540 m)


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In the search for Leishmania recombinant antigens that can be used as a vaccine against American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, we identified a Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis recombinant protein of 33 kD (Larp33) which is recognized by antibodies and peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) from subjects vaccinated with Leishvacin ®, Larp33 was expressed in Escherichia coli after cloning of a 2,2 kb Sau3A digested genomic fragment of L. (L.) amazonensis into the pDS56-6 His vector. Immunoblotting analysis indicated that Larp33 corresponds to an approximately 40-kD native protein expressed in promastigotes of L.(L.) amazonensis and L. (Viannia) braziliensis. Northern blots of total RNA also demonstrated that the gene coding for this protein is expressed in promastigotes of the major lineages of Leishmania causing American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Larp33 induced partial protection in susceptible mouse strains (BALB/c and C57BL/10) against L. (L.) amazonensis after vaccination using Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) as adjuvant. In vitro stimulation of splenocytes from BALB/c protected mice with Larp33 elicited the secretion of IL-2 and IFN-g, suggesting that a Th1 cell-mediated protective response is associated with the resistance observed in these mice. As revealed by its immunogenic and antigenic properties, this novel recombinant antigen is a suitable candidate to compose a vaccine against cutaneous leishmaniasis


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Iron plays a central role in host-parasite interactions, since both intervenients need iron for survival and growth, but are sensitive to iron-mediated toxicity. The host’s iron overload is often associated with susceptibility to infection. However, it has been previously reported that iron overload prevented the growth of Leishmania major, an agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis, in BALB/c mice. In order to further clarify the impact of iron modulation on the growth of Leishmania in vivo, we studied the effects of iron supplementation or deprivation on the growth of L. infantum, the causative agent of Mediterranean visceral leishmaniasis, in the mouse model. We found that dietary iron deficiency did not affect the protozoan growth, whereas iron overload decreased its replication in the liver and spleen of a susceptible mouse strain. The fact that the iron-induced inhibitory effect could not be seen in mice deficient in NADPH dependent oxidase or nitric oxide synthase 2 suggests that iron eliminates L. infantum in vivo through the interaction with reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Iron overload did not significantly alter the mouse adaptive immune response against L. infantum. Furthermore, the inhibitory action of iron towards L. infantum was also observed, in a dose dependent manner, in axenic cultures of promastigotes and amastigotes. Importantly, high iron concentrations were needed to achieve such effects. In conclusion, externally added iron synergizes with the host’s oxidative mechanisms of defense in eliminating L. infantum from mouse tissues. Additionally, the direct toxicity of iron against Leishmania suggests a potential use of this metal as a therapeutic tool or the further exploration of iron anti-parasitic mechanisms for the design of new drugs.


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In this study we investigated the effect of 8-Bromoguanosine, an immunostimulatory compound, on the cytotoxicity of macrophages against Leishmania amazonensis in an in vitro system. The results showed that macrophages treated with 8-Bromoguanosine before or after infection are capable to reduce parasite load, as monitored by the number of amastigotes per macrophage and the percentage of infected cells (i.e. phagocytic index). Since 8-Bromoguanosine was not directly toxic to the promastigotes, it was concluded that the ribonucleoside induced macrophage activation. Presumably, 8-Bromoguanosine primed macrophages by inducing interferon alpha and beta which ultimately led to L. amazonensis amastigote killing. The results suggest that guanine ribonucleosides may be useful to treat infections with intracellular pathogens.