994 resultados para Lady of the Lake (Legendary character)


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More than 500 endemic haplochromine cichlid species inhabit Lake Victoria. This striking species diversity is a classical example of recent explosive adaptive radiation thought to have happened within the last similar to 15,000 years. In this study, we examined the population structure and historical demography of 3 pelagic haplochromine cichlid species that resemble in morphology and have similar niche, Haplochromis (Yssichromis) laparogramma, Haplochromis (Y.) pyrrhocephalus, and Haplochromis (Y.) sp. "glaucocephalus". We investigated the sequences of the mitochondrial DNA control region and the insertion patterns of short interspersed elements (SINEs) of 759 individuals. We show that sympatric forms are genetically differentiated in 4 of 6 cases, but we also found apparent weakening of the genetic differentiation in areas with turbid water. We estimated the timings of population expansion and species divergence to coincide with the refilling of the lake at the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary. We also found that estimates can be altered significantly by the choice of the shape of the molecular clock. If we employ the nonlinear clock model of evolutionary rates in which the rates are higher towards the recent, the population expansion was dated at around the event of desiccation of the lake ca. 17,000 YBP. Thus, we succeeded in clarifying the species and population structure of closely related Lake Victoria cichlids and in showing the importance of applying appropriate clock calibrations in elucidating recent evolutionary events. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In 2014 the by far largest German lake has been newly surveyed. The transnational project is funded by the European Union and delivers a detailed 3D-model of the lake- floor. The German project name is »Tiefenschärfe – Hochauflösende Vermessung Bo- densee«, which in English roughly means: high-resolution survey of Lake Constance. The German term »Tiefenschärfe« (in optics and photography: depth of field) plays with the meanings of »Tiefe« (depth) and »Schärfe« (sharpness). The result of the sur- vey shall be a clear and sharp image of the deep and shallow lake- floor. At present the LiDAR and multibeam data are still processed, but first results are presented in this article.


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Diatoms, Cladocera, and chironomids preserved in the sediments of Lake Dalgoto were studied to reconstruct the history of the lake ecosystem in the context of the vegetation history as represented by the pollen stratigraphy. Younger Dryas silty sediments at the base of the core are characterized by low diversity of aquatic organisms. The transition to the Holocene is indicated by a sharp change from silt to clay-gyttja. The migration and expansion of trees at lower elevations between 10200 and 8500 14C-yr BP, along with higher diversities and concentrations of aquatic organisms and the decreased proportion of north-alpine diatoms, point to rapidly rising summer temperatures. After 6500 14C-yr BP the expansion of Pinus mugo in the catchment coincides with signs of natural eutrophication as recorded by an increase of planktonic diatoms. In the late Holocene (4000–0 14C-yr BP) Pinus peuce and Abies are reduced and Picea expands. Cereal grains and disturbance indicators suggest late-Holocene human modification of the vegetation.


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This paper presents data on geographic and geologic conditions of modern sedimentation in the Lake Untersee, the largest lake in the East Antarctica. Geochemical and sedimentation data indicate that the leading mechanism supplying aluminosilicate sedimentary material to the surface layer of bottom sediments is seasonal melting of the Anuchin glacier and the mountain glacier on the southeastern part of the valley hosting the lake. Strongly reduced conditions in the lowermost 25 m of the water column in the smaller of two depressions of the lake bottom were favorable for enrichment of the bottom sediments in bacteriogenic organic matter, Mo, Au, and Pd. H2S-contaminated water results to significant enrichment of the sediments only in redox-sensitive elements that are able to migrate in anionic complexes and precipitate (co-precipitate) as sulfides.


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Detailed analyses of the Lake Van pollen, Ca/K ratio and stable oxygen isotope record allow the identification of millennial-scale vegetation and environmental changes in eastern Anatolia throughout the last glacial (~75-15 ka BP). The climate within the last glacial was cold and dry, with low arboreal pollen (AP) levels. The driest and coldest period corresponds to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 (~28-14.5 ka BP) dominated by the highest values of xerophytic steppe vegetation. Our high-resolution multi proxy record shows rapid expansions and contractions of tree populations that reflects variability in temperature and moisture availability. This rapid vegetation and environmental changes can be linked to the stadial-interstadial pattern of the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events as recorded in the Greenland ice cores. Periods of reduced moisture availability were characterized by enhanced xerophytic species and high terrigenous input from the Lake Van catchment area. Furthermore, comparison with the marine realm reveals that the complex atmosphere-ocean interaction can be explained by the strength and position of the westerlies, which is responsible for the supply of humidity in eastern Anatolia. Influenced by diverse topography of the Lake Van catchment, larger DO interstadials (e.g. DO 19, 17-16, 14, 12 and 8) show the highest expansion of temperate species within the last glacial. However, Heinrich events (HE), characterized by highest concentrations of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in marine sediments, are identified in eastern Anatolia by AP values not lower and high steppe components not more abundant than during DO stadials. In addition, this work is a first attempt to establish a continuous microscopic charcoal record over the last glacial in the Near East, which documents an initial immediate response to millennial-scale climate and environmental variability and enables us to shed light on the history of fire activity during the last glacial.


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Results of investigations of Baikal bottom sediments from a long core (BDP-97) and several short (0-1 m) cores are presented. It can be shown that Holocene sediments in the Baikal basins consist of biogenic-terrigenous muds accumulated under still sedimentation conditions, and of turbidites formed during catastrophic events. The turbidites can be distinguished from the host sediments by their enrichment in heavy minerals and thus their high magnetic susceptibility. Often, Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom species observed in the Holocene sediments (mainly in the turbidites) point to redeposition of ancient offshore sediments. Our results indicate that deltas, littoral zones, and continental slopes are source areas of turbidites. The fact that the turbidites occur far from their sources confirms existence of high-energy turbidity currents responsible for long-distance lateral-sediment transport to the deep basins of the lake.


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Illustrated by J.M.W. Turner.


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Engraved title, with vignette.


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Imperfect: v.1: half-title; v.5: general t.-p.; half-title and frontispiece (?) wanting.


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At present, when the influence of human economic activity is progressively increasing, significant attention is devoted to the state of water ecosystems. All researchers engaged in these problems agree that the state of the water system (pollution and eutrophication) can only be estimated on the basis of long-term researches. Systemic monitoring (at least once per month) of ionic components (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, bicarbonates, sulfates, and chlorides) in unfiltered water of Lake Baikal and its tributaries had been carried out under the supervision of Votintsev since 1947. Based on the analysis of systematic data on trophic components obtained during 1965-2005, we tried to estimate the present-day trophic status of the pelagic zone in the lake, define the trend of long-term changes of trophic components and understand the reasons of the distortion of cyclicity in the development of spring diatom algae, which create a favorable environment in any water basin. It should be noted that the station near Cape Polovinnyi is located 20 km away from the town of Baikal'sk. Wastewaters of the Baikal'sk pulp and paper mill is the main source of dioxins and furans in Baikal. Based on the significant difference between sulfate contents in wastewaters of the plant (>300 mg/l), tributaries of Baikal (7.5 mg/l), and waters in the southern part of the lake (3.9 mg/l), we defined the following periods: (i) period of natural seasonal patterns until 1967-1968 (prior to putting the Baikal'sk Mill into operation; (ii) period of weak anthropogenic pollution (1969-1985); and (iii) period of strong anthropogenic pollution since 1986.


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Ngege, Oreochromis esculentus, originally formed the mainstay of the Lake Victoria Region (LVR) fisheries. Together with its indigenous congener O. variabilis, it was displaced from Lakes Victoria and Kyoga of LVR and was found to survive as isolated small populations within the peripheral minor lakes and reservoirs around the two lakes. Displacement of the two LVR indigenous tilapiines was thought to be principally driven by changed lake environment and predation by the introduced Nile perch, but also competition and genetic swamping by the closely related introduced and comparatively more ecologically versatile tilapine species. In a study carried out in the LVR between 1993 and 2003, micro satellites and RAPD markers were used to analyse the remnant populations so as to establish the population structure and extant genetic diversity of O. esculentus. Analyses indicated that the surviving O. esculentus retained a high proportion of genetic diversity with high differentiation between units an indication of genetic exchange between indigenous and introduced Nile tilapia where the two forms co-existed. While this heightened concern for genetic swamping of the remnant population units by the introduced tilapiines it was noteworthy that in a few of the satellite lakes where the O. esculentus was dominant evidence for introgression was weak.


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The data from the able sources has been used in this paper to make observations on the exploitation of the fish stocks in Lake Victoria since 1981. The paper focuses on species composition of the catch, catch rates, average size of the individual fish landed and fish production. On the basis of these parameters and developments in the fishery, the paper also presents some observations and comments on the future prospects of the fish stocks in the lake.


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The commercial fisheries of Lake Victoria are presently dominated by three species: the stocked Lates niloticus and Oreochromis niloticus, and the endemic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea. The three comprise at least 90% of the commercial catch while the rest of the endemic species mostly occur as by-catch (incidental catch) except in localised areas. Apart from being a major source of food, the three species especially the Nile perch represent the usually recognized main forms of predation, As they exert a "top-down" effect on production, they are important in the trophic dynamics of the Lake Victoria ecosystem. However, another form of predation which is usually unrecognized in the lake productivity mechanisms is one due to fishing mortality. Fishermen essentially behave as predatory elements in the ecosystem. This is manifested in ways that paral1el the effect of fish as predators e.g. some fishermen are habitat restricted and specialised in catching particular species or sizes, others are opportunistic and switch to whatever species (prey) are available which may depend on season, etc. There are also indirect factors that influence fishing mortality as a form of predation e.g. availability on the market of different gears, thefts of nets and of fish from nets, civil strife, market demand etc. The fatter are essentially socioeconomic factors. Application of the principles of fisheries management requires "a data base from which effective options can be generated. It is considered that one of the fundamental requirements for such a data base is information on the spatial distribution of the species fishery. This can be combined with information on landings which can eventually be incorporated into a programme of stock monitoring. The aim of this paper is to highlight information on the Tilapia fishery that may benefit fisheries management.


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In this paper, we try to briefly review the current physico-chemical data pertaining to Northern Lake Victoria which could eventually be used to explain the following:- (a) whether there bas been a change of the dissolved organic nutrient cencentrations when compared with the pre-perch period, (b) the specific point sources of the influent nutrients and other chemicals and how they correlate with changes in algal productivity, and (c) whether the data can contribute to the validation of the Lake Victoria ecological model developed by Jorgensen at al. (1982).


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Small pelagic fish species have ultimately become important on most of the Great Lakes of Africa, especially after the depletion of the larger, initially preferred fish species. In Lake Victoria, the small pelagic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea is now the only abundant native species supporting a fast growing light fishery. In Pilkington Bay, off Lingira Island the artisanal light fishery is well established and in the last two years this bay has witnessed a sharp increase in the fishing effort. This has been followed by a modification of fishing method and a reduction in the mesh size of nets used. R. argentea now caught from this bay consist of mainly juveniles and this could result into localized recruitment overfishing. Drawing examples from what is happening to the fishery in Pilkington Bay, it is necessary to carry out research on the stocks, gear and suitable fishing crafts before light fishing spreads to most parts of the lake.