991 resultados para Leiocassis longirostris (Gunther)


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With Safe Design and Construction of Machinery, the author presents the results of empirical studies into this significant aspect of safety science in a very readable, well-structured format. The book contains 436 references, 17 tables, one figure and a comprehensive index. Liz Bluff addresses a complex and important, but often neglected domain in OHS – the safety of machinery – in a holistic and profound, yet evidence based analysis; with many applied cases from her studies, which make the book accessible and a pleasant lecture. Although research that led to this remarkable publication might have been primarily focused on the regulators, this book can be highly recommended to all OHS academics and practitioners. It provides an important contribution to the body of knowledge in OHS, and establishes one of the few Australian in-depth insights into the significance of machinery producers, rather than machinery users in the wider framework of risk management. The author bases this fresh perspective on the well-established European Machinery Safety guidelines, and grounds her mixed-methods research predominantly in qualitative analysis of motivation and knowledge, which eventually leads to specific safety outcomes. It should be noted that both European and Australian legal aspects are investigated and considered, as both equally apply to many machinery exporters. A detailed description of the research design and methods can be found in an appendix. Overall, the unique combination of quantitative safety performance data and qualitative analysis of safety behaviours form a valuable addition to the understanding of machinery safety. The author must be congratulated on making these complex relationships transparent to the reader through her meticulous inquiry.


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Private press aluminum phonographic record sent to Jakob Plaut in Berlin by his sons Günther and Walter in Maine, United States, on his 58th birthday with their birthday wishes and an interview. Each side is only a few minutes long.


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To investigate the risk of hyperuricemia in relation to Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in children from Taiwan, 225 Taiwanese children aged 12-15 years were recruited from 2009 to 2010. Linear and logistic regression models were employed to examine the influence of PFASs on serum uric acid levels. Findings revealed that eight of ten PFASs analyses were detected in > 94% of the participants' serum samples. Multivariate linear regression models revealed that perfluorooctanic acid (PFOA) was positively associated with serum uric acid levels (β=0.1463, p<0.05). Of all the PFASs analyses, only PFOA showed a significant effect on elevated levels of hyperuricemia (aOR=2.16, 95%CI: 1.29-3.61). When stratified by gender, the association between serum PFOA and uric acid levels was only evident among boys (aOR=2.76, 95%CI: 1.37-5.56). In conclusion, PFOA was found to be associated with elevated serum levels of uric acid in Taiwanese children, especially boys. Further research is needed to elucidate these links.


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Understanding the overwhelming diversity of life calls for complex organisational schemes. The field of systematics may thus be seen as the cornerstone of evolutionary biology. In the last few decades, systematics has been rejuvenated through the introduction of molecular methods such as DNA barcoding and multi-gene phylogenetic approaches. These methods may shed new light on established taxonomic ideas and problems. For example, the classification of ants has aroused much debate due to reinterpretation of morphological characters or contradictions between molecular data and morphology. Only in the last few years a consensus was reached regarding the phylogeny of ant subfamilies. However, the situation remains deplorable for lower taxonomic ranks such as subfamilies, tribes and genera. This thesis describes the systematics and evolution of the Holarctic ant genus Myrmica and the tribe to which it belongs, Myrmicini. Using barcoding, molecular-phylogenetic data and divergence time estimations, it addresses questions regarding the taxonomy, morphology and biogeography of this group. Furthermore, the interrelationships between socially parasitic Myrmica species and their hosts (other species in the genus) were inferred. The phylogeny suggests that social parasitism evolved several times in Myrmica. Finally, this thesis investigated whether coevolution shaped the phylogeny of socially parasitic Maculinea butterflies that live inside Myrmica colonies. No evidence was found for coevolution.


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Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) are a group of common chemicals that ubiquitously exist in wildlife and humans. Experimental data suggest that they may alter T-lymphocyte functioning in situ by preferentially enhancing the development of T-helper 2 (TH2)- and inhibiting TH1-lymphocyte development and might increase allergic inflammation, but few human studies have been conducted. To evaluate the association between serum PFAAs concentrations and T-lymphocyte-related immunological markers of asthma in children, and further to assess whether gender modified this association, 231 asthmatic children and 225 non-asthmatic control children from Northern Taiwan were recruited into the Genetic and Biomarker study for Childhood Asthma. Serum concentrations of ten PFAAs and levels of TH1 [interferon (IFN)-γ, interleukin (IL)-2] and TH2 (IL-4 and IL-5) cytokines were measured. The results showed that asthmatics had significantly higher serum PFAAs concentrations compared with the healthy controls. When stratified by gender, a greater number of significant associations between PFAAs and asthma outcomeswere found in males than in females. Among males, adjusted odds ratios for asthma among those with the highest versus lowest quartile of PFAAs exposure ranged from 2.59 (95% CI: 1.14, 5.87) for the perfluorobutanesulfonate (PFBS) to 4.38 (95% CI: 2.02, 9.50) for perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS); and serum PFAAs were associated positively with TH2 cytokines and inversely with TH1 cytokines among male asthmatics. Among females, no significant associations between PFAAs and TH2 cytokines could be detected. In conclusion, increased serum PFAAs levels may promote TH cell dysregulation and alter the availability of key TH1 and TH2 cytokines, ultimately contributing to the development of asthma that may differentially impact males to a greater degree than females. These results have potential relevance in asthma prevention.


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A detailed study is presented of the expected performance of the ATLAS detector. The reconstruction of tracks, leptons, photons, missing energy and jets is investigated, together with the performance of b-tagging and the trigger. The physics potential for a variety of interesting physics processes, within the Standard Model and beyond, is examined. The study comprises a series of notes based on simulations of the detector and physics processes, with particular emphasis given to the data expected from the first years of operation of the LHC at CERN.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella sitä muutosta, jonka Yhdysvallat käy läpi suomalaisten sanomalehtien kommentoivissa teksteissä lähihistorian aikana. Tarkemmin ilmaistuna, tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, näyttäytyykö Yhdysvallat suomalaisissa sanomalehtikommenteissa pelkästään maailmanpoliittisten muutosten ja presidenttien vaihdosten valossa vai onko mukana jonkin pidempi, historiallinen tematiikka, jolla Yhdysvalloista normaalisti kirjoitetaan ja jolla presidentin linjapuhetta kommentoidaan. Tutkimuksen näkökulmana ja samalla metodologisena viitekehyksenä on diskurssianalyysin ja sosiaalisen konstruktionismin näkökulma. Tarkoituksena on tarkastella kommentoivia tekstejä, ei pelkästään sosiaalisen todellisuuden tapahtumia raportoivina tai heijastavina, vaan myös sosiaalista todellisuutta rakentavina. Koska diskurssianalyysi ei itsessään ole selkeä tai yhtenäinen analyysimenetelmä, työssä on käytetty menetelmällisenä työkaluna kriittisen lingvistiikan analyysitapaa. Tutkimusaineistoa on analysoitu erityisesti Vesa Heikkisen (1999) ja Sari Pietikäisen (2000) analyysitapoja hyödyntäen. Tärkeimpinä teoreettisina taustaoletuksina edellisten tavoin myös tässä tutkielmassa ovat diskurssianalyysin eri suuntauksia edustavat lähteet kuten Faircloughn (1992, 1997, 2003) sekä van Dijkin (1985, 1999) ja Gunther Kressin (1985) näkemykset tästä lähestymistavasta. Koska tutkittava ilmiö kiinnittyy niin sanomalehtien pääkirjoitusten kuin poliittisen historiankin konteksteihin, on ilmiön taustoittamiseksi ja johtopäätösten tueksi nojattu myös esimerkiksi Salovaara-Moringin (2004, 2009), Rusin (2003), Jakobsonin (1998, 2005) ja Hemánuksen (1972, 1983) ajatuksiin. Tutkielman aineisto on rajattu viimeisten 25 vuoden ajalle siten, että on poimittu neljä maailmanpoliittisten muutosten tai Yhdysvaltain presidentin vaihdosten kannalta olennaista aikakautta. Samalla on noudatettu suurimmalta osalta myös sen kansainvälisen tutkimusprojektin rajauksia, jonka osana tämä tutkielma syntyi. Tutkimusaineistoa on siten kerätty vuosilta 1984, 1994, 2004 sekä 2010. Mukaan on kyseisiltä vuosilta otettu Yhdysvaltain presidentin pitämän linjapuheen pitopäivästä kaksi viikkoa eteenpäin kestävä periodi, jonka ajalta on kerätty neljän suomalaisen sanomalehden kommentoivat tekstit, pääkirjoitukset, kolumnit ja tausta-artikkelit, joissa otetaan kantaa Yhdysvaltain presidentin pitämään vuosittaiseen linjapuheeseen. Tutkimusaineiston valossa Yhdysvallat näyttäytyy suomalaisten sanomalehtikommentaattoreiden teksteissä toisaalta muuttuvana, mutta samalla myös muuttumattomana suurvaltana. Maailmanpoliittinen muutos – siirtymä kylmästä sodasta yhden suurvallan aikaan näkyy suomalaisessa kommentoinnissa. Samoin näyttäytyy selkeänä kahden erilaisen presidentin, George W. Bushin ja Barack Obaman vastaanotto. Toisaalta aineistossa ei näy pelkästään muutos, vaan Yhdysvallat on suomalaisille kommentoijille myös muuttumaton suurvalta jolta odotetaan paljon ja jota kritisoidaan sen mukaan – aikakaudesta riippuen joko suomalaisesta tai eurooppalaisesta positiosta käsin.


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A series of novel, microporous polymer networks (MPNs) have been generated in a simple, acid catalysed Friedel-Crafts-type self-condensation of A(2)B(2)- and A(2)B(4)-type fluorenone monomers. Two A2B4-type monomers with 2,7-bis(N, N-diphenylamino) A or 2,7-bis [4-(N, N-diphenylamino) phenyl] D substitution of the fluorenone cores lead to MPNs with high S(BET) surface areas of up to 1400 m(2) g(-1). Two MPNs made of binary monomer mixtures showed the highest Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas S(BET) of our series (SBET of up to 1800 m(2) g(-1)) after washing the powdery samples with supercritical carbon dioxide. Total pore volumes of up to 1.6 cm(3) g(-1) have been detected. It is observed that the substitution pattern of the monomers is strongly influencing the resulting physicochemical properties of the microporous polymer networks (MPNs).


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One-step synthesis of a cyclic 2,17-dioxo3,3](4,4') biphenylophane (MC) was achieved in high yield; its structure was verified by single crystal X-ray analysis. As a first example, a microporous polymer network was formed from macrocycle MC via acid-catalysed cyclotrimerization yielding a BET surface area of ca. 570 m(2) g(-1).


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In this study we (1) synthesized 65 yr of odontocete stranding data around the main Hawaiian Islands (1937–2002); (2) analyzed stranding patterns and trends over time; and (3) compared occurrence patterns based on sightings of live animals with stranding data and evaluated the compatibility of these data sets. From 1937 to 2002, 202 odontocete strandings were recorded by the National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Regional Office. Strandings increased through time due to increased reporting effort and occurred throughout the year. The four most common of 16 species reported were Kogia spp. (18%), spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) (15%), striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) (11%), and sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) (10%). The highest proportion of strandings was recorded on O‘ahu (48%), followed by Maui/La¯na‘i (24%), Kaua‘i (12%), Hawai‘i (11%), and Moloka‘i (5%). Comparison with four previously published live animal survey studies suggests that stranding records are a good indicator of species composition and yield reasonable data on the frequency of occurrence of species in the region they cover.


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Information on geographical variation is reviewed for Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, S. coeruleoalba, and Delphinus delphis in the eastern tropical Pacific, and boundaries for potential management units are proposed. National Marine Fisheries Service and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission sighting records made from 1979 to 1983 which were outside boundaries used in a 1979 assessment were examined for validity. Tagging returns and morphological data were also analyzed. Several stock ranges are expanded or combined. Three management units are proposed for S. attenuata: the coastal, northern offshore, and southern offshore spoiled dolphins. Four management units are proposed for S. longirostris: the Costa Rican, eastern, northern whitebelly, and southern whitebelly spinner dolphins. Two provisional management units are proposed for S. coeruleoalba: the northern and southern striped dolphins. Five management units (two of which are provisional) are proposed for D. delphis: the Baja neritic, northern, central, southern, and Guerrero common dolphins. Division into management units was based on morphological stock differences and distributional breaks. (PDF file contains 34 pages.)


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A subject of a change of authorised limits in 1994 for the discharge of liquid radioactive waste by the reprocessing plant Sellafield (UK) was an increase of these limits for certain radionuclides (3H, 14C, 60Co, 99Tc and 129I). It is investigated now how the radioactivity in marine biota from the North Sea and subsequently the public radiation exposure by ingestion has developed in the years since 1994. This is based on a compartment model for the Northeast Atlantic. Discharges of the reprocessing plants Dounreay (UK) and La Hague (F) are included in the assessment. It is deduced that about 60 % of 137Cs in the North Sea originate presently in the remobilisation of old Sellafield discharges from the Irish Sea sediment. A comparison with measured biota data shows that the model is conservative in the most cases. The public radiation exposure from ingestion of fish, crustaceans and molluscs from the central North Sea as the sum over 12 considered radionuclides has decreased from 1992 to 1998 from 0,13 to 0,08 μSv·y–1. For the southward and northward joined regions it was a little bit smaller with a similar decreasing trend.


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The identification of artificial radionuclides in fish involves some diffculties, because the quantities of these nuclides are very low (10-16 to 10-10 g/kg). The procedures have to be done very carefully. The sample preparation, the radiochemical analyses and the final preparation of the samples for the detection of the radioactivity of strontium-90, plutonium-238, -239, -240 and americium-241 are briefly described. The levels of artificial radioactivity in some species of fish from the North Sea are shown. The additional exposure to radiation by artificial radionuc1ides by ingestion of fish amounts only to about 0,02 % of the mean exposure to natural radiation. Nevertheless further monitoring of radioactivity should be continued in order to ensure that changes can be detected in time.


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This report gives the species and catch-rates per hour of some commercial shrimp species caught in the course of a short survey of inshore shelf fishing grounds. Species seen in significant quantities were: Parapenneopsis atlantica, Parapenaeus longirostris, Penaeus kerathurus and Penaeus duorarum notialis


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From 25 November until 8 Deeember 1994, a sea-going workshop with the above title was carried out on board RV "Walther Herwig IlI" under the umbrella of the Baltie Marine Biologists (BMlJ) and the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Under the co-convenorship of the first two authors of this paper, 11 seientists from 8 of the 9 countries bordering the Baltic Sea (except Sweden) actively involved in research monitoring into fish diseases/parasites participated. The main reason for holding the workshop was that, although fish disease monitoring programmes on the abundance and spatial distribution of fish diseases/parasites are being carried out by some of the countries bordering the Baltic Sea, there is still a striking lack of seientific information as compared to other seas, such as the North Sea. Moreover, since new fish disease monitoring programmes have recently been started (mainly by the new Baltic republics Latvia and Estonia, which recently became ICES-member countries) or are planned for the near future (Lithuania), BMB as weil as ICES felt the need for a interealibration and standardization of methodologies applied during fish disease/parasite surveys for the specific conditions in the Baltic Sea. Therefore, the major objectives of the workshop were -to obtain information about the disease/parasite prevalence in Baltic (Platichthys flesus) and other abundant fish species along a transect from the western (Mecklenhurg Bight) to the eastern (Gulf of Finland) Baltic Sea to be used as a baseline for future studies, -to intercalibrate methodologies applied for sampling, diagnosis of diseases/parasites, reporting and analyses of disease data, -if necessary, to recommend standard methodologies to be used for fish disease/parasite monitoring programmes under the specific conditions in the Baltic Sea. Although the data have yet not been completely analyzed, there is indication for some pronounced spatial trends regarding the prevalence of certain diseases/parasites, mainly for Iymphocystis and skin ulcerations in flounder but also for diseases and parasites of cod (Gadus morhua) which can be seen in figures 2 and 4. Recommendations for standard methodologies will later be published elsewhere.