991 resultados para Lake sediments--Ontario--Sixteen Mile Creek.
We report sedimentological evidence for a tsunami from a coastal lake at Innaarsuit, Disko Bugt (west Greenland), which was most likely generated by a rolling iceberg. The tsunami invaded the lake c. 6000 years ago, during a period of time when relative sea level (RSL) was falling quickly because of isostatic rebound. We use the background rate of RSL fall, together with an age model for the sediment sequence, to infer a minimum wave run-up during the event of c. 3.3 m. The stratigraphic signature of the event bears similarities to that described from studies of the early-Holocene Storegga slide tsunami in Norwegian coastal basins. Conditions conducive to iceberg tsunami include a supply of icebergs, deep water close to the shore, a depositional setting protected from storms or landslide tsunami, and a coastal configuration that has the potential to amplify the height of tsunami waves as water depths shallow and the waves approach and impact the coast. Future warming of polar regions will lead to increased calving and iceberg production, at a time when human use of polar coasts will also grow. We predict, therefore, that iceberg-generated tsunami will become a growing hazard in polar coastal waters, especially in areas adjacent to large, fast-flowing, marine-terminating ice streams that are close to human populations or infrastructure.
Current genetic methods enable highly specific identification of DNA from modern fish bone. The applicability of these methods to the identification of archaeological fish bone was investigated through a study of a sample from late Holocene southeast Queensland sites. The resultant overall success rate of 2% indicates that DNA analysis is, as yet, not feasible for identifying fish bone from any given site. Taphonomic issues influencing the potential of genetic identification methods are raised and discussed in light of this result.
Experimental mechanical sieving methods are applied to samples of shellfish remains from three sites in southeast Queensland, Seven Mile Creek Mound, Sandstone Point and One-Tree, to test the efficacy of various recovery and quantification procedures commonly applied to shellfish assemblages in Australia. There has been considerable debate regarding the most appropriate sieve sizes and quantification methods that should be applied in the recovery of vertebrate faunal remains. Few studies, however, have addressed the impact of recovery and quantification methods on the interpretation of invertebrates, specifically shellfish remains. In this study, five shellfish taxa representing four bivalves (Anadara trapezia, Trichomya hirsutus, Saccostrea glomerata, Donax deltoides) and one gastropod (Pyrazus ebeninus) common in eastern Australian midden assemblages are sieved through 10mm, 6.3mm and 3.15mm mesh. Results are quantified using MNI, NISP and weight. Analyses indicate that different structural properties and pre- and postdepositional factors affect recovery rates. Fragile taxa (T. hirsutus) or those with foliated structure (S. glomerata) tend to be overrepresented by NISP measures in smaller sieve fractions, while more robust taxa (A. trapezia and P. ebeninus) tend to be overrepresented by weight measures. Results demonstrate that for all quantification methods tested a 3mm sieve should be used on all sites to allow for regional comparability and to effectively collect all available information about the shellfish remains.
S’ha detectat un problema de terbolesa de les aigües de l’estany del Cortalet del PNAE. El sòl d’aquest estany és de tipus sòdic, si pateix alguna alteració és possible que es presenti una desmembració deguda a l’acció dispersant del sodi. Alguns estudis demostren que la vegetació actua com a agent estructurador d’aquest sòl i li dóna estabilitat al sediment. Segons això, podria ser que l’origen de la terbolesa de l’aigua fos causa d’aquesta acció dispersant del sodi en sòls mancats de vegetació. Per analitzar si aquesta és la causa de la terbolesa, s’ha dut a terme un assaig experimental in situ de les causes físiques de la terbolesa de l’aigua, on s’ha tractat d’aïllar una zona amb vegetació, d’una sense vegetació. Els resultats demostren que la terbolesa era major a les zones vegetades i descarten la hipòtesi de l’acció dispersant del sodi en el sediment en sòls mancats de vegetació. Els resultats en canvi suggereixen que les causes de la terbolesa podrien ser d’origen biològic. Atès que es troben diferències entre la producció primària planctònica generada pel fitoplàncton, i bentònica, generada per la biomassa algal
Want a glimpse at past vegetation? Studying pollen and other plant remains, which are preserved for example in lake sediments or mires for thousands of years, allows us to document regional occurrences of plant species over radiocarbon-dated time series. Such vegetation reconstructions derived from optical analyses of fossil samples are inherently incomplete because they only comprise taxa that contribute sufficient amounts of pollen, spores, macrofossil or other evidences. To complement optical analyses for paleoecological inference, molecular markers applied to ancient DNA (aDNA) may help in disclosing information hitherto inaccessible to biologists. Parducci etal. (2013) targeted aDNA from sediment cores of two lakes in the Scandes Mountains with generic primers in a meta-barcoding approach. When compared to palynological records from the same cores, respective taxon lists show remarkable differences in their compositions, but also in quantitative representation and in taxonomic resolution similar to a previous study (JOrgensen etal. 2012). While not free of assumptions that need critical and robust testing, notably the question of possible contamination, this study provides thrilling prospects to improve our knowledge about past vegetation composition, but also other organismic groups, stored as a biological treasure in the ground.
A small, closed, lacustrine system developed during the restraining overstep stages of the Oligocene As Pontes strike-slip basin (Spain). The increase in basin accommodation and the headward spread of the drainage, which increased the water input, triggered a change from shallow, holomictic to deeper, meromictic conditions.
The Cenozoic QuillaguaLlamara basin (northern Chile, Central Andes) is an asymmetrical, intramassif fore-arc basin with a relatively wide northern sector separated from a narrower southward extension by a basement threshold. The north- ern sector was characterised by a noticeable Oligocene?late Neogene alluvial-fan and lacustrine dominated deposition which resulted in sequences up to 900 m thick, whereas the southern sector was often a bypass zone with thinner fluvial and lacustrine sediment accumulation.
The lacustrine and swampy sequences recorded in the As Pontes basin are rather diverse in terms of facies and sequential arrangement, depending on the considered basin zone. Since these sequences developed synchronously and very close, the paleoclimate conditions had to be similar and the observed differences must be attributed to the tectonic influence.
El material de dientes faringeos de Ciprinidos procedentes de las sucesiones lacustres del Oligoceno superior y Aquitaniense inferior del sector SE de la cuenca del Ebro es atribuido a Rutilus antiquus n.p. Esta nueva especie es morfologicamente proxima a R. pachecoi (ROYO) y ccLeuciscusa antunesi GAUDANT, reconocidas en el Mioceno de la Pennsula Ibrica, asi como a la especie actual R. alburnoides (STEINDACHNER). R. antiquus n.p. habito durante el Oligoceno superior y probablemente durante el Aquitaniense 1os lagos someros endorreicos de salinidad variable (Sistema lacustre de Los Monegros) del sector SE de la cuenca del Ebro.
El relleno sedimentari de edad Priaboniense superior-Chattiense dcl sector oriental de la cuencade antepaís del Ebro puede subdividirse en cinco secuencias deposicionales, definidas en base a 1os principales cambios paleogeográficos que afectaron alos sistemas aluviales y lacustres en la región. Tanto el desarrollo de estructuras tectónicas superficiales como 1os procesos de ajuste isostático regional son considerados como 1os principales factores de control de esta evolución sedimentaria. Los cinco sistemas lacustres reconocidos (La Noguera, L'Anoia, Segarra, L'Urgell y Los Monegros) muestran unas caracteristicas de extensión areal y desarrollo de facies fuertemente controladas por su situación respecto a las zonas de máxima subsidencia. Las tendencias megasecuenciales de cambio o de alternancia de deposición evaporítica y carbonatada, son atribuidas aquí tanto a posibles cambios climáticos como a cambios en la composición del área fuente. Estos fueron inducidos por la evolución tectónica de los margenes de la cuenca.
La evolución de los sistemas lacustres cenozoicos en España estuvo claramente influida por: l) la edificación de los orógenos pirenaico y bético y la intensa deformación interna que afectó la microplaca de Iberia. 2) l0s cambios de las condiciones paleogeogrlficas y paleoclimáticas generales que afectaron la región mediterránea occidental-atlántica oriental en la que se localizaba Iberia. Potentes sucesiones de carbonatos y evaporitas lacustres han sido reconocidas en la mayor parte de las cuencas cenozoicas españolas. Junto a estos depósitos se registra la presencia de otros menos frecuentes (carbón, devósitos bituminosos, diatomitas, arcillas especiales) también significativos desde un punto de vista geolimnolÓgico e interesantes desde una perspectiva económica. Los mayores y mis persistentes sistemas lacustres se ubicaron en las cuencas de antepaís, arealmente muy extensas. Los de menor entidad y mis corta evolución se formaron en cuencas limitadas por fallas de distintos tipos. En ambos casos los sistemas lacustres evolucionaron en estrecharelacióncon sistemas aiuviales y sus características hidroquírnicas estuvieron muy influidas por el reciclaje de depósitos de carbonatos, sulfatos y cloruros, fundamentalmente de edad mesozoica. Este reciclaje influyó tanto en la litologia de las sucesiones lacustres resultantes como sobre las caracteristicas de las asociaciones de organismos limnicos que se desarrollaron en los sistemas lacustres.